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Breaking Old Habits by Melissa Bender (18)










“Hey, I told you not to pick that up.” Griffin warned, taking the large box of bedding from my hands.

I stood in the driveway with a frown. “I’m able to carry things, Griffin. I’m not pregnant.”

“You could be now. Just don’t lift anything, Ayla. This was why I wanted to get in removalists. They’d be able to do it all for us.” My handsome, hairless-faced man wanted to hire people when we could easily do it all ourselves for free.

Just grinning, I shook my head. “Sorry, baby. I promise not to lift anything again, and why would I want to watch old men lift our things when I can perve on your sexy ass?”

“That’s my girl.” He leant in and kissed me before taking the box of bedding inside the house.

We were moving, if you could not tell.

We have done it. We went and moved into the house Griffin had built for me, together. It was exciting. We had brought new furniture and shopped together for everything. He had made a major effort, promising it would be different. Most of those purchases had been delivered yesterday, and today, we were getting the last of our things from the townhouse. And that was it. We were in our own house that we chose together. Well, we kind of did since he had been asking me questions about tiles and styles along the way, saying it was for the buyer.

All those visits were really him just making sure the builders were on track with the house.

He was putting up the townhouse for sale. It would be a clean, fresh start for us all.

It was a gorgeous and modern home on an equally stunning land. It was very farmhouse like but modern with no dairy. The beach was so close that we could go down there for evening or early morning walks. It was different to his other house we were living in. This one was stunning on the inside with oak floorboards, white walls, and timber beams through the ceiling. It had a large kitchen without the dining room in it. I loved the kitchen, and its dark, handmade concrete bench island and black taps at the large sink. I would not even mention the pantry, which boasted another smaller kitchen. We now have six bedrooms which we could hopefully add to soon. When we walked inside, we instantly fell in love with it. I could see a little toddler running around, and Griffin could see all the places he was going to fuck me.

See? Perfect!

The dining room had sliding doors that opened up to a large deck. Now the view of the city was within our sights, and I knew that we would be spending many nights out there. We stood on the railing, watching the boys who were already off checking out the land, figuring out where they were going to make a BMX track for their bikes. Griffin wanted to get them motorbikes, but I was not convinced that they would be a good idea, as fun as they can be. We were getting those for Christmas.

My parents were not at all surprised that we were engaged. Griffin had called and asked for my dad’s approval the day after he had been caught drag racing, and my father said yes. I could not believe it. Here I thought I was being sneaky when in fact, I had not been at all. They knew.

Griffin walked back down the front veranda steps, passing by Charlie and Paul who were carrying the LCD inside the house. “Don’t drop that. Ayla, will kill you both.”

I laughed, shaking my head. “Yeah, he’s right. I probably will.” I turned to pick up a smaller box and heard a low cough behind me. “You’re kidding, Griffin. What can I lift? I’m not going to hurt myself.”

“Here, take these in.”

I stared at him, unimpressed as he gave me his phone and wallet. “If I wanted, I could ignore you and carry something in.”

“You could”—he said in a lower voice, coming in closer—“but you won’t because, in the back of your mind, you’re too afraid to.”

He was right. My subconscious was afraid that I was pregnant with no idea again, and I did not want to risk anything this time. I only had one tube left, I needed that.

Snatching them up, I took his things and pretended to huff. “Fine. I’m going to start putting some things away. Can you ask the boys to come put their clothes away for me?”

“Yes, Mum.” He smirked, patting my ass as I walked inside.

The boys both came running inside the house, and I raised a brow, peering around the kitchen island where I sat on my knees, putting away a box of baking trays. They both looked at me with wide eyes. They knew what they had done. “No running in the house, remember?”

“Sorry,” they both grumbled together, going back to the back door and walking in again.

New house, new rules. No running, swearing, fighting, or slamming doors. Also, no Karen. The last one was the most important. She comes in, and I’ll be out for good, I told Griffin that

He would make sure never to let that happen if he knew what was good for him.

When they walked into the kitchen again, Mack sat up on a yellow bar stool. “Dad said we had to do as you told us, and if we didn’t, he’d get the belt.”

I laughed. Yeah, empty threats worked well. “Did he really say that?” Suddenly, I was imagining my fiancé holding a belt in his strong hands and snapping it. Oh, how I remember those days well. Except the belt was hitting my arse as he pulled my hair from behind.

