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Whiskey Sharp: Unraveled by Lauren Dane (24)


ALEXSEI WOKE BEFORE she did so he took the opportunity to start some coffee and take a shower before coming back out to make breakfast.

He wanted her to sleep as long as she could, knowing she’d jump right into the mess he’d let her avoid talking about the night before.

They needed to talk, and they would. But she’d do it after some coffee and a bite to eat.

He moved around the kitchen with ease, getting coffee started, pulling out plates, getting some bacon fried up as he sliced fruit.

This was his place. This room was one he used and occupied with confidence, it would fit him the way he wanted. Already the pots and pans were placed in the cabinets the way he liked.

They had groceries he had a part in selecting. The towel he dried his hands on was one Maybe had just folded and put away the day before.

He’d lived with a woman before. But that had been in the house he’d had before the girlfriend. A house that he’d had to leave but at that point didn’t miss.

Why would he miss it when he had the window box with the pinwheels in it to look at as he prepared breakfast? Maybe loved the way they looked in the breeze. And he had to admit they caught the light and danced, lifting his spirits on a daily basis.

Just like the person who planted them like flowers. That’s what this was to him—his home with his love.

That made the anxiety about what she’d have to face over the next little while when it came to her parents ease back a bit.

He’d be there to protect her. No matter what. Her father wasn’t going to continue napalming her heart.

He put a few of the bacon slices onto a plate and covered it before stowing it in the fridge with a note bearing Rachel’s name.

She needed to eat too.

The house was still quiet when he brought a tray with a carafe of coffee and their food on it into their bedroom.

Maybe poked her head out of the nest of blankets she’d burrowed into in his absence.

“Breakfast delivery by a handsome, wild-bearded Russian. How lucky am I?” she asked, struggling to sit against the pillows she’d piled at the headboard.

“She asks, wearing nothing more than a tiny tank top and panties? It’s I who is lucky, zajka.”

“You say that even after that scene last night?”

“I’m pleased you brought that up.” He sent her a smile that had her going a little wary.

He liked it. Got into bed with her, putting the tray between them.

He kissed her. One quick peck and then another, long kiss as he sank into her.

“Good morning.”

She smiled before sipping her coffee. “Good morning.”

“Last night.” He shook his head. “Was unacceptable.”

She blinked at him. “What? What do you mean unacceptable?”

“Before you get worked up, think about it a moment.” Though he did like it when she got worked up, he had to admit. “I would like you to follow up on the idea of a protection order against your father. This is your home. You should feel safe here.”


“Don’t try to argue your way out of it,” he said. “It’s unacceptable to have that man treating you the way he does. Scaring you. Using what happened to you as some sort of weapon to hurt and control you when he has to deal with you.”

“I was going to add that I agree with you. I don’t want him here ever again and he needs to hear that in language he can understand. A legal order is exactly what he’ll hear. I don’t know if he’ll listen though.”

“If he doesn’t, he can go to jail. This is nonnegotiable for me, Maybe. This man cannot be allowed to come at you anymore. You did your time to protect Rachel, but she doesn’t need you to do what you’ve been doing when it comes to your parents.”

“Are you done telling me what I’ll be doing?” She tipped her chin at him, eyes flashing.

“I love you. I will not watch you take a punch to the face over and over. Don’t ask me to.”

She lost her anger, sighing. “Didn’t you just hear me tell you I agreed with you? But that doesn’t mean I can’t think about what might happen as a result of this action. And thank you. Even though you’re bossy and pushy and that’s super annoying, I love you too and I don’t want to get punched in the face either. I have issues, I can’t deny that. But I don’t want to be a martyr.”

“You’re being very agreeable.”

Maybe laughed as she popped a slice of apple into her mouth. “Last night was important. I needed to know. Do you understand what I mean?” she asked.

“You needed to know why they treat you the way they do.” The only thing keeping his stream of curses inside was the knowledge that she deserved to have this be about her feelings, not his.

“It should scare me.” She paused, shook her head and started again. “It used to scare me that you saw right to my heart. Yes. I needed to know. And what I found out was that they pretty much never liked me and saw me as a waste of energy and the reason for a lot of bad things in their lives. They never stopped not liking me and aren’t going to act like they don’t anymore. That’s it in a nutshell.”

She ate awhile, nibbling on her bacon as she stared off into the middle distance. Rain pattered against the window.

“And now I know. Which hurts less than I’m relieved. I’ll talk to Seth about what I need to do for the order. I don’t know what Rachel will do. And that has to be up to her. But I have to make choices for me too.”

