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A Shadow of Doubt (Texas Oil Book 1) by Dakota Black (12)

Chapter 11

“This is number four on the list. We’re getting nowhere,” Dani said as she rubbed her eyes. They’d been searching for two hours to find Garcia in a sea of men carrying the same name. When phone calls hadn’t been answered, they resorted to drive-bys. They were both deflated, tired and ready to toss in the towel.

“We have to keep searching,” Mitchell said as he gripped the steering wheel, his face pinched.

“Are you finally going to tell me what Zach said to you on the phone?” She’d heard enough of the conversation that she knew this was indeed very personal for Mitchell.

He darted a glance as he stopped at a red light, peering out at the darkening sky. “The final ugly piece from my past.”

“Talk to me. Tell me what’s going on. I deserve to know the truth, all of it. You promised me nothing less.”

He hesitated before speaking. “The truth. The truth is my entire life has been a lie. My father was a tough man. I already told you that. He was also very much an abusive jerk, preferring to beat his wife and children into submission more than anything else.”

Dani eased her hand across the seat, placing her fingers on his thigh and remaining silent.

“My sister was five years younger. She was the darling of the family. God, she was so full of life and love. She was a happy little girl even through the violence, my father’s womanizing. My mother did everything she could to protect her. Sarah believed in love. Puppies and rainbows. I used to tease her relentlessly. I adored her. I protected her. When I failed her, I thought my life had no purpose.”

“How did you fail her?” She noticed a single tear slipping past his lashes.

Mitchell snorted and wiped his eyes. “I couldn’t take the violence any longer. My father beat me into submission. I ran away from everything, especially my family. I left her alone to deal with the wrath of my father. He was a monster and took out my betrayal, as he called my disappearance, on my mother and my sister. One night, Sarah came to me. She’d been beaten by my father but refused to call the police. That’s the way of my family. Keep everything private. She told me our mother was dying. While she didn’t know why, Sarah suspected her heart was broken.”

“Oh God. Mitchell.” She clenched her hand around his leg.


He pressed on the accelerator and glared into the rearview mirror. “Yeah. Another aspect of my life I blame myself for. I went back home, determined to destroy my father. My mother was so thrilled I was around, but everything was messy, sliding straight into Hell. I found out then that he’d forced Sarah into becoming Vice President of the company. I honestly had no idea why she would tolerate his continued behavior. By this point, she was a grown woman with a doctorate degree. She had everything in her power to get the hell out from under his regime. Everything.”

“She stayed because of your mother.”

Shaking his head, he exhaled before pulling into the parking lot of a convenience store. Throwing the gear into park, he hung over the steering wheel. “No doubt. If I’d only stayed then everything, the ugly outcome would have been different.”

“I don’t understand how your father could force her to stay,” Dani whispered as she inched closer.

“Neither did I. I never understood until now.”

“That’s what Zach told you. Isn’t it?”

He nodded. “I don’t know this for certain, but Zach said Camden was in love with Sarah. They’d always been close, but I had no idea how much so. My father loathed Camden. I think he blamed my friend for dragging me away first to college then convincing me to leave town. I came back all right. I was determined to best my father in the only way that would truly hurt the man.”

“A rival business.”

“You bet. My father always had influential friends including the Governor, several members of Congress and even the local law enforcement. They all looked the other way, call after call, when my mother was bloodied from the most recent beating. My suspicion is that my father padded their bank accounts on a regular basis. Not long after I came back, my mother died. The doctors said she died of heart failure not the cancer eating away at her, but both Sarah and I knew the truth. Her body couldn’t take anymore abuse. Sarah was never quite the same, but she did place a shield of armor around herself. She was coming into her own.”

Dani hissed. “What an asshole. I’m so sorry you and your family had to endure so many horrors.” Various aspects of Mitchell’s life were starting to make sense.

“I buried myself in work, making Rush and Dane something to be proud of. After a couple of years, we were making money. Damn, that period of time was so rough, but we endured together. We had a purpose.”

“In other words, you won. You bested your father. Your business thrived after all the hard work.”

“You bet. At least that’s what I thought. After a couple of years, Sarah was able to drag herself away from under my father’s thumb. She was guarded with me, never opening up about her life, but I knew she was in a relationship with someone. I just never figured that person would be Camden. I was a fool.” He laughed and slapped his hand on the steering wheel. “Anyway, our company was doing well so my father came to me when his business started slipping. Imagine that. The old man groveling to the son. I was less than thrilled but Camden convinced me that this was the right thing to do.”

