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The Throne by Samantha Whiskey (14)


“It’s clear, Your Highness,” Ian said, holding the door to the conference room and ushering me inside.

I smiled and nodded as I passed him, and though I’d been a Duchess all my life, I was still getting used to the Your Highness title. Every time someone greeted me or addressed me as such, I had the uncontrollable instinct to look over my shoulder for the queen, or Jaime, or any other Wyndham. Never me. Not until I’d had the dream wedding of my life and got to keep the love of my life as a bonus, too.

As soon as we were coronated, it would change to Your Majesty. Unbelievable.

“I thought you were planning on flying back with Xander?” I asked the queen as she grinned at me from the end of the table. Georgia sat to her left, armed with an iPad and a planner six inches thick.

“I leave today,” the queen answered. “I wanted to make sure you are transitioning into your role well before the coronation.”

I took a seat on her right, the chair she’d left open at the head of the table. “I truly appreciate that,” I said and meant every word. I’d been raised for this position, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t terrified I’d slip up and ruin us all. I took a steadying breath. I had Jaime. He was my king, and we could face any obstacle thrown our direction.

“You’re more than qualified to rule this country alongside my son, Charlotte,” the queen said, beaming. She looked a few years younger, and I wondered if the love her sons had found helped ease some of her stress. “Though, some of the day to day tasks of being Queen of Elleston can be exhausting, and quite tricky if left unattended.” She gave a fast nod to Georgia, who perked up and slid the leather-bound planner before me.

“Don’t let it overwhelm you,” Georgia said as I ran my fingers over the binding.

It was a rich hunter-green dyed leather and engraved in the center was a single, stunning gardenia. My lips turned upward, my cheeks warmed, and my heart raced.

“Jaime,” I said, touching the center of the planner. How was it possible that I’d kissed him this morning and already missed him? After Brie’s scandal, and yet another death threat, he’d had to rush off to a meeting with the security director. And I was needed here.

“He had a hand in it,” Georgia said.

“He may have always been a wild thing, but that boy always paid attention to details,” the queen gazed at the planner.

I couldn’t contain the smile-turned-smirk as I thought about just how wild Jaime truly was, especially when it came to driving me mad in the bedroom. Or in the shower. Or the cold surface of his desk.

A warm shiver teased up my spine, and I shifted in the chair, tugging my pencil skirt down in an attempt to focus. “All right,” I said, clearing my throat and opening the planner. “Where do we start?”

The queen sat up straighter in her chair, leaning closer to me to flip a few pages into the book. She tapped a perfectly polished finger on the top of it. “You are already more than aware of this list—the daily duties that need addressing. Letters from government ministers with specific request for the queen’s attention, Commonwealth officials, select charities you champion boards of directors, and treasury updates…”

I read the list and followed along as she continued. She was right, I’d been aware of the queen’s expected daily duties for years, but hearing it all in one sitting and from the queen’s own mouth….it was a bit overwhelming.

“Don’t worry, Charlotte,” she said after finishing the list. “In a few months, this will all be second nature. The true challenge to being Queen?”

I swallowed hard. “What’s that?”

“Supporting the King, even when he’s wrong.” She eyed me knowingly, and I pressed my lips together.

Jaime was wild and impulsive and reacted on instinct, but that didn’t mean he would make poor choices for Elleston.

“Luckily for you,” she continued. “Jameson will listen to reason from the right person.” She smiled. “You’ve always been that person.” She sighed, a wistful look filling her eyes. “You and Xander have always been his world, even when he was doing everything he could to live outside of it.”

“And he’s been mine.” I blinked away the emotion threatening to drown our business meeting with tears. “They both have. All of you, actually.” I’d always been grateful for the closeness of our families, and now we’d finally merged as one, and would someday start a new one…together. Suddenly it hit me just how incredibly lucky I was.

And when I saw the role set before me through the eyes of a woman with the love and support of her best friend, the man of her dreams, with an entire family behind us, it didn’t seem as impossible.

The queen squeezed my hand before quickly settling back in her chair. “Right. Now, back to business.”

I nodded, glancing at Georgia who had locked into her cell, typing furiously while I had a moment with my now mother-in-law. Georgia’s eyes flickered up to mine, and she set her phone down.

