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A Highland Moon Enchantment (A Tale from the Order of the Dragon Knights) by Mary Morgan (19)

Chapter Nineteen

Urquhart Castle, Early January 1209

“Two paths. Two souls. Two hearts. One love forged under a Highland Solstice moon, and the journey is now the beginning.”

Warm sunlight danced over the loch, glittering like crystals. Geese flew gently overhead and Desmond watched their movement through the brilliant blue sky. The water lapped gently onward, the only sound in the area. Desmond breathed in deeply, enjoying the peacefulness and leaned against the giant oak tree.

Today he would be wedded to Ailsa, and joy infused his heart and soul.

Recalling the last few weeks, he rubbed his hand over the ache in his thigh. Upon returning to Urquhart, he found he could barely make it across the entrance. The wound to his leg so severe, complicated by the loss of blood, had weakened him enormously. It took two Dragon Knights to carry him to his chamber. Then another week before anyone would let him leave his bed. When he showed no signs of fever, they allowed him to take his meals by the hearth.

There was only one request before complying with their demands. He asked for Ailsa to take her evening meals with him in his chamber.

Desmond chuckled softly and brushed a hand over his chin in thought. The first evening, Bran escorted her and dined with them. On the second, Tam and Cathal entered with Ailsa. They proceeded to discuss numerous herbal remedies for sores, blisters, and the pox. Soon, he and his beloved found their appetite lacking, and the meal quickly ended. He let out a groan when on the third day, Fiona appeared with Hugh in her arms. For an hour, his sister babbled on about the babe’s eating habits and fits of temper. At one time during the conversation, Ailsa paled when Fiona spoke of childbearing. Then the meal ended abruptly with Hugh wailing.

The fourth evening saw the other wives descend, along with their children. Not one morsel of food touched his lips during the meal. Each time he reached for bread, cheese, or a chicken leg, one of the children asked for a bite. Though he was smitten with them all, several considered it polite to sneeze, cough, or rub places on their bodies before reaching for a piece of his meal.

As the fifth night approached, Desmond found himself restless. All he wished for was time alone with his beloved. Yet, when his brothers, Niall and Brian walked into his chamber that evening, he could not have been happier to see them. Stunned, he found their sister had arranged for them to be magically brought to Urquhart for the wedding. The rest of the night was spent drinking, feasting, and talking until dawn.

Desmond would treasure that night forever. And so each evening afterward, Ailsa and her father dined with him and his brothers. Stories were shared, and a bond was formed between the O’Quinlan and MacDuff clans.

“Are ye sure this is what ye want?” Niall asked quietly coming alongside him. “Ye shall be missed in Navan. I ken ye love the lass, but to remain on the island, ’tis harsh.”

Desmond folded his arms over his chest and smiled. “For the first time in many, many moons, I can say for certain this is what I want in life. Aye, I will miss ye and Brian—the people and our land. This is my path, and I love Ailsa fiercely. We will train warriors to not merely help the Fianna, but King William.” He swept his gaze outward to the water. “My journey has led me to her.”

“I am beginning to think our Fee is a seer. If not for her, ye would have returned home with us.”

A chill brushed over Desmond, and he looked at his brother. “Truly. I must thank her.”

Niall clamped a hand on his shoulder. “I am proud of ye. Will ye meet the Lion of Scotland?”

Desmond shrugged. “I dinnae fathom it will be anytime soon. When his men arrived with a message from the King, the letter stated he was riding south.”

“And the Cameron?”

His voice hardened ruthlessly. “He went in chains with the men to Stirling.”

“Do ye think it wise they leave him there? Does not King John control the castle?”

Arching a brow, Desmond laughed. “’Tis a battle still being fought. For now, I dinnae care what dungeon they place him in, only that he remains there.”

Brian approached on the other side of Desmond, along with the Dragon Knights, wives, and family. Each embraced him with words of good cheer before stepping back.

Laughter pealed out from the gates of Urquhart, and Desmond lifted his gaze. His heart stilled, and he straightened. There Ailsa stood. Graced in beauty, her gown of ivory and gold glimmered in the sunlight with her hair trailing down around her in soft waves past her waist.

Desmond adored her. Never would he be parted from her again.

Watching as she strolled across the bridge and toward him, Desmond smiled. As her steps brought her nearer to him, his heart swelled. Their gazes locked, and she reached for his outstretched hand. Placing it on his chest, he whispered against her cheek, “Beauty beyond words, mo ghrá.” She brushed a kiss over his lips, and he inhaled her sweetness.

Ailsa drew back and placed a hand on his cheek. “I have never seen ye more handsome,” she uttered in a throaty whisper.