“Merge,” she said quietly. “You decided to merge.”

He nodded. “I thought it was because he was ready to retire, but I think as with everything my father ever did, there was an ulterior motive. I found out later that dear father just wanted a new life in the islands, no doubt with a woman or five by his side. I was so arrogant at the time, I just didn’t care as to the reason why. When the deal went through, the Board opted to have me as CEO, pushing Camden as second.”

“Was Camden pissed?”

“I didn’t think so, but who knows.”

A few seconds passed. “What happened to Sarah?”

“She went away. She’d left my father’s company and found happiness in Denver. We kept in touch at first during the early days. Then she simply lived her life and I did mine. I had no idea that she was sick.”

“With what?”

“Cancer. She never wanted to burden me. She’d always been that way and when she needed me the most, she chose a different path.”

“She called your father.”

Mitchell laughed bitterly. “Yes. She didn’t have health insurance and called my father for help. He placed her in this disgusting hospital for treatment. Sure, he did his fatherly duties and paid the bills, but she didn’t have the care she needed.” He dropped his head, tears falling down his cheeks.

“Oh, Mitchell. You didn’t know.” Wrapping her arms around him, she leaned her head in.

“I should have known. I should have! I was her brother. By the time I managed to get to her, she had weeks to live. Weeks. The cancer had spread throughout her entire body.”

“Jesus. Did you confront your father?”

He held his breath and eased her away, turning his head, his eyes glistening. “I did. I’ll never forget the night. I found him at his favorite country club. We argued in front of everyone. He’d been drinking and laughed at my concerns. He acted like he didn’t give a shit. When he left in a rage, I wished he would die.”

She shrunk back, seeing the horror in his eyes. “He did. Didn’t he?”

“He ran his car into a tree. Died instantly. And you know what?”

“What?” she managed as she brushed the tears from his cheeks.

“I was glad.”

The words hung in the air.

“I understand.”

He gave her a nod. “I felt guilty. Guilty after all the shit my father put us through. Sarah died three weeks to the day after. I lost everyone in my family. I thought I had nothing.”

“Mitchell, you have to stop blaming yourself. You know Sarah wouldn’t want you to continue suffering.”

“No, she wouldn’t, but right now there’s little else I can do.”

Exhaling, Dani nuzzled against him. There was no amount of comfort in the world that could ease his pain, but she was going to try. As they sat quietly, a moment of pure peace settled into her system. She lifted her head and kissed his lips, the intimate touch was soft, more like a sweet caress. “This other business venture?”

“Not likely to happen now,” he whispered and kissed her forehead.

“This has something to do with Sarah. You don’t want anyone else to die in a hospital with no love and less than stellar care.” When Mitchell opened his eyes wide, she knew she was right.

He opened his mouth twice before he managed to speak the words. “I’m purchasing, or at least I was, the hospital where Sarah died. I found out they used to have the best doctors and exemplary medical care, but they lost funding and several grants. The excellent doctors moved on, the facility aged and the state was forced to provide the care.”

Tears slipped past her lashes. For a few seconds words failed her.

“I know, crazy. Huh?” Mitchell laughed half-heartedly and closed his eyes.

She gripped his chin, forcing him to look in her direction. “That is the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard. Amazing. Do you hear me? There is no better way to honor your sister. She would be so proud of you. So proud.” Laughing and crying at the same time, she pressed her lips against his neck, savoring the warmth and the love exuding from a man she wasn’t certain she could trust. Now, she knew better.

“I’m so glad you think so. This became the most important thing in my life. That is, until now.” He eased her back and cupped her chin. “I still want this to happen. The hospital is damn important to me. I’ll fight for it. I’ll give up everything I have, every last dime to save lives, but this will only matter if you’re by my side.”

Taken aback, she sniffed back tears, terrified she’d say the wrong thing. “Mitchell. I was wrong about you in so many ways. You are wonderful and loving. You have a huge heart and I know that you’re going to help the hospital succeed.”

“But?” His eyes were imploring.

“No buts. I just have a lot to think about. This isn’t the time. We have to figure out who’s trying to destroy you.”

“Yeah.” Looking down, he released his hold. “You’re right.”

