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The Whole Package by Marie Harte (18)

Chapter 18

Once back at his house, because Naomi refused to go back to hers, he let out the laughter he’d been holding inside. He sat on the couch while his fierce redhead paced in front of him like an angry tiger.

Naomi snarled, “Why the hell did you tell my sister you were falling in love with me?”

That had not been one of his smarter moments. But he’d been watching Naomi laugh, and Harley had caught him looking all swoony, so yeah, he’d admitted the truth. It had felt good, natural, to want a woman’s love in a non-dysfunctional way. Almost a “take that” kind of gesture to his absent mother.

Hmm. Maybe he wasn’t handling her passing as well as he’d thought…

“Reid, focus.” She glared down at him, that gown on her absolutely stunning. Naomi wore a blue, silky dress that bared her arms and came to the middle of her calves. It hugged her figure in all the right ways, revealing a mouthwatering view of her décolletage.

He blinked up at her and gave her a lazy grin. “You look incensed, sweetheart. And yes, I can spell that. Aren’t you proud of me?”

“Now they think we’re way more serious than we are.” She looked pissed. No, she looked worried. What the hell was that about?

Reid shifted on the couch. “Hey, you wanted me to fit in. I had to make it look like we were serious, because Harley asked a lot of questions.”

Naomi paused. “Like what?”

“Like how we met, what did I know about you, did I think I could ever feel for you the way she and Kyle felt for each other… That kind of stuff.”

“She did?” Now Naomi looked horrified. She sat next to him, baring a bit of leg. Nice. “I’m so sorry. She was way out of line.”

“I don’t know. It was nice of her to look out for you. I didn’t mind.”

“She’s always doing things like that.” Naomi sighed. “You were so great tonight. I don’t even know why I’m mad.” She swallowed.

He stifled a groan, suddenly aroused.

“Because you know it gets me hot.” He grabbed her and settled her over his lap, her knees braced on either side of his thighs.

“Reid.” She blushed and looked around. “What if Cash comes back?”

“He won’t until much later. He’s out with the crew tonight.” He ran his hands up her thighs, bunching the material. Her skin felt silkier than the dress, and he wanted to taste her everywhere.

She put her hands on his shoulders, and the movement emphasized her breasts. The thought of burying his face between them turned him to steel.

“Reid, I have to ask you something.”

He didn’t like her worried tone. “Sure, what?” He kept stroking her legs, needing her to sit down on him. His cock ached, so hard it hurt.

“Did I push you into something you don’t want? Asking you for more than a fake relationship when you were vulnerable wasn’t ri—”

He cut her off with a kiss, so in lust with the damn woman, it wasn’t funny. He hadn’t intended to but lost himself to feeling and ground her over him, leaving her no doubt to his feelings. When the need for air outweighed the need for Naomi’s mouth, he pulled away, gasping. “That a good enough answer for you?”

She stared down at him, her eyes like a tropical sea, her mouth red and slick from their kiss. “I did say you were getting lucky tonight…”

“How lucky?” He decided to push. God, he had to. He needed… He didn’t know what he needed, but he knew what he wanted. “Naomi, I’m clean.” He paused. “Are you protected?”

She stilled. “I am.” She stroked his neck, knowing how much he loved that. It turned him on like crazy. “And I know I can trust you.”

“I’d never, ever do anything to hurt you. I told you before, I haven’t been with anyone in a long time. And I always use protection. I’m clean, but unless you’re on something, I could get you pregnant.”

“If you always use protection, why not use it with me again?” She watched him, and he felt so much, he didn’t know what to think.

“I don’t know. You’re different.” His heart threatened to pound out of his chest. “Fuck. Look. I shouldn’t pressure you, but I want to come inside you so bad.” Understatement of his fucking life. “I have condoms though. We can—”

This time, she interrupted him by kissing him. So lost in her kiss, he hadn’t realized she’d freed him from his pants until her hot little hand wrapped around his dick.

“Shit. Oh yeah,” he groaned as she started pumping him. “Hell, Naomi. Slow down, or I’ll come too soon.”

“Not yet.” She let him go, then reached between them to pull her panties aside. “In me, Reid. Or have you changed your mind?” She arched a brow, a sassy look on her face.

He dragged her down for a kiss while angling himself at her hot, wet entrance. He thrust up just as she plunged down, and the electric feel of her body gloving his was as close to heaven as he’d ever come.

