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Playoff King (Puck Battle Book 7) by Kristen Echo (15)












A t the hotel, her life took another unexpected turn. Jill was rushing to get their bags in order when she accidentally knocked over her daughter’s backpack. Rianne hadn’t closed it all the way. Nothing fell out, but Jill noticed the box of condoms. Her eyes bugged out as she unzipped the bag and found even more disturbing things.

Condoms were bad, but the bag of pills was horrific. Granted, there were only two pills, but her daughter had drugs in her possession. She scrambled to figure out when and how she might have come into possession of drugs. They’d been in the city for less than twenty-four hours.

Other than the hour she’d left to see Luka, her teenager had been with her. “What are you doing?” Rianne closed the door to the hotel bedroom where the boys were playing with their grandparents.

They were alone in the living area. Jill held up the two items with shaking hands. “What are you doing?”

The girl’s face turned white as she snatched the items from her hands. “You’re going through my stuff. That’s so not cool.” She dropped to her knees and stuffed them back in her bag. “Why do you have to be so nosy?”

Jill exhaled, trying to remain calm. “It’s my job as your mother to be nosy, but you make it easier when you leave your bag open. Talk to me. Please tell me you’re not using.”

“Those aren’t what you think. It’s prescription; not X or anything dramatic,” she huffed, zipping her bag closed.

“It’s not your prescription. Where did you get them?” She crossed her arms over her chest. This wasn’t something she could let slide. This was a cry for help. “I don’t care if we miss our flight. You will sit and tell me everything.”

Rianne plopped down on the couch and buried her chin against her chest. “I made a friend here. When I complained about a headache and the flight home, he gave me those. It’s two little pills; not fifty. I wasn’t going to take them. Relax, Mom.”

Relax. The word sounded foreign to her. She’d been on edge from the game and this only added to her stress. “My girl, it’s not okay to take pills.” She sank onto the cushion next to her daughter. “Who is this boy? Tell me about the condoms.”

“Shouldn’t you be happy I’m being safe,” Rianne mumbled.

Jill’s eyes scrunched shut at the thought of her daughter having sex. “The box wasn’t full. Have you… are you sexually active?”

Crickets sounded as Rianne chewed her nails.

“No judgment or punishments will follow this conversation.” She tucked one leg under her and faced her daughter. “Be honest with me. Do you have a boyfriend?”

“No. Not right now, but…” Rianne dropped her hands to her legs and rubbed them. “I mean, Rex is a friend. We haven’t known each other long, but I like him. He’s a little older, but it doesn’t matter. He makes me feel special. How do you know when it’s the right time to… like give someone something?”

Never. It would never be the right time, she wanted to scream but didn’t. “Like how much older? You are only sixteen. When you’re in love and graduated college, I am pretty sure—”

“Mom, I’m not a virgin,” she exclaimed. “It’s been over a year. I was asking when the right time is to offer help without offending.”

This fact cut her like a knife. A year. Probably around the same time she’d kicked Terry out. She swallowed hard, trying to digest this information. “Okay,” she exhaled. “What kind of help are you offering and why would this person be offended? You need to give me more details.”

Rianne sat back. “He’s probably the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. His situation is tragic, and I want to help him. He lives on the streets. Like homeless. He wants to get out of Winnipeg, like yesterday, but has nowhere to go.”

“And you want to offer him a place in Montreal? That’s not a wise move,” she answered honestly.

Rianne was always bringing home stray cats as a kid, but this was very different.

“Maybe. I don’t know.” She knotted her fingers. “We met earlier this week, and I saw him again today. He’s hiding. He looks so lost and sad. It’s like I know exactly how he feels.” Her long hair hung like a veil, covering her face. She huffed and blew some strands away from her eyes. “I’m sorry I said those things to you. I’m just so frustrated with my life.”

Jill hugged her. “I love you so much. You have such a big heart. We need to get out of here and catch our flight, but next time we come to the city, I promise we’ll find him. Together, we’ll see what we can do to make his living situation better.”