Toby nodded, sitting up beside Mack. “Yeah, but we know he’s kidding. He said if we help really well, we might get a bike each.”

“Oh, did he just said that?” I asked. Of course, he bribed them with a motorbike. “Well, all I would like you boys to do is unpack and hang up your clothes then you can go play.”

“Play? We’re not five, Mum.” Toby laughed and got up to go to his room. Mack followed, just grinning.

I would never get used to that. We had sat the boys down on the couch and announced our engagement to them. Mack asked if they had to call me mum, and I told them they didn’t. There was no way I would put that kind of pressure on them. Forcing them would only end in resentment, and that was something I did not want.

Toby then mumbled that if I would let them call me that, they would want to. I never expected that.

Of course, I said yes, but only if Griffin did not mind. It kind of turned him on, and he has been calling me that as well.

Karen had practically disappeared since we started moving out. She never once came to the house and have not even called. It was… dare I say, nice? Touch wood. I was not going to jinx this quietness from her.

Hours later, I closed the pantry door and bumped into Griffin's chest. His arms were instantly around my body. “Finished? I could think of a reason for us to go back in the pantry.” His breath felt hot on the nape of my neck.

I nodded, trying to focus and turned in his arms, ignoring the innuendo to go for a midday quickie. “I’m finished. All that’s left is to make our bed, and then the house is complete.”

“Don’t make it, We’re only going to mess it up again.”

“But…” I have a new cover and everything. “I went to Adairs. It’s really pretty. I love our bedroom.” It was a haven for just him and me.

“No buts especially tonight. You’re going to need to hang on,” he said.

Oh, I could not wait.

Charlie walked in, grabbing a bottle of beer from the fridge and cracking it with a sigh. “What a day. Definitely deserved this.” I could not stop picturing him as a swinger. “Want one, bro?” he asked, grabbing another for Griffin.

My man took it with a nod. “Cheers. The women back yet?”

Maggy and Helena were at the store, grabbing some food for tonight. We were having a kind of housewarming party with friends and family, except for Griffin's parents who suddenly called this morning and told him they were unable to make it.

They would regret that. It was not just a dinner they were missing.

“Oh, hey. Guess what?” I said, slapping his chest as I forgot to tell him about my earlier call. “I got fired.”

“What?” His frown was back on. “When?”

“Like three hours ago. Mum called and told me I was no longer needed. She has sold the café, and the new manager heard about my fight. So I was pretty much fired.” I was not happy about it. I loved that job. “You want to know the reason?” It was a great one. “Someone called and put in a complaint that I got violent in the bathrooms.”

“Fuck off,” Griffin said, almost growling. “You’re kidding me?”

“She threatened to sue if they didn’t fire me. Well, look who now is jobless.” I hated that I was not working. It gave me something to do. God, I hated Karen with a passion. “She offered me a job at the new café in Mosman only forty minutes ago.”

He pulled me to his side. “I’m sorry. Is the new café something you want to do?”

“No, it’s okay.”

“Probably for the best, anyway.”

I eyed him, trying to take the drink from him, but he moved his hand higher in the air. “You’re just saying that because you’re happy I no longer have to work with Harvey.”

“He kissed you.”

“I thought it was a peck?” I teased.

“I should go break his jaw,” he muttered and took a mouthful.

Laughing, I patted his chest and turned to Paul as he walked in to join us. “I’m going to make our bed. Enjoy your drinks, boys.” They had earned them after all the hard work today.

“I told you not to make it,” Griffin called out, and I just laughed, ignoring him.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, I got a fright when Mum walked in holding a metallic, silver spotted cushion. “I think these were just too lovely to pass up. They’ll go well with the new couch.”

“Thanks, Mum.” She did not leave the room, and I raised my brows. “What’s up?”

“Did I hear the boys calling you mum earlier?”

Oh, boy. “You did. They’ve done it since we told them we were engaged.”

She nodded, gazing at me with that motherly look. “You’re happy, yes?”

I groaned. Please don’t start this are-you-sure talk now. “Yes, Mum. I’m very happy, and I love the boys. If I didn’t, then we all wouldn’t be here starting a life together.”

“What about Karen?”

“I don’t know. She’s been quiet. I think maybe she’s going to stop harassing us and be nice for once.”

“Well, all I can say is it’s a darn shame his parents didn’t come by to help. I feel sorry for Griffin.”

