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Alien Resistance (Zyrgin Warriors Book 4) by Marie Dry (12)


Chapter 12


She was doing the woman’s clinic when she heard a murmur among the patients waiting in the hall. She closed her eyes. What now? She still felt raw about being told she’d be his breeder. On top of that, she’d had to refer a patient she did not know how to help to Dr. Paulson. When would she have enough knowledge to make a difference? What would she do if he wasn’t around. Viglar and Dr. Paulson were the only experienced doctors in the hospital. The rest were interns.

Even before he spoke, she knew Viglar stood in the door. She’d been surprised to notice that the patients treated him like a celebrity. “Your friend Rachel will replace you here. Come with me.”

Not wanting to get into an argument in front of the patients, and not appreciating him interrupting a consultation, she merely got up and followed him. One of the strange things about him was his understanding and acceptance of her friendship with Rachel. In spite of the way he warned her against Rachel.

He never asked her strange questions about that like he sometimes did about other human relationships. Like the time he asked her if human women preferred to have babies that took two years to learn to walk.

He took her to the shuttle and strapped her into the bench behind the pilot seat.

“Oh great, another opportunity to recycle the contents in my stomach.”

He pressed something against her neck.

“It won’t help, nothing does.” She shook her head. “Where are we going? Are we needed at the shelter or the orphanage?”

He crouched before her, those red eyes boring into her. “I am taking you to my leader to present you. You will never speak of this to other humans.”

“I know, if I speak about it, you will kill them and their families.” Then she realized what his words meant. “What? No, you can’t expect me to meet him in my work clothes.” Her heart worked overtime. If he was presenting her to his leader, that meant he’d take her to their headquarters. She didn’t know if she wanted to see it, wanted to be in the presence of the alien whose hologram transmission had shattered her world.

For the first time, she realized his uniform was more dressy than usual. “We need to go to my place first so I can change clothes. I’m not going in clothes people threw up on.” She had visions of meeting an alien and his wife dressed up to the nines and her being introduced in her rumpled work clothes.

“I’m wearing boots you threw up on,” he said in all seriousness.

“A gentleman would not remind me of that.”

“I am Zyrgin, not a gentleman. Your dwelling is in a narrow street where I cannot land the shuttle. You will tell me what you desire and I will synthesize it.”

She perked up. “Like the clothes you processed for me before?” The quality had been unbelievable. It had felt wrong to accept clothes from him but, boy, did she appreciate the quality. And he still haven’t shown her how the synthesizer worked.



In the end, she settled on a slim black dress and elegant heels. He created a space in the shuttle for her to dress in private, and she appreciated that he didn’t leer or tried to invade her privacy. For a male that didn’t seem to understand personal space when it came to her, it was rather remarkable. She stepped out of the space a little self-conscious. “Why are you taking me to see your leader?”

“I will present you. Everyone will know that you are my breeder.” He looked at her with eyes that suddenly came alive with red flames. With that one look, he made her feel like the most desirable woman in the world.

“I don’t think so. I have to work on my career, I don’t want to have children yet.” If he wanted a relationship, she’d be more than willing. But she wasn’t talking babies for at least another decade.

“We have time, we will wait before we have small warriors.”

“Do you mean that we’ll get to know each other, have a normal relationship before we live together? I want to take things slow.”

Something moved in his eyes. She didn’t recognize the emotion, but she braced for him to lay down the law and insist she move in with him and settle down to breed little warriors.

“I will present you to my leader, everyone will know that you are my breeder and I am the only one allowed to enjoy your ugly hair and spots.”

“It’s freckles and why would you want to claim me if you find my hair so objectionable?” she said through clenched teeth.

“I knew you would be my breeder the first time I saw you. You will be my breeder even if you come from Parnell’s machine.”

Madison had to blink to stop the emotional tears from falling. She had no idea what Parnell’s machine was, but he’d just told her he’d want her even if she was butt ugly. “Well, if you put it like that.” She wanted to say something profound but didn’t have the words.

They flew over settlements and abandoned farms and toward the mountains. The density of the trees increased as they got closer to the mountain. Her stomach turned when Viglar flew up the mountain, so close she thought they’d crash into it at any moment. She closed her eyes and when she opened them they were inside the mountain still going at high speed. It was like being in the middle of a science fiction movie. One that moved way too fast. She expected to land with a jarring sound and to be flung back in her chair but she only knew they’d landed when Viglar got up.

