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A Shadow of Doubt (Texas Oil Book 1) by Dakota Black (11)

Chapter 10

“To be honest with you, I believe that all men should be trained in the art of using implements. This doesn’t necessarily mean that education must come from an outside source. There are many wonderful forums and websites showing positions, methods and providing exercises. For example, using a cane or a switch is very much about the wrist, a snapping action. When using a paddle, position of both the submissive as well as the location on the body need to be taken into account. Masters should take the time to educate themselves in order to use it effectively. Margie, I believe you have a question.”

“Master Gregory. What is your favorite implement to use?”

“Fabulous question, Margie. I have several favorites including the use of a quirt, a rattan cane and my personal favorite, my well-worn belt. Many a butt has been reddened by hard lashes from my inch and a half wide strap.” He sat back in his seat, swiveling the chair back and forth. He wasn’t into the show today, his mind constantly shifting to his drowning business. Thank God, there was only time for one additional question. “We have time for just one more. Let’s see. Who will that be?”

“I have a question.” The words floated just behind him.

Startled, Mitchell turned around and immediately rose to his feet. A rush of adrenaline coursed through every cell in his body. Oh dear God, no.Dani.”

Dani was white as a sheet, her entire body trembling, but he suspected with rage. She walked closer, as if wanting to be heard by the audience. “I said, I have a question.”

“Dani, of course. I’m waiting to hear that question.” Unable to tell what she was thinking, he gripped the edge of the six-foot table, the one he’d used for the radio show since inception. This couldn’t have happened at a worse time. What in the hell was he going to do? How could he explain?

She took several steps forward, her face showing no expression. “Does your current submissive understand what a lying snake in the grass you really are?” When he hesitated, she stood her ground. “Did you hear me or do I need to ask the question one more time?”

“Dani, I’m not lying to you. This is a show. This isn’t real.” He cupped his hand over the mic. “Wait. Please just wait. We need to talk. You don’t understand.”

“This appears to be very real. You have thousands of people hanging on your every word given you’re the expert. Wait for exactly what, Master Gregory? So, you can make fun of your submissive on the air, telling everyone how terrified she is of trusting again? Or perhaps you’d prefer to go right into detail about how inept she is at kowtowing to you? Would that work?” Dani spit out the words.

“That’s not what’s happening here,” he insisted, trying to figure out what she’d heard. The show was just that, a show. While he enjoyed sharing what he’d learned over the years, he wasn’t going to provide any intimate details of his real life on the air. “Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes today’s show. Thank you so much for calling in. Until next Sunday.” He fumbled until he managed to click the cut off button. Every nerve on edge, he kept his eyes pinned on her. “Dani.”

She shook her head, a laugh bubbling past her lips. “And still you go on with the show. So very much like you. You were playing me all along. How did you know I listened to the show? Did your buddy tell you since she’s friends with the chick who lured me here in the first place? Were you searching for the perfect woman to use and abuse, just like all men desire to do?”

“What are you talking about?” He swept his eyes back and forth, searching for answers.

Dani laughed, the sound bitter. “I have been played before, but not to this degree. I just don’t get what you thought you’d accomplish. Poor chick coming from another state, looking for love in all the wrong places? You’re pathetic! I fell into your trap. What is wrong with me?”

Mitchell tossed the earphones and walked toward her. “Dani, please listen to me. Nothing is wrong with you. We have an amazing connection. We share the same beliefs.”

“The same beliefs? All lies. Don’t you freaking dare come near me. I heard what you said. Mold. Train. What did you call me, brassy and bold?”

“I wasn’t talking about you.”

“Perfect. You have other women, just like I suspected. You lying sack of shit.” She took two steps backward.

“No. There is no one. What you heard was a fabrication. I provide entertainment and nothing more. I fell into the show by accident. I found solace in helping people.”

“Helping people? Is that what you think you’re doing? You’re feeding them lies, nothing more.”

He shook his head, attempting to keep his nerves in check as he took another step closer. “Yes, what I provide is entertainment, but I know what I’m talking about.”

“Right. I just bet you do.

“What you’ve heard isn’t about my real life and never will be. I swear to God.” Sweat rolled down the back of his neck. Now, what had initially been a one-time offer had interfered with his real life.

“I. Don’t. Believe. You.” Giving him another hard look, she turned away, heading for the door.