“You may not want to hear this, but I can’t believe Camden betrayed you, especially not after hearing the story. He may have been in love with Sarah and if he was, he wouldn’t betray that love. Do you understand?”

Gripping her hand, he brought her palm to his lips, kissing tenderly. “You’re an amazing woman. I do understand. If Camden isn’t behind this, then who?”

“That’s what we’re going to find out. We came here for a reason. This number looks familiar. I’m going to call and find out if this is Garcia. Then we’ll continue on. Deal?”


She gripped the phone, counting to five in order to calm her nerves. She’d been very wrong about Mitchell. After dialing, she closed her eyes, praying. When the phone was answered, a single groan escaped. “Garcia Sanchez?”


“Do you work at Rush Enterprises?” The voice on the other end of the phone issued a strangled sound. “Garcia, this is Danielle Montgomery. We met at the Steele site?”

“Yes,” Garcia said after a full minute.

“I’m back in town and I wanted to ask you a few additional questions. Could we meet somewhere? This won’t take long.” She locked eyes with Mitchell as he gripped her hand. Could his best friend betray him over a woman he loved? Anything was possible.

“All right, but not here. Let’s meet somewhere.”


When he gave a location, she breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe now they’d get somewhere.

* * *

Mitchell parked exactly where Garcia had suggested. The dilapidated lot of the small diner was dark and far removed from the main portion of town. Located only a few miles from the oil fields, he suspected this was a place frequented by the employees. They sat quietly, watching the comings and goings of a few cars. Given the industrialized area, they were few and far between.

“What are you thinking?” Dani asked as she peered out the window.

“That I’m glad I told you about Sarah.”

“I am too. Thank you for trusting me.”

He tipped his head. While he was unable to see her expression clearly, he knew she was fighting their connection, determined to hide behind a mask. “Dani, the radio show was a whim, almost a dare from Zach. He knows better than anyone about my lifestyle, my desire to be in an uncommon relationship. I used to prattle on about things I learned on forums. That was during the time Nancy and I were together. I guess I was trying to convince her to consider an alternative lifestyle.”

She shot him a look but remained quiet.

“After Nancy and I broke up, I was devastated, convinced she left me because of my desires. I found out a couple months later she was a gold digger, but that didn’t change the way I felt about her. She was the first woman I allowed into my soul. I don’t know why. We were nothing alike.”

“Then why the radio show? Why bother? You’re a busy man.”

“Release. I’ve asked myself that question several times. After Nancy, I fell into a bottle. Hell, Camden ran the business for six months while I wallowed in self-pity. Zach suggested counseling. When I refused, he found something out of the ordinary from an ad he found online.”

“Radio personality,” she said with disdain.

“Yep. I was a guest one night then the host asked if I wanted to co-host and one thing led to another. He left the business and I inherited the show. Sounds insane, but the show helped soothe my broken heart.” Mitchell groaned. “I was able to enjoy without being involved, something I said I’d never do again.”

She turned her head, her eyes glimmering in the moonlight. “You were hiding.”

Before he had a chance to answer, he noticed a car parking across the street. “I think Garcia has arrived.” He watched as the lights were turned off and could just make out a single person in the car. Whoever had arrived was waiting, perhaps scanning the perimeter.

“Let’s go.” Dani reached for the door.

“Wait. Let’s make certain this is Garcia.”

She leaned across, staring out the driver’s window.

Mitchell inhaled. The scent of her perfume was an intense reminder of the time they’d shared. She could never believe in him or trust he was telling the truth. Somehow, he’d convince her. Sighing, he tried to concentrate. After a few seconds, a man stepped out of the car, lingering after closing the door. “Is that him?”

“I think so. Same height and build. Difficult to see.”

The man shoved his hands in his pockets and looked both ways. He waited for a few seconds before stepping away from his car. The single street light highlighted his form briefly.

“Okay. Wait. That’s him. Let’s go.” Dani eased out of the car, immediately walking toward the road.

Mitchell scrambled out after her. “Hold on. Let him come to us,” he said as he grabbed her arm. They remained on the sidewalk as Garcia walked across the two-lane road. From where they were standing, he was unable to make out the man’s face given he was looking down, his head covered by a hoodie. Mitchell’s hackles were raised, his heart racing.

“Come on. Hey, Garcia,” Dani said as the figure neared.

