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Always Waiting: The League, Book 3 by Declan Rhodes (10)


I was confused. I mean, I was seriously confused. I really thought we were an item. I thought the obvious answer to Blake’s question was a simple, “Yes.”

Fortunately, as I turned to look at the crowd again, I saw Antonio and Lex standing off to the side. Antonio was obviously engaged in telling a story. He was waving his long arms wildly in the air and leaning forward as his mouth moved at record speed.

I excused myself, saying to Blake and Sven, “I’m going to go mingle a little with the crowd.” I said the last two words with emphasis, and saw Sven’s eyes quickly look away when our gaze connected.

As I neared Antonio and Lex, Antonio put a hand on my shoulder. Then he squeezed. He said, “Ooo, some nice muscle,” before he added, “I was just telling Lex about last year when Ian and Blake were a couple, and then they weren’t, and then they were again.” Antonio threw his arms in the air. “It was HIGH drama!”

Lex chuckled softly and sipped at a mixed drink in a rocks glass. I was pleased that he didn’t bat an eye when Antonio squeezed my shoulder. He knew that Antonio was madly in love with him, and there was nothing to worry about when Antonio gave friendly attention to others.

Lex said, “I think life is high drama for Antonio.” Then he reached out a hand to Antonio’s cheek. “It’s one of the many many things I love about him.”

Antonio made a big show of looking around as if someone was missing. He asked, “And where is Sven? I thought he would be at your side.”

I shrugged and said, “I think he wanted to have a conversation with Blake. I haven’t had an opportunity to get to know Lex before, so I thought I would join the two of you.” I did my best to smile and act as if nothing was going on.

I could see by the look in Antonio’s eyes that he wasn’t completely buying my comments, but he continued on with his storytelling anyway. He said, “Reggie told me they lived next door to each other, and it was like they erected a Berlin Wall between their driveways. They were still madly in love, but they wouldn’t speak to each other. Can you imagine?” asked Antonio to the air.

Lex smiled warmly and said, “Love can make you do crazy things sometimes.” He glanced at an empty glass on the table and asked, “Could I get you another drink, love?”

“Ooo, I hadn’t even noticed it was gone.” Antonio picked up the glass and handed it to Lex. He said, “Yes, please, and Claw knows just how to do it right. Let him have this glass back.”

Lex pushed his way through the crowd toward the bar while Antonio turned his attention to me. He leaned close to my ear and whispered, “Is there trouble in paradise?”

I shrugged and said, “I don’t know. I think we just needed a little breather. You know how crowds make me a little crazy.”

Antonio smiled and pushed his arms straight out to the sides while he squatted down slightly. He said, “I’ll keep them away, Lowell. I’ll fight them off.” He turned his head to the right and said, “Give the man air.”

I swatted at one of his arms and said, “Stop that, Antonio! You’re a nut. I’ll be fine. If I need to, I’ll just go home.”

Antonio pulled his arms back, and then he placed one hand on his hip as he asked, “So what do you think about Lex?”

“I think he’s perfect for you, and he’s handsome as hell.”

Pointing his long, skinny index finger at me, Antonio said, “Perfect answer, Lowell. And yes, he is perfect…in so many ways.”

I laughed, and I was struggling to regain my composure when Lex appeared again with two drinks. He handed one to Antonio and they clinked glasses. He asked, “Did I miss anything?”

I said, “No, nothing important.” I continued my comments saying, “I’ve been curious for awhile. The two of you are such a good couple. I wondered if there are kids in the future. Or one kid at least.”

Antonio squealed and several heads turned. Lex held his hand up to shade his eyes. Antonio said, “We are talking about it. We’re talking about adopting a little baby. Couldn’t you just see Lex as the perfect dad?”

I turned to look at Lex who pulled his hand down, but he was blushing. I asked, “What would you be, Antonio?”

He said, “Oh, I’m dad number two. It’s just Lex will go down in history with the best dads in the business like Ward Cleaver and Mike Brady.”

Lex rolled his eyes slightly and said, “You do realize those are fictional fathers, love.”

He nodded and then said, “But I bet they are based on somebody’s real-life dad.” Antonio’s expression suddenly turned serious as he said, “I didn’t even know my father. He left the family before I was two years old. My mother and grandmother held us all together.”

I asked, “Is your dad still around, Lex?”

Antonio waved a hand saying, “Oh, he IS! And he’s so adorable. He’s a hoot. Just think of Lex with the sweetest wrinkles and silver fox hair.”

Lex was blushing again. He said, “Yes, I’m fortunate that my dad is still around. My mom died recently. They were divorced just after I graduated from high school, but it was always a civilized thing. I’m not sure exactly what happened, because they never seemed to argue. They just both told us that they needed to live their lives apart. He cried so hard at my mom’s funeral.”

I sighed and said, “Sometimes shit just happens.”

Antonio sighed heavily with us for a moment, and then he started waving his hand again. He said, “Let’s not bring this party down, gentlemen. We were winners today! We’re celebrating winning. Lowell, pick up that beer and toast with us.”

We all three raised our glasses and clinked them together. Then, in a quieter voice, I asked, “Can I be honest with both of you?”

Antonio’s right arm snaked over my shoulder as he leaned close and said, “Of course you can, mon ami