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Alien Prince's Mate: An Auxem Novel by Lisa Lace (105)

Chapter Twenty-Two

If the council really believed that Alec would stay away from Sonya, they had another thing coming. He hadn't fought against their refusal to support him mating with the beautiful brown bear, but he hadn't requested their approval either. He would do as he damn well pleased where she was concerned and they would respect him for it.

Alec had to question the desire he had for someone out of his own species as he drove home, but he assumed it was simply him being a rebel. He couldn't force himself to stop loving her or needing her if he had to. He had gone overboard where she was concerned, so the subject of him being with anyone but she was moot.

He pulled up to the house and got out, checking his watch and wondering where Sonya was. He was running late and expected to find her sitting in front of the house. Climbing out of the car, he glanced up and spent a few minutes enjoying the power of an incoming storm. The sky was filled with dark gray clouds. The scent of rain was in the air. It would feel great to shift and run through the forest again tonight.

He locked the car and walked into his home, checking his phone and breathing a sigh of relief. She wasn't safe without him.

A smile touched his mouth at the memory of her vicious attack on him. Who was he kidding? She was every bit capable of taking care of herself and her pack. He simply wanted to be a part of whatever she was up to. Alec unbuttoned his shirt and slipped out of it, doing the same with his pants as he tried to push the impatience of wanting her back down.

There was a lot to do in the coming weeks, but first on his list was to discuss the need for an Alpha for the Browns with Sonya. Someone had to step up, even if only as a temporary solution.

He sat down on the couch and turned on the T.V. in his boxer briefs and socks. The world dimmed slightly and he went with it, hoping to just rest for a minute.

The sound of knocking at his door caused him to jolt awake. He growled and looked around the room for any threats. Someone knocked again and he stood, walking quickly to the door. He glanced at the security camera and smiled before moving back and opening the door for his woman.

Sonya lifted an eyebrow as her eyes moved across him. "Did I interrupt something?"

"Just a nap, baby. Get in here." He reached out and slipped his fingers around her wrist, pulling softly as she moved into the house. He pulled her into a hug and pressed his lips to hers as her fingernails pressed into his back. She had a way about her that left him ready to forget everything and spend his time working to hear the depths of her moans.

"I'm starving. Let's get you dressed and go out to dinner. We have a few things to discuss anyway and something tells me if I stay here, we're not going to get much done." She smiled and nipped at his lips before moving past him with a large portfolio over her shoulder.

"I was going to make us something, but I passed out. Guess life's been more taxing lately than I thought." He walked after her, enjoying the way her slacks hugged her lovely rear. "I can still whip something up if you want to stay here."

"No. Let's go get a bottle of wine and some pasta. I'm in the mood for Italian." She glanced over her shoulder and he stopped, his heart constricting in his chest.

"Yes, anything you want," he whispered and moved toward her, pulling her against him again and sliding his hand in her hair. He captured her attention with his other hand as it slid over the swell of her ass, squeezing softly. "How do you become more beautiful each time I see you?"

"You're a little biased." She slid her arms around his neck and pushed up on her toes, licking at his mouth as he growled.

"I'm very biased, but that doesn't change the fact that you're gorgeous."

"Go get dressed and take me out. We can flirt when we get home." She brushed her lips by his, leaving him needing much more than she was willing to offer at the moment.

"All right, but you're staying the night with me. I won't take no for an answer." He squeezed her rear once more and let her go, walking into his bedroom and searching for something suitable to wear. She was dressed as if she had come from work, but he knew the office was closed.

"I picked up the new portfolio I wanted to show you tonight," she called from the living room.

"I see that. Did you work it up yourself or have a designer do it?"

"I did it myself. I took a few design classes after our brief interlude in Paris. I don't do many of the jobs, but from time to time it's nice to be part of the artistic side of things."

"I can't wait to see it." He pulled on his slacks that lay on the bed and found a dark blue shirt, wanting the color of his eyes to be the center of her attention for the night. "Did you finally get the information in your father's safe?"