Stopping short, the man lifted his head. He gave a wave then picked up his pace.

Dani sighed and leaned against Mitchell. “Thank God.”

Mitchell homed in on the roaring sound, a throaty rumble of a large engine. He jerked his head up, looking to the right just as a dark SUV rounded the corner, tires screeching.

Dani jerked forward, stepping off the curb. “No!”

Reacting on his gut, Mitchell yanked her back just as the vehicle drew close. “Wait!”


He stared in horror as Garcia was hit, his body flying up and over the SUV. Landing with a hard thud, he tumbled across the pavement as smoke from the exhaust rolled over him.

“Oh. My. God!”

* * *

“We. Have to. We need to…” Gulping air, Dani raced out into the street, falling on her knees in front of the unmoving victim. She reached out, her hand hovering over the man’s crumpled body. “No. No!” She narrowed her eyes, watching as the SUV picked up speed, tires screeching as they rounded the corner, disappearing. “They hit Garcia on purpose. Dear God, they wanted to kill him.”

Mitchell raced toward her, grabbing her shoulders and tugging her back. “Come on. I’ll call 9-1-1. Get out of the street.”

“I’m not leaving him!” Glaring up at Mitchell, she was shaking, every nerve in her body alive with current. Huffing, she was close to hyperventilating as she stared down at the broken body. The ugly fluorescent light of the streetlamp floated across the glistening stream of blood pooling under his head and neck. “He didn’t deserve this. Why? Why? Garcia!”

Garcia’s eyes fluttered open as blood oozed from his mouth. Wheezing, his chest heaved.

“Just stay still. Don’t move. We’ll get you help,” Dani insisted as she touched Garcia’s arm. She heard a crowd approaching, scattered yelps and moans as people approached the street.

“Honey, we need to get out of the street.”

“We can’t leave him like this!” She hovered over Garcia, praying he’d make it. “He can’t die. He just can’t die.”

Garcia coughed, spewing a stream of blood. His lips pursed, as if trying to form words.

She leaned down, struggling to make out anything. “Just rest.”

“Baa… Not. What. You…”

“What is he saying?” Mitchell asked as he threw back his hand, trying to keep the crowd from advancing. “Stay back.”

“I can’t make it out.” She shook her head as Garcia moaned, his body shaking. His eyelids fluttered several times then he laid still.

Mitchell leaned over, placing two fingers on Garcia’s neck. “Shit. He’s gone. There’s nothing we can do.”

“Nothing? Are you kidding me? No. No! They meant to kill him. That vehicle came right for him.” She heard the exclaims of several voices, no doubt patrons from the diner. She tried to control her breathing as Mitchell dragged her to her feet. “This is our fault.”

“There’s no way anyone could have known about our meeting.”

“Are you so certain?” she spit out as he pulled her to the side of the road.

“I’m not certain of anything.” He tugged his phone from his pocket.

She shivered as she heard Mitchell talking to the dispatcher, the words echoing in her ears. She held out her hand and cringed. Her fingers were covered in blood. A quick look up and down the deserted street indicated no additional intruders. Terror rushed down her spine, mixing with intense sorrow. Did the poor man have a wife and kids? Was the killer after them? She wiped her hands on her jeans over and over again and stared down at Garcia’s haunted eyes. “He didn’t deserve this.”

“Yes, two-seven-five Roberts Street. In front of the All Night Diner. Yes, thank you.” Mitchell groaned as he ended the call. “They’re on their way.”

“As if it matters,” Dani whispered.

Mitchell wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “There’s nothing we can do here. They obviously knew Garcia was meeting us, which means his phone is tapped or he was followed. Either way, we need to get out of here. This was no accident.”

“And leave him?”

He turned her to face him. “He’s gone. This is terrible, but we need to get to safety. We have no idea if this asshole knows we’re here. We have to get to some level of cover. Do you understand?”

She craned her neck to look at Garcia. Seeing his mangled body was nothing but a reality check. “Mitchell. God. What are we doing?”

“I don’t know, honey. I just don’t know.”

“We have to tell the police what we know!”

“And what are they going to say? We have no proof. Nothing. Come on. We can do more good if we continue our search.”

Nodding, she allowed Mitchell to pull her into the parking lot. She heard what he was saying, knew he was right, but the concept was muddled. Unable to feel her feet or legs, she remained stunned as he eased her into the passenger seat. She’d never be able to expunge Garcia’s face out of her mind or her nightmares.