The words hit him hard and he could tell by the look in her eyes that she never would again. “Dani, please don’t do this. Please allow me to explain.”

“Save your shit for someone who gives a damn.”

Closing the distance, he stood just behind her. “I do care about you, more than you know and when you’re ready, I’ll tell you the truth about everything, but I’m not lying about the way I feel about you. I only ask that you keep this secret. No one knows about this. You can imagine what my enemies would say, let alone the press. I can’t afford to be exposed right now. I’ll make everything up to you somehow. I promise.” As soon as he said the words, he realized he was without a doubt the biggest jerk in the entire world. If he’d only told her the truth, allowed her into his other world.

Dani twisted her head, looking him up and down. “Don’t worry, Mr. Rush. I’ll keep your secret, but I wouldn’t worry about your business. You’re going to be just fine.”


“There’s nothing wrong with your wells, or at least there wasn’t until a chemical compound was mysteriously introduced because the contamination couldn’t happen by the work of Mother Nature. This agent has been used for beneficial research, but when combined with oil, you get sludge. Whoever is out to get you has an innate knowledge of oil production, including another chemical providing a cleaning solution. That’s why the roughnecks haven’t noticed anything. This information should help you decrease your enemy list somewhat. Then again, who knows?”

“Shit, Dani. Thank you. I

“One more thing,” she interrupted. “You’ll have my resignation in the morning.”


Stunned, he stood where he was, wincing when the front door was slammed. He realized he’d been holding his breath when stars floated in front of his eyes. This was the worst possible situation to be in. His hobby, that had taken on a life of its own including thousands of fans, was going to be his demise just as much as his crumbling business. He placed his hand over his heart and sagged against the table. Running after her was an option, but what good would it really do?

He turned toward the computer and microphone, anger boiling in his system. Whoosh! As the contents of the entire table was tossed to the floor, the laptop smashing into the wall, he threw back his head and howled. His entire life was worth nothing.

However dire his situation, he refused to go down without a fight, including for the woman he was falling in love with. He was going to find out who had betrayed him. The why simply didn’t matter. When he did, he’d annihilate the competition, one way or the other. He grabbed his keys and walked out the front door. Past time to take matters into his own hands.

Mitchell threw on his helmet and guided the Harley out of the garage. He hadn’t been on a ride in over a month due to his workload. This had once been his drug, an intoxicating method of freeing the demons haunting his every waking moment. He’d pushed them aside, believing he was free of the menacing night terrors, monsters lying in wait, hungry to feed on his very soul. He’d all but forgotten who he was, preferring to believe he’d found his way.

Inhaling, he savored the scent of gasoline as he revved the engine. As he lowered the clear shield, he thought about his past and the decision bringing him back into Hell. Regrets? He’d made a promise to himself he’d never have them.

He was wrong.

As he gunned the engine, accelerating quickly, he hunkered over the handlebars, maneuvering the bike as if melded into the hunk of steel. He zoomed out of his driveway and onto the street, taking the corner as if riding on rails. He continued to accelerate until he was going well over seventy. Wind whipped past as he continued to ride, his heart racing as he headed for the only location able to provide peace.

Memories from the past rolled into the back of his mind, flashing images of damning moments, a lifetime of dread and foreboding. He’d left everything behind, seeking a different future, one he could control. When the call came, the wretched argument the same as always, he’d pushed back refusing to fall prey to his father’s games. The choice had been simple. The implications destructive.

Now, he was destined to pay for his choice, much like his precious Sarah had. Tears formed in his eyes as he pressed down on the gas, zipping past several slower vehicles, zigzagging back and forth, daring fate to take its ugly course. He no longer cared whether he was dead or alive. Nothing mattered.

His adrenaline kicking in, he swung into a turn and almost careened into an approaching van, avoiding the accident by mere inches. His emotions and perhaps his entire life was out of control. As tears streamed down both sides of his face, he allowed her sweet face to interrupt the sea of garbage and could swear he heard her laughter, lilting and full of life. She’d been joyous, protected early on from the sins of his father.

Then everything had changed and dragged her into the darkness. She’d fought, but the sweet girl had no strength to empower the woman inside or to battle the brute of a man his father had turned out to be. Slowing, he eased to the side of the road to catch his breath. Yanking off his helmet, he wiped his eyes and glared at the afternoon sun. He’d made his choice. Now, he’d have to live with the ramifications.

