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Truly A Match (Rocky Mountain Matchmaker Book 4) by Tamra Baumann (8)

Chapter Eight

A family isn’t always defined by matching DNA.

Rachel stretched out under the soft sheets and then blinked her eyes open. Why was she naked? Oh, that’s right. Massage, then Marcello carried her to bed. He had to have noticed her fuller belly and hips. She’d hoped it’d be dark the first time they made love again, but maybe her sister was right, and Marcello might like her new curves. One could only hope.

There was no way she could ever sleep through him making love to her, so he must be sticking to his annoying no-sex plan. She’d wear him down by the end of the weekend. And hopefully find the answers she needed to fully commit to their relationship again.

After throwing the covers back, she padded to the big bathroom in search of a robe. The lights came on automatically when she crossed the threshold, illuminating a bathroom that made the ones in the nicest hotels in Europe look cheap. The oversized steam shower lined with marble held two showerheads and had a single white robe hanging beside it that looked as fluffy as a cloud. Smiling at the prospect of wearing something of Marcello’s, she passed the double sinks and then slipped the soft fabric over her shoulders.

While drawing in his sexy scent, spicy with a hint of the outdoors, she tied the belt and headed out to find the spa and, hopefully, her things. She pulled up short when she spotted a little black box on one of his dressers. It was the only item in sight, so it seemed out of place. All his things must be whisked away to their proper places the moment he finished with them by one of his many staff. The whole house was that way. Like no one actually lived there. Not a thing out of place. And people were everywhere but moved silently as ghosts, as if that’d help them seem invisible. How could Marcello stand his every move watched like that? Hopefully, none of them had seen him carry her, naked, to bed.

She crossed the bedroom, her toes luxuriating in the soft carpet, and picked up the box. Then she slowly opened the top for a quick peek. Expecting some extravagant cuff links, because he wore the most amazing ones she’d ever seen, she blinked in surprise. Instead, there was a simple gold locket with an intricate twisting patterned chain in the box. It was obviously old but enchanting. Her hand moved to open the pendant to see whose picture was inside, but she hesitated. What if it was part of the secrets he’d been keeping?

A feminine voice from behind said, “Oh. I didn’t know anyone was here.”

Rachel set the box down and turned around. A young, curvy blonde dressed in a black Grateful Dead T-shirt and jeans stood in front of her, holding a caddy filled with cleaning supplies. That she was gorgeous, in Marcello’s bedroom, and not wearing a uniform like the rest of the staff intrigued. “Hi. I’m, Rachel.”

“Ally.” Her eyes drifted to the unmade bed and then back. “We aren’t used to him having company upstairs.”

Rachel liked the sound of that. Maybe he hadn’t brought many women home before.

Ally turned to leave. “I’ll come back later.”

“No, that’s okay.” Why she suddenly felt embarrassed about being caught in Marcello’s bedroom was a mystery. She’d only taken a nap, for goodness’ sake. “Can you tell me where to find Marcello?”

“I could, but I doubt it’d help. This place is a maze.” Ally laid down her caddy and then tilted her head in a “follow me” kind of way.

“Thank you.” Rachel tugged the belt on Marcello’s robe tighter and followed behind. “Have you worked here long?”

Ally headed across a long catwalk that overlooked a game room below. “About ten years, I guess.”

Ten years? The girl couldn’t be much over eighteen. Was she another of Marcello’s secrets?

Before she could ask for more details, Ally said, “So you’re the Rachel he mentioned at the Oscars.”

The way she used “he” was very familiar for an employee and her tone defensive. It hadn’t been a question, more a statement. “Yes. I am.”

“Hmmm” was the girl’s response as she continued across the walkway. “And how long have you been seeing each other exactly?”

It was like an interrogation. From a kid, no less. “How about we take turns asking the questions? How is it possible you’ve worked here for ten years?”

Ally stopped and let Rachel catch up. “My mother and I live in one of the guesthouses. She actually gets paid to work for him. I’ve always been forced to do odd jobs around here for free like I’m his personal servant. But since I turned legal, some of my duties in his bedroom have changed, if you know what I mean.” She crossed her arms and lifted a brow in challenge.