He let go of the tension that’d been gathering as he’d anticipated some pushback from her. “I’m so relieved to hear you say all this. I admit I was concerned.”

One of her brows arched up. “Are you saying you think I’m difficult?”

“Yes. That’s what I’m saying.”

She snickered and tossed a balled-up napkin at his head. “You put me first.”

He cocked his head. “I’m sorry?”

She stretched out to kiss his forehead quickly. “I said it wrong. Thank you for putting me first.”

“That’s what it means to me to love you. Do you see? I want your happiness and your safety. I want your well-being. Of course I put you first. You do the same.”

“I come with so much bullshit. I’m sorry about that. But I’m glad it doesn’t seem to matter to you. You see me and you understand me and it means a lot. Everything.”

He snorted. “I see you and I see the brilliant heart of a warrior queen. Intelligent and sexy. Creative. Fierce and loyal to a fault. You’re everything. Together, we’re exactly what we’re supposed to be.” He looked up from his toast, met her gaze. Appreciated the smile. “As for the bullshit? You’ve met my family. You know them well and you still say these things.”

“Okay then. Just so you know up front and don’t come back later and say you didn’t have any idea what my parents were like.”

“I’ll do my best. I think we should ride the ferry today. I checked the schedule. We can go to Bainbridge, have something to eat and come home whenever we’d like.”

“Don’t you have work in several hours? I have the day off, but you don’t.”

He noticed she didn’t shoot the idea down.

“I know the boss.” He shrugged. “I want to be with you today when I can touch you whenever I’d like. At work you frown at that.”

She put the tray aside, climbing into his lap. “You know very well we’ve had carnal relations at Whiskey Sharp on more than one occasion. I just don’t make out with you between clients.”

He nuzzled her neck. “Oh yes you do.”

Her giggle filled him with joy. “Well, okay but that’s not in the middle of the shop! That’s in your office. Or the supply room.”

“Will you play with me today? I want to spend time with you.”

“How could I refuse such an offer? I’d love to do that.”

“My mother is coming to visit in late March. She wants to meet you in person and spend time here. I was thinking we could FaceTime, that way she could meet you that way first.”

“Oh. Well.” She blushed, looking down into her mug a moment before she spoke again. “All right. I promise to bring her a present though.”

He laughed, taking her hand to kiss her knuckles. “You’re very smart. Things between us may not always be easy, but I am ever in your corner. Do you hear me?” He shifted to his knees in front of her, holding her shoulders, looking her in the eyes. “Do you?”

Maybe thought about it—once she got over her panic about his mother visiting and a video call that is. “Yes. I do. And the same goes for me. I will throw bread at anyone’s head who comes for you and bravely eat all the food you make. Also, I love you a whole lot. A fuckton, if you will. So thanks. For getting my back and for always making me come.”

He remained on his knees, just looking at her with such intensity she got a little flutter below the waist.

“Are you eye fucking me, Alexsei Petrov?” she asked him.

“I’m not sure what that is, but if it means I want to sex you up, yes. But first, let’s finish talking and don’t give me that face. Didn’t I pleasure you last night when you said you didn’t want to talk?”

“A hardship I’m sure.”

He snorted and then tried to nod solemnly.

He sat back on his heels, still looking ripply and gorgeous. “Just be sure you realize this whole situation is now a we thing. I’m here and I am on no one’s side but yours. Get me? I love your sister and I support protecting her too. I understand she’s suffered a lot and I hate that your father is trying to manipulate her. So I’m at her back as well. But, not at your expense. You need to understand that. I am your number one fan, Maybe, and I will not tolerate any bullshit from your family.”

“It sounds like you have a crush on me, Alexsei,” she told him sadly.

“I know. I think it might be incurable. Because I love you. And I want to be with you. For the long haul. Even if I smoke weed on your porch and we tempt your sister astray with our villainous ways.”

Laughing, she threw her arms around him, not minding that she’d just spilled coffee on the bedding. “I love you too, Lyosha. I’m sorry in advance for all the stuff I’m going to put you through.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. Because I’ll put you through your paces too.”

She held out a fist, pinkie out. “Pinkie swear.”

“What is that?”

She rolled her eyes, showing him how to grip her pinkie with his.

“The pinkies make it super solemn. Also, if you mess me over, your dick will fall off. I guess I should have told you before we did that, huh?”

Laughing, he took her down to the mattress and led her astray with all his villainous sex moves.

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from by Lauren Dane.