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Trial By Flame by M.K. Eidem, Michelle Howard (12)

"Autumn," Kirall dropped to a knee beside her trying to draw her gaze, but she refused to look away from Tove. "Autumn, this isn't the way."

"It’s the only way. Do you think this piece of crap cares about what happened to my brother? To my mother? My father? Does he care that my father could only blink at me as he lay dying? That my mother, who never hurt anyone in her life, had her throat ripped out? That my baby brother was attacked by three Varana?" She lifted Tove up by the neck to thump his head down against the stone floor. "That they laughed as he screamed in pain and terror. That Terron took the only thing that was giving him any comfort?!!"

The anguish in his mate's voice was as easily heard as the tears running down her face could be seen. Both scarred Kirall's heart as deeply and as permanently as the ones on his mate's back. "I know, but we'll never find out the truth if you kill him."

"Like anyone here cares about what happened on an inferior planet twelve years ago."

Kiran cringed slightly, knowing she was repeating something he had said and initially felt. But that was before he'd gotten to know her and he'd like to think he'd feel the same way even if Autumn wasn't mated to his son.

"I care," Kiran stood up as he spoke. "The death of any Dragoon, on Mondu or elsewhere, is taken very seriously by this Council and if one of our own had anything to do with it, I vow to you that he will be severely dealt with."

"Right," Autumn said disbelievingly.

"I care," Pele, the Yellow Prime Elder, said moving to stand. "I realize you do not know me, Lady Autumn, and that the actions and statements by some members of this Council have not shown us in the best of light. But I ask that you not judge all by the actions of a few. I did not become an Elder because I wanted to dominate my fellow Dragoons but because I wanted to assist and protect them, all of them. I can't do that if I don't know the severity of the threat."

"I too care." Gal, the Elder of the Gold Minors, stood. "And second what Elder Pele has said. Not all Golds feel as Tove does."

Soon only Lando remained sitting, and after a moment, he slowly rose saying only, "I too agree that this is a matter for the Council to resolve."

"Autumn," Kirall pleaded and finally she turned her head to look at him. "Release the Guards. If you don't completely trust that the Council will resolve this, then trust that I will. Your family will be avenged."

The entire assembly held its breath as it waited to see what Autumn would do. She had already shown she was more powerful than anyone had thought possible. Taking down a Prime Elder, holding back eight Council Guards, all without shifting into her Dragon form.

"My vow, Autumn," Kirall promised then waited for her decision as she looked back to Tove. If she decided to rip his throat out, he wouldn't stop her, but he hoped she wouldn't because he knew it would always haunt her if she were to do what had been done to her parents.

As he waited, she lowered her hand releasing the Guards. Then one by one she slowly withdrew her claws, leaving behind five bloody trails flowing down his neck.

Kirall pulled her up into his arms standing and stepping away from Tove.

The Guards remained where Autumn had stopped them, still shocked that she’d been able to do such a thing, and waited for instructions from the Council.

"Guards, restrain Tove," Kiran ordered.

Before the Guards could follow that order, Tove leaped into the air and shifted into his Dragon form. As his Dragon reared back to incinerate those on the floor, Kirall shifted and spread the massive wings of his Red Dragon, shielding Autumn and as many Council Guards as he could.

The Gold Dragon's fire hit the Red Dragon directly in his chest and should have driven him back. It's what Tove expected because it always had before, but Tove had forgotten one thing. Kirall was now a Supreme, and the paltry blast from a Gold was nothing more than an inconvenience for Kirall.

Pandemonium filled the chamber as the two battled. People in the stands fought to get out of the way of Tove's fire. Some even attempted to shift into their Dragons so they could have more protection but the tight confines of the seating made that all but impossible.

The Elders didn't have that problem in their much more spacious sitting area. As one they shifted into their Dragon form, leaped on to the wall and spread their wings to protect those behind them. They then shot wave after wave of fire at Tove until he was driven to the floor, his wings scorched, his scales blackened and starting to shed.

"Kirall!" Autumn screamed unable to see what was going on or how badly her mate was being hurt. She was just about to shift when he roared through their bond.


It stunned her for a moment. Never had Kirall spoken to her in such a dominating tone. It immobilized her for a moment, and by the time she broke free, Kirall had lowered his wings and was turning so she could see he was unharmed.

"Never do that again!" she cried out launching herself at him, her fists pounding on his undamaged chest. "Never! I'll never survive losing you too. I don't want to."