Half laughing, he brushed his hands through his hair before donning the helmet once again. He studied the sign, remembering the day they’d brought her here as if the ugliness had occurred only yesterday instead of years ago. Nodding in reverence, he eased down the gravel road, parking under a large oak tree.

When he climbed off the bike, he stood still, studying the vast landscaping. There was nothing but a sea of green marred by concrete blocks, colorful flowers and a few trees. He was ashamed he hadn’t been for so long, but Sarah wasn’t here, not in this horrific place. She was in his soul, his heart and forever in his mind.

His legs heavy, he walked down the cobblestone path knowing exactly where he was going. Mitchell stood gazing down at her gravesite, his mind reeling with thoughts and wishes from so long ago. “Hello, my sweet sister. I’ve missed you.” As he crouched down, he traced her name with the tip of his index finger, feeling close to her.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been here. Things have been crazy at work. I’m certain you’re very glad you didn’t get mixed up in the nightmare.” He studied the small group of flowers, recently placed in the small holder. Someone had been visiting her gravesite, keeping her memory alive. Anger furrowed just beneath the surface, but this time directed at himself. He should have been the one to provide fresh flowers every week, daisies, her favorites. Instead, he’d found excuse after excuse not to come.

“I’m so sorry. I wished I could have done more to help save your life. I would have gone to the ends of the earth had I known.” Dropping his head, he wept, allowing the tears to fall to the ground. She never liked to see him cry, always chastising him for his sadness. If she only knew.

“I’ve failed you and for that I can never forgive myself.” Closing his eyes, he pushed aside the ugly memories preferring the sacred ones he kept locked away, precious times shared when their father was out of town on business. He’d give every dollar he’d acquired through blood money to have her back.

As he sat down, crossing his legs, the same sense of peace washed over him, as if she was touching his face and telling him everything was going to be okay. Nothing was going to be all right ever again.

“I thought I’d find you here.”

Mitchell snapped out of his cocoon and twisted his head, angry given the intrusion. “Zach. What are you doing here?” He softened and gave a half smile.

“I went to your house, you left the garage door open. When I noticed the Harley was gone, I knew where you’d gone. You’re a creature of habit, my friend.” Zach tilted his head, glancing around the cemetery. “Sarah would have liked the location. Trees. Flowers.”

Exhaling, he rose to his feet. “Sarah enjoyed what was really important in life, something she tried to teach me since we were children, however, I’m glad she’s not here to see the demise of the company.”

“She never wanted to be a part of Rush Enterprises. Your father only used her as a pawn when you left town, refusing to have anything to do with the family business,” Zach insisted. “You forget. I remained here, bearing witness to your father’s insanity.”

“Maybe so, but the weight he placed on her, the burden of learning to run the company was too much for her.”

“She was much stronger than you think. She believed in you, cared about what you wanted so she tried. She did everything in her power to make things work. She might have succeeded if your father wasn’t such a fucking jerk.”

Mitchell eyed his friend, growing restless. “Maybe so, but I never would have left had I known what the asshole was going to do.”

“You need to forgive yourself once and for all, Mitchell. Sarah wouldn’t want you living your life a shadow of a man.”

Snorting, he folded his arms. “I have no life.”

“Come on. Stop with the feeling sorry for yourself. You can get through this with the company. Besides, I have news.”

“Not necessarily the company I’m worried about.”

Zach lifted a single eyebrow. “Trouble in paradise with the lovely engineer?”

“Let’s just say she found out about the radio show.”

He burst into laughter. “Did you really think you could keep that a secret for long? Every woman I talk to or am friends with listens to that show. Hell, I’ve even caught it a couple times. Can’t say I agree with everything you say but, you’re famous, dude.”

“Stupid of me to think I could hide the inevitable. Dani doesn’t understand. I doubt the Board of Directors will either.”

“I know you have a meeting with them in the morning.”

“How do you know that?” Mitchell asked, his hackles raised.

“Camden called me. He said you weren’t prepared.”

“We shall see. He believes the Board is going to ask me to step down.”

“And will you?” Zach asked quietly.

Mitchell debated the answer. “You of all people know the difficult decision I had to make when my father wanted the two companies to merge. He knew I was a damn good challenge for him. He realized that my skills were superior both in dealing with employees and influencing market shares.”

“But the choice was one you had to make.”

