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Afon: The Dudnik Circle Book 3 by Esther E. Schmidt (17)

Chapter 17

Get to discussing the real shit.



Fucking hell. I’m still trying to catch my breath when Andy slumps against me. I press my lips against the top of her head and let my fingers slide up and down her back.

“Damn, woman. You sure know how to satisfy your man...get me fired back up by just rubbing that sweet pussy against it. Fuck, that felt good.”

Her head comes up and she catches her bottom lip between her teeth before she adds on a whisper, “Will it feel any better when you’re inside me?”

“No,” I say with resolution. Feel better? Such a mundane word without the extent of value. “That won’t fucking compare. Better is not a damn word for it, mind shattering is more like it. Your pussy tastes so sweet, feels hot and tight when I let my fingers run through it...I can’t imagine how it will feel to slide my dick bare inside your body.”

Just the thought has my dick staying upright. Shit. I need to get out from underneath her. I’m still dressed, sticky patches of cum staining my clothes with her naked on top of me. Did I mention the taste of her orgasm still on my tongue? Yeah. Rock. Fucking. Hard.

“Remember. Wedding night,” I hiss out with my jaw locked. “Might need a wardrobe change. Do I need to wear my leathers to the altar instead of a tux?”

She slides off and actually pouts but the twinkle of mischief in her eyes shoots straight to my heart. I wrap my fingers around her neck and bring her mouth against mine, kissing the pout right off.

“Go on, think about what you want to have for dinner. I’m going to take a quick shower and then I’ll order us something, okay?” Because if I don’t get some breathing room between us I’d bend her over the couch and slide home.

It’s for that exact reason that I take my time showering and getting dressed before I go downstairs in search of Andy. My nose leads the damn way and I find her in the kitchen. “I thought we were going to order out? But fuck…if it tastes as good as it smells we won’t ever order out again.”

My mouth waters and not only because of the food. There’s nothing sexier than an Italian woman standing in the kitchen barefoot wearing just a t-shirt that barely covers her naked ass.

Andy puts two plates on the table and slides one in front of me. She grabs a fork and a spoon for the both of us and when I have them in my hands, I make fast work to twirl the fork into the spoon, making the spaghetti twist around it so I can bring a bite of heaven to my mouth.

“Fuck. That’s delicious,” I finally manage when I’m already working on scarfing down the next forkful.

Andy chuckles. “It’s just five ingredients, fifteen minutes, and voila spaghetti carbonara. But I’m glad you like it. It’s my favorite thing to make and eat for that matter.”

“Why in the hell didn’t you cook sooner? I’ve been seriously missing out here,” I question and shit, I’m already halfway through my dinner and hoping to fuck she made more.

She looks a little shocked by my question and tilts her head, thinking things through before she answers. “I guess I’m really back to my old self.”

Another hit to my heart. There’s something about a strong woman, thinking she’s broken and taking a lot of blows in life, but managing to crawl out of darkness with her head high. That’s my damn woman right there.

“Told ya,” I throw at her along with a smug smile. “Three damn weeks and all is right in the world.”

She fakes a glare but that twitch of her lip right before she fills that fuckable mouth with spaghetti is damn adorable.

We’ve got less than an hour before my guys and her girls arrive for the party. We let the caterer inside and get everything set up. The mansion has a large ballroom and Tarzan along with Andy and Ruby made arrangements to have one side of the wall set up with snacks or some shit, a place to dance and around the other walls are tables set up for people to sit and talk.

The guests who got an invitation for tonight are mostly close family of the Russian gang and also high players from the Italian gangs. Security is usually high but it’s at a whole other level because of the shit that painted our front porch red. This is also the reason Ford wanted all of us to meet before all the guests arrived. We need to talk things through.

The front door opens and Tarzan steps inside, behind her Ford, Yegor, Ruby, Ricca, Peacock, and Karma. Peacock’s friend Marlon strolls in and sets down a bag. Andy grumbles something and it makes me look her way, raising my eyebrow in question.

She clears her throat and leans in to whisper. “How the hell did she get another key? I took hers.”

“Bet she stole Ford’s,” I whisper back on a chuckle and hold my hand out for Marlon to take.

He’s the one who was sent to take out Vinci. Seeing he brought a bag with him, I assume he came straight from the airport.

“Come on girls, we’ve got to get Andy here ready.” The front door opens again and a petite woman steps inside. One side of her head is shaved bald and she’s got a stroke of toxic green in her hair.

“Sorry I’m late. I went over to the shop because I forgot the new dress I…” She glances over at Marlon, her eyes narrow. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Marlon crosses his arms across his chest. “Turning water into wine. What the fuck do you think I’m doing here? I fucking belong here. You’re the one who’s mixing with mob wives.”

The woman opens her mouth again but Marlon curses and steps in front of her, buries his fist in her hair, and takes her mouth in a way every other goddamn woman, including mine, fucking sighs. The woman drops the bags she was holding and grabs Marlon’s leather cut in her tiny fists. For a moment she gives it back just as rough before pulling back and shoving him away.

“Don’t touch me,” she seethes, grabs her bags from the floor, and trots over to the other women who all go up the stairs, heading for the bedroom.

“Come on, guys, my office,” I tell them and stalk off down the hallway.

I hear Peacock talk to Marlon behind me. “You guys still on the fire and ice level, huh?”