She moaned into his mouth, kissing him back with hunger.

He cupped her ass, moving her up and down, needing to slow down yet unable to stop, overloaded with sensation.

She pulled from his mouth and planted kisses on his cheek, his jaw. “You’re so big,” she hissed into his ear before nibbling his earlobe.

He was too close, and he knew it. “Gonna come too soon…”

She grabbed his hand and put it between her legs, rubbing her clit through her panties. “Me too.” Naomi watched him as he fingered her to a quick climax. The sight of her in the throes of orgasm shattered his already loose control, and he pumped up twice more before coming.

The release destroyed him, and he flooded her as endorphins sent him somewhere else entirely. The scent of her perfume clung to him, the heady smell of Naomi and sex and affection grounding him.

“All in me, Reid,” she whispered and moved over him, causing him to tremble.

He jerked again, apparently not done. Fucking A.

She kissed her way down his neck, sucking hard at his throat.

He could only sit there, hers to play with, as he finally finished. He hadn’t engaged in unprotected sex but twice in all his years, and he knew it wasn’t the lack of a prophylactic that made it so damn good. Naomi embodied every one of his fantasies, her body just a small part of what made her perfect for him.

“Not that I didn’t lose my mind, but we need to move before things get messy,” she said on a breath.

He laughed, then groaned. “Oh, that’s not good. I’m falling out.”

“Not yet.” She left him on a shriek and raced down the hall toward the bathroom.

Reid lay there, so satisfied yet hungry for more of Naomi. He stared at his limp cock and gave it a thumbs-up. “You did good, buddy.”

“What?” she asked from the bathroom.

He felt drunk. Must be if I’m talking to my dick. Reid shook his head, then stood and took off his shoes and socks. He shrugged out of his jacket and shirt, then said to hell with it and walked out of his pants and underwear.

“We’re far from done,” he said, his eyes wide when he saw her nude in the bathroom. “You look like a goddess.” Not just flattering her but speaking the truth.

“Aw, and you already had me. You must be wanting more.”

He grinned, loving this playful side of her. Hell, I’m such a dip. I love every side of her.

It was too soon, too weird, too scary. But there it was.

She frowned. “Are you okay?”

“How the hell can you ask me that when I haven’t had a chance to go down on you? Now who’s an idiot?” he growled.

She lost her uncertainty, her smile like a wash of sunshine that kept him warm. Close. Safe. A strange thought to have, but with Naomi, Reid belonged.

He would have lifted her in his arms, but she slapped him away. “Just point in the direction, and I’ll go.”

He did, then followed from behind, watching her fine ass on the way to his room.

Once inside, he locked the door behind him. Whether Cash came home or not, Reid wasn’t passing up this opportunity to have Naomi Starr all to himself.

“On the bed.” He nodded to it. “Then spread your legs and get ready for some fun.”

* * *

Fun? Is that what he called it? Naomi called it losing her mind. She’d never had so much pleasure, and they’d barely started doing it before she’d climaxed. The great thing about Reid, though, was that she could count on more romps after her first climax.

After that incredible lovemaking, he’d started kissing and petting her all over again, leaving her in a hazy state of arousal.

“You came inside me,” she said, still amazed she’d let him have her like that.

Even with Tanner, it had taken more than six months, and a medical report, before she’d agreed to no condoms. He’d laughed at her hesitancy, but she’d shown him a clear report as well, to be fair. With Reid, she took him on faith.

Because despite not knowing all about him, she knew what mattered.

And to him, she mattered.

Calling her a goddess? She’d have called that over the top from anyone else, but Reid meant it. She could see it on his face, in the way he touched her, kissed her. He took pleasure when she did.

Watching him interact with her family had been eye-opening. He hadn’t forced anything, the way Tanner had. And she hadn’t felt the need to rescue him or make excuses for any comments he made. Reid had held his own. Even better, her family had liked him. She could tell. Ben had always been a hoverer. Even while he’d been away at college and medical school, he’d kept tabs on her. She knew she should be thankful her siblings cared about her, but she found their hovering intrusive. But knowing they approved of her choice gave Reid a new sense of importance in her life.

She didn’t know if she should like that or not. They’d liked Tanner too, though it had taken a lot more convincing on her part.