"Shhh," he murmured into her hair as his arms went around her holding her close. If ever asked, he would deny that those small fists hurt, but they did. "Calm down, Autumn. I'm fine."

"How could you have done that?!!"

"Because I knew there was no way Tove could have harmed me, not in my Dragon form. But you and the Guards… He wouldn't have cared who he killed as long as he got to you. I couldn't allow that."

"Guards!" Kiran ordered having shifted back into his Other form. "Restrain Tove."

"No! You can't! He's an Elder!" These cries came from Tove's mate, Macawi.

"He is a Dragoon that not only tried to kill those that were addressing this Council but the Council Guard on the floor that is here for our protection," Kiran told her. "He also had a total disregard for the welfare of those here to witness an Assembly that he convened. All this because he didn't like what was being revealed."

"But he's my mate!"

"Which is the only reason why he yet lives. Had he been an unmated Elder, I would have had no qualms about ending him. But you are an innocent." Kiran's gaze hardened as he looked at her. "Aren't you?"

"What? Of course, I'm innocent! How can you even ask that of me? Niccele…"

"Because you have been Tove's mate for nearly a thousand years. Who better than you to know how he obtained such a crystal."

"I… I don't know. He's had it for years."

"Twelve at least."

"If you believe her," Macawi spat out, her arm swinging out to point at Autumn.

"Be very careful, Macawi." Niccele turned from making sure her children were unharmed to glare at her old friend. "Autumn is my son's mate, and I will stand for no one, not even a longtime friend, insulting her in my presence."

"Calm, Niccele. The Elders will handle this," Kiran reassured her.

"Oh, you are more than welcome to handle Tove. But his mate…?" Niccele's eyes started to elongate as she glared at Macawi. "His mate is mine. For I too am a Black Prime, mate, and she will answer to me."

Autumn's mouth dropped open and looking to Kirall saw he was as shocked as she was. They had been moving toward the Elder seating area, staying out of the way of all the extra Council Guards that had rushed onto the floor at Kiran's order, all in their Beast forms, to restrain the barely moving Tove. Kirall and Autumn wanted to make sure their family was unharmed when they'd heard Niccele's words. While Autumn hadn't known Niccele long, she'd thought she had a good sense of her mate's mother. But she'd had no inkling that Niccele wielded this much power, even though she was a Black Prime.

"Elder Kirall." One of the Guards that had escorted them in approached. "If you would follow me, I will escort you and your mate to the Elders’ area."

"I'm not an Elder," Kirall told the Guard, questioning his use of the title.

"Are you not a Red Supreme?" the Guard asked.

"I am," Kirall answered.

"And are you not the only male Red Supreme?"

"I am."

"Then you are the Red Supreme Elder." The Guard seemed to pause then continued. "Though I have no doubt you would still be the Elder even if there were another Red."

"There is another Red," Kirall told him and saw the confusion that crossed the Guard's face. "My mate is a Red." He reminded him.

"I… yes… but…"

"But what?" Autumn questioned.

"You are a female," the Guard said.

"Yes, I am."

"Females aren't Elders. They must be protected at all times especially mated ones," he told her.

"Did I look like I couldn't protect myself before?" Autumn demanded.

"I… well no… and actually…" the Guard's gaze ran over her, not finishing what he was about to say as Kirall began to growl.

"Actually what?" Autumn demanded.

"Lady Autumn," he told her stiffly. "I meant no offense and would very much prefer not to be ended this day."

"Why would you be ended?" she asked confused.

"Autumn," Kirall put an arm around her and tried to pull her away. "Come."

"Oh hell no." She stepped away from him. "First you tell me to stay, then tell me to come? I may love you, but I'm not a dog!"

"What's a dog?" Both Kirall and the Guard asked.

"It’s an animal on Earth that can be trained, taught to obey," she said glaring at Kirall. "I will never be forced to mindlessly obey again, Kirall!"

"Autumn," Kirall was immediately there pulling her into his arms, knowing she was referring to the drugs that had been forced on her and how they'd made her feel. "That wasn't what I meant. I would never do that to you."

"Then why?!!"

"Because I didn't like…" He looked to the Guard. "What's your name?"

"I am Cai."

Kirall nodded slightly. "I didn't like the way Cai looked at you."

"Looked at me?" She let her gaze travel down over herself. Her gown that before had just appeared to be torn now really was. She was bumped and bruised, and she was pretty sure she stunk.

"You are very beautiful, mate," Kirall told her. "And while I know other males are going to notice that, I'm not going to appreciate them doing it."