In a way, so did I. It must be tough to have parents who were judging you for everything you’ve done or thought you always needed to do better, be better. I got lucky with mine. Even if I screwed up, they were always there for me to offer comfort and support.

When Mum left, I stood up and closed the bedroom door. I needed some privacy right now.

Dialling his number, I called Harvey for the fifth time this week. He was not answering me and barely spoke to me at work. It rang, and I sighed, tossing my phone aside after leaving another voice message. How could he just tune me out like this? He had been there for me constantly when Griffin and I were having troubles, and now that I was back with him, he was not to be heard of.

Men are so frustrating.

Fixing the bed, I made my way outside where the others were and took my spot on Griffin's lap. His arm wrapped around my waist, drawing me in closer… or maybe he did that, so my boobs were close to his face. You never knew with this guy.

“Are you nervous?” I asked, running my fingers through his hair.

“A little.” He shrugged. “I guess. The judge didn’t really say much to give any indication what the verdict would be.”

“I don’t see why you won’t get half the custody. You’re a good dad, and the boys want to be here.” It was a fair proposal: one week here, one week there except Griffin did ask that he not pay Karen during the weeks he had the boys. His lawyer strongly agreed.

Placing a kiss to his temple, I just sat listening to them all talk. Then the conversation went to Griffin and his racing charges. He got off lucky with just six months’ probation period and the loss of three points and a fifteen hundred dollar fine. He was not going to do anything wrong in the way of the law anytime soon.

Karen had been so sure he would suffer and do jail time, but as Griffin pointed out, she had no proof. Besides, it was a one-time event. There was no proof of anything—even of those poker nights he attended. There was no sign of him being involved. He pled guilty to speeding but fought the reckless and hoon charges.

With the fire pit burning a heated flame, we brought out some fruit and cheese platters, kind of a pre-welcome dinner fix. Mack was inside when I went to grab another box of crackers and some dips. He came up licking his lips hungrily.

“Yum, can I have some please?”

“Course.” I glanced around, making sure we were not going to be overheard. “I want to talk to you for a moment.”

He looked nervous, and his eyes lost contact. “Am I in trouble?”

“What? Course not, unless you’ve put a hole through your wall already?”

He and Toby got into a massive fight early morning last week. We had woken up to a startling bang, and Griffin found an Xbox controller hanging out of the wall. Apparently, Mack had a temper when pushed enough. He was grounded from reading Harry Potter for the remaining two days he was with his dad.

“No, I haven’t.”

“Good. Now, I want to know when you’re going to talk to your dad about a certain something. You can’t keep this from him forever.” Griffin needed to know, and this secret made me feel guilty for hiding it from him.

His eyes grew wide. “You can’t tell him. Please, you promised.”

“I know I did, but you need to tell him. Soon, he would hate to find out through someone else.” He would be more hurt by that. “Promise me that you’ll tell him soon.”

“Okay, I will.”

I shook my head. “Not good enough. Promise me.”

Looking up, he nodded. “I promise, Mum.”

Ahh, melts my heart.

Good, about time. “Good boy.” I reached over and handed him a bowl full of chips. “Take this out for me.”

As I walked out, Griffin was on his way in with an empty bottle of beer. He winked and grabbed hold of my hand, pulling me back into the kitchen. He dragged me willingly down the hallway and towards our new bedroom.

Closing the door, I began undoing my jeans. “What do you think?”

“You’re sexy as fuck.”

Giving him an eye roll, I pulled down my panties. “Not me, the bedding. The room?”

He looked around as I lay naked in the middle of our bed, my thighs spread and inviting him into me. Then he began pulling his shirt off and working on his jeans. His eyes still on mine, he glanced to my pussy and then back up again. “Like I said, sexy as fuck.”

His cock thrust in with such force that my eyes rolled to the back of my head. My back arched slightly to let him in me deeper as I slid up the bed, wrapping my legs around his hips and slamming my hips back down on his cock.

I was so close to coming when I heard a noise. “Someone’s coming.” Oh, the irony.

“No.” Pausing, he glanced towards the door before looking back. The footsteps faded and went away. “It’s okay. Keep going. No one will come in.”

His rhythm continues, pulling in and out slowly as our bodies met thrust after thrust until his strokes turned violent, uncontrolled, and raw. Our mouths kissed deeply, and our hands grasped skin as we moved together. Tightening around him, I let go and lost myself in him. I grabbed his ass and pushed him in deeper as I grind up and down against him.

“I’m going to come.” He grunted. “I’m coming.”

My teeth bit into the flesh of his shoulder as I moaned loudly. “Oh yes… Come with me.”

We cleaned ourselves up after that. I nervously giggled, hoping no one noticed we were gone for too long. As I changed into a new pair of panties, Griffin reached inside the closet and pulled out a pair of black dress slacks, a crisp white shirt, and a pair of suspenders. I turned, looking away from him as I continued to put on my panties and bra.

When I turned, he was already dressed and doing up his shoes as he sat on the edge of the bed. Tying his last lace, he sat watching me dress. God, this man in those clothing… damn.

Definitely husband goals.

“Can I help you?” I asked, walking over to the walk-in robe and pulling out a dress. It was a white backless dress with gold embellishments around the front that went around to the back and hang down along the free falling skirt like chains. It was simple but perfect for this occasion.

I slipped it on easily, and he kept watching me. “Just can’t take my eyes off you right now. You’re perfect.”

“So are you.”

Running my fingers through my hair, I came towards Griffin, unable to take my eyes from him. I scrunched my dress up around my thighs and straddled his lap.

“You’re so beautiful, you know that?” He smiled, his hands holding onto my hips. “I wasn’t too rough with you, was I?”

“Since when did you care how rough you are?” I asked, resting my arms on his shoulders. “You didn’t hurt me. And no. I don’t know, but I do enjoy hearing you telling me that.”

He smiled, but it did not reach his eyes. “What if I lose the boys?”

“Baby, no.” I reassured him, brushing a hand through his hair. “You’re not going to lose them.” I hated that he doubted himself so much as a father. “You need to think positive. It’s all going to work out, and you need to believe that.”

He nodded, resting his forehead on mine. “I know. I just worry. What if I can’t get you pregnant?”

Oh, god. Way to change the conversation. “Griffin, we’ve been trying to get pregnant for like a week. The doctor said within two years is achievable. I’m not expecting anything to happen soon. I’d love it too, but I don’t think it would be easy.” I wished it was, though. “Let’s not worry about that, or you’ll drive yourself crazy.”

“Hopefully,” he mumbled and glanced over towards the clock. “Nervous?”

“Not a chance. It’s almost six,” I whispered in his ear. “We should go tell them what’s going on. Yeah?”

His smile grew, and the sad man was gone. Griffin laughed as I moved from his lap to a standing position, turning and smiling at him as he smiled right back. “You sure about this? There’s no going back.”

I nodded. I was more than ready. “Yes. Come on.”

I held out my hands, and he took them. We walked outside, and I noticed the car pulling up in the driveway. There was no turning back now. I grinned eagerly as Griffin went to answer the door and let the woman inside. After a briefing, she followed us outside. I stayed back for a moment while Griffin spoke to everyone.

“Ah, about time. Can I fire up the barbeque?” Charlie asked. “Where’s the meat?”

“You’re not getting anywhere near the meat, not after last time.” Griffin laughed, looking back towards me. He looked incredibly handsome right now.

“What’s going on? When are we eating?” Charlie’s wife asked, frowning. “Why are you dressed up?”

“Soon.” Griffin outstretched his hand to me, grinning widely. “Afterwards.”

“After what?” Bryan asked. His voice came to a halt as his eyes landed on mine. “Oh, fuck you look—”

Griffin replied breathlessly. “Gorgeous.”

My mum gasped, and her hands flew over her mouth as I walked towards Griffin and his hand squeezed mine.

I smiled and finally found my voice. “So are you, handsome.” His side-parted hair and the suspenders… Oh, my. He even added a bow tie. His white sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing his sleeves of tats. Like I said, definitely husband goals.

I was so in love.

“Umm… What’s going on?” Bryan and everyone seemed to have lost their words.

Looking back to Bryan, I answered him. “After we do something, we’ll eat. But for now, you might want to go over to the garden..” The garden had been lit up with a twinkle of fairy lights leading towards a tree where the woman now stood. I could not stop smiling.

Maggy sucked in a sharp breath as she took note of our formal attire. “Oh, my god! You’re not… I can’t breathe.”

“Yes!” Helena clapped her hands together with excitement. “Please tell me you’re doing what we think you’re doing.”

“Dad, Mum… what’s going on?” Toby asked. His smile said it all, though. Mack just grinned.

A new home. A new start. A new life. Together, forever.

Griffin nodded, placing a tender kiss on my hand. “We’re getting married.”