“So, it would seem. Why are you here? What news is so important that you had to find me?”

“You were right. There were three deaths in the last eighteen months at the Steele site, all of which were labeled accidents, but there were questions that appear to have gone unanswered.”


Zach shrugged. “You were right. In talking with the Cherokee elder, the tribe believes that their deaths were indeed a result of asking questions about unsafe practices. They even tried to get the police involved, but you know the old boy’s network. Everybody looked the other way. I have a feeling, payoffs were offered as well. Nothing I can prove, just my gut.”

“You mean they were murdered.”

“It would seem.”

“And old man Steele shoved this under the rug. No wonder I received a threatening call.”

“What?” Zach took a step forward. “When did this happen?”

“Yesterday. I think Dani got too close, asked too many of the right questions.” He eyed his friend, allowing the information to sink in.

“Mitchell, that could mean her life is in danger. You’re high profile and there’s no way to hide your murder, but Dani is expendable.”

He debated the concept. “I think whoever is behind this is after me at this point. They have no idea she took a second reading on the wells.”

“She did what?”

Mitchell noticed the odd flash in his friend’s eyes. He’d allowed the information to slip to a man he thought he could trust. What if he was wrong? “Nothing has come of them yet. The official report clearly states we have an issue. I think she’s stretching in an attempt to find another answer.”

“Interesting though. If she has an independent sample tested and the results contradict the first two, there will need to be a full investigation.”

“I’m well aware of that. I believe the honest answer to all of this is that I didn’t act on adequate due diligence prior to the sale. My judgment was clouded.” He studied Zach’s expression, looking for any outward change. Trust was vital and he had no way of knowing how far reaching the ruse had gone. However, he was certain someone or some entity was out to take over the company. Now, he had proof. “Did the elder say anything else?”

“Just that the site is cursed.”

He let out a long breath and nodded. “Well, my friend. You were right. I have some work to do before tomorrow. Did you find out anything on Nash Waters?”

“Other than he has a prison record from several years ago.” A smile curled on the corner of his lip.

“Wow, also well hidden, but not necessary a deal breaker. Many of the men hired have some sort of record for barroom brawls.” The man could be working for Steele, but his guess would be whoever was pulling the new puppet strings.

“Attempted murder.” Zach tilted his head.

Mitchell inhaled. The news was fascinating indeed. Nash was the perfect candidate for extortion as well as murder. Had Camden known? “Something to keep in the back of my mind.”

“Well, whatever you’re going to do, you need to act quickly. I have a bad feeling about tomorrow.”

“You and me both.”

“There’s one more thing,” Zach said as he squinted toward the sun. “There was a call made to the press. Seems no one was willing to tell me who, but you were set up.”

The game was shifting into high gear and this was, without a doubt, a game. As much as he hated even thinking in this manner, he realized there was only one person he could trust implicitly at this moment. There was one way of getting to the bottom of what was really going on. Unfortunately, time was of the essence. This was going to take every ounce of maneuvering and convincing to find the truth.

He only prayed it wasn’t too late.

* * *

“What are you doing here?” Dani demanded when she opened the door. She hadn’t anticipated seeing Mitchell until she had prepared her resignation. When his intoxicating scent wafted across her nose, she held her breath. She refused to allow her feelings to interfere with her decision.

“I know you don’t want to see me but I need your help. You’re the only one I trust. May I come in?” He looked over his shoulder, glancing up and down the street.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea. We’ll talk tomorrow.” Her hand shaking, she attempted to close the door. Trust. She certainly couldn’t trust him.

“Dani. Please.” Placing the palm of his hand on the wood, he pushed and inserted his foot past the threshold.


He shook his head. “I can explain about the show, but right now, I must be able to trust you with regard to Rush. This is important and we’re running out of time.”

Hearing the angst in his voice, seeing the way his eyes held a look of jaded determination, she inhaled, debating. Whatever was going on, she did want to get to the bottom of it. There was no doubt. “Fine. You can come in but you’re not staying.”

When she closed the door and walked away, he remained where he was. “I need you to pack.”

“Excuse me?”

“We’re going back to El Paso, but no one and I do mean no one can know about this.”

“What are you doing?” This was totally unexpected.

“Taking matters into my hands.”

“I’m not going anywhere with you.” Turning toward him, Dani folded her arms as she shook her head. The audacity of this man was amazing.