Rachel doubted Ally would have brought cleaning supplies along if she were there to play sex games.

“Interesting.” Rachel stopped in front of the girl and crossed her arms too. “But suggesting child labor law violations isn’t very flattering. Marcello’s reputation is nothing to joke about with strangers. It’s how tabloid rumors get traction.”

Ally shrugged. “I didn’t say child labor . . . Exactly. Marcello took care of my private school through high school, and now he pays my tuition at UCLA. Well, when I go back. My first semester didn’t go so well. I’m sort of taking a gap year.”

“So, you’re choosing to be an unpaid servant at the moment? One whose extra duties now include cleaning Marcello’s bedroom? Not acting as his mistress as you’d like me to think?”

“Just testing how easy you rile. And I’m going to go back to school eventually.”

She hadn’t missed the judgy look in Ally’s eyes when she’d seen the rumpled covers in Marcello’s room. “Or maybe you weren’t planning to clean at all. Rather, check out the competition?” Should couldn’t blame the girl if she had a crush on Marcello. Who wouldn’t?

“That’s disgusting. He’s like my father.”

“Well, he’s not like mine. And to answer your earlier question, we’ve been seeing each other for years. We’ve kept things quiet to avoid the press. And nosy college students.”

Ally rolled her eyes. “Fine. I get it. You’re his guest, but he values my opinion, so you don’t want to cross me. Or try to take advantage of him. I won’t let that happen.”

So it was a test. Or a war. She’d need to earn Ally’s respect to win Marcello. All while dressed in his robe like the floozy Ally probably thought Rachel was. “You’re the one getting a free education. How do I know you’re not taking advantage of him?”

“Because I’m family.” Ally frowned. “So why are you here, exactly?”

She didn’t know how much Marcello had told Ally. They obviously had a personal relationship, and she didn’t want to cause a rift. “I think you should ask Marcello that.”

“I just did. I can’t figure how we haven’t heard a thing about you, then all of a sudden, Marcello is announcing he’s in love with you. And you guys have twins?” Ally’s face scrunched as if she’d just bitten into a lemon.

But it was the hurt in Ally’s eyes that cut straight into Rachel’s heart. If Marcello were really like a father to her, it’d be like finding out about a secret family Daddy had on the side. Or like the pain she’d felt when she’d found out her father had cheated and chose not to be part of their family anymore. “Yes. Ian and Hannah. They’re eight months old. If I could find my phone, I’d show you pictures. Ian looks just like Marcello.”

“So they’re really his? You’ve done a DNA test?”

“No.” Rachel sucked in a deep breath for patience. The girl clearly loved Marcello and was just protecting him. “But if Marcello wanted that, I’d be happy to comply.”

“I guess if he believes you, then whatever.” She shook her head and started walking again.

Rachel huffed out a breath and caught up. “I’d never hurt Marcello, Ally. And I’d rather be your friend than an enemy. Can we call a truce here?”

Ally snorted. “Like keep your friends close and your enemies closer? No, thanks.”

Well, she’d tried.

After weaving through the massive living room with what had to be the best ocean view in Malibu, then passing by the dining room that sat twenty, they finally arrived in Marcello’s study.

He was on the phone as usual, but when he glanced at the frowning Ally, he quickly ended the call. “What’s wrong, bella?” That he hung up so quickly showed the love between them was mutual. It was nice to see Marcello might already know how to be a parent figure.

Ally went off in Italian about all the ways Rachel was a threat. And that he was being too naïve for trusting that the babies were his without a test. Calling her a gold digger and couldn’t he see that she was just a pretty bimbo who was using him?

At least Ally had used the word pretty.

Marcello’s brow furrowed as if he was confused by her behavior but let her rant. At one point, he glanced Rachel’s way, fighting a grin because obviously Ally mistakenly thought Rachel couldn’t understand almost every word that was being said about her.