Mitchell settled into the driver’s seat and started the engine. “There was no way of knowing he was in danger.”

“We should have known. We should have guessed. Money. Blackmail. Revenge. What the hell is going on?” She lowered her head into her hands.

“I don’t know what to tell you.”

“Mitchell, I know there was a dark SUV in the Steele parking lot. Whoever killed him works for the firm.”

Mitchell gave her a sideways glance. “It’s a popular vehicle in Texas.”

“Maybe. Christ. What in the hell are we supposed to do now?” she demanded. The coppery scent of blood remained in her nostrils.

“Find out what Nash Waters knows. He’s the only person who knew you’d talked with Garcia. He was also indicted for attempted murder several years ago so my guess is if someone wanted to find a hit man, he’s our best bet.”


“He wasn’t convicted, but if I was to place a bet on the hitman, I’d say he’s tops on the list.”

Turning her head, she gripped his arm. “This is a nightmare.”

He shoved the gear into drive and rolled out of the parking lot. “We’re getting close to the truth.”

“What the hell does that matter? How are we going to stop this?” Dani continued to rub her hands on her jeans.

“There has to be evidence of some kind.”

Evidence. She groaned and swallowed hard, bile remaining in her throat. “Where are you going?”

“The Steele site. There might be some computer files, a paper trail. Anything.”

“You don’t really think you’re going to find anything there, do you?” she asked, her voice strangled. She looked back just as the red lights of an emergency vehicle approached.

“I don’t honestly know, but it’s a place to start.”

They remained silent as Mitchell drove. She rested her head on the passenger window, barely blinking as the lights of the city passed by. She was conflicted, her nerves on edge. Nothing seemed to make any sense but her feelings for Mitchell. “Why do you trust me?”


“Yes. How, I guess. You have no reason to.” She laughed bitterly at the thought. She’d wanted nothing more than to find a new life. This was certainly more than she’d bargained for.

“Because I can see the woman inside. Because I know you have an amazing heart and because…”

When he hesitated, she glanced in his direction, her thoughts roaming. “Because?”

“Because I’ve fallen in love with you,” Mitchell said quietly as he eased the car down a long driveway to a series of gates.

Stunned, she tried to process what he was saying, realizing she’d fallen very much in love with him as well. The irony was cathartic. “I love you, Mitchell. I don’t know what to make of this or anything else, but I know what I feel, but I’m scared and I don’t mind telling you that. This isn’t going to stop. Whoever is out to get you will stop at nothing. I don’t want you hurt or ruined.”

“I know you don’t. We have to get to the bottom of what’s going on one way or the other.” He didn’t look in her direction as he lowered the window, flashing a small card across the security unit. As the gates rolled to the side, allowing them to enter, he sighed. “We’ll get through this. I have no idea how, but I swear to God I’ll stop at nothing to get to the bottom of it.”

Dani wasn’t certain they would or if he could. She held her breath as he pulled around back. Fear remained sweeping through her system.

Mitchell stopped the car, cutting the engine and scanning the auxiliary lot. “Doesn’t appear anyone is here, but if that was an intentional hit, there’s no doubt they’ll come here eventually. Let’s go inside. Just stay alert.”

She climbed out, closing the door with a soft click and walked around to the other side. Suddenly cold, she held her arms and leaned against the car. Mitchell was shoving something into his waistband. “What are you doing?” When he said nothing, she leaned in, her eyes opening wide. “A gun? Mitchell. You can’t be serious.”

“I’ve owned one for years and I know how to shoot to kill. I told you that I was going to protect you and I plan on keeping my promise.”

The conviction on his face was overwhelming. “I don’t want you hurt.”

“And I don’t plan on that happening. Come on. Let’s do this quickly.” He grabbed her hand and moved toward the front, scanning the parking lot every few seconds. After sliding his card and opening the door, he took one last look before ushering them inside. “I suggest you search the paper files in Nash’s office first and I’ll get into the computers and see if I can find anything including email strings.”

“Won’t somebody know you’ve been searching?” Dani heard the fear in her voice.

“They may but I’m hoping that isn’t going to matter.”

“What are you hoping to find?”