“Yeah. Wish she’d melt down around my cock, though. That woman is damn hot.” Marlon releases a frustrating groan. “One fucking kiss at a time and I’m ready to give her forever but she fights me on every damn turn no matter how many months I’ve fucking groveled. She’s never going to forgive me for not trusting her on her damn word.”

Ford speaks up. “Okay, folks. Let’s drop the girly drama and get to discussing the real shit.”

“Yeah.” Marlon plants his ass in a chair and leans his forearms on his knees. “Vinci is enjoying a long vacation with worms, spare no expense.” There’s a sadistic smile plastered on his face.

“Good,” Ricca quips. “Less shit to worry about.”

“You hear anything back from the syndicate yet?” Ford questions.

Ricca shrugs a hand through his dark hair. “They found out I’ve got a hostage. They’re not happy about it, though they understood the underlying thought so they gave me an option to settle it. I have a week to give them my answer.”

“Great.” Peacock rolls his eyes. “Can you be any more quizzical? Details fucker, what’s the damn option they gave you?”

“I’m not going to say shit until I’ve made up my mind. But the whole situation is contained for those seven days. That’s all you need to know for now.” Ricca stares Peacock down.

I get it. I mean, I’m not a boss and wouldn’t want to be one either. It’s a heavy load on your shoulders but with these guys, it’s a fucking miracle they’re all standing here as friendly as they are.

Even Marlon is a president of a motorcycle club, so he’s used to leading his own gang that works closely with Peacock. Yet all of these guys have each other’s back when shit hits the fan with either one.

Well, all except for Ricca. He’s a damn newbie at team play and that’s fucking clear with what he just said.

Although, “Andy is part of The Dudnik Circle now. We need to be able to work together in this. We can’t if you’re not fully open about shit so we don’t know what the fuck to deal with,” I tell him. Ford nods at my words and so does Marlon. Peacock however doesn’t say a word and keeps glaring at him.

“I’m not fucking budging on this, it’s damn personal and I need a few days, okay?” Fire practically shoots from Ricca’s eyes. “For now, that shit is handled, a truce, all clear till the wedding. Shouldn’t you be fucking happy about that? Give my sister the wedding she deserves.”

“I’ll give her that and more,” I tell the idiot. “It’s as fucking real as it gets. She’s an Italian woman in a mob world who gets the man she loves and who loves her in return.” Fuck. Why did I throw that shit out of my mouth?

Ricca throws me a smug grin. “She actually said she loves you?”


I shrug. “She doesn’t have to. Her body gives me plenty enough to know how she feels about me.”

His eyes widen. “You’re fucking with me? Tell me you’re fucking with me because it’s only been three damn weeks. Are you telling me? Wait, nah...I’m not going to ask that shit, never mind. Just make her fucking happy, okay?”

Now I’m the one wearing a smug smile. “Already did, multiple times in fact before you fuckers showed up.”

Ricca curses and rubs a hand down his face. “There’s such a thing as oversharing, asshole. Dammit, I didn’t need to know that and yet it’s a relief to hear it. Fucked up I tell you. Fucked. Up.”

“Back to business,” Yegor states, wringing his hands to keep busy. “Any news on that Marco fucker? He needs to fucking die the way I ended his brother.”

It’s personal for Yegor. A few months ago Yegor killed Marco’s brother, Paco, with his bare hands. It’s all twisted up because Paco was actually Yegor’s half-brother, those two had the same father. Marco is actually a half-brother Yegor didn’t know existed. When Yegor killed Paco, Marco was the one who got away and took Andy as a hostage with him.

Full circle, huh? Andy escaped by jumping out of Marco’s truck, injuring her shoulder. If she’d let him go Marco would either have been building up a new gang somewhere else, picking up his life…or he would wait and retaliate when he was strong enough with a large gang in tow. Andy took his choice away. All in all, it’s a long story but the thing that’s clear the most is that Yegor is also itching to end this fucker. Marco’s a loose fucking end.

“He’s got two people working with him but he’s off the radar, can’t seem to find where the fucker is hiding,” Ford says.

“Security is back up and running again but I’ve got two blind spots we need to handle tonight. And with all those people walking in and out we’ve got to stay on top of things.” They all take in my words when I add, “My gut is telling me Andy stepped on his dick by coming after him and wiping out his crew. He’s gonna take it personally and won’t go away until he kills her. There’s no need to go out looking for him, he’s going to come to us.”

“I’ve brought extra men. Tell me the blind spots and I’ll get them handled,” my boss tells me.

Marlon gets to his feet. “I just came back from the airport but I could stay and help out or get some of my guys down here, whatever you need.”

Peacock puts a hand on his shoulder. “Stay for a few hours, annoy that pixie woman of yours and if all goes quietly you can head out and get some rest. Ricca brought some of his men, Ford has his guys in place and brought extra and I have a few guys coming in too. We’ve got it all covered. No way Marco can slide inside unnoticed. I say let him fucking try. Like Afon said, he’ll come to us and that...will make our job easier.”

I check my watch and see it’s almost time for the guests to arrive. “Okay guys, I’m going to head over to check on a few things. Then I’ll see if the women are ready to come down.”

“Ah, yeah, the women. Isn’t it time yet you had one of those?” Peacock taunts Ricca.

Ricca winces. “Don’t remind me. I’ve got one locked up in my bedroom, that’s enough for now.” Ricca rubs his neck. “She’s a damn stunner and a feisty one. She almost kicked me in the jewels when I went in to talk to her. Talk about a different kind of bedroom action.” Ricca chuckles while the rest of the guys, including me, burst out in laughter.




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