Rachel flopped into a leather chair in front of Marcello’s desk and grabbed a handful of jelly beans to wait the kid out. They were watermelon, his favorite.

When Ally paused for a breath, Marcello took the opportunity to explain in Italian that Rachel did indeed have a job, didn’t need his money, and that it was her idea to keep the kids out of the press. And that it was he who broke their agreement because he wanted his family back.

Uh-oh. That was the wrong thing to say to a young woman afraid of losing a father figure, so Rachel asked in Italian if perhaps Ally would like to join them for dinner and a movie later. So they could all get to know each other better.

Ally’s head whipped toward Rachel. “You speak Italian?”

Rachel popped another jelly bean into her mouth. “You’d be surprised what a gold-digging bimbo like me is capable of. So, do you want to come along tonight?”

Ally scowled at Marcello. “You could’ve said something rather than make a fool out of me.”

Marcello’s right brow arched. “You were doing a fine job of that by yourself. You know better than to judge before you know a person.”

“Whatever.” She turned to Rachel. “Are you all moving in here?”

A woman wearing an apron and who looked just like Ally but older rushed through the door. “I could hear you all the way across the house. Apologize to Ms. Caldwell. Now.”

The remorseful look on Ally’s face after her admonition melted Rachel’s heart. Again. Ally wasn’t a bad kid. Just one who was hurting. So Rachel said, “No need. I respect loyalty. And it’s clear Ally has that to spare.” She stood and held out her hand toward the woman. “Hi. I’m Rachel. I apologize for the robe.”

“Judy. I’d apologize for the apron, but it’s part of the job. I’m Marcello’s chef and Ally’s mother. Nice to meet you.” She grabbed Ally’s arm and tugged. “If you’ll excuse us, please, we have a million things to do before the party tomorrow night, don’t we?” She gave her daughter a pointed look as she dragged her out the door.

Hushed tones of, “But mom. We can’t let him marry her!”

“It’s none of our business. Now stop.”

After their voices faded away, Rachel glanced at Marcello. “Am I going to get chased with a pair of shears by the gardener next?”

“It’s possible. How fast are you?” The twinkle of amusement in his eyes told he was joking. She hoped.

“Maybe I’ll stay out of the garden, just to be safe.”

“Very wise.” He rose from his desk chair and sat in the one next to hers. He took her hand and kissed her palm. “I apologize for Ally, bella. I’ve never seen her like this before.”

“I think she’s just afraid of losing you. Is her father in the picture?”

Marcello frowned. “What picture?”

She smiled at the cute confusion on his face. “I mean is her father a part of her life? She said she lived here on the grounds, with her mom.”

He shook his head. “Judy and I met in New York while acting together. She got pregnant by a married director who wanted nothing to do with Ally. When I heard Judy had given up acting to become a chef, I hired her. Everyone here is like family to me. It might take some time for them to adjust.”

“Okay.” She leaned closer and kissed him. “It’s nice you pay for Ally’s education. I hope she goes back to college after her gap. She seems like a good kid at heart.”

Sì.” Pride lit his face. “Ally graduated top of her class. She speaks three languages and is a genius with computers. I’ve had to rely on her to know how to work half the things in this house since she was eight, and she handles all my online accounts and requests for charities. She wants to go to acting school, and her mother wants her to be a doctor. She’s taking some time off to figure it out. I stay out of it.”

“Probably for the best. Judy mentioned a party tomorrow? That wasn’t part of the plan, was it? I didn’t bring anything suitable to wear for a big Hollywood bash.”

“Sorry about that. Stella decided on that change while you were napping off the wine. I planned to ask you as soon as you woke. I can call it off if you’d like.”

Napping off the wine was a nice way to put her little overindulgence. “No, that’s okay. But I probably need to go shopping.”

He shook his head. “No need, unless you’d like to go shopping. Stella will find you a dress for the party. Along with jewelry and shoes from top designers.”

Wow. Even better than her typical online shopping as of late. “That’d be great. Now if you’ll point me to my clothes. And to the spa, where I think I left my phone, so I can check on the kids, then I’ll go get dressed for our date.”

