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Anonymous by LP Dover (13)



Once my number is changed, I begin to wonder if it’s even going to help. I don’t think Bryan is bluffing. Jake calls Owen and tells him what happened, and now we’re stopping by the police department to talk to Detective Bradshaw. He’s waiting for us in the lobby, dressed in his crisp uniform. He nods toward the hallway.

“I was going to call you today. You beat me to it.” We follow him down the hallway to his office. It smells like coffee. “Have a seat,” he says.

We sit down in the two leather chairs across from his desk. “What’s going on, Detective?” Jake asks, glaring at him.

Sighing, Terry clasps his hands together on the desk. “I’ve had some of my officers stationed around Snyder’s house. According to your texts, he’s around the area, but nobody has seen him around his home.”

“Maybe he’s staying in a hotel in Asheville?” I bring up.

Terry shrugs. “Possibly, but if he is, he’s using one of his aliases. We’ve ran all of his past identities into our system and came up blank.”

Jake throws his hands up in the air. “The cocksucker is following us. He watched us today at her fucking bakery. If you want to find him, he’s not far.”

He nods. “I have a couple of my men searching the area around the bakery as we speak. I also have a couple searching the woods around your home.”

“What do we do now?” I ask.

Terry glances at both me and Jake. “We wait. Finding someone who’s trained on staying hidden isn’t a walk in the park.”

I know that must be true. Owen is one of the best undercover agents around and even he hasn’t had any luck.

The detective focuses on me. “It’s at this time, I’d like you to reconsider being put in protective custody.”

I shake my head. “I’m not going anywhere.”

His phone rings. “Let me see if this is one of my guys.” He answers and holds his hands out for us to stay put.

Jake and I look at each other, but I know it can’t be that they found him.

The conversation ends, and he takes a deep breath after hanging up. “We found his truck. It’s in an abandoned barn, just off Miller Road. Apparently, there’s some traces of blood inside. I’m going to head out there and get some samples for the lab.” He stands, and for the first time since everything started, I feel hopeful. “I’ll call you both as soon as I find out more information.”

Jake shakes his hand. “Thanks, Detective. We’re just ready for this to be over.”

“I understand.” Terry nods. “And Ellie, please think about what I said. I think it’d be for the best.” He hurries out the door to his car and we watch him speed off.

The sun is shining, making the snow glitter on the trees. I peer over at Jake who watches me. It’s clear some of the stress has been lifted.

“I’m going to call Owen and update him. Why don’t we go home and relax?” he suggests.

“Sounds good to me. There are some houses I want you to look at. We can make it a date.”

His lips pull back in a small smile. “We could use the time alone. Since I’m not taking my pain meds, we can continue our baby-making tonight.”

“Sure you’re up for it?”

A sexy chuckle escapes his lips. “Oh, I’ll definitely be up for it. The question is . . . can you handle it?”

I wink. “Guess you’ll just have to find out.” With everything going on, it’s important we keep our relationship strong. It’s the only thing that keeps my mind off the chaos.

Jake helps me cook dinner and manages to refill my wine glass every time it gets empty. It’s the first time in months that I feel completely relaxed. I know I shouldn’t, especially with everything going on, but I want to concentrate on Jake and nothing else. I refuse to let Bryan ruin our lives.

Once the kitchen’s clean, I join Jake on the couch and open my laptop. “Vikki and I found some houses the other day. Right now, I’ve narrowed it down to eight of them.” I nuzzle into his side and lift my feet up on the coffee table, setting my laptop on my lap.

“Eight?” Jake says, laughing. “I’m just happy you found some. I thought I was going to have to force you to look at them.”

“No,” I murmur, gazing up at him. “I am sad we’re leaving, but I’m happy for this opportunity you’re being given. Besides, this house is going to be our baby’s first home. I want it to be special.”

He brushes a finger gently down my cheek. “It will be special.”

I open the folder with all the saved houses. Jake and I look at them for about an hour, comparing the pros and cons of each one. In the end, we narrow it down to two.

“I wish we could move now, and forget about everything going on here,” he comments.

