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Cooper (Full Throttle Series) by Hazel Parker (14)



“Anyone at home right now?”

“No, everyone’s at the hospital. When are you getting here?”

“I’m on my way.”

I hung up with that last statement, my jaw tight and my mind full of thoughts that weren’t quite helpful at the moment. I guess getting a phone call that your father was critically ill could do that to anyone, and I wasn’t an exception. Before I knew it, I was racing to the airport and getting some last-minute tickets, then boarding the plane before I could think twice about it.

The flight had been blessedly short, and I read the text Sara sent the moment the plane landed. But I didn’t call her yet, I needed to find out what was going on. By the time I arrived at the hospital, it was late at night, and the place was no longer teeming with people, making it easier for me to be directed to the room where my father was located.

I opened the door and found my family gathered around my father, who appeared to be sleeping. I eyed my mother and sister, who were both sitting on the small couch and talking in hushed tones. They both looked up at my arrival, and Jane breathed a sigh of relief. My mother stood up, and I quickly went over to give her a tight, comforting hug.

“How is he?”

“He’s doing better. The heart attack was so sudden and frightening.”

I stepped back and eyed her critically, watching the dark circles under her eyes indicating her stress and lack of sleep. My sister was faring better, though.

“Where are Oliver and Will?” I asked.

“I sent your brothers home to rest. They’d been here all day. They’ll be back here tomorrow.”

I nodded my head. My mom began to tell me more about my father’s situation. He was stable now but may need further procedures depending on what the tests come back with. My father was too absorbed in ranch life and work to take good care of himself, and now it had taken its toll on him.

I sent my mother home, to which she protested at first. But one look at my sister and Jane was standing up, and we ended up ganging up on her until she finally relented.

Jane was fast asleep on the couch, but I was still pretty restless. I went to the lobby, where I sat on a waiting chair, took out my phone and dialed a number.

Sara answered on the third ring, and the sound of her sleepy voice had me missing her all of a sudden.


“Hey, Sara.”

“Cooper!” Her voice instantly went on alert. “Are you in Texas now?”

“Yeah, I am. I’m sorry about the date.”

“Don’t even think about it. What happened?”

Quickly, I gave her a brief explanation of what happened to my father. She expressed her worry and hoped that my dad would be okay, and I thanked her. Not really wanting hospital talk right now, I changed the topic.

“So what did you end up doing tonight?”

“I stayed home and watched a movie. Read myself to sleep I guess.”

I grinned. “Sounds pretty fun.”

“Not as fun as going out.”

“Aww. But staying in is pretty fun, too. Just snuggling on the couch…some kissing here and there…” Although I didn’t think it would just be a little kissing when it came to Sara. I was so into her that the need pretty much consumed my every waking moment, and it had been pure torture trying not to kiss her on that second date. But I wanted the pace to be slow and the wait to be worth it.

I just didn’t know how long I could last without ravishing her.

“I’d love a kiss here and there…” she breathed out.

And just like that, my cock was already surging up and aching so hard for her.

Because I seemed to like torture and couldn’t resist her, I began teasing her back by asking if she had any underwear on. She responded by telling me she wasn’t wearing any, which had me groaning like my life depended on it. Jesus. If I was there…

But I wasn’t there, and I still had some things to take care of here. When I told her that I might miss the race on Sunday, she made some concerned noises again before eventually telling me to take care of myself and my family, because that was more important.

I hung up with a smile, then rubbed my face when I realized I was getting in too deep.

And shit. I didn’t care. Not at all.


My father, James Oliver, was released on Sunday afternoon after tests came back with good news. He had strict orders to rest and some suggestions for lifestyle changes. It was good seeing my eldest brother, Oliver, drive, while all the rest of us nagged my father before catching up with each other in the old family vehicle. I spilled the beans on Jane’s dating status and watched in glee as everyone grilled her. She, of course, gave me the death stare the whole time while insisting to my equally overprotective brothers that it really was nothing and we should all just mind our business.

Then she dropped the bomb.

“Cooper called someone last night. A woman. He told her about what happened back here and asked about her underwear.”

And just like that, all attention turned to me.