His eyes darkened with desire. “I like you dressed just the way you are.”

“Yeah?” She stood and put her hands on the arms of his chair. “Well unless you’re prepared to act on that naughty gleam in your eyes, I’d appreciate you keeping that lust to yourself.” She kissed him, slow and deep. “It’s frustrating and annoying, Marcello.”

A grin lit his face. “You can end our celibate streak with three little words.”

She refused to be blackmailed into saying something she wasn’t ready to say. He knew it wasn’t just the words. Telling him she loved him meant she was willing to accept everything about him. And was ready for marriage. Two could play his little game.

“You mean these three words?” She opened the top of her robe. He was a breast man. “I’m all yours?”

Marcello’s Adam’s apple bobbed once before his eyes took a slow perusal of her chest. “That’s unfair, Rachel.”

She grinned at her victory while she belted up the robe. “Just making sure you know what you’re missing. Now, which way was that spa? And where’s my luggage?”

“Your clothes are hanging in my closet.” Marcello ran a hand down his face before he called out, “William? Can you please show Ms. Caldwell to the spa to retrieve her phone? And then show her where the makeup room is. Rob and Tina will be here shortly to help us get ready for the evening.”

The black-suited butler, who had to have been standing just down the hall, appeared. He held out a hand toward the hallway, “After you, ma’am.”

She glanced over her shoulder. “By the way, I bought a new low-cut dress, just for you.”

A corner of his mouth quirked up. “Maybe I’ll ask Ally to come along after all. So you’ll behave.”

She turned and planted her hands on her hips. “You too could end this with three little words, you know.”

His eyes narrowed. “And what words would those be?”

“You. Win. Rachel.”

“Forget it. Go get dressed, you gold-digging bimbo.” He threw a jelly bean at her.

She grinned as she dodged the flying candy.

God, she’d missed him.

After Rachel left, Marcello leaned back in his chair, digesting what Skye had found out from the private investigator about his father. Seems there had been some lawsuits filed against him by workers at the factory, but beyond that, nothing he could use. There had to be more. They’d keep digging.

More importantly, his father had arrived in LA a few hours ago and had checked into a suite at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Clearly still spending his son’s money freely. A week’s stay there would pay for a month of his mother’s care. The bastard.

As if on cue, Marcello’s phone rang. It was his father, so he let it go to voice mail. He wanted nothing to spoil the mood for their upcoming first date. He’d call his father back in the morning and put an end to things.

“Marcello? Can I talk to you for a minute?”

He glanced up. Ally stood in the doorway, looking defeated. “Of course.” He held his hand out to the chair across from him that Rachel had just vacated.

Ally sat and drew her legs beneath her. “Mom said I owed you an apology too. So, I’m sorry. But I think it’s the other way around.”

Rachel had mentioned she thought Ally was afraid to lose him, so he’d try to be patient. “What exactly would I be apologizing for? Bringing the mother of my children home with me?”

“No.” Ally frowned. “Well, yes, actually. For springing her on us with no warning. I mean, at least give me time to Google her before you bring her into the family. And what famous actor doesn’t get a DNA test when a woman shows up pregnant on his doorstep?”

“I showed up on her doorstep, and I have no doubt they’re my children. I’m not going anywhere, Ally. You and your mother will always have a home here.”

She stared at the folded hands in her lap. “What if Rachel isn’t okay with someone as pretty as my mom making your dinner? That happened more than once before we came here. A woman sees her husband checking out the chef and boom. We’re out on the street again. I’ll be okay if that happens, but I need to know my mom will be.”

Always the tough-girl act. Ally and Rachel were alike in so many ways. “Rachel isn’t like that. Your mother will have a job here as long as she likes. You, on the other hand, need a life skill so you really can take care of yourself. How’s that going?”

She shrugged. “I was thinking maybe I could take a few classes online and then work while I figure things out. Unless you want to help me get an acting gig. Then I could show my mom I’m good at it.”