I drink the rest of my wine and smile as I gaze back and forth at the two houses. “Me too. But then, if Bryan were to find us out there, we’d be alone, without our family and friends. It’s probably best we’re still here.” I nuzzle into his side and breathe him in. “What all did Owen say when you told him what the detective said?”

“He’s worried. He said that he’ll drive by our house a couple times tonight to make sure everything’s okay. If Bryan knows that he’s getting closer to getting caught, he might do something foolish.”

The thought makes me shiver. “That’s what I’m afraid of,” I murmur. “He has nothing to lose at this point. He could take you out and then turn a gun on himself.” If I’m being honest, that’s one of my greatest fears with this whole thing. I know Bryan would never hurt me physically, or at least, I don’t think he would. But I can’t say the same for Jake.

He taps my laptop. “Choose one, cupcake. I like both houses. I want you to pick the one that’ll make you happiest.”

Butterflies flutter in my stomach and I click on the stone and stucco house with the tall evergreen trees out front and the mountain out back. “That’s it,” I reply. “That’s the one I want. It has the perfect back deck, with an amazing view. We can put a hot tub out there.”

His eyes twinkle. “Speaking of hot tubs. I think ours would do wonders for my sore muscles.” Taking my laptop, he sets it on the coffee table and pulls me onto his lap.

“Will it now? Are you sure you’re okay? Your head doesn’t hurt?”

He cups my face in his strong, warm hands. “Oh, my head hurts all right,” he teases, pushing his hips up into mine. His lips touch mine and I let him devour me. His arousal grows between us and I ride him. “How about I get the hot tub going and you come out and join me?”

I carefully slide off him, dragging my hand across the bulge under his jeans. “I’ll get us some towels.”

While he goes outside, I hurry to our bathroom and grab towels. A part of me doesn’t want to go outside with Bryan still on the loose. But I’m being silly because our back deck is high off the ground. No one could get to it, unless they go through the house.

I glance at myself in the mirror. Turning to the side, I imagine what I’ll look like with a baby bump. There’s still a chance I could be already, but I won’t know until I miss my period. I’m supposed to start in two days. Setting the towels down on the counter, I look over at my bathrobe and smile. Taking off my clothes, I wrap the bathrobe around me. When I get outside, steam billows from the hot tub and lit candles flicker around the deck. Jake’s already sitting in it and has his head leaned back, arms draped over the edge.

“If there’s one thing I love about you, it’s that you know how to be romantic,” I say, making my way toward him.

Smirking, Jake looks at me and shrugs. “What can I say? It helps me get what I want.”

I set the towels down on the edge of the hot tub and slip a foot into the hot, bubbly water. Jake’s gaze roams up and down my body. “What’s under the robe?” he asks, sliding a hand up my leg. His skin is so hot it makes me shiver.

I turn toward him. “Why don’t you untie it and find out?”

Slowly, he grabs the knot of my sash and pulls me closer. Looking up at me with his heat-filled gaze, he unties my robe. A deep growl escapes his lips as he gently pulls it off my body, tossing it onto the deck.

He kisses my stomach, and lazily trails his way on up to my breasts. “You are so fucking sexy.” Grabbing my waist, he pulls me onto his lap. Water sloshes out of the hot tub, but it feels good gliding over my shoulders. “Feels like forever since we’ve been together.”

I cup his face. “I know. With everything going on . . .”

He cuts me off with a finger to my lips. “Tonight is about you and me. Let’s not think about anything else.”

“Okay.” I hook my arms around his shoulders and move my hips in small circles over his lap. “You and me.”

His eyes burn with need and I know mine’s doing the same thing. I want him, need him. Knowing I almost lost him makes me not want to take anything for granted. I want to hold on tight and never let him go. There’s no imagining a world without him. Resting my forehead to his, I breathe him in. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he murmurs back.

Before I can say anything else, he covers my lips with his, exploring me with his tongue. His fingers grip my waist, hard and possessive, as he holds me tight against his burning skin. I moan into his mouth, then suck his lip between my teeth.