Reid looked at her with clear satisfaction. “Yeah, and I plan on doing that again real soon.” His wicked grin had her melting inside. God, he was gorgeous. So big, strong, and beautiful. Reid made her feel both safe and cherished as he lay with her on the bed, his chin resting on her belly.

She knew she was getting a little too emotionally invested in the man, but she couldn’t help it. Naomi loved—er, liked—with intensity. Why bother dating a man if she didn’t intend to share more than her body?

“I’m not just using you for sex, you know,” she blurted.

His grin widened. “Too bad. I could go for that. But then I’m not just using you for sex either. Now I’m using you for your soon-to-be brother-in-law. I can’t believe you held out on me.”

“What?” How could he think about anything with his face so close to her sex? If he moved even slightly, his mouth would be right on top of her clit.

“Doodler Do is one of my favorite games.” He ran his hands up the insides of her thighs. When he neared her folds, he’d move them back down again, then repeat the action. The distracting caresses turned her to liquid…and fired her up to have him once more.

How much time did he need to get hard again? She was ready to go right now.

“Wait. Kyle told you about that?” Her sister’s mega-rich fiancé didn’t confide in anyone about his job. “What did Ben have to say?”

“Only that you’re as aggressive as the rest of the women in your family.” He sighed, and the warmth over her girlie parts made her shiver. He smirked at her, knowing the effect he had on her. Damn him. “Oh wait. He said assertive, not aggressive.” He ran his hands back toward her sex, and she sucked in a breath when his thumbs skimmed upward, tracing her slick folds.

“In me,” she whispered, arching her hips.

“Shh. Not yet. We’re talking.” He kissed her clit, sucked the taut nub, then eased back. “Now where were we?”

“You’re evil,” she breathed out. “And my family apparently likes you.”

“Of course they do. I’m charming.” He proceeded to show her how charming he was for several minutes, licking her to a near-screaming state. Then he backed off, leaving her limp, excited, and frustrated all at once.

“I think I hate you.”

“That’s what they all say,” he teased, then looked up at her. “I’m kidding. This, us, Naomi, is new. And I like it a lot.” He kissed her again, making love to her sex and sucking her into a powerful orgasm.

Once she came back to earth, he settled over her, his erection thick and heavy against her belly. He rested on his elbows, wiped his mouth, then kissed her.

“I love the way you taste,” he said after pulling away, his breath uneven. “You get me so hard.” He angled his cock between her legs but didn’t penetrate, just held himself between her folds. “You’re so hot.” He moaned. “And wet. Jesus, don’t move. Let me just… That’s good.”

He kissed her again and again. Reid caressed her breasts, kissing his way to them. He had a thing for them because he spent a lot of time molding and pinching her nipples in between kissing them.

“I love your tits.”

“So charming,” she managed between pants.

“First time I saw you, I had to do my best to take my gaze from them. I knew if you caught me staring, you’d kick my ass.” He sucked her nipple into a hard point. “I wanted to bend you over my desk and fuck you so hard.” He moaned and withdrew from the clasp of her thighs, then eased back down again.

“Come inside me,” she ordered. Well, more like begged. The man had stamina! She’d been ready to come again several times, but he continued to drag it out. He felt rock-hard, so she knew he’d more than recuperated from before.

“Oh, I will.” He moved back to her mouth, one hand teasing her breast while he rested against her pelvis. That heavy weight felt so good…

They kissed some more, and Reid’s hunger showed in the urgent movements of his hips. “Coming in you is heaven. You don’t know how good you feel. How right.” He watched her as he entered her—finally—and he was right. He felt divine.

She told him so, and he laughed.

“Divine, eh? And you were impressed I used extrapolate in a sentence.” He lost his smile as he moved in and out of her. His movements hurried, rough, and so incredibly erotic.

“I love watching you fuck me,” she said, knowing her dirty talk got him hot.

“Yeah. Your tits bounce, and I’m inside you. My cock in that hungry pussy,” he growled. Taking her harder. “Love coming in you. So fucking good.” He raised himself, his hands on either side of her head, his muscular arms braced as he pumped his hips.

She moaned as he hit something special inside her, rubbing against that spot again and again, so much that she exploded into ecstasy as he hammered inside her. So deep, so very, very good…

“Oh yeah. Fuck. Naomi…

She managed to open her eyes to see him orgasm, and the knowledge he jetted inside her made everything so much better. Only she and Reid shared this connection, this honest trust and exchange.