He wanted Ally to be anything but an actor. It was a tough life for most, but he wouldn’t tell her that. It’d send her straight to a casting call. “Your mother would stab me with one of her knives if I did that.”

“Yeah. She would.” Ally studied her nails again. “So, back to Rachel. She’s really not your type. Why her?”

Not his type? “I assume you’ve checked her out online by now. Figured out she’s a respected attorney. And you saw for yourself she’s beautiful and more kind that I would have been had a person spoken that way about me. What’s not ‘my type’ about that?”

Ally sighed. “I don’t know. But she’s not blonde. They’ve all been blonde. And she doesn’t fawn all over you like the others you’ve dated. And until the other day, you’ve never showered her with gifts like you do Lance or even Stella. Which you’ve got to stop doing, or I swear I’m going to hide all your money. But seriously, why wouldn’t you give the woman you’re supposed to be in love with gifts?”

He smiled. “She’s a lot like you. She told me to knock off the presents after the second necklace. And I’m glad I did. Because now I know she’s not with me for my money.”

Ally narrowed her eyes. “Could just be a very smart ploy. But the weirdest part is that she seems so . . . normal. I mean, let’s just address the elephant in the room. If she hadn’t gotten pregnant, would you still be with her?”

“We would have never broken up if she hadn’t gotten pregnant. But once apart, I realized I missed having her and my kids in my life.”

“Are you sure you aren’t just being nice, as usual? You have to admit, you’re pretty much a sucker for anyone with a sob story. How many times have I stopped you from getting taken advantage of?”

“Plenty.” Ally should be a private investigator. She should be the one finding dirt on his father. She was that good. “Has it ever occurred to you that I ask you to look into things for me so I don’t get taken advantage of? Because I trust you?”

“So why didn’t you ask me to look into Rachel? I thought we agreed it was my job to keep the people around you honest.”

That must be the source of her anger. That he didn’t include her for the first time. “You’ve done an amazing job protecting me. But I knew Rachel was special right away, and I wanted her all to myself, outside of public scrutiny. And I didn’t want to risk her finding out I’d investigated her. It’d show a lack of trust on my part.”

Ally looked away. “That’s a great way to get taken advantage of, Marcello. When she screws you over, don’t come crying to me.” The hurt in her tone touched his heart.

“You act as if I’ve stopped trusting you, Ally.”

She shrugged again. “It’s your life. Do what you want.”

He took her balled-up hands in his. “Bella, one day you are going to meet a man, and your heart will know he’s the one. And when you introduce him to me, I won’t like him. Because no man is good enough for you. But I will promise to give him a fair chance to earn my favor. Can you do the same for me? With Rachel. Please?”

She closed her eyes and huffed out a breath. After a few moments, she looked at him and nodded, but when her bottom lip quivered, it nearly killed him. Then her eyes filled with tears she desperately tried to blink away. It was a stab to his chest.

“I’m sorry if I hurt you, Ally. It wasn’t intentional.”

“I’m sorry too.” Ally threw her arms around his neck and hugged him, melting what remained of his heart.

Ally had become a surrogate for the children he’d vowed he’d never have. He loved her as much as the twins. “You’re still welcome to join us tonight. You’ll like Rachel, if you’ll just give her a chance.”

“Oh my God. Seriously?” Ally cuffed the back of his head and drew away. “Like I want to tag along on your little date? Hard pass.” She stood and wiped her eyes dry. “Besides, I already have a date.”

“With surfer boy? The one with all the hair and teeth?” That kid was trouble. He could feel it.

“His name is Eric.” Ally smiled. “And I like his long hair and big smile. He’s hot. See you.”

“Behave.” He didn’t want to think about Ally on a date with a “hot” guy.

“You too.” Ally stopped in the doorway and looked over her shoulder. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She disappeared down the hallway with a mischievous chuckle.

Unfortunately, he’d already made sure that was going to be the case. But he’d keep up the no-sex rule with Rachel as long as he could. Hopefully, by starting over and just dating, they’d get back the steps they’d skipped, and they’d move forward toward number six in her love plan.