“Daily duties aside,” Georgia said and flipped through a chunk of pages until she’d landed on the calendar for the week of the Coronation. “This will be the beginning of your public appearances, and it will be explosive after that.” She gauged my reaction as she flipped to the next week. And then the one after that. And again.

“So many appearances,” I said, my eyes widening as I skimmed over the what seemed endless penned meetings. Each was color-coded and had notes in the margin regarding what was expected I do at these appearances and what I most certainly shouldn’t do, too.

“These are only the ones Elleston’s traditions have decided for you,” she said. “Tradition dictates a great deal of your schedule—gatherings and functions the queen has always appeared at—but you do have some wiggle room. We can add any you like, as long as there is no major conflict, and some can be canceled.” She laid her palm flat over the pages, her eyes so serious as they bored into mine. “That’s why I need you to study this for the next two weeks as you await coronation. The sooner you bring something to me that you don’t want to do, the sooner I can swing it. If you wait until last minute, it will be chaos.”

I arched a brow at her, snapping back the sharp response her tone had worked up inside me. She was chosen as the royal family’s head public relations representative for a reason—she was damn good at her job. The more I helped her, the better she could help me. But she needed to remember who she worked for and that it was me, and not the other way around.

“I will take it to bed with me,” I finally said, closing the planner and drawing it closer to me.

She breathed a deep sigh and closed her eyes. “Thank you.”

The queen pushed back from the table, and I instinctively rose with her. She chuckled, reaching for me. I leaned into her embrace, hugging her in a silent thanks for…everything.

“You’ll do marvelously, Charlotte. I have no doubts.”

I pulled out of the hug and raised my brows at her. “Are you sure?”

“Of course,” she said, walking toward the door. Ian held it open for her as she paused in the entryway. “Do you honestly think I’d go back to America if I didn’t think Elleston was in the proper hands?”

I grinned, nodding. “Hug Willa for me,” I said, and she nodded before clicking out of the room. It didn’t matter that I was technically queen now, that woman would always be more regal than I would ever manage. I’d spent over a decade watching her, trying to mimic her calm, stoic persona, and still struggled sometimes, but her confidence in me meant everything.

I spun around, returning my attention to Georgia. “First thing we’ll need to add to the list,” I said, and she instantly scooped up the iPad on the table. “As chairman for Foundation for Women’s Progression, I will be heavily involved in their organization. Functions, galas, whatever they need.” I was more than happy Jaime had backed me on the decision to be involved with the organization as much as possible.

“Wonderful,” Georgia said, typing away on her screen. “I’ll get with their rep and set a lunch so we can pencil in whatever we need to and work around the schedule you already have. Perhaps we can even combine the efforts on some of the occasions—you are set for at least seven garden parties alone this year. Attendees usually reach in the nine thousand range. Could be a great chance to present the foundation you’re so passionate about.”

I nodded, grinning. The woman was quick, calculating, sharp, and I loved that she hadn’t blinked an eye when I said this needed to be done. We were going to get along just fine.

Now, if I could find some semblance of balance in the obscene to-do list I’d just been handed, we’d be more than fine.

“Thank you, Georgia,” I said and scooped up the planner and held it to my chest.

“Of course, Your Highness,” she said as I walked out of the door, Ian close behind.

I’d only made it the length of half the hallway when Anthony popped out from around the corner and bowed with more sass than even Brie could manage.

“Your Highness,” he cooed before straightening again.

“Anthony,” I said, barely able to hold back the giggle that bubbled in my throat at the way he managed to practically dance every move he made.

“You’re needed in His Highness’s offices,” he said, eyeing Ian who stood right behind me.

“Well, then,” I said, butterflies fluttering through my stomach at the thought of seeing Jaime before lunch. “Let’s not keep him waiting.”

“Indeed,” Anthony said, spinning around to lead the way.

Ten minutes later, Ian shut the door behind me, joining Oliver in post outside Jaime’s office.

“I thought for sure I wouldn’t see you until after dinner,” I said, taking in the ornate desk, the books that lined the shelves, the gorgeous royal blue rug with gold details that had been in there since Jaime’s father was King.