He turned as she stood at the opening of his bedroom door. She had her arms crossed over her chest and somehow the pensive look on her regal features caused him to pause. "God, you're breathtaking."

"Hush, you silly man." She walked to the bed and sat down, reaching up and buttoning his shirt for him. "I know a few things about you that I think you'll find quite interesting."

"I'm not ready yet, but when I am, I'll let you know."

"All right. Well, I do have some questions for you tonight, and those aren't going to wait anymore." Sonya slid her hands up his chest and over his neck as he groaned.

"Stop touching me or we're not leaving the house. I have plans for you tonight and they should be starting..." He glanced over his shoulder and checked the clock. "Now."

"Dinner and then dessert, lover." Sonya got up and walked out of the room as he slipped his shoes on and tucked in his shirt. "I'm driving tonight."

"No. I'll drive." Alec picked up his wallet and keys. "Let's go."

He opened the door to the car for her when they reached it and breathed in deeply as she slid into the passenger's seat. He wanted to talk a little business with her tonight, but hoped they could get through all of it during dinner. It would be nice to be past everything that wasn't about the two of them making love so the focus could change properly.

He got in and buckled up, glancing over to her. "Talk to me. I'll save my questions for after yours."

"First, I want to know what you know about the strict rules about brown bears and black bears being in the same pack." She reached up and turned the air conditioning up.

"I know the Blacks believe that only a pure-blooded Alpha will be called by the gods to lead that pack. We're much stricter about it than your people are. Our size and inherent structure are a bit different, but I think it's just because we're elitist."

"I thought as much. And what about the idea of mating across bloodlines?" She reached over and took his hand, pulling it into her lap. He swallowed hard. He had hoped that this wouldn't be one of the things she wanted to discuss. To tell her that his people were completely against him and her being together wasn't a conversation that would set the night on fire for them.

"Same as the packs joining. I think one thing that my people forget to consider is that our bears will choose the best mate for their future success and procreation. It's not about being picky or selective, but listening to the beckoning of our animal." He shrugged, hoping to move quickly away from the topic.

"So your council has denied you the possibility of being the Alpha of my people?"

"No. They relented today and said that they would support me if that is the road you and I chose to take." He kept his attention on the street in front of them. He would be unable to lie to her if she pushed the conversation.

"Oh. So it's just the part where you and I are mated that they were upset about?"

"Were you there? I swear you have a spy in my midst."

"I released myself to you the other day. I can feel something heavy sitting upon you."

"I know. They focus on tradition and what they believe to be right and true, but in this instance they're wrong."

"Is it because of the bloodlines mixing?"

"Yes. I'm a pureblooded black bear. That's imperative to them that my son is as well." He squeezed her hand, pulling it toward his lips and kissing her fingers softly. "I could care less what they want. I need you in my life and if that means I lose everything else, so be it."

"Tell me about your encounter with Dax Collingsworth." She turned toward him, pulling their entwined fingers down to his lap.

Her quick change of topic surprised him. "Did I tell you I went to talk to him?"

"I'm not sure. I assume it was you, but I don't know the details. Tell me where you ended up with him." She smiled softly, and he watched her for a moment more. Something sat at the edge of her eyes that alerted him to trouble. She was holding back. He would give her a while to express what was on her mind before asking her point blank.

"I had Jared set something up with him yesterday and met him in a pub in town. He tried to push his weight around and I broke a pool stick off into his chest. I think he got the message. I wouldn't be surprised if he's not headed back to Europe to gather the troops. Had to be embarrassing to get his ass handed to him in front of three of his boys."

"Did he hurt you?"

"No. I'm resilient." He pulled the car up to one of his favorite Italian restaurants and got out as the valet opened his door. Another man opened Sonya's, but Alec walked around the car to reach for her hand. He tucked her against his side and looked over at her. "You're not telling me something."

"He was waiting outside of Varetec for me tonight." Sonya moved in front of him and spoke with the hostess as Alec stopped in his tracks.

Had the bastard approached Sonya again? He must want to die.