Hell, he’d told her sister he was falling in love with her.

Hope unfurled, though she told herself not to be stupid.

When Reid finally sagged down on top of her, she hugged him to her.

He didn’t stay long before hopping up to grab a towel to clean them both. He surprised her by taking care of her, wiping her clean, then himself.

“There you go.” He winked. “But I’m still inside you.”

She blushed, silly considering all they’d done. Just think, if I wasn’t on the pill, I could be getting pregnant right now.

She froze, thoughts of a baby not meshing with her career plans. Not until she reached thirty-three at any rate. Naomi had timed it. Having children after thirty-five increased the baby’s health risk. But three more years would give her the time to stabilize her job and be financially ready for a baby.

For Reid’s baby?

The notion should have shocked her. Instead, she could too easily see a dark-haired little boy with Reid’s eyes nursing at her breast. And she wanted it.

God, I’m losing it!

“Hey, you okay?” He watched her with warm eyes. “Too late now for regrets. And don’t think we’re not resting up for round three.”

“You and your rounds. We’re not boxing, Reid.”

He grinned. “You’d rather we quit while we’re ahead?”

She shrugged. “I didn’t say that.” She smiled, unable to keep a straight face. “But don’t worry. After round three, I’ll take off. Don’t want to overstay my welcome.”

He joined her in bed after tossing the towel back in the adjoining bathroom. Drawing her into his arms, under the covers, he kissed her. “You’re just fine, and right where you need to be.”

She cuddled with him, feeling pleasantly sore, still needy for him, and gratifyingly close. Not just physically but emotionally. As many times as she told herself to keep it light, to leave it be, she couldn’t. “So are you really okay about your mom?”

He didn’t answer, and she wondered if he’d fallen asleep. With her head against his chest, she couldn’t see him.

“No,” he said after a moment, his voice quiet. “She was fucked up, Naomi. Never there for us as kids. She loved us, but she loved her escape more. Books and TV, I told you, her soap opera crap. Anything that wasn’t her life. My dad was a prick, so I understood. But she left us to him.”

“I’m sorry.”

“So am I.” He sighed. “Cash got the brunt of it. My dad hated him. We never knew why. I struggled to be the good son. To keep the peace. Was number one in everything to make up for Cash giving up. He’s so much smarter and better than he thinks he is. Makes me feel bad that he doesn’t believe he’s a good guy.”

She felt for him and remained silent, letting him get it all out.

“My mom wasn’t always so whacked-out. When we were little, I remember her taking care of us. She’d bake us cookies and spend time with us. But then the mom I knew disappeared. I loved her. And sometimes I hated her.”

She felt his breath hitch but said nothing, just stroked his chest while he got it all out.

“I had to be Cash’s support. My dad’s support. I took care of everyone to keep us together. But my dad didn’t care. My mom just vanished inside her head. When I was deployed, I never had to see her. But since I’ve been back, nearly two years, I’ve visited regularly. I don’t know why. Guess I thought that one day, she’d realize what she’d done. She never did.”

They lay together, Naomi willing Reid to feel the comfort, the love, she had for him. “I’m so sorry, Reid.”

“Me too.” He scooted down so that his head lay on her chest. She felt his tears, and her heart broke for him. “I miss her. How fucked up is that?” His quiet grief felt all the more terrible because he wouldn’t give it voice.

But Naomi didn’t stir, wanting him to know he was cared for, if just by her being there.

They lay like that for a time, then Reid shifted and spooned her from behind. “Just a little rest, okay?”

She covered his arm around her midsection, holding him close. “Believe it or not, I could use a rest too. It’s not just you, Reid.”

He chuckled and kissed the back of her hand. “Yeah, sure. I know the quickest way to get a chick to leave is to be underwhelming in bed.”

“No chance of that with you.” She meant that.

“Good.” He nestled his groin against her ass. “Just remember that we’re dating now. I don’t share. And I for damn sure won’t let you use your family to scare me away.”

“Hey. That’s not what I did.” She tried to turn over, but he held her in place.

His strength was unmistakable and extremely attractive. She settled back in his arms on a huff. “Believe me. If I wanted to scare you away, I’d do it myself.”

He laughed. “That’s my fiery Starr.”

“Oh, stop.” She joined his laughter, and they settled into an easy rest.

That turned into a full night’s sleep.




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