Jaime stood with his back to me, his broad shoulders looking delicious in the sleek suit jacket he wore. He stared out the floor to ceiling windows, his hands in his pockets.

“I used to come here to read when I was a kid,” he said, not turning to look at me. “While Dad worked. While you and Xander were off on those forced luncheons, or whatnot.” He sighed, the sound tugging at my heart. “I’d sit and read and watch him work. We’d barely speak, but it was something that only we shared. Just me and him and the world at his feet.” He chuckled softly, finally spinning around to set eyes on me. He shrugged. “At least, that’s what it felt like.”

“Jaime,” I said, instantly going to him, wrapping my arms around his hard middle and resting my head on his chest. “Can you forgive me?”

He furrowed his brow as I looked up at him. “What could I possibly have to forgive you for?”

“I didn’t realize,” I said, glancing around the office. “That you hadn’t really settled in here yet. That this would be your first day…assuming the role behind that desk.” I eyed it and squeezed him. I should’ve known it would be hard for him to sit in that chair and not feel the absence of his father.

“Charlie,” he said, cupping my cheek. “I’m fine.”

I could see the cracks in that lie. It was the way his eyes were just a fraction dimmer than they usually were. “I know you’re fine,” I said. “But you don’t have to be. You can be the king this country needs and still miss your father.”

He pressed his lips together, nodding. I could almost feel the tension coiling his muscles, making that muscle in his jaw tick. “I do,” he admitted. “And I want to make him proud. Hell, I want to make Xander proud, too.”

I smiled up at him. “You do,” I said. “And you will continue to do so.”

He smoothed his hands over my hips, drawing me closer. “Do you have any idea what it means to me that you believe in me?” He pressed his forehead to mine. “I couldn’t stand to do this without you, Charlie.”

“I’m here,” I said.

He gave me a sheepish smile so unlike his usual smirks. “Did I tear you away from anything horribly important?”

I shook my head. “I had just finished up a meeting.”

“Good,” he said, sighing. “I just had to see you.”

I fingered the wild strands of hair at the base of his neck. “How did the meeting with the head of security go?”

“Fine,” he grumbled. “The threats are consistent, more so than they’ve been in decades. It makes them nervous, and that means they want more details, more guards, more…stealing any sort of privacy we may have hoped for.”

“There will always be threats, and moments when they seem more tangible than others,” I said, rubbing his neck. The muscles were so tight, and I could feel the stress vibrating off of him and settling onto my skin. We were only on our first week as a married couple, and already he was in knots. “But, we’ll handle it. If we have to have a few more guards, so be it. Whatever it takes to keep you safe, right?”

“Us,” he corrected. “I’m not the only one of interest. The whole family…” he sighed. “My Queen.” He pulled my palm up to his mouth and planted a soft kiss there. “I wouldn’t survive it if anything happened to you.” He clenched his eyes shut. “I would level the place to the ground to end the person who dared to touch you.”

A shudder rippled his body, and I shushed him. “Nothing is going to happen.” I pushed at the center of his chest, forcing him backward until he sank into his huge leather chair. Glancing toward the closed door, I grinned. “That’s why we have them. They’re trained to protect us. Let them worry about that, and you…” I slid my hands over his chest, down his ripped arms, and back again. “You worry about one task at a time.”

He smirked up at me, coming back to himself. “The only task I’m concerned with at the moment is seeing how many times I can make you come before Anthony barges in here to remind me about my next meeting.” He grazed the skin of my thigh with his fingers, slipping them beneath the hem of my skirt.

“No,” I said, stopping his hand. He flinched at the word ,but I licked my lips, wiggling down until I was on my knees. His eyes flashed with heat at my position. “How much time do we have, my King?” I asked, massaging his massive thighs until I’d found his zipper and slipped my hand inside. I found his length, already hard and growing.

He shook his head. “I can’t fucking remember anything when you do that, Charlie.”

I shrugged. “Doesn’t matter.”

He huffed as I slipped his cock through his briefs. “Doesn’t matter?” He growled. “The door isn’t locked,” he said, but it sounded more like a challenge than a warning.