Tucking her hand in the crook of his arm, Desmond led her down to the water’s edge. There would be two binding vows, one here at Urquhart and the other on Ailsa Creag. Cathal was chosen to oversee the one here, and Tam would do the blessing on the island.

Stepping forward, Cathal inclined his head slightly to them. “Though both your journeys were fraught with struggles, the path to love was greater. The Gods and Goddesses favor the union of the house of O’Quinlan and MacDuff. A stronger alliance will come from this joining.”

Closing his eyes, Cathal lifted his arms upward. “We are gathered in this sacred place of old and new to be witnesses to the joining of Desmond Patrick O’Quinlan and Ailsa Dara MacDuff.” He nodded to Desmond as he pulled out the crimson cord.

Taking Ailsa’s hand within his, he watched as the druid wove it around their joined hands and took a step back.

Desmond brought their hands to his chest. “All that I have is yours. Ye have already claimed my heart. I ken it was lost the moment I saw your face that cold morn.” She laughed softly and he continued, “My world shifted, and ye took me inside yours. I will cherish ye always—protect ye with my life. When the storm clouds invade, I shall be there to bring the light and help ye push them away. I will love ye even when I take my last breath, for my soul is bound to yours.”

Tears misted in Ailsa eyes, and she swallowed. Reaching for his free hand, she placed it over her heart. “I made a vow to marry only for love many moons ago and hear I stand professing all I have for ye. Ye are my home—the place I can find comfort and strength. Let our days be filled with love and laughter even when darkness surrounds us. My love for ye steals my breath and warms my soul each time I see ye. We are two souls, but will rule as one. My champion. My husband. My lover.”

Desmond leaned near her, brushing his lips over her face. “Ailsa, Ailsa, ye are everything to me. From the rising of the moon to the setting of the sun. I am yours forever.”

She choked back a sob. “Oh, how I love ye. Kiss me, my warrior.”

His mouth covered hers hungrily, and he ached to be alone with the woman who held his heart. His arm wrapped around her waist, and he deepened the kiss. Breaking free from their kiss, he noticed her eyes had darkened with desire. Leaning his forehead on hers, he whispered, “I long to strip the gown from your body and feel your skin under mine.”

She teased her tongue along his chin. “Ye must be careful, since this is nae my gown.”

He growled low and winked. “Dinnae fear. I can have another made.”

Ailsa started to protest, and he silenced her with another soul-searing kiss.

A rousing cheer erupted from everyone, and Desmond broke free.

Cathal held up his hands to quiet the crowd. Smiling, he went over and placed his hands on their heads. Nodding to both Desmond and Ailsa, he proclaimed in a loud voice, “Let the binding vows be sealed forever, and may we ask the Fae to spread their light and love on your new path as one.” Removing the crimson cord, he gestured his arm outward. “Blessings to Desmond and Ailsa O’Quinlan.”

Once again, cheers broke out, and the glen resonated with warmth and love.


Desmond glanced at his wife leaning against the window in the Great Hall. Neither had slept and they both greeted the dawn after their wedding feast with a mix of happiness and sorrow. Ailsa had grown to love all at Urquhart, including his brothers. They had all fallen under her charm and deemed her worthy. It was a night they would not forget, especially when his brothers blocked their leaving to tell her one more story of his youth. He was sorely tempted to smash a few smiling faces, but they relented after she pleaded with them.

His brothers were smitten.

“Saying farewell is never easy,” he uttered softly, placing his arms around her waist.

She leaned her head back against his chest. “Nae.”

“Yet, I fear the conversation with Duncan and Brigid more.”

“Do ye ken the lad is ready?” she asked, letting out a yawn.

“Aye. ’Tis time for Finn to venture out. His demons continue to haunt him. There are times when the past threatens to pull him down. Especially when he is around Nell or Brigid. He has shared some with me, but I reckon the past rears its ugly head in certain moments, reminding him of how he failed them.”

Ailsa turned around. “But he was a boy of no more than ten winters. How could he have defended them all against a monster as Lachlan?”

“In his eyes, he saw himself as the protector—the man to challenge the evil. In the end, Lachlan sliced off one of his fingers and sent him back to Duncan with a message.” Desmond searched her face. “Ye asked me if he is ready and ’tis a question I presented to the lad. I deem it wise to bring him with us.”

Smiling weakly, Ailsa wrapped her arms around him. “A warrior at such a young age. We will train him well and embrace him as one of our own.”

The doors to the Great Hall opened and Duncan, Brigid, Nell, and Finn walked inside.

“We had hoped to speak with only ye and Brigid,” said Desmond uneasily.