"You’re jealous!"

"You doubt I would be? You are mine!"

"I am, and you are mine." She put a hand on his chest and felt his Dragon press against it. "All of you are. No male looking at me is ever going to change that. I love you."

"And I love you." Leaning down, Kirall captured her lips in a long, deep kiss. Finally, he straightened and looked to Cai. "Finish what you were going to say. My vow I will not act on it."

"Act on it?" Autumn asked slightly breathless. "Kirall, what are you talking about?"

"Unmated males must always treat mated females with the utmost respect," Cai said quietly.

"Which you have," she told him.

"No, Lady Autumn, I let my gaze travel over your form and found it… pleasing."

"Seriously?" Autumn couldn't believe it.

"Why would I not be serious?"

"Because I'm not looking my best right now, Cai."

"That is unimportant. You have proven you are strong, intelligent, and caring. I find that highly attractive."

Kirall couldn't control his growl.

"I… Oh… well… thank you, Cai. I'm not sure I can live up to all that." Kirall growled again until her sharp look cut him off. "But I do hope we can be friends."

"Friends?" Cai didn't even try to hide his shock.

"Well, yes. Is that going to be a problem?"

"A…" Cai's gaze shot to Kirall pleading for help.

"Autumn," Kirall began, "mated females don't talk with any male outside her or her mate's family. They aren't friends with them."

"Seriously?" she asked in disbelief.


"Well, that's not going to fly with me, Kirall. Especially since I have no family. I'm not going to spend the rest of my life only talking to you, your father, or your brothers." She looked back to Cai. "So, Cai, unless you have a problem with it, I'm going to consider you a 'friend' and plan on speaking to you whenever we meet."

Kirall sighed heavily then nodded to Cai.

"I would be honored, Lady Autumn." Cai bowed to her slightly. "Now if you will follow me."


∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞


Entering the Elders’ area through a hidden doorway Cai had shown them, they found it in complete disarray. There were torn garments, many individuals with bumps and bruises, and while the Elders’ spread wings had protected those behind them from Tove's fire, smoke and ash still filtered through the area.

"Mother," Kirall moved to her side needing to check for himself that she was okay.

"I am fine, Kirall," she reassured him, her own gaze quickly traveling over him. "Are you? Is Autumn?"

"I'm fine, Niccele," Autumn said moving so she could see her.

“Thank Kur,” Niccele whispered.

“What happens now?” Kirall asked turning to his father.

“Now, Tove will be held by the Council Guard until such time he ‘remembers’ where, how, and from whom he obtained the crystal in question.” Kiran looked to Kirall. “Where is it, by the way?”

Kirall reached into the pocket, where he’d stuffed the jewel while tending to Autumn, and pulled it out. But instead of handing it to his father, he placed it where it belonged. Around Autumn’s neck.

Autumn bowed her head as her hand fisted around the crystal, holding it tightly against her chest. Jack would have loved it here on Mondu. He would have liked to know that Dragons were real and that he was one. The jewel warmed for a moment in her hand as if agreeing with her and she realized that at least a small part of her brother had made it to Mondu. For her, he would always live on with this crystal.

“May I see that, Autumn?” Kiran quietly asked, stepping toward her.

Raising tear-filled eyes to Kiran, she slowly lifted her hand, her fingers opening to reveal the smoky quartz resting in the palm of it.

Kiran didn’t try to take it from her, knowing not only would Autumn fight him, but so would his own mate who was sniffing back her own tears. “I have never seen Tove use this before.”

“But I thought you all had relay jewels?”

“We do, and I have seen the one Tove uses. We all have.” He gestured to the other Elders who had started to gather so they too could gaze upon what had caused such a commotion. “It too is a golden color, but it is a sphere that has been in his family for many millennia. If any of us had seen this, we would have questioned him about it.”

“It needs to remain here, in possession of the Council,” Lando declared. “Until it can be confirmed it is what she claims.”

Kirall’s threatening growl expressed his displeasure and had the Elder of the White Minors ducking behind one of the other Elders.

“That is not going to happen!” Kiran proclaimed. “There has been enough controversy here for one day. I propose, with the approval of the rest of the Council, that we adjourn until such time that Tove has healed enough to answer questions. It is going to be some time before that happens, Prime or not. Until then he shall remain in the custody of the Council Guards, and Lady Autumn will return with the crystal in question at that time.”

