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SEALed Outcome by Marissa Dobson (12)

Chapter Twelve: Welcome to Montana

Two days later, Allyson stepped off the plane in Montana with Trever by her side. The sky was painted with pinks, yellows, and blues as the sun sank into the horizon. It seemed fitting to the new life she was beginning here. Patrick strolled down the plane steps, his suit jacket unbuttoned, and a smile spreading across his face. After they stopped in Chicago, Patrick had insisted on flying with them back to Montana instead of them waiting for a commercial flight. It had given Allyson time to catch up on all the changes in Patrick’s life, though it had also denied her the opportunity to spend some private time with Trever. Something was different about him since his visit to the jail and she couldn’t put her finger on it. He said everything went fine, that Vezio wouldn’t be a problem for them again. If that was true, what was on his mind?

“I’m afraid this is where we go our separate ways.” Patrick held out a hand to her.

She ignored the hand and wrapped her arms around him. “It was great seeing you again and thank you for everything.”

“Even for giving that pipsqueak the keys to my jet to come find you?” Patrick joked and glanced back at his brother. “I’m not sure I believe this whole story about the gangster after innocent Allyson Mason. I think he was trying to con me into letting him use the plane as a way to seduce you.”

“I assure you that I didn’t even know about the plane until after…” Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. “Umm…”

“On that note I’m going to get her out of here.” Trever slipped his arm around her waist. “I believe she’s sleep deprived.”

“Yeah, that must be it.” She bit her lip. “Sorry, Patrick, I umm…”

“You’re beautiful when you’re embarrassed.” He laughed. “I’m glad you two reconnected and I expect an invite to the wedding.”

“Get out of here before I steal your plane again.” Trever’s voice was tight as he eyed his brother.

Was it her imagination or did Trever tense at the mention of a wedding? She tried not to read too much into it. Trever whisked her away, heading toward the parking lot, a porter directly behind them with their bags.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him.

“You wanted to stop by Ethan’s and visit with him so we’ve got to hurry.” He tipped his head to the porter and slipped some money from his pocket. “Just throw the bags in the bed.”

Stifling a yawn, she paused next to the truck as he opened the passenger door. “It’s been a long day and I think we need to talk. Can we just go to your place?”

“It’s not as nice as whatever accommodations Ethan has for you at his place.”

“I don’t care as long as you’re there.” She stepped closer to him and placed her hand on his chest. “I want to curl up in your arms and sleep. I know I’ll be safe and right now I really need that. But if you don’t want me there then take me to Ethan’s. Maybe we can get together tomorrow or something…” Those words tightened her throat. Was she losing him again?

“Get in.”

Unsure where they were going she did as he asked. He was her ride and Ethan had already done enough she wasn’t going to call him to the airport to pick her up because Trever wouldn’t take her back to his place. He walked around the front of the truck and a moment later he climbed in next to her, started the engine, and pulled out of the parking garage without a word.

Every second of his silence rubbed another layer off her nerves. Looking out the window, she felt like she was watching as her world crumbled under her fingers and she wasn’t sure what to do to make it better. Now that Vezio wasn’t a threat, was that it? Would Trever leave again? What happened to everything he said at the cottage?

“Maybe it’s best you take me to Ethan’s.”

“The fuck I will.” He sped through the streets until the buildings rushed by her in a blur. “You said you wanted to come home with me and you will.”

“You don’t want me there…” He hadn’t said it but the silence spoke volumes. Or was she reading too much into it?

“Bullshit.” His grip tightened on the wheel until his knuckles turned white. “I want you with me, always.”

“What changed?” She pressed her back against the door to look at him. “What happened with Vezio? If he isn’t an issue then what is? Because something is different.”

“Vezio won’t cause you any problems as long as your paths don’t cross again.”

He made a sharp turn, fishtailing the truck enough that she grabbed hold of the dash. “Damn it, Trever, slow down before you kill us.”

“We’re almost there.”

“We’re not going to make it if you get us into an accident.” Her stomach roiled as he skidded to a halt, turning into a parking garage. “Where the hell are we going?”

“My place.” A moment later they were parked on the second floor of the garage and he turned to her. “You wanted to be here.”

“Do you want me here?” The distance between them made her need to hear him say the words. She needed to know this wasn’t a mistake. That everything that happened in Texas wasn’t just because they had been caught up in the moment. “Trever”

“Fuck it.” He slid across the front seat until he had her pinned between him and the door. “I love you, Allie. I knew that before I left to deal with Vezio, but when I left him I realized something.”

“What’s that?”

A woman strolled past them, eyeing them suspiciously as she climbed into a car further down the lane.

“I don’t want to go back to the way things were. I want you in my life. Today, tomorrow, next year, and a dozen years from now. I want you as my wife. Marry me, Allie.”

“What?” Her jaw slacked and her mouth fell open.

“Marry me. We’ve been apart for years and I don’t want to spend another day away from you. I want you in my life in a permanent way.” He took her hands into his, interlocking their fingers. “There’s never been anyone else for either of us. Not seriously anyways, and not anyone we’ve loved like we love each other.”