“I requested to be present when ye spoke with them,” stated Finn and gestured for everyone to sit.

Quirking a brow at the lad, he crossed his arms over his chest and took a seat.

Finn clasped his hands behind his back and took a stance, reminding Desmond of another—Duncan MacKay. Grasping Ailsa’s hand under the table, he waited, noting the concerned looks on the lad’s family.

Desmond inclined his head slightly toward Finn.

The lad lifted his chin. “In my conversations with Desmond, I find my journey is beyond the walls of Urquhart—”

Brigid gasped, and Duncan placed a comforting arm around her shoulders. “Continue,” he urged.

“I am asking ye to give your blessing for me to travel to Ailsa Creag with Desmond. There, I shall train and learn the skills of the Fianna.”

Duncan glanced sharply at Desmond. “I reckon you already ken this knowledge?”

“Aye. We have spoken, and I would be honored to take him under my care. Furthermore, he is a lad of thirteen winters. I believe the choice is his.”

Brigid waved her hands about. “What is there that can be learned and not here?”

Finn’s gaze never wavered. “I wish to one day travel with the Fianna. To help vanquish evil in other parts of the land. Father and my uncles might have destroyed the Dark One, but wickedness by others continues to spread. Is it so wrong to want to help others? To wipe out injustices for good? Tell me I am wrong, Mother.”

Tears misted her eyes. “I cannot find fault in your decision, Finn. You have always been wise beyond your years.” Standing, she went to him. “You do understand how deep my love is for you. I may not have birthed you into the world, but you are and always will be my son. I am proud of you. Yet, it does not lessen the hurt of your leaving.”

Finn embraced her. “And ye are the only mother I ken.”

Duncan placed an arm around Brigid and Finn. “Ye were a warrior that night I took ye into my care and now ye go forth to continue your training. I am proud of ye, as well.”

Letting out a sigh of relief, Desmond’s gaze shifted to Nell. Deep sorrow was etched across her face, and pain shone in her eyes as she stood rooted to the floor.

“Ye would leave our home? Ye would leave…me?” Her voice shook with raw emotion.

Finn stepped away from his parents and approached her. “Ye ken this is what I must do, Nell,” he uttered softly.

“’Tis too soon,” she whispered, while tears fell down her cheeks.

Smiling sadly, he brushed a lock of hair from her brow. “There would never have been a perfect time.”

She swallowed and lifted her chin. “Then I shall say my farewells now, for my heart is broken, and I cannae bear to see ye leave.”

“Forgive me, Nell.” His voice and words were strained.

She wrapped her arms around his waist. “Be safe, Finn.” Breaking free, Nell ran out of the room.

Lowering his head, Finn stared at the floor.

Brigid moved to her son and wrapped an arm across his shoulders. “Give her time. This is a shock for her.” She glanced over her shoulder at Desmond. “I’ll speak with Ronan when he arrives and request he bring you with Desmond and Ailsa next Samhain.”

“A wonderful idea,” stated Desmond and reached for Ailsa’s hand.

Straightening from her embrace, Finn shook his head. “Nae. Perchance another time.”

Frowning, Brigid simply nodded.

“I must make ready the horses. The Fenian Warrior is arriving soon.”

Duncan stepped forward. “Let me help ye, son.”

Finn smiled broadly. “Aye, Father.”

Brigid retrieved Nell’s wrap from the chair and hugged it to her chest. Her voice trembled as she spoke, “I do understand why Finn longs to leave Urquhart. Your island will bring him a sense of freedom. But no matter where he flees, the past will always torment him. He must confront, accept, and forgive himself.” She turned her sight to Desmond and Ailsa. “All the training in the world cannot help him unless he releases this demon he carries within.”

Desmond reached for her hand and placed a kiss along her knuckles. “I shall help him.”

She wiped away her tears. “Sadly, there is no one to help him. Finn must travel this journey by himself. Watch over him and when the time comes to visit, please urge him to do so. Staying away from family is not a wise option.”

Releasing her hand, Desmond watched her leave the hall. “What have I done?” he whispered hoarsely into the quiet room.

Ailsa stepped in front of him and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Ye did naught. I reckon the lad would have left his family at some point in time. An opportunity presented itself to him with ye, and I deem ’tis the right path for Finn. Dinnae let his haunts cause ye distress, my love.”

Crushing her to his chest, Desmond held her firmly. “I fear the day when we have our own bairns.”

Ailsa’s laughter was warm, easing the tension from his body. “Oh, husband, let us not worry about bairns for now. If I am with child, we have another eight months to fret.”

Desmond drew her back and his mouth opened in shock. “Na…Nae!”

This time, Ailsa roared with laughter.




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