“Thank you.” Rianne smiled and stood. “You can throw the pills out. I swear I wasn’t going to swallow them, but it was rude not to accept them.”

Jill grabbed the bag off the floor and snatched the pills from inside. “I’ll get rid of them. Anytime, and I mean any time, you want to talk I’m here for you.”

“Fine. That game was brutal. How do you think Dad is holding up?” Her daughter asked, changing the subject.

They joined the rest of the Manor family in the bedroom and discussed the beating they’d witnessed on the ice. She wasn’t the only one who’d noticed, and that made it even worse. How the hell was she supposed to tell these people the man who attacked Terry was her new boyfriend? Without knowing it, Luka had made her job impossible.

Jill turned her phone off and avoided everyone.

When she arrived home in Montreal, there were over a dozen missed calls. Terry needed to speak with her and so did Luka. She was too tired to deal with them. She turned her phone off again and exhaustion lulled her to sleep.

The next day, she left her phone off. Nothing good would come from answering those calls.

Terry wanted her to soothe his aches and pains. After a big loss, he got increasingly needy. His ego needed stroking, but she wasn’t prepared to do it. He’d have to find something else.

She avoided Luka because she’d broken her promise. He didn’t want to be a secret, and he deserved more. She was too much of a coward to face him. He had a game to play the next night, and he was due to arrive within the hour. She had no idea what to do.

Using the house line, she called her best friend. She closed the door to her office and sank into the chair. “Talk me off the ledge,” she said.

Leonora laughed. “I don’t hear from you for days and this is my greeting. Well, hello.”

“I took your advice and I’m freaking out. So, that guy I told you about, Luka.”

“Refresh my memory,” her friend teased. “Is that the young stud who rocked your world?”

“That’s him.” She leaned over her desk and smacked her forehead against the wood. “Well, turns out he plays in the NHL. Did you catch the game last night?”

“OMG. You’re dating Luka Pedlanski.” A sharp intake of air followed. “FML. That man is gorgeous. Boy, did he have it out for your ex. Did you guys break up or something? Is that why he was so aggressive?”

“Fuck! You noticed that too,” she huffed. “No, we’re still together. For now.”

“Hold up. Give me a second to create some privacy.” A door closed, and Leonora sighed. “Why for now? Tell me your issues and I’ll sort them out.”

Jill checked the clock, and it was mid-day. “Sorry to bother you at work.”

“No bother. I love helping you,” she said. “For the record, Luka Pedlanski is so much hotter than what I pictured when you described your twenty-something hottie. Bravo. Now, dish.”

“He wants me to tell Terry and the kids about our relationship.” She kept her head down as she spoke. The cold surface did little to cool her. “A reasonable request. I promised I’d tell them, but after last night how can I do that? Oh, hey everybody, that hockey player who came close to ripping daddy’s head off, yeah so I love him and want to have his babies.”

Her friend coughed. A short choking fit ensued. “You love him?”

“I do,” she sighed. “It’s ridiculously sudden and unexpected, and I am beyond smitten. When I’m with him, I know he’s the one. His intensity is exactly what I’ve been missing. It’s insane right. Like I said, talk me off the ledge because I’m going to jump.”

Laughter filled the line. “Jump! Go ahead, jump,” Leonora yelled. “I haven’t heard you sound this alive in… well let’s not go there.” She tapped her nails against her desk and chuckled. “Of all the men in the world, you would find another driven, insanely hot, millionaire. Where is the justice?”

Jill laughed. “You’re the richest woman I know.”

“How so?”

She had to move. Rising from her chair, she paced the office. “You are madly and crazy in love with your husband. He looks at you like you are the most important person on this planet. That’s exactly how Luka looks at me. I don’t understand what he sees in me,” she admitted.