Mitchell took a step forward. “You’re right in that something is terribly wrong but not just with the test results. Several men did die at the Steele site. The information was covered up and my suspicion is by whoever Mr. Steele has been or perhaps still is working with. They’re trying to implicate me personally for purchasing the site, no doubt for collusion.”

“Collusion? That doesn’t make any sense, Mitchell. From what I know about you, you’re a risk taker but you’re certainly not stupid. This other business venture requires the Steele site to be on the up and up. I doubt, given your vehemence, that you’d risk everything you own.”

“You’re right. I wouldn’t. I’m not going to jeopardize everything I’ve worked so hard to achieve for a boost in the industry or any amount of money. However, my guess is the Feds will look at this a different way and if this goes down like I assume it will, there will be an investigation into operations and me personally,” he said quietly. When she didn’t say anything, he continued. “There were three other companies vying for the site. Bidding was tough. The other firms were far better equipped to handle the increased volume. Why did they sell to me? Because someone convinced old man Steele that they could keep me quiet?”

Laughing, she looked away. “Then they certainly didn’t know you very well.”

“I realize nothing makes any sense.”

“It does if the person behind this entire scheme is the one gaining from the losses at Rush including your demise.”

“True.” Mitchell groaned and tipped his head back. “That’s why the trip to El Paso is so important.”

“This is very personal. This reeks of vengeance.”

“I do have enemies in the world of oil.”

“No, I mean very personal.” She thought about his words as well as everything he’d learned. He sounded so sincere, caring about his reputation as well as the possible loss of his company. “Let me ask you this. Why not sell this company to someone else?”

“Money. Blackmail. The Indian curse. All of the above. Mr. Steele may have been a pawn, but that’s something we need to find out.”

“What do you propose to do?”

“Find the truth. I need to confront Nash Waters and the roughneck you talked to.” Mitchell shook his head. “The truth. An interesting concept.”

“Truth is vital in my world.”

He inched closer. “As it is in mine, Dani. No matter what you believe. I’m many things, but I am an honorable man.”

She took a step back and closed her eyes, wanting nothing more than to believe him. “Who do you suspect is involved?” He seemed to contemplate the question. “You’re terrified of the answer.”

“Of course, I am. I’ve worked hard to get where I am, refusing to play the kinds of unscrupulous games other men in my position have. Certain critics, and there are more than you can imagine, have called me a fool more than once. I refused to change the man I was. There are two people from my past I call my friends and thought I could trust them with my life.”

“And now?”

“I’m no longer certain if I have any friends. That kills me, Dani. You have no idea.”

“I think I do. When you allow yourself to trust implicitly, even against your own better judgment, and you’re wrong, there’s nothing worse.” The biting words seemed to hit him between the eyes.

Mitchell walked closer, his expression blank. “While I understand your anger toward me and will accept your resignation with regret, I’m asking you to wait for a couple of days. Help me with this. Please. I’ll ask no more of you.”

Dani swallowed hard as her heart skipped. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She wasn’t supposed to have fallen in love. “All right. I’ll help you.”

“Thank you. There’s something else that you need to know. I feel your life could be in danger.”

Opening her mouth, she sputtered as the understanding settled in. “Because of my discussion with Mr. Sanchez or the fact I took additional samples?”

“My guess would be both. I was threatened the other day and they were clear about you being a target. I can’t take that chance. I won’t place your safety or life in harm’s way so if we go to El Paso and anything goes wrong, I’m putting you on the first plane back to Dallas.”

Swallowing hard, she was taken aback by his vehemence. “I’ll be fine. I can take care of myself.”

“I don’t think you understand what’s at stake. People have died, good men. I doubt this asshole will allow you to stand in the way.” Mitchell allowed the words to hang. “Let’s not jump to conclusions. I think we have the upper hand. If we leave now, we can talk to Mr. Sanchez before the morning, confront Nash at the office, then we may have our answers. I’m ready to go to the Board with every scrap of information as well as evidence. I’m also prepared to step down in order to avoid anyone getting harmed.”

“What if they don’t want to talk?” she asked quietly.

“I have certain methods of persuasion that I will use if necessary,” he said, his words chosen carefully.

A shiver trickled down her spine. “Don’t do anything you’ll regret.”

He placed his hand on her arm, his thumb rubbing her skin. “I would go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe.”