“And as carefree as Anthony is, he wouldn’t dare barge in here without knocking.” I flicked my tongue over his tip, eliciting another growl from him.

“Fuck, Charlie. I don’t care if I like the guy, don’t fucking say another man’s name when your perfect lips are near my cock.”

I chuckled, puckering my lips in a faux-pout. “Yes, Your Highness,” I teased before taking him in my mouth. He arched his head back, sighing as I took my time swirling my tongue around his tip, pumping him with my hand.

His fingers were in my hair, sending chills over my skin at the way he flexed and groaned every time I dipped lower, took the length of him in my mouth deeper. He tasted like warmth and salt and with the hint of me from our fast and furious goodbye this morning. The desire in me curled low in my belly, and I absolutely couldn’t get enough of this man.

I may be on my knees, but he allowed me to be in this position of power over him—over someone who now ruled millions. He was my king in every way, long before he’d ever be crowned.

I hummed with him in my mouth, sucking and swirling, pumping faster as I would demand if he were inside me. But this wasn’t about me, not now. Not when he needed to relax, needed a release on one of who knew how many stress-filled days he’d have in his new role in life.

And I’d be here for him. Anyway, anytime. Just as I knew he would for me. I was sure if I said the word, the man would have my back on the desk and use me for a feast, but I wanted this to be solely for him. Because the weight he now carried was equally mine, and he had to understand that between the two of us, the world didn’t weigh as much.

“Fuck,” he hissed, his hold on my hair tightening as he shifted his hips to get deeper in my mouth. “Charlie.”

“Yes,” I moaned around him, never stopping devouring him. I wanted all of him, as he’d taken all of me so many times now. “Please,” I said, my words muffled by the sheer size of him.

“Fuck!” He hissed as he came, as he found his release between my lips. The act of taking all of him sent a jolt of pleasure straight through my core, soaking my lace panties.

Slowly, I tucked him back inside his briefs and zipped him up, rising to my feet. I straightened my skirt and licked my lips, my heart racing from the intimate act. I had so many firsts to experience, and I was beyond lucky to have Jaime at the helm of each and every single one of them.

“Come here,” he demanded, and I knew the look in his eye.

“Jaime,” I said. “You have to go to work. As do I.”

“I’m the King,” he said. “I can do whatever the fuck I want. And that is you.”

I smiled, squeezing the hand that gripped my hip. “You can have me.”

His eyes lit up as he tugged me down enough to kiss me.

“After dinner,” I said, gasping for the breath he’d stolen from me.

His shoulders sank, but his muscles were so much looser than what they’d been before. “I can’t wait that long.” He slipped one of my legs over his knee, so I was standing there straddling it as his hand crept under my skirt.

“You have to,” I said, my tone slightly breathless. “A country…” I breathed as his fingers found the soaked slip of lace between my thighs. “To run.”

“If you say so,” he said, a smirk to his tone as he slid two fingers inside me. He curled them, making me shudder.

“I do,” I said. “Say so.” I tried to find my reasoning behind not letting him ravish me, but I was losing hold of my senses.

“Fine,” he said, slowly drawing his fingers out from under my skirt. He quickly sucked them into his mouth, his eyes rolling back for a second. “To hold me over till dinner,” he said at my gaping expression.

I kissed him quickly, then backed away before I could lose all my control. “I love you,” I said, clicking toward the door.

“Love you,” he said, smiling from where he sat, watching me swish my hips with fire in his eyes. “Is it dinner yet?” He asked as my hand reached the knob.

I chuckled, flashing him a smile over my shoulder. “You’re insatiable.”

“Only for you,” he said, planting me with a serious, primal look that made my knees weak.

I winked at him, and opened the door, unable to find any words good enough to tell him how much that meant to me. How much I loved being desired in the way he wanted me, and how now that he was mine I would never stop returning the favor.

Ian followed me as I made my way toward the gardens to meet with the head landscape architect. I knew I had a purpose to the meeting before, but the bliss from being with Jaime had temporarily shaken my focus.

I’d have to learn how to stay sharp between being Queen and being subject to the lust and pleasure that came with being Jaime’s.

It would take practice

Lots and lots of practice.

I couldn’t wait to get started.




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