Jake growls with need and pulls his lip away. He holds me in place, leaving me completely at his mercy. “As much as I love you teasing me, I don’t think I can take it anymore.” He sucks and bites my lip until the pain of it makes me gasp. It’s a good pain that makes everything between my legs tingle. “Ride me, Ellie.”

“You don’t have to ask me twice.”

By the time Jake and I are done with rounds two and three, I’m exhausted. It’s two in the morning and we’ve just hopped out of the shower and climbed into bed. My mind slows down, and I can feel sleep approaching, but then a loud crash downstairs jerks me awake. The alarm goes off and Jake jumps out of bed. Heart racing, I get out of bed and slide on my pajama pants, while Jake fetches one of our guns out of the safe. Even though it’s dark, I can see the fear and rage on his face.

“Stay here and lock the door,” he growls low. I rush toward the safe, but he grabs my arm. “You’re not coming with me.”

“Why not? If it’s Bryan, he could already be in the house.”

He kisses me hard. “That’s why you need to stay here. Lock the door and call the police. Hopefully, they’re already on their way.”

As much as I don’t agree, I do as he says and lock the door behind him. Bile rises in the back of my throat and my body shakes with chills. Jake knows how to handle a gun, and he’s strong, but I don’t want him going up against Bryan. Not when Bryan has shooting skills and has been trained in hand to hand combat.

Grabbing my phone, my fingers tremble as I press on Owen’s name. He’s the one I know will come to us the fastest. The line rings, and his voice is low when he answers.

“Ellie, what’s the matter? You okay?”

“Someone’s here. In the house,” I reply, sounding panicked. “There was a loud crash and Jake’s downstairs with a gun. Please come as fast as you can.”

“Calm down, Ellie. I’m on my way.” He hangs up and I call the police. They already have someone dispatched to our house. Luckily, Owen is closer to us than the police station. He’ll get here sooner.

I hear footsteps downstairs, but so far, nothing as far as gunshots or fighting. Car lights flash outside and I look out the window to see Owen’s truck slamming to a halt on the street in front of our house. Hopping out, I see he’s in pajama pants and a white undershirt. Gun in hand, he takes off around back.

I open the bedroom door and rush downstairs. Our dining room window is busted and there’s glass everywhere with a giant stone on our kitchen table.

“He’s in the woods,” Owen shouts, his voice echoing outside. “Stay here with Ellie.”

Gun in hand, Jake opens the kitchen door, and when he sees me, he huffs. “Dammit, Ellie. What if Bryan was in the house and he tried to take you?”

“Then I’d fight him off.”

Gunshots ring out in the night air and I scream. Jake hovers over me and pushes me to the floor. “Shhh… Don’t move.” Three more gunshots come from outside, but it doesn’t seem to be targeted toward the house.

All I can hear is the sound of my pulse pumping in my ear and Jake’s thunderous heartbeat. Tears stream down my face. “What if Owen’s hurt?” I’m the one who called him to help us. I’d never forgive myself.

“He’ll be fine,” Jake assures me.

Blue lights flash from outside and a hard knock vibrates the door. Jake helps me up and I sit on the couch while he lets the police inside. I don’t recognize the two deputies. Jake talks to them and shows them to the dining room, but all I can think about is Owen, and hoping like hell he’s okay.

About two minutes later, he charges through the door, his pajama pants wet and dirty from the snow. I run over and throw my arms around him. “I was so worried about you.”

“I’m okay, Ellie.” He pats my back and lets me go. Jake and the two deputies join us in the kitchen. Owen nods at the two men and shows them his badge. “The assailant got away. I fired a few warning shots, but it was too dark to see. We have reason to believe it’s Bryan Snyder, one of your own.”

One of the deputies, a young man around the same age as me, with black hair and green eyes, nods. “I’m aware of that. I’ve already contacted Detective Bradshaw. He’ll be here shortly.” He looks at the other deputy and nods toward the door. “Let’s see if we can find anything outside.”

They go outside, and Jake puts his arm around me, kissing the top of my head. “I can’t believe that fucker was here.”

Owen huffs and holsters his gun. “I can. He’ll be back too.”

“What are we going to do?” I ask, feeling the cold, drafty air billowing in from the broken window.