Dani had no idea what to say, but for the first time, she could see past the prowess, the mask he’d so carefully placed years before. She believed him. “Let me grab some things.”

“Good,” Mitchell said, relief flooding his face. “By the way. I will try and change your mind about resigning.”

She half laughed as she turned toward her bedroom. “You can try.” Her life was in danger? She thought about the fact she’d had the sinking suspicion that she’d been followed from his house, but was she merely reacting to her own concerns and heightened emotions?

Hissing, she yanked the small suitcase from her top shelf, chastising her thoughts and behaviors from the night before. She’d allowed the man to get close, breaking through her personal barriers. He’d known the score, had heard all about her wretched past and had taken full advantage. Or had he?

As she yanked out a selection of clothing, unsure of what to bring, her mind drifted to the roughneck she’d talked to. The man had certainly wanted to talk with her more, but had clammed up when… She stood at her full height. The moment Nash had entered the room. She hadn’t paid but so much attention before, but now? After grabbing the last of her things, she trudged into the bathroom, shoving makeup and toiletries into a case.

She didn’t have to like Mitchell, but she hated to see the man go down for something he didn’t do. As she glanced into the mirror studying her reflection, she could only see the jaded and hurt woman, the one fearful of taking any chances. After lifting her hand and issuing her middle finger, she snorted before turning out the light. This would be another interesting trip.

“Are you ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” She dropped her case then moved to grab her purse, just as her phone started to ring.

“Remember, don’t tell anyone where you’re going and I mean no one. We have to keep this on the down low. In fact, we’re taking a commercial flight and it leaves in a little over an hour. Time is of the essence.”

“You’ve thought of everything.”

“I don’t want anyone alerted to our whereabouts,” Mitchell half whispered.

Seeing the exhaustion on Mitchell’s face, Dani allowed herself to touch his arm, giving comfort. Being a man in power, no matter how ruthless, must be lonely. She grabbed her phone and issued a single growl seeing the unknown caller status. Hair stood up on the back of her neck.

“What’s wrong?”

She shot him a look before answering. “This is Dani.” While she could hear some static on the other end of the line, there was little else. “Hello, can you hear me?” About to hang up the phone, she stopped cold and turned in Mitchell’s direction, her mouth going slack.

Mitchell narrowed his eyes and walked closer.

“Get out of town, sweetheart. You’re way out of your league.”

“And what if I don’t?” Dani hissed, her blood boiling. She heard another laugh followed by what sounded like a gun being cocked. She held her breath, listening to the background noises. The various clicks and whirs didn’t seem natural.

“Who is it?” Mitchell whispered.

“I asked you a question. What the fuck did you say?” She felt her heart thumping into her chest. The voice was disguised, but very male, the tone a deep base. “How fucking dare you!”

“Mark my words. Get out while you still can or pay the price.” The man continued to laugh, the sound reverberating into the phone.

Lifting her head, she studied Mitchell’s eyes and could almost swear the voice was similar to the one she’d heard on the radio—Mitchell’s voice. Her questions hadn’t been answered directly. What if Mitchell was forcing the Boards’ hand? What if he was behind the entire ruse, wanting nothing more than to force the company to be sold? What if he wanted to get her alone? No. This was insane. Mitchell wasn’t a monster. However, nothing was making any sense.

“What is it?” Mitchell eased in front.


She held the phone to her head, fear turning to anger. “A warning. You were right. You must be close to the truth because whoever is doing this wants me very dead.”

* * *

…whoever is doing this wants me very dead

The words continued to play in the back of Mitchell’s mind, digging at every notion, perhaps his sanity. Zach and Camden, both men who could gain from the demise of the company, but were they capable of condoning murder?

The plane landed in El Paso just as the sun was setting, the sky laced with vivid hues of tangerine and fuchsia. Mitchell refrained from grabbing her hand as they made their way through the airport and toward the Hertz car rental kiosk. He’d been lucky to get two seats on the American flight and booked a rental car with a company he’d never used. Even with the few security measures in place, he studied everyone at the airport. Using the private plane would have been far too easy to track.

They remained quiet until they were in the car. Then he turned toward her. “Do you have Mr. Sanchez’s phone number? We’ll call him on the way and arrange a meeting.”

“In my purse.” Dani fastened her seat belt before searching through the leather clutch.