Mitchell turned on a small desk lamp. “Reports that are either showing the contamination or ones that provide unusual information. If you can get your hands on the initial reports from Bryce Miller, the firm we used, let me know. I can tell if they’ve been altered in any way.”

“I can’t imagine that Nash would leave damning information in his office, especially if he’s the hired gun. He’s a smart man, that was easy to tell.”

“To the naked eye, the reports might seem legitimate, but you or I might be able to denote some inconsistencies. Up to this point, everything I’ve said on the news, to employees and to the Board of Directors has indicated my belief in the facts as they were presented. The only people who were told about the third test was Camden and Zach.” He looked away, shaking his head.

“If Camden is truly the one behind this, don’t you think he would have called Nash or whoever is working with him to destroy the evidence?”

“I’m just hoping we beat him to it.”

Dani heard such sadness in Mitchell’s voice, as if he was already convinced he’d been betrayed by his friend. She had too many doubts to grasp onto the belief one hundred percent. “I’ll see what I can find.” As she started to walk away, Mitchell took her hand, pulling her into the heat of his body.

“No matter the outcome, you have no idea how much I appreciate you being here, trusting me. I want you to stay. You’ve become very important to me, to my life. Please never forget that.”

She palmed his chest, allowing her fingers to grasp his shirt. Drinking in his essence, she wasn’t certain about the future, but she did believe in the man, the incredible hunk who stilled her heart and reminded her that love could really exist. “Let’s get through this. Then we’ll talk.”

Brushing his thumb across her check, he leaned down. “You’ve changed me.” He tilted her head until their lips were touching. “Love isn’t easy for me, but you have my heart.”

Dani’s lower lip trembled as he held the stance. He was giving her the choice. “Mitchell.” As she pressed her lips against his, she shuddered, a wave of heat rushing into her pussy. Wet and hot, she fell into the kiss, savoring his strong arms and musky scent.

Mitchell crushed her mouth as he intertwined his fingers in her hair and slid his tongue past her lips.

The kiss became a passionate dance, a melding of two hearts, two damaged souls. She eased her arm around his neck as the embrace continued and stars floated in front of her eyes. Their tongues entwining, she whimpered, a series of goose bumps popping along every inch of her naked skin. Nothing had ever felt so right.

He eased back, breaking the connection and without saying another word, took several steps backward into the darkness.

Swallowing hard, she turned and walked toward Nash’s office, her thoughts remaining on the kiss. She would have to make a difficult decision soon enough, but tonight she intended on finding evidence to exonerate his friend. There had already been too many betrayals in Mitchell’s life.

After almost a half hour, she groaned and resisted slamming the last file drawer. As anticipated, Nash had left nothing indicating any kind of blackmail scheme or tainted report. One thing was certain, someone knew they’d made a trip to El Paso. Garcia’s untimely death was proof. She walked toward the window, glaring out at the almost full moon. Revenge. The word continued to surface in the forefront of her mind. The scheme was well planned, which meant whoever was involved had known of Mitchell’s desire to purchase the Steele site. Perhaps the person had known about his other business venture. If so, what perfect information to leak just at the right time.

She turned and hissed, kicking the floor in frustration.


The thudding sound made her jump. She slapped her hand over her mouth and looked around at the dimly lit room. She noticed a dark object on the floor that hadn’t been there only seconds before. Squinting, she walked closer, squatting down. As she picked up the book, she frowned then glanced up at the bookcase. The size and shape of the hardback was unusual, indicating a plant of some kind?

Dani rose to her feet and closed the distance, peering at the hole where the book had been. She pulled another down, then another until she uncovered a thick envelope. “Bingo.” Adrenaline rushing through her, she tugged the brown covering from its hiding place. There were no markings indicating any clue about its contents, but her gut told her this was the smoking gun.

“Mitchell. I think I found something.” She moved back to the desk, eager to reveal the contents. “Mitchell. Come here.”

There were no sounds.

The hair raised on the back of her neck and she held her breath. Something was wrong. Tipping her head, she searched the dark hallway from where she stood. She held the envelop against her chest and eased toward the door. Peering out of the doorway, she was unable to see anything. Swallowing hard, she took tentative steps toward the main room.

The moment she entered the area, she gasped.

“Dani, stay back,” Mitchell commanded.

From where she stood, she could see a form in the shadows and there was something else.

Mitchell had both hands on the gun and the weapon was pointed toward an intruder.




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