I stared at Jane’s gleeful face in shock, then blinked when she told me that she went out for a bit to get some water before slipping back in last night. Now it was my turn to get roasted, with my dad telling me that it was good I was dating seriously and my mom telling me to bring her home if I could. Great. I did my best to dodge the questions, then turned to glare at Jane. She smirked right back, and we ended up just laughing.

Dinner was a great affair. My mom’s homemade cooking was the best, and tasting it now had me feeling bliss and taking me back. The thought popped in my mind that I would love to see Sara taste actual Texan food, and before I knew it, I was excusing myself and texting her while I looked out on our backyard, which extended to the ranch in the distance.

It was already late at night, which meant the place was pretty dark with only the moon and the barn and stable lights turned on—and of course, the back porch. I was surprised when my phone pinged and Sara texted back right away, asking how everything was going. We texted back and forth, then turned to teasing, and pretty soon the ache was back inside me and not going away anytime soon.

“I knew it! You really are dating someone seriously, aren’t you?”

The accusing female tone had me whirling around and smirking in amusement. “You’re such a mongrel, aren’t you?”

Jane pouted, then stepped over to the back porch as well. She stared at me for a while, scrutinizing me like some kind of investigator. “You’re not denying it.”

“I’m not confirming, either.”

“But you always deny when it’s not true,” she said triumphantly. “I can’t believe this. This is…”


“Phenomenal. When are the grandkids coming?”

“Let me take her to bed first.”

Jane wrinkled her nose. “Eww, no sex talk with you. But seriously. Are you bringing her home for Thanksgiving?”

“Only if you bring your casual date,” I shot back.

She shook her head quickly enough at that. I wasn’t sure if I was going to be pleased that she really wasn’t serious about it, or worried that…well, she really wasn’t serious about it. It was a two-way street, and I still hadn’t gotten over my protective instincts over her. Jane saw the look in my eyes and decided to change the topic, and I let it go. For now.

When I went to my bedroom, I texted Sara some more, and she would reply. We switched to online chat and went at it well into the night, and the laidback feeling of it had me relaxing and getting comfortable in bed. At the same time, I anticipated every response and found myself grinning at how candidly funny she was. She really was letting more of herself out with me, and it was delightful.

It was also absolutely erotic.

Just like last night, our chat turned from perfectly innocent to perfectly suggestive in just the span of a few seconds, with me instigating it. I wish I could have called her, but it was already midnight, and I didn’t think I would be able to stop myself from taking things further if I heard her voice. I’d never had phone sex before, and the idea of wrapping my hand around my dick while I listened to her voice…damn it.

Now I was hard as a rock just at the thought.

When she didn’t respond anymore, I figured she already fell asleep and tried to do the same.

The next day I focused on my family, checking on the ranch and making sure my dad was tightly settled before I told them it was time for me to leave and that I’d be back for Thanksgiving.

The plane was delayed, and I ended up waiting in the airport until late afternoon and arriving back in Florida in the evening. It wasn’t that late, and as I got in my car to drive to my apartment, I realized that was the last place I wanted to be.

So I turned the car and drove off elsewhere.

The mansion was quiet, but the lights were all turned on inside. I wondered if this was a good idea, as she might have guests or some housekeeper who wouldn’t be able to keep her mouth shut. Then, deciding to throw all caution to the wind and just ask her point blank if she wanted to go out for dinner tonight, I rang the bell. Even if she was busy, I’d get to see her for just a little bit.

Christ. I was turning so damn sentimental.

The door opened, and I looked up as Sara said my name in a surprised tone. There was delight there, followed by what had to be a little bit of panic, and I could see why.

Sara was wearing nothing but sweat shorts that looked like panties with how short they were, emphasizing long, creamy legs to perfection. Her curls were messy and all over the place, framing her wide eyes, and her top was black, tiny, clinging to every inch of her skin…and emphasizing her cleavage and soft breasts underneath that indicated she wasn’t wearing any bra.

My mind blanked. My mouth watered.

I thought I could control myself a little longer, and I thought I could keep this casual for longer. I was wrong. I was so wrong, I should be kicked in the ass for it.

And when I stepped forward, I knew I was doomed, and there was no turning back.