He hesitated as he looked out the windshield, wishing they were going away for a couple of days, time spent getting to know each other. “Why don’t you just ask me?” He started the engine. They needed to talk. No, he needed to explain. He cared about her more than he wanted to admit to himself.

“Ask you what, exactly?”

“About the radio show. Ask anything you want. I meant what I said. I’ll tell you everything and I wasn’t lying to you.”

“I don’t have anything to say to you about the radio show. Nothing.”

When she groaned, he looked over. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s not here,” she whispered, her face pinched. “No. Shit.”

“What isn’t?”

“The card. Garcia gave me a card with his name and phone number after I begged him. He trusted me and the damn card is gone.”

Mitchell narrowed his eyes. “Are you certain you had the card in your purse?”

“I had it when I came to your house and…” Her words trailed off. She jerked her head and moved closer to the passenger door. “I thought someone had searched through my purse when I was there. I found it on the floor. I… Shit. Mitchell. Camden was there! He was the only one who could have taken the card.”

“How would Camden know anything? Dani, that doesn’t make any sense.”

She yanked off her seatbelt and leaned closer. “Listen to me. You told me Camden hired Nash. I know Nash noticed me talking with Garcia. I saw his face and he was pissed off as hell. Nash knows those oil fields inside and out. This isn’t about ruining the entire site, but about carefully making the entire company tainted. Your stock tumbles. The Board makes a tough decision to sell the company at a rock bottom price, ousting you as the CEO. They appoint a new person in charge and suddenly the Steele site starts producing. Voila. Stock prices soar and the new CEO is an instant millionaire.”

Mitchell shrank back in his seat, his mind reeling. “Possible.”

“Possible? Everything fits together. I know he’s your friend, but this is millions of dollars we’re talking about here. You said yourself that people were willing to kill to keep a secret. What if this secret led to a massive plan? I’m not crazy. You know what I’m saying is true.”

While he didn’t want to believe it, the details fit too well together. “Okay. Let’s regroup before we go off halfcocked. Let me make a phone call. We need to find Mr. Sanchez now. Grab my laptop and try and find the name. He has to be listed somewhere.”

“Mitchell, the name isn’t unique, especially in this part of the country.”

“Do you remember the number, any of the digits?” She was right. Finding Mr. Sanchez in a sea of Hispanics would be difficult at best.

Dani closed her eyes. “Maybe. I don’t know. I just glanced at it. Why can’t I remember?”

“Breathe. Just see what you can find. If your theory is right, he’s a loose end. Several men have already lost their lives. I don’t want another one on my hands.” As she reached over the seat, grabbing his laptop case, he dialed Zach. “Come on, buddy. Answer.” Hearing the click, he held his breath. How much should he reveal?

“It’s Sunday night, my friend. What gives?” Zach’s voice was animated.

“Zach, I need your help. This thing is getting out of hand. Find out if any large sums of money were withdrawn from the company’s accounts.”

“What? Why?” Zach asked, half laughing.

“Just do it. I also need you to find out if any deposits were made to Camden’s accounts.” He heard the glitch in his friend’s voice.

“How in the hell am I supposed to do that? I’m not privy to that kind of information and you know it.”

“You’re an attorney. Figure it out!” Mitchell clenched his fist then exhaled. “I’m sorry. This is important. Whatever is happening is escalating. My guess is that the Board has been tipped off, convinced there are some unscrupulous activities and I’m smack in the middle. They won’t give me a chance to explain without hard evidence.”

Zach sighed. “You actually suspect Camden is behind this fiasco, don’t you?”

“Right now, I don’t know what to believe, but several of the answers keep coming back to Camden. He hired Nash. He convinced me to purchase the Steele site. He has openly admitted he craves additional power, but why would he do this? There is no reason he should betray me. None.” When he heard a hissing sound, he clenched the phone. “What? Tell me. What do you know?” His demands were meant with silence. “Zach. This is my company we’re talking about here, a legacy. I won’t go down without a fight. If Camden is behind this, I need to know.”

“Camden hasn’t been himself. He’s not the man we know,” Zach stated, his voice full of angst.

“Why? What is going on that’s so terrible?” Mitchell closed his eyes, reliving past conversations, trying to see if there were any clues.

“I have a feeling this is about Sarah.”

“Sarah? What are you talking about?”

“Mitch, Camden was in love with her. He blames you for her death.”




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