“You can’t be sure she or her mate won’t alter the information it holds to support their unfounded accusations against my father!” Maaike exclaimed pushing her way through the Elders to angrily glare at Autumn and the male she’d once hoped to make hers. “My father is a well-respected member of this Council. For you to turn on him like this! It's unconscionable.”

“You are distraught, Lady Maaike,” Kiran started.

“Of course I am!” She rounded on Kiran. “My father has been unjustly accused by one, not of Mondu, and you all just go along with it," her gaze traveled over the other Elders, "because a Black Prime says they should.”

“What would you then suggest, Lady Maaike?” Rad, the Elder for the White Primes, asked. “Because it is obvious that your father has something to hide.”

Maaike looked shocked for a moment. Apparently, she hadn't thought anyone would be interested in her opinion. She quickly recovered and said, “It should be someone totally impartial. Someone like Elder Lando.”

“Impartial my ass!” Autumn snorted.

“Autumn,” Kirall hissed.

“It is something to consider. Another Keeper until this is resolved,” Rad said, looking to Autumn with sympathetic eyes.


“I will not allow them to take it from you, Autumn.”


“No.” He spun her around so she could see the determination in his eyes. “They are not taking it from you.”

Autumn reached up to cup his cheek. She knew he would take on the entire Council to make sure she kept the crystal if that was what she wanted. Did she? Could she really allow this to divide the Council the way it seemed to? She knew Tove had supporters that would never believe that he was involved in anything if she and Kirall left with the crystal. But there was no way Lando was getting his slimy claws on it. But then who would everyone in the Council trust as a Keeper?

“Kirall?” she asked remembering something.


“Why was everyone so surprised when I stopped the Guards from obeying Tove?”

“Because it is part of what it means to be a Council Guard. While they must obey the orders of the Council, as long as they are within Dragoon Law, no Elder’s power is able to influence them as it does one of their own.”

“You mean as Lando used his on Dacke to force him to reveal who I was.”

“Yes. That you were able to…”

“So if one of the Council Guards were to become the temporary Keeper of this.” She held up the crystal. “Then there would be no way for anyone to tamper with it?”

“I…” Kirall looked to his father and found everyone was listening.

She was able to influence the Guards!” Maaike reminded everyone.

“I only stopped them, I didn’t make them do anything.”

“But you could," Maaike accused.

“Then let’s find out. Elder Kiran, could you request one of the Guards to approach?”

“Commander of the Council Guard, present yourself to the Council.”

All heads turned to watch as the largest of all the Guards moved to the center of the arena as ordered.

“Elder Kiran,” Cai addressed him, bowing slightly at the waist.

“You’ve heard what is being discussed here.”

“Yes, Elder Kiran.”

“Can you explain how Kirall and Lady Autumn were both able to overpower you and the other Council Guards?”

“I would disagree with ‘overpowering’ us, Elder Kiran. But as Kirall is an Elder, we must within the Law follow his orders as we do all Elders.” Gasps of shock and surprise filled the air.

“Kirall is not an Elder!” Lando immediately denied.

“That every Guard here followed his order would force me to disagree,” Cai told Lando. “As for Lady Autumn, it would seem she is also an Elder.” His first declaration had filled the arena with waves of shock and disbelief. This one left in its wake a stunned silence. “As such, if this Council makes one of us the Keeper of this crystal until the Council reconvenes and orders that no one, Elder or not, is allowed access to the relay codes within it, then not even a Supreme Elder would be able to force one of us.”

“Would that suffice?” Kiran asked looking at the Council who one by one nodded. “Lady Maaike?”

“Yes,” Maaike replied a speculative gleam in her eyes.

“Autumn?” Kirall asked before his father could. Looking down at her, telling her through their bond that if this wasn’t what she wanted he would support her.

“I have one condition. Well, two actually,” Autumn said turning back to face Kiran.

“And they are?”

“The first is that once this is resolved, the crystal is returned to me.”

Kiran looked at the other Elders who nodded. “Agreed. The second?”

“That the Commander of the Council Guard is named the Keeper.”

“But…” Maaike stuttered.

“I can see no reason why that wouldn’t be acceptable.” Kiran held out his hand for the crystal.

“No,” Autumn’s hand tightened around it. “I will place it on the Commander. After the Council orders that no one is allowed access to the information it holds. That way there can be no whispers that someone was able to alter it.”

Kiran nodded, surprised at how his son’s mate’s mind worked. She was going to make an extraordinary Elder because the Commander was correct. She was an Elder.




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