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A Cowboy's Baby (The McGavin Brothers Book 11) by Vicki Lewis Thompson (20)

Chapter Twenty

What a miracle. Emma had never expected to see Gage again, let alone experience…this. They could have been awkward with each other. Tentative. Instead she lay beneath him dazed by the magic that had not disappeared. Instead it had grown stronger.

He held her gaze. “This is so perfect. I almost hate to move.”

She smoothed her hands down his broad back. “But I love it when you do.”

“I remember that.” He rocked his hips, easing out and sliding back in. “You used to make noise.”

“So did you.” She sucked in a quick breath. That slight bit of friction had set off little explosions, hints of what would soon follow. “But that was winter, windows closed, my place.”

“Don’t worry.” He drew back and pushed forward. “We’ll manage this without bringing the house down.”

“I’m not so sure.” She clutched his hips and arched into his next thrust. “That feels really good.”

“It’s supposed to. Otherwise folks wouldn’t bother.” He continued the leisurely pace. “Ready to take it up a notch?”

“I could be persuaded.”

“Mm, a challenge. I like that.” Resting his weight on his forearm, he maintained the gentle rocking motion as he cupped her breast. “You used to like being touched here.”

Her breath quickened. “Still do.”

“I can tell.” He began a slow massage. “You’re squeezing my cock.”

“And you like that.” Everything was coming back, as if they’d parted days ago.

“Sure do. But I don’t want to come. Not yet.” He toyed with her nipple. “Ladies first.”

“That’s right. You never—”

“Point of honor. And it’s time.” Leaning down, he drew her nipple into his mouth.

The double assault of his sweet suction and the steady rhythm of his cock sent her flying over the edge. Her jubilant cry was cut short when he abandoned her breast and covered her mouth with his.

A moment later he lifted his head and gave her a chance to gasp for breath. “Noise level.”

“I know.” She gulped for air. “I forgot.”

“Then I must have been doing something right.”

“Quite a bit right. I was in outer space.” Gradually she stopped quivering and peered up at him. “But you haven’t—”

“No, but I will.” He seated his cock more firmly inside her as his hot gaze roamed her body. “I could almost come just looking at you, all pink and sweaty from your climax.”

“I’m dripping. Did we sweat like this before?”

“Maybe not. It was winter.”

“This is sort of erotic, getting all slippery.”

“The earthy aspects of life.”

“Yeah.” She smiled. “Down to basics.”

“Uh-huh, and speaking of that, remember how you used to wrap your legs around me?”


“I want you to do that. Tuck your heels against the small of my back. Open up for me.”

“Here goes.” She lifted her legs and crossed her ankles over his hips. “How’s that?”

His chest heaved. “You can’t imagine how great that feels.”

“Probably not, since I don’t have your equipment.”

“No, you have complimentary equipment.” Slipping his hands under her hips, he lifted her slightly. “This’ll go fast, but I intend for you to—”

“Don’t worry about me. Just go for it.”

He smiled. “Does all this sound familiar?”

“Yes, yes, it does. Nothing changes, does it?”

“Oh, plenty of things have changed. Just not this particular discussion.” He gazed at her. “You will come. You always do when I put the pedal to the metal. You like it fast and furious.”

“I like it any way you dish it out, cowboy.”

“I remember that, too.” He began to move, slowly at first, then faster, holding her gaze as he ramped up the action. His heaving chest glistened and his voice was rough with passion. “Hang on.”

She gulped for air as her quivering body began spiraling out of control. “I’m…with you.”

“I know.” His breathing grew ragged. “I can feel you tightening. So good…” He gasped and bore down. The bed began to shake. “Now, Em. now.”

Yes! She erupted, shoving her fist against her mouth to keep from yelling. Pleasure rolled through her, one glorious wave after another. Then he pushed home once more and shuddered, eyes squeezed shut, air hissing through his clenched teeth.

The pulse of his climax blended with the lazy undulations of hers as she gradually drifted down from that incredible high. His big body trembled. Throwing back his head, he took a deep breath.

When at last his gaze met hers, he took another long breath and lowered her hips to the bed. Then he began to smile, slowly, his dark eyes filling with happiness.

His smile triggered hers. “Doesn’t get any better than that.”

His eyes sparkled with mischief. “In that case, maybe I should pack up and vamoose. Quit while I’m ahead.”

“Can I reword my comment?”

“Please do.”

“That was a good start.” She unwrapped her legs from around his hips, but he remained tightly wedged between her thighs. “What’s next?”

“I was thinking along the lines of something like this.” Leaning down, he settled his mouth over hers. “Mm.”

“Mm-mm.” She tunneled her fingers through his damp hair and savored the sweetness of an unhurried post-climax kiss. No agenda other than the sensual delight of mouth-to-mouth communication.

With Gage, kissing was an end in itself. He could turn the sensual dance of lips and tongue into an art form, and she was the lucky recipient of his talents. They’d often topped off their lovemaking this way, a gentle wind-down after a boisterous interlude.

She drifted in a romantic haze as he made love to her mouth. Then gradually he changed the action from deep and stimulating to light and playful as he nibbled on her lower lip. “You taste better than a hot fudge sundae.”

“That’s saying something.”

“I know.” He lifted his head and gazed down at her. “Hungry?”

“Little bit.”

“I am, too. I’ve worked up an appetite.”

“You haven’t had anything since that sundae?”

