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The Omega and the Deep Blue Sea: A Standalone M/M Pirate MPreg Romance by Coyote Starr, Omegas of the Caribbean (13)

Chapter 13


By the time we were released from the cabin after we made port in Barbadua, the spell Jeremiah had cast was long gone—and of course, so was my first mate.

He had told everyone on the ship that my orders were to leave us alone in the cabin until the crew was ready to disembark. And then he had disappeared, making his way off the ship before anyone else. I double-checked, and The Felicity had followed us into harbor, as planned, and Jeremiah was nowhere aboard her, either.

I ordered several people out to search the town for the first mate, sending them to several of his favorite haunts and to the home where his omega-mate had been staying. But no one found him that day.

While they were looking, Ned and I set off to find Jolly.

This time, he wasn’t waiting for me on the docks. As we moved away from the more densely inhabited parts of town, I reached out and took Ned’s hand.

“You know, it’s possible I’m not even pregnant,” he said.

“I know.” But I didn’t believe it, and I didn’t think Ned did, either. He had been in heat, and all we had done for days was eat, sleep, and fuck. My knot had never swelled so big or so hard—and I had no idea what knot-orgasms could do to increase the chance of pregnancy.

No. I had to believe he was pregnant.

But Jolly would tell us for sure.

My foster-omega-father was waiting outside his cottage, his arms open wide for Ned. “You are very welcome, my boy,” he said. Then, as he opened his arms wide to wrap me in a giant hug, he said, “You’ve been gone too long again.”

“I know. And I am glad to be home.”

“But you want me to cast the bones for you again?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know if it would be better to have that or for you to work some of your magic. I think I’ll let you decide.”

Jolly laughed aloud. “Finally. That is the kind of response you should always give to a seer, boy.” I couldn’t help but grin at him. It was so perfectly typical of his responses to me all my life.

He led us back out into the garden, where Ned inhaled the peace and beauty.

“You have a beautiful home,” he said.

Jolly laughed again. “Not what you’d expect of a pirate, eh?”

Ned’s blush made me want to kiss him.

“Something like this one is just what you need, William.” Jolly’s tone suddenly turned serious. “He’s such a sweet young man.”

“What do you have to tell us?” I asked.

Jolly went inside and this time, instead of the bones, came back out with a stack of elaborately painted cards. “A European tradition for your European omega.”

As usual, he cut to the heart of the matter quickly. “Aye, my boy. You are indeed carrying William’s child.”

Ned’s expression went from anxious to outright terrified. “What about the curse?”

Turning over a few more cards, Jolly peered down at them. “It can be broken.”

I heaved out a sigh of relief, until Jolly continued. “But not yet. You must live with it for a while.”

“Unless Ned dies,” I protested.

Jolly shrugged. “The cards have spoken.”

A voice came echoing into the garden from outside, calling for me.

“I’m in the back.”

Olan came panting into the garden. “It’s The Felicity, sir.”

“What about it?”

“First Mate Jeremiah has absconded with it.”

“Absconded?” Ned asked, startled.

“He gathered the omegas from our old crew—those as were angry to be left behind—and sailed right away.”

William let out a curse. “Gather our remaining crew,” he said. “We’re going after them.”

Olan frowned. “Omegas and all? The ones who were left behind before?”

With a glance at me, William nodded. “Anyone who is still able-bodied and loyal to me.”

As Olan took off, William turned to Jolly. “Will you come with us? Be our midhusband when it’s time for the baby to come?”

“That I will,” Jolly said. “Let me gather my tools.”

It ended up taking several hours longer than we’d anticipated to leave. Jolly’s “tools” took up a whole wagon, and then we had to wait for the tide to turn in our favor.

But in the end, we were back on the open sea, a pirate crew hunting its quarry.

It was the life I knew and understood.

But this time, I had an added element—a pregnant omega who would be having my child.