“My shoes are ready if you need to lose your food,” he said, so seriously she wasn’t sure if he was joking.

“Very funny,” Madison said. Only sheer willpower and the horrific thought of throwing up in alien headquarters kept her stomach under control.

He steered her down a long silver corridor that lit up as they went. She craned her neck to see everything but they’d landed in a small space just big enough for the shuttle. The corridor they walked down was made of some silver metal, even the floor was silver.

Madison smoothed down her dress. She was right in the middle of enemy central. What if the leader took one look at her and decided to kill her?

They came out into a large chamber where an alien that was even larger than Viglar stood with his arms across his chest and his legs spread apart. His pitch black eyes stared at her, and she had the feeling she’d been weighed and found wanting. Her heart started to bounce around in her chest. This was the alien who’d been in the hologram. The one that claimed to rule earth. There was not a human on earth who couldn’t tell you exactly where they were that day and what they’d been doing. Most people referred to it as the day of the hologram.

Although he looked dangerous, he didn’t have that certain something that drew her eyes to Viglar all the time. In her opinion, Viglar had a better body, and one couldn’t miss the intelligence in his face.

Viglar gargled rocks and the leader gargled back, and then Zacar fixed her with a tar-black gaze. Viglar saluted and then pulled her close to his body, holding her in front of him and he and the other alien grunted at each other, again.

He switched to English. “Madison, this is my leader. I have told him you please me and that I wish to take you as my breeder. Even though you have ugly eye-colored hair and your bones look like twigs.”

“Gee, I’m bowled over that you will take me despite all my deficiencies.” What the hell was she saying? She wasn’t agreeing to this. Not after that speech. Viglar shook her and she decided to shut up for now.

Zacar dipped his head to stare down at her. “Madison, breeder of Viglar, you have my protection.”

His claws lengthened and retracted, his eyes flashed red and then settled back to black. Yeah, and that was not beyond creepy. She wanted out of there like yesterday. If Zacar could do that with his claws there was a very good change Viglar could as well.

“Human,” Zacar continued, “your warrior is the best doctor in the conquered territories and beyond.”

Behind her Viglar stood straighter.

“He turned down the position of personal physician to our leader,” Zacar said. His tone said she’d better be impressed or else.

That had to have been a big deal. Maybe the reason for his arrogance was his obvious success and not typical of their species. Behind her Viglar grew another inch taller.

“He is the hero of the battle of the defeat of the Aeryonama who showed themselves without courage or honor.”

She had no doubt Viglar had courage, but she found his obvious pride in having his leader tell her his accomplishments strangely endearing. Against her back Viglar stood impossibly taller. No false modesty for her warrior. Wait--no, not her warrior.

“He single-handedly killed two hundred Aeryonamans to save a fellow warrior that was trapped by the Aeryonamans by unfair means.” Zacar was obviously determined to tell her all Viglar’s accomplishments. The question was why. Madison had this hysterical urge to giggle which might cause them to kill her.

“He claimed you in spite of your thin arms and legs and unpleasant hair color.”

Madison took a threatening step forward, or tried to. Viglar held her tight against his warm body. “W--What?” she sputtered. “Why you rude pompous--”

Viglar placed his hand over her mouth and gargled rocks at Zacar who gargled back. “You will be allowed to function as a doctor, but you will behave as a proper breeder should,” Zacar said.

“I will?”

“You will not break into restricted areas or try to be a warrior.”


“You will not threaten warriors with your voodoo.”

Madison frowned at him, how did he know she had a voodoo practicing ancestor?

“You will now have tea with my breeder. You will be respectful, and you will complement the food she made for you,” Zacar said.

She was about to tell him she knew her manners, thank you very much, when she realized that he probably thought he was being protective of whoever this breeder was. Her heart beat sped up. She was about to see a female alien. Or one of the human women they took.

“I’m sure the food will be lovely.”