“As far as love goes, yeah I’m a lucky bitch. With great love comes great responsibilities,” she said in a mocking tone, but Jill didn’t laugh. “In all seriousness, you’re ready for this. You’re a single, successful business woman whose ready to bring a partner into her world. It’s not ideal that your ex, repeat ex, and your new man are battling one another. But that’s not your problem. Don’t own that. You are only responsible for you and the kids.”

“Me and the kids,” she repeated. If she removed hockey from the equation, her hesitation lessened. It wasn’t gone completely, but it wasn’t a mountain to overcome.

“I bet they’ll all love him after they get over the whole rivalry thing,” she joked.

This time she laughed with her. “I love you. You’re right; as always. The hockey season is almost over, then I’ll sit everyone down and spill the beans. Gotta go and tell my boyfriend the good news.”

What he did on the ice had nothing to do with her. Once she put that into perspective, she couldn’t wait to see him. She called her in-laws. They’d moved to every city their son played. Having them around had always been a blessing. They were great people, but they catered to Terry’s whims a little too much. They had created a monster who never heard no and always got his way. Spoiled was one word to describe her ex. On the plus side, they mostly said yes to her as well and agreed to come over and watch TJ. He was mid-nap. The other two wouldn’t be home for another hour. She called Luka next.

He answered after one ring. “Is everything all right? I’ve been worried about you.”

She smiled. “Can you meet me in the lobby of your hotel in twenty minutes?”

“Yes. I can make that work,” he said.

They disconnected, and she raced to change into something more alluring. Something that would turn heads and drop jaws. The early June temperatures had increased the humidity and the heat. She tied her hair into a messy bun and put on a red and white striped bohemian dress. The neckline dipped close to her navel and showcased her large chest. The material hugged her curves and flowed in all the right places. Wearing the sexy outfit, increased her confidence.

When she saw Luka standing in the lobby of his hotel, she ran into his arms. Lines creased his forehead. “You are so beautiful.”

She kissed away the concerns on his face. “Thank you. I’m sorry I didn’t call you back. I needed to decompress.”

He set her down and threaded their fingers together. “Let’s walk. Tell me what that means. Explain decompress, avoid, or whatever kept you away.”

She laughed. It was a sunny, warm afternoon, as they walked down the city center sidewalk side by side. She told him about her conversation with Leonora. She admitted to her cowardice. He didn’t interrupt. She confessed her disapproval of the hockey game and his actions. He remained quiet, but she sensed a hitch to his stride. After she finished pouring her guts out, she stopped on the sidewalk and forced his eyes to hers.

“So, that’s why I didn’t return your calls,” she explained.

He rubbed his beard and smiled. “I’m glad you told me. It doesn’t change my feelings for you if that’s what you expected.” He looked around the busy sidewalk and then back at her. His gaze took her breath away and her body shivered when he brought her hand to his lips.

One soft kiss to her knuckles was enough to make her knees weak.

She leaned against the side of a building. “Thank you for understanding. I’m not hiding us.” On the drive over, she’d planned her next moves. Once the season ended, she’d tell Terry first. Then, she’d sit with the kids and introduce Luka. It was a big step, but it was the right one.

“Then kiss me,” he said.

Without hesitation, she reached her arms around his neck and kissed him. Her fingers tugged on his short strands as he sucked on her tongue. The soft bristles on his face caressed her cheek. The passion between them wasn’t fit for public viewing and she broke away.

“Luka,” she breathed, tearing her eyes from his.

Looking over his shoulder, she saw Terry. He stood across the two-lane street, staring at her. Her heart stopped beating. His cheeks matched the red plaid on his shirt. The scowl on his face left no doubt he’d seen them kiss. A car went by, she dropped her arms and covered her mouth. This was not how she wanted him to find out. She blinked, and he darted across traffic.

A second later, he was standing in front of her. Inches from her face.

His fingers gripped the flesh on her bicep, bruising her. “What the fuck are you doing?”