I look up at Jake, who’s looking at Owen. It’s as if they’re having an unspoken conversation and they’re both on the same page. More blue lights flicker through the kitchen door and Owen goes to open it. Detective Bradshaw walks in, his eyes red from what I assume is lack of sleep. He shakes both Owen and Jake’s hands and nods at me.

“I have more men patrolling the roads. Whoever it is won’t get too far on foot.”

“We already know who it is,” Owen snaps.

Terry nods. “We have speculation, but no actual proof yet.”

“I want Ellie to go into protective custody,” Jake blurts out.

With a loud gasp, I turn. “What?”

He grabs my face in his strong grasp. “It’s what’s best. Until that fucker’s found and locked up, I don’t want you anywhere near here.”

I shake my head. “What about you? You’re the one he’s tried to kill. You have to come with me.”

“He can’t,” Owen says, placing his hand on my shoulder. Jake’s hands slip from my face and I look up at Owen over my shoulder. “If Jake disappears with you, we might never catch Snyder. With Jake being here, then Snyder will probably hang around here to get at him.”

“But that’s exactly what I’m worried about!” I hiss angrily, turning back to Jake. “What if something happens to you and I’m not here? I don’t want to be across the country with someone I don’t know, not knowing what’s going on here.”

“You won’t be with someone you don’t know,” he murmurs.

Brows furrowed, I stare at him. “What are you talking about?”

He glances over at Owen and sighs. “I want you to take her away. You’re the only one I trust to keep her safe.”

Eyes wide, I turn to Owen. He looks down at me and nods. “I’ll do it.”

Tears run down my cheeks and I bury my head against Jake’s chest. “I don’t want to leave you,” I cry.

His hands run soothingly up and down my back. “I know, cupcake. It’ll all be over soon. Until then, I need you away from here.”

“What if I say I’m not going?”

He pulls back. “If you don’t go, I’m going to strap you into Owen’s truck and force you.” There’s pain on his face, but his eyes convey the truth. He’ll literally throw me over his shoulder and make me go. Brushing his thumbs over my cheeks, he wipes away my tears. “Please go. For me.”

“I’ll go home and pack a bag,” Owen says.

Still holding onto Jake, I glance back at him. “Okay. And I’ll do the same.”

Owen shakes the detective’s hand again. “Keep me updated, Detective.”

Detective Bradshaw nods. “Keep your whereabouts to yourself. I don’t want any information getting back to Snyder. He still might have access to everything. He was always good with computers.”

Yes, he was. I remember in college when he’d offered to change my C in Calculus to an A. Of course, I’d said no, but I knew he was capable of it.

Owen squeezes my shoulder. “Be ready in an hour.” He walks out, and the timer is set. Jake pulls me into his arms. “Come on, I’ll help you pack.”

I shake my head. “I just want you to hold me. There’s no telling when I’ll be back.”

It’s the dead of night and I’m leaving my house. There are cop cars in front and behind us, with Jake in the driveway, watching us leave. I’m exhausted to the point I can’t even think straight. I know I’m not going to see him for a while, but I don’t think it’s fully hit me yet. I keep my eyes on Jake until I can no longer see him. The farther away we get, the more my heart hurts.

“This will all be over soon, Ells,” Owen says, his voice sounding so far away.

I’m in the backseat of his truck, hidden from sight, in case Bryan’s around . . . watching. With all the cops around, we’re hoping not.

“Where are you taking me?” I lean my pillow against the door, but I know I’m not going to be able to sleep. The whole backseat is filled with mine and Owen’s stuff.

He glances back at me. “Right now, we’re headed to Richmond, Virginia. We’ll stay for a night and move on, just in case Snyder realizes you’re gone.”

“God, I hope they catch him. I’m not staying on the run for the rest of my life.”

“I know, Ells. Why don’t you lie back and get some sleep? We have a six-hour drive ahead of us.”

Lying down on my pillow, I slide the untraceable phone Owen gave me out of my pocket. I can’t have mine because Bryan could easily track it. I want to call Jake and hear his voice, but I know he’s still busy with the police. All I know for certain is that sleep is definitely not in the cards this evening.