“Only your delicious kisses. How about you?”

“The same.”

“I brought wine.”

“I saw that. Fancy bag, too.”

“Let’s have some. And eat our sandwiches.” He dropped a quick kiss on her mouth. “But first I need to take care of the little raincoat.” He eased away from her and climbed off the bed. “I’d forgotten how undignified the last part is after we do this with my boots on. And FYI, it was a lot darker in your bedroom.” He turned away from her and shuffled into the bathroom.

She smothered a laugh. “Thank you for granting my crazy request.” Grabbing her PJ top, she pulled it over her head before sliding off the bed to search for the bottoms.

“Don’t get me wrong,” he called from the bathroom, talking over the sound of running water. “Totally worth it. It’s not a bad tradition, just awkward at the end.” His boots thumped to the floor. “I’m taking them off, though.”

“You can take off anything you’ve a mind to.”

“Gonna keep on my briefs and jeans for wine and sandwiches.” He came back out as she was pulling on her pants. “I see you had a similar thought.”

“Yep. And I’m going to duck into the bathroom and wipe off the mascara.”

“I’m growing fond of those raccoon eyes.”

“You’re such a flatterer.” She slipped past him and went into the bathroom. “Yikes. This is what you were looking at the whole time?” She got out some cream and a tissue. “How did you keep a straight face?”

“I wouldn’t have cared if you’d painted your face purple.” He leaned in the doorway. “You wanted me. That makes me one damned lucky guy. Besides, you really are beautiful no matter what.”

She chuckled. “Thanks.” Wiping the last of the mascara away, she tossed the tissue in the trash and smiled at him. “Let’s have dinner.”

“I’ll get the wine.” He walked over to the door and picked up the bottle. “It’s kind of ironic that we never drank a beer together or shared a bottle of wine, since you were a bartender.”

“That wasn’t something I wanted after serving drinks all night.” She crossed to the kitchenette and picked up the shirt he’d tossed onto the table. At least it was white so it could probably handle bleach.

“And all I wanted was you.” He pulled the wine bottle out of the bag. “I haven’t tried this one but Michael says it’s good.”

“Is he a wine expert?” She tucked his shirt next to the coffee maker on the counter and took the sandwiches out of the compact refrigerator.

“Guess so. He’s co-owner of the Guzzling Grizzly, so he needs to stay up on things like that. Got a wine opener?”

“I’m sure Mrs. Stanislowski would think of that.” She opened a drawer. “Yep.” She handed it to him before unwrapping the sandwiches and taking two plates out of the cupboard. “Michael’s in the bar business?”

“The GG is way more than a bar. I’m fully behind this alternate dinner plan, but it means you don’t get to see the GG. I’d almost say it’s the heartbeat of the town.”

“Really?” She put the sandwiches on the plates and carried them to the table along with a couple of napkins. “Must be a lot bigger deal than the little place where I worked.”

“Well, the town is smaller than Great Falls and the bar is bigger than the one where we met, so yes, it’s a big deal here. The Guzzling Grizzly is the only place in Eagles Nest where you can buy a drink.”

“Cornered the market, did they?”

“I doubt it was intentional, but yeah. I can’t imagine anyone competing with them.” He pulled the cork from the bottle. “They have good food, live music and a dance floor, plus a Country Store that sells GG merchandise. Oh, and prints of my dad’s scratchboard art is for sale there, too.”

“Sounds like a happy place.”

“It is.” He opened a cupboard and took down a couple of glasses. “Sorry you’re not there, instead?”

“Not on your life.” She’d enjoyed admiring the play of muscles as he’d opened the wine. Might as well get the full benefit of his shirtless situation. She walked over and wound her arms around his neck. “If we were at the Guzzling Grizzly, I couldn’t do this.” Nestling against his broad chest, she gave him an open-mouthed kiss.

With a muffled groan, he slid an arm around her waist, set the bottle on the counter and drew her in his arms. Mm. Warm chest, strong arms, hot mouth.

The kiss quickly heated up. Cupping her bottom, he pulled her against the bulge in his jeans and lifted her off the floor in a move that was deliciously familiar.

She did her part by wrapping her legs around him as he carried her back to bed. This time he got rid of his jeans and briefs while she shimmied out of her PJs. They tossed back the covers for a change.

Tumbling onto the soft sheets, they rolled around on the bed, laughing and fondling each other with increasing urgency.

Finally, Gage reached over and opened the bedside table drawer. “Time to get serious.”

“Can’t. Having too much fun.” She pinched his butt, which was temptingly on display.

“Hey.” He shifted to face her. “Just for that, you get to open this and put it on.”

“It won’t fit. Not on my thumb, or my big toe, or my—”

“Put it on this, smarty-pants.” He pointed to his very erect cock.

“Oh, that. It does look in need of being contained. It might ‘splode any time now.”

“No kidding.”

She ripped open the package, tossed it away and rolled on the condom. “Happy, now?”

“I will be soon. One more thing.” Moving to the end of the bed, he snatched his hat from the bedpost. “I’d count it as a personal favor if you’d put this on.”

“On top of the condom?”

“On top of your head.”

He’d remembered. That was special. “Now what?”

He stretched out on his back. “Climb aboard, please, ma’am.”

She did as he’d asked, settling herself firmly on his rigid cock. “I guess we’ll eat later.”

“No worries.” He grasped her hips. “The wine needs time to breathe.”