Luka stepped between them and removed Terry’s hand from her arm. “Don’t touch her.”

“She’s my wife,” he proclaimed. “I’ll touch her any time and any way I please. You on the other hand, better get out of here before I punch your lights out.”

Luka laughed in his face. “I’d like to see you try.” The smile left his lips, replaced by the mask of a warrior. He was ready to protect her regardless of the consequences.

Both men puffed their chests and huffed like bulls ready to charge.

“Stop,” she yelled, drawing their attention. “No fighting.” She moved from behind Luka and placed a hand on his chest. “Terry, back off and Luka… Luka, please go back to the hotel. I need to talk with my ex.”

Terry crossed his arms over his chest and stepped back. “Damn right we need to talk.”

Luka didn’t acknowledge his outburst and shook his head, placing his large hand over hers. “I don’t like you being alone with him.” Their eyes met, and she implored him to go. He cupped her chin and brushed his lips against hers. “If this is what you want, I trust you. Call me later.”

Jill nodded and watched him leave. “You have no right to be upset,” she said through clenched teeth.

Terry scoffed at her. People continued to walk by them, oblivious of the fight about to break loose.

“We are separated and about to get a divorce. I’m allowed to date,” she broadcasted.

“The hell you are. You’re my wife.” He gripped her arm again but dropped it. “Was this to punish me? I fucked a twenty-year-old, so you turned around and did the same. Well, fuck! We’re even.”

She buried her face in her hands. “I love him. My relationship with Luka has nothing to do with you. We were over the second you touched that woman. We were done when you stopped asking what I wanted out of our relationship.”

He peeled her hands away and held them. “You don’t love him. He’s a child,” he spat. “You love me. At least give me a chance. Stop saying no. Don’t throw away over seventeen years for an easy fuck.”

“You don’t know anything,” she replied, pulling her hands free. “I wanted to tell you about me and Luka after the playoffs. I didn’t want this to affect your game. I’m sorry you found out this way, but I’m not ending my relationship.”

Terry laughed like a lunatic. His head fell back, and he clutched his stomach. “I know that kid. Far better than you do. He’s using you. Open your eyes. Besides the size of his cock, what do you know about him?”

She refused to respond. He was lashing out and talking non-sense. She wouldn’t take the bait.

He leaned towards her, breathing hot air onto her cheeks. “It’s mighty convenient he came into your life now. Isn’t it? This conversation isn’t over.” He turned and stomped away.

It took several minutes for her breathing to slow and her heart rate to calm. The walk home was a blur.

Hours later, she was still reeling. It took an entire evening huddled with her family to regain her composure. Terry had failed to change her mind about Luka, but he peaked her curiosity when he sent her a boatload of articles and text messages.

He wasn’t happy and screamed his displeasure over the phone.

“That man is not allowed around my kids.”

“Don’t let him use you and destroy us.”

“Come back to me. I forgive you.”

The last one caused her to laugh out loud. She had done nothing wrong and didn’t need his forgiveness. She deleted his messages but read the news links. Pedlanski was a fighter on and off the ice the headlines proclaimed. He’d avoided arrest multiple times and had more fines than any other hockey player in the league. Nothing she read scared her. He’d been honest about his past and most of those fights were self-defense.

When she called him before bed, he answered any question she tossed his way. She apologized for the scene on the sidewalk and he told her he was glad it happened. He said they were closer because of it. She agreed.

The next day, she was on the edge of her seat as she watched game four. The animosity between the men spilled onto the ice. It was even more brutal than the previous game. The referees broke up more fights than she had fingers. Not just between Luka and Terry, but Luka and everyone. Montreal was out to deliver a message.

She’d thought it was bad in the last game, but this was worse.

Winnipeg won, despite the increased aggression and violence from Montreal. She was happy for Luka, but seeing the dejected look on Terry’s face as he skated off the ice would haunt her for years. Her brain told her she wasn’t responsible, but her heart knew better.




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