“It’s been forty-eight hours since you found me again and you…you’re proposing?”

“Can you actually sit there and tell me that you don’t want this? That you’re not still in love with me like you were before?” He paused waiting for her to answer and when she didn’t say anything he nodded. “I thought so.”

“We’re different people than we were then.” Even as she tried to explain why this was insane she wanted to say yes. It’s what she wanted years ago and what she had always hoped would happen. Someday he’d leave the military behind and would come back to Texas, back to her.

“We’re smarter and we know what we want. I stood there knowing you were in danger and I knew I couldn’t let you go again. I want you in my life forever. The marriage license is a piece of paper, but I want us to have it. I want to shout my love for you from the rooftops, to do it in front of our friends and family. Most importantly, I want you. You’re my other half and you hold my heart. Say yes, I know you want to.”

“This is crazy.” She let out a light, nervous chuckle.

His hands cupped the sides of her face. “The best decisions in life are crazy. Allyson Marie Mason, I once told you I couldn’t promise you the forever that you deserved, but I was wrong. I can’t imagine life without you by my side. You are my forever and the woman I love. Will you marry me?”

“Yes.” A tear rolled down her check and she nodded.

Screw crazy. If all of this taught me anything it’s that life is too short. Grab your forever with both hands and hold on.

He pressed his lips against hers, claiming her and steaming up the windows.

A knock on the window had a shriek ripping from her lips. Trever pulled back, his hand going under his seat, pulling a gun from underneath and he pressed his finger to his lips warning her to be quiet.

“Are you guys getting out of the truck tonight?”

“Fuck, Ethan, are you trying to get yourself killed?” Trever reached over and hit the button for the window. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“After I spoke with you earlier I figured you wouldn’t be coming over tonight. I wanted to make sure Allyson was okay.” He placed his arm on the window frame. “Hi, cuz. He treating you okay?”

“You asshole.” Trever grabbed an empty soda bottle from the cup holder and threw it at Ethan. “You’re interrupting something.”

“You mean a marriage proposal?” The corner of Ethan’s mouth curled up into a half smile and he glanced at Allyson. “So what did you say?”

“You knew?” She glanced at Trever and then back at Ethan.

“He didn’t tell me. I overheard it all while I was waiting for you to get out of the truck.” Ethan grabbed the door handle, pulled open the door, and gestured to the bags sitting on the ground. “You didn’t even hear me grab the suitcases from the bed of the truck.”

“You make it sound like that’s a big accomplishment. Marines are known for sneaking up on people.” Trever pulled the keys from the ignition and tucked them into his pocket.

“It is when I’m sneaking up on a Navy SEAL. You should have been more on guard. What if Vezio’s men followed you?”

“We’ve come to an understanding.” Trever stepped out of the truck. “Since you’ve decided to drop by unannounced, why don’t we continue this conversation upstairs?”

“I’m waiting to find out Allyson’s answer. Are there congratulations in order or not? ‘Cause if not maybe I should load her bag into my—”

“I think there’s something in the water here in Montana.” She glanced at Ethan, before looking over at Trever, and then back to Ethan. “You’re both cocky, nosy, and full of yourselves.”

“Well two out of three comes from us being the best,” Ethan joked.

“The two of you are too much.” She shook her head and started to get out of the truck. “To answer your question, I said yes. But if you say another word, I won’t invite you to the wedding.”

“I’ll risk it.” When she stepped out of the truck he wrapped his arms around her, bringing her in for a hug. “I’m glad you’re okay and I’m sorry about Anthony.”

“Thanks…” Her voice broke and she held onto him for a moment. It was good to see him. The time apart had been too long. She had planned to make it back for their engagement party, kind of as a surprise but also because she was dying to meet Donna. Instead she’d spent that weekend in the hospital with Anthony after he overdosed again. “I look forward to meeting Donna in person. We’ve chatted often enough on the phone I feel like I’ve already known her for years.”

“Tomorrow you guys can come over for lunch before Trever’s appointment.”

“What appointment?” She glanced back at Trever only to find him shrugging.

“The doctor we spoke about on the phone, he had a cancelation, so I’ve booked it for you. It’s best to get in right away and take care of these migraines.” Ethan stepped back and grabbed one of the suitcases.

“You just want me up to par so you can start dishing out assignments to me. The less you have to worry about the more time you can spend with your fiancé.” Trever grabbed the other bag and slipped his arm around Allyson’s waist. “Ready, sweetie?”

She wasn’t sure, but still she nodded. Walking into Trever’s apartment was the first step into her new life. She’d left everything behind in Texas and was starting over. He was by her side and that’s what she had wanted since they were eighteen. However, starting over again in a new city was frightening. At least she knew a few people there and she wouldn’t be completely alone. A new start on life should be exciting. It meant she could do anything she wanted, so why was she nervous? Maybe it was all she had lost along the way and the people that weren’t there to share this new adventure with her. Her heart ached that her father and Anthony weren’t by her side.

You’ll always be in my heart…