They went through more long thin sterile corridors and entered a large space that she thought may have been a cave originally. The walls were covered with the same thin silver material in Viglar’s office at the hospital. The room was massive and would’ve been sterile but for some incongruous homey touches. To one side there was a large wooden table and an old fashioned coal stove. They went down another corridor, and she gasped when it suddenly changed into the inside of a lovely old house with wooden beams and comfortable lived-in furniture.

A tall human woman with rich brown hair sat on a couch reading, a little girl playing at her feet. Zacar went to the human woman and pressed his forehead against hers. Must be a Zyrgin thing.

“Natalie, this is Viglar’s breeder, Madison. He claimed her in spite of her ugly hair.”

“Zacar, don’t be rude.” Natalie got up and smiled at Madison. “Don’t mind him, they don’t understand subtlety. And don’t take the breeder thing too seriously. It’s not as bad as you’re probably imagining.”

Both Zyrgins growled, but Natalie ignored them and motioned to the couch. Madison sat down, She knew she was going to like Natalie, maybe they’d even become friends. The Zyrgins left them after some more forehead touching.

Natalie asked Madison about being a doctor and talked about the trees she was reestablishing over the whole country with Zacar’s help. She thought it would be an impossible task until Zacar made five warriors available to her on rotation that planted trees. “You won’t believe how fast they worked.”

Actually Madison could. She’d seen Viglar and four other aliens build a new wing for the hospital in a few days. “They are very industrious.

Before Natalie could reply, Viglar returned. “I will show you my infirmary.

Madison said goodbye to Natalie and the adorable little girl and followed Viglar to a tunnel opposite from the one they exited. She was curious to see what an alien infirmary looked like. She was impressed, but at the same time disappointed. It was not that much different than a human one would be. The only difference was that everything, including the examination table was made from the same silver metal like material. “This is impressive. You built all this in the short time after you landed on earth?” The resistance might tell everyone that the aliens were bluffing, that they did not have enough man power to rule a whole planet, but they haven’t seen what the Zyrgins did with this mountain.

“Yes. I will take you to our quarters. It is behind the infirmary. Would you object to living here.”

He showed her into a large living space. It was sterile with silver walls but after having seen Natalie’s house inside the mountain she had no doubt it could be made into a home.

“This is impressive, Viglar.”

“Will you be able to make a human home here.” His voice was almost expressionless and he stood without twitching or showing any emotion and still she had the impression that he was anxious.

“I am sure I could, after we’ve gotten to know each other better and eventually agree to move in together.” If she didn’t stand firm she’d find herself claimed and moved in and taken over before she could blink.

“How long would you need to know me.” He seemed to think it over. “We have worked together, you threw up on my boots and kissed me. We can collect your belongings and move you in today.”

“No, please Viglar, I need time. I won’t be happy if we don’t take this slow.”

He stared at her without blinking until she wanted to twitch and then nodded, a strangely humanlike gesture. “I will not wait long.”

Madison blew out the breath she’d held and followed him out of the infirmary.

They flew back to Helena. “Why did you introduce me to Zacar?”

“It is our custom to introduce our breeders before they go into isolation.”

“You are not putting me into any isolation, alien.” She’d be gone so fast he wouldn’t have time to turn the key in the lock.

“We are doing things different on Earth,” he said. Something in his voice told her he didn’t approve.

“So on your planet, these women, these breeders have a lot of respect and freedom and they are all there by choice?”

He hesitated and she thought A ha.

“Breeders are cared for and protected. They want for nothing.”

“And do they have freedom? Can they go where they want, do they have jobs outside the home.”

There was a long silence from him. “No.”

“Natalie is working on her trees. Is it because she is the leader’s...woman.”

“Zacar is too lenient with her.” He glanced at her. “All the warriors are too lenient with their females.”

“I assume you have no plans to be too lenient.”

“You are honored above all, and I will allow you to continue work under my supervision. It is against everything I believe, but, for you, I allow this.” He shrugged. “I killed the Eduki for you.”

“I didn’t realize--”

“I presented you to my leader.”

“Oh.” So that was what all the praise from Zacar was about.

“I specially modified my dwelling for you.”

She frowned at him. “Modified how?”

“I had an unpleasant soft bed installed to accommodate your weak human body and I have uploaded all the episodes of that--” He paused and she saw his jaws clench before the continued. “I have uploaded all the episodes of the Space Ranger Walker.”

