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Oblivion (Broken City Book 3) by Jessica Sorensen (14)

The Plan

After telling Ryder what I remember, he immediately leaves to find Reece.

A few hours later, I’m sitting on a bed in a small room with Ryder and Reece, and the compassbot in my lap. At first, I was confused how the robotic dog survived the fall, but Ryder explained that, as I fell, I clung to the bag for dear life, so when Blaise caught me, the compassbot was saved, too.

I’m glad. While I only had the pet for a few minutes, I’d hate to think he died because of me.

“There isn’t anything on the computer that says anything about time traveling or time manipulation.” Reece has been camped out in a chair behind a desk, half-distracted with a glowing screen illuminating from seemingly nowhere, which he explained to me was a computer.

I lie down on the bed on my side and prop up my head on my elbow. “You don’t believe me?”

Reece taps the screen with a pencil, causing the pictures and letters to change. “No, I definitely believe you. I just wish I knew a way to get more information about what it is and why the hell the Grim want you so badly.”

“The time traveler said it was because I was the end of the world,” I mutter with my head tipped down.

“That’s a very open statement,” Reece says. “Maybe we’ll get some answers after I find out more about time traveling and time manipulation. Until then, we need to keep you here at the station where you’ll be safe.”

I bob my head up and down. “What I don’t understand, though, is why he wants Blaise?”

“Yeah, that doesn’t make very much sense, either,” Ryder agrees, restlessly drumming his fingers against his knee.

“I did see him mention a time traveler in one of his memories,” Reece reminds us. “He has to be connected to them in some way. And Blaise’s past is a mystery, like Allura’s.”

I absorb his words as I pet the top of the compassbot’s head, lulling it into a state of sleep. “I really wish I could remember more, but honestly, I’m not even sure why I can remember what I do … I mean, according to the time traveler, I was supposed to forget everything. But I remember everything that happened from the days before you guys rescued me from the cell all the way up until now.”

Ryder bends forward on the bed and rests his arms on his legs. “I’d really like to find out who this time traveler guy is so I can kick his ass.”

“First we need to get Blaise out of those memories,” Reece says, skim reading the words on the screen.

“How can we do that when he doesn’t even know he’s stuck in there?” I wonder, resting my chin on my fist.

“You’ll convince him,” Reece assures me, tapping the screen again with the end of the pen.

I point stupidly at myself. “I will?”

Reece nods, chewing on the end of the pen. “Do you want to know how I know?”

I sit up, tucking my legs under me. “Yes, definitely.”

Ryder raises his hand. “Me, too, because I really don’t see the solution to this problem.”

“I’m not exactly sure how we’re going to do it yet.” Reece swivels in the chair with his hands overlapped on his lap. “But I know that Allura makes it to Blaise and gets him out of there.”

“How?” Ryder and I ask at the same time.

Reece slants forward and crosses his arms on top of the desk. “Remember how you said you saw a copy of yourself and Blaise while you were in the Oblivion?” Reece asks, and I nod. “Well, that only happens when a memory of being in the Oblivion crosses over with another one.”

“So, she’s been in the Oblivion twice,” Ryder states, nodding. “I think I see where you’re going with this.”

I scoot to the edge of the bed and plant my feet on the grated floor. “I’m a little confused,” I admit. “Because I thought I’ve only been in the Oblivion once.”

“You have.” Reece taps a small black box and boots down the computer screen. “Since you saw the ghost of yourself, it means you go back in again.”

“But Blaise was there.” I straighten as I realize something. “Which means I get to him.”

Reece nods, then rubs his hand across his forehead. “There’s just a few things I can’t figure out. Like, how you’re supposed to find him when that time traveler said he was stuck in his own memories. And the only way to access those memories through the Oblivion is to have experienced them.”

“I experienced one of them in my sleep,” I point out. “Maybe I can do it again.”

“Or maybe you can access the file you downloaded Blaise’s memories to,” Ryder suggests, resting back on his hands.

Reece springs from his chair, aiming the pen at him. “Ryder, you’re a genius.”

Ryder snorts a laugh. “Okay.”

Reece paces in front of the desk, twirling a pen between his fingers. “The only problem is, I’m going to have to build something that can transfer the memories into Allura’s brain.”

Ryder pulls a face. “That sounds disgusting.”

I nod in agreement. “If it’ll help Blaise, I’ll do it.”

Reece stops trying to wear a hole in the floor and tosses the pen onto the desk. “It might take me a few days, but I think I should be able to build something.”

“And then what?” Ryder asks. “Allura just goes into the Oblivion, all by herself, to face God knows what, while we just sit here and hope she doesn’t get lost? Or killed?” Shaking his head, he pushes to his feet. “You need to come up with something that can get me in there, too.”

“Fuck, you’re right.” Reece yanks his fingers through his hair, tugging at the roots. “I hadn’t thought about that.”

“I’ll be fine,” I try to assure them. “Especially since almost nothing can kill me.”

Reece ignores me as he hurries for the door. “I’ll figure out something, either a way for one of us to go in with her, or a way to make sure she’s protected at all times. In the meantime, have Rae do a thorough examination to make sure Allura is completely healthy. Then take her down to the training room.” The doors glide open, and then he disappears into the hallway.

I turn toward Ryder. “You really think this is going to work?”

He nods and smiles, but the movement is forced. “Of course.” Then he stands up and twines our fingers together. “Now come on. Let me show you around your new home.”

I grow nervous as he leads me out the door, not just because I can’t remember the last time I had a place to call home, but because I fear I’ll fail at finding Blaise.

But I’ll do everything in my power to find him, no matter what it takes.