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Make Me Believe by Shiloh Walker (2)

Chapter Three

“Where is my son?”

That low furious female whisper rasped through the halls of Nikolai's rooms and he lifted his head the still child who lay on his bed. Ganessa looked up from Bryan and smiled sympathetically. “She will be so angry.”

“Angry is better than heartbroken, da? He would not have survived such grievous injuries, Ganessa.” Long silken hair spilled like an ebony cape around his broad shoulders as he knelt beside the bed, stroking one hand over the boy's downy golden locks. Nikolai lifted his eyes to study the healer who had come to assist him and he shrugged. “Her anger I can handle. Her broken heart I cannot. And the boy– I love this child. He has a hold on my heart, and has since his birth, first because he came from her, but then because of who he is.”

Ganessa smiled at Nikolai, shaking her head. “I wish you luck. A woman's wrath is a terrible thing. And mortal anger...”

Nikolai arched a brow at her. “I was mortal, Ganessa. Once.” Lowering his eyes back to the boy, he asked, “How is he faring?”

“Well. He is younger than most than are brought into the kin-bond. Elf-kin isn't a pleasant journey to make, but he is taking it better than the older children. He will sleep through it all and wake with no memory of the accident that nearly killed him. But his mama needs to be here when he wakes...hadn't you best bring her here now?” Ganessa asked as she ran mental hands through the boy's spirit and psychic self and her hands over his healing body. Lastly, she cupped her hands over his ears, lingering, wondering.

Nikolai grimaced. “Da. And what a pleasant task I go to.”



When Nikolai's face appeared in the mirror, Chelly had to stifle a scream. She'd hoped he would answer. Had prayed. But so quickly?

“Where is my son?”

Like a voice from a well, Nikolai's voice came echoing and rippling, caressing her ears, Here...with me...healing. Your mortal doctors cannot save him. We can.

“Bring him back.”

Nikolai smiled. There is no coming back. He is he stays. Come and join him or stay there...but he will live, know that, Chantelle.

Chelly could have throttled him. From one kidnapper to another..., she reached out, intending to slam her fist against the mirror before demanding he take her to Bryan. She'd find a way back, damn it, from where ever here was. But darkness swarmed up and caught her, and she fell screaming into it, feeling warm, strong arms come around her and hold her.

And that familiar voice...purring in her ear...At are here. At last. And you will not be finding a way back.



Chelly could smell Bryan, the familiar scent of baby lotion and flannel pajamas and Downey. And pine, musk, the rich, delicious scent of male...familiar. Nikolai.

Her eyes flew open.

Nikolai sat across from her, sitting in a chair, staring at her with dark, brooding eyes. Hungry eyes...a small smile curved his mouth as he studied her, watching her as she pushed up on to one elbow, staring at him with wide eyes. His gaze moved from hers down to her mouth, down the line of her neck, to linger on the curve of her breasts, following the covered lines of body beneath the silk blankets. Chelly felt a hot, slow pulse move throw her loins and a sigh shuddered through her, her nipples stiffening as her sex started to heat.

A soft, muffled sighing sound came to her ears and Chelly tore her eyes away from Nikolai. With a cry, Chelly threw back the blankets and stared down at Bryan, who lay in the bed beside her, curled up on his side, knees drawn up to his chest, face cuddled into the pillow as he sighed in his sleep. And he held his beloved bear, a ragged, much repaired little stuffed creature she had received from her mother when he was born. The bear she had left at home... “Bryan...” she whispered raggedly.

Though he couldn't hear her, it never stopped her from talking to him, even as he slept. Bryan had been born deaf, and he would die deaf, but he was a smart, precocious little boy and he was learning in time with other kids his age, he just needed other tools to help him learn. Chelly started to reach for him and pull him to her, but her hands faltered and slowed and she settled for just stroking his brow after she remembered his injuries. “You can't keep him here. He needs--”

“Your boy is fine, healing quite well. Pick him up, hold him. You need it.” Nikolai rose in a slow, fluid motion from his sprawl and lifted Bryan in strong, gentle arms, placing him in her lap even as Chelly stared at him, sputtering blankly.

“He is fine.” He covered her lips with two fingers and whispered, “Da, he is fine. Look at him, with your eyes. Not with what you saw last.” As Chelly watched, Nikolai unbuttoned the small one's pajama top, revealing a small plump body, free of all bruises, scrapes, scars. Which was impossible.

How?” Chelly asked, running her hands over Bryan's smooth skin, reaching back to probe the back of his scalp where a four inch gash had been sutured closed. No sutures. No so gash. No scar. Nothing. Like it had never happened. “This isn't possible. What in the hell is going on?”

“We healed him. Well, Ganessa did. She is a Healer among us.” Nikolai's eyes dropped and fell away and Chelly felt her belly drop to her knees. Something wasn't right—

But then, a soft muffled little voice whispered against her neck, “Mama?”

“Oh, baby...”

“Mama, I can hear...they fixed me all better...” and Bryan lifted his head away from her neck and smiled up at her with eyes that glowed, just barely.