If she had to bite harder on the inside of her cheek, she was going to have a huge hole there. “That was very thoughtful of you.”

“Human women enjoy watching that path--that actor walk around in his stu--in his tight clothes.”

She couldn’t laugh, not now. “So, what else have you done for me?”

“I have broken the sacred rule of breeders being kept in their homes for the safety of our empire.”

“I see. Wait--why would it threaten you to have the women walk around free?”

“Our race stopped producing females centuries ago. All the breeders are from conquered planets. Their loyalty is not always to us.”

“I see.” She shuddered, glad that at least she was on her own planet. Even if it was now occupied by the Zyrgins. “I won’t be claimed like an animal with no mind. If you want me, you will stop with this breeder business. Calling a woman that is insulting. And any man who wants to marry me will have to go and ask my father for my hand in marriage. You can’t just claim me when you haven’t even met my family.” She shuddered to think of the mayhem that would ensue if he should ever go near her family.

“Why would I want to meet your family? I don’t want to claim them?”

She closed her eyes and prayed for patience. “I visit them over Christmas and thanksgiving, and other holidays. My mother calls me every week to talk to me, and my father is always in the background passing comments. Do you seriously think I’ll just give that up?”

“I will think on this.”

“If you want us to be happy together, you need to meet my family, we have to do things together, fun things and we have to talk about our interests and by the time we move in together we will be comfortable with each other.”

Ominous silence from him.

“Please, Viglar, let us continue to get to know each other. Relationships where couples get to know each other first always work better.” What else could she say to convince him? If he decided to throw her over his shoulder and move her in with him, she wouldn’t be able to stop him.

He stared at her so long she braced to be grabbed. “I will allow this for a short time. A very short time.” He pulled her against his body. “Kiss me, in the human manner.”

Madison stood on tiptoe and kissed him. His lips were hot against hers, firm and yet soft enough to be sensuous. She was going to just give him a quick peck, but couldn’t resist deepening the kiss. She tentatively explored his mouth and he held her so tight she almost couldn’t breathe. He deepened the kiss further, and while Zyrgins might not kiss on their home planet, they sure learned fast. He claimed her mouth, demanding and gaining entrance. Madison’s world tilted, her focus narrowed until all she was aware of was the male holding her so possessively against his muscled body. When at last he lifted his head, she staggered back on weakened knees. “I have to...uhm...I have to attend a meeting, yes, that’s where I was going.”

He pulled her closer again and pressed his forehead against hers. Then he abruptly turned on his heel and walked away. Madison watched him disappear around a corridor and thought of a future filled with hot kisses with an alien that switched from passion to coldness. An alien that could turn on his heel and walk away without looking back at her.

When she walked into the meeting, she noticed the suspicious glances of her colleagues. Her relationship with her fellow doctors had steadily deteriorated. They felt that she was getting unfair treatment and that she was sucking up to the invaders. She suspected it wouldn’t have been this bad if Sandra didn’t fuel the resentment every chance she got. Sandra really seemed to hate the Zyrgins.

Viglar had started to press his forehead against hers and didn’t care if the others saw him do it. At least Rachel stuck with Madison and remained her friend. Though Madison could do without her pointing out how sexy he was all the time. Her urging Madison to seduce him and get him into a better mood for the good of the team was not funny anymore. Sometimes Madison thought Rachel was serious about it and not joking at all. On top of all this, Madison worried about Rory, that he may have been killed. He wouldn’t just disappear without contacting his family. She’d been thinking about asking Viglar to use their resources to look for him. But she feared Rory may have been at the Battle of No Name Town or joined the resistance. In that case he wouldn’t appreciate her bringing him to the attention of the aliens.

A loud boom interrupted their meeting and everyone looked around, not sure what was happening. Under them the floor vibrated.

“Everybody stay calm, and stay here, I’ll find out what is happening,” Jacobson said self-importantly.

“Arrogant ass,” Rachel murmured.

Madison shrugged. He would never change, and she supposed it could be worse. She’d heard of administrators that did far worse in other hospitals.

“Put on the TC. The resistance bombed the hospital and several other places in the city,” someone screamed from down the hall. Viktor accessed his TC and the newscast played across the table.

“...the Zyrgin administration has imposed a curfew after a hospital was bombed in Helena, Montana, and several other targets were bombed in that city,” the presenter said. She fidgeted and then read a statement from her desk. “The Zyrgin administration also said that they will publicly execute the people responsible. Their statement stresses that this will be done in retaliation for the loss of human lives. Further, the statement said that Zyrgins are too tough to be harmed by mere humans.” Documents flashed over the screen.

“What’s that?” one of the interns asked.

Everyone peered at the documents.

“It’s criminal records, of the people responsible for the bomb.”

Madison thought guiltily about the anonymous messages, asking her to get hold of Viglar’s DNA. These were the same people who were bombing humans. The thought of what might have happened to Rory had almost made her agree to do it.

Viktor turned to Madison. “Why don’t you go and talk to your boyfriend and find out what’s going on?”

Madison glared at him. “I’m fixing to slap you, Viktor, lay off,” she snarled and stormed off. As if he was determined to prove them right, she ran into Viglar, literally. He steadied her and looked her over. “You are unharmed?”

“Yes, I’m fine,” she said through clenched teeth. She appreciated his concern but his timing sucked. She was very aware of all her colleagues standing in the door of the conference room and watching them.

“Stay with the other humans.” Viglar pressed his forehead against hers and walked off.

Rachel took her arm. “let’s go to the cafeteria while he deals with the bomb situation. We might not get another chance.”

After work, Rachel gave her a lift home in the car she’d bought a week ago. Madison still didn’t know how she was able to afford a car, even an old one like this, on an intern’s salary and, as far as she knew, Rachel’s family were not very rich. Rachel had told her that her considerable extended family had contributed to the bribe that got her accepted as intern.

“That alien might be irritating, but he’s sexy. Have you seen his thighs? It’s just rippling muscles. And he’s really interested in you. You know, if you had an affair with Viglar, you could have it better than Sandra.”

Rachel said it jokingly, but the conversation bothered Madison afterward, though she couldn’t put her finger on why it bothered her. With a sigh, she showered and fell into bed, too tired to eat. She didn’t want to know what Sandra would say if she knew about the whole breeding claiming thing. She fell asleep wondering what a child of her and Viglar would look like.

When she reported for duty the next day, everyone talked about the bombing. Somehow Viglar had managed to ensure that any damage done by the bomb was repaired almost instantly. None of the work was interrupted, and the patients were not affected at all.

“Let’s go and have pizza,” she said to Rachel. “I heard the pizza parlor planted their own vegetables and now have pizza with fresh ingredients.”

Rachel shook her head. “We only have time to get to our building before the curfew goes into effect.”

Madison balled her fists. “Who the hell do these green freaks they are?”


“We’re not allowed to walk around after work. Allowed.”

Sometimes Viglar could be so endearing and sweet and then at times like this, she realized all over again that he was one of the hated invaders.

“You shouldn’t say these things.”

“Or what? One of these round things will vaporise us.”

With the advent of the aliens, they suddenly had these round ball like things hovering in the air. Everywhere. All over the world. And Madison had a strong suspicion that there were even more that were somehow invisible.

“Probes, they call them probes,” Rachel said.

“Who the hell cares? They don’t belong here.”

They were taking a break in the staff room. Madison had to start work again at four but she wanted to enjoy the short break. Lately, it felt as if all she did was work and sleep.

Khani gestured and Madison frowned at her. “Don’t try to shush me, Khani, these things need to be said.”

The air around her electrified and she was too angry to care that he stood behind her.

She knew he did. She always knew when he was around and she thought that was seriously creepy. It was a good thing he was such an excellent kisser.

She planted her feet like his and crossed her arms as well. Again, this was the kind of pose that could really work with ample breasts. Her mother used it with great success. Except Madison lost out on the ample. After her cousins got endowed, there simply wasn’t any endowing left for her. Grief tore through her. She was the only runt in the family, and that was one of the reasons Rory had been so protective, even though he was younger than her. If Ana had lived, would he have been so protective?

She stalked up to Viglar. “I’m going for pizza after work with my friend Rachel. And if you green freaks want to arrest me, you go right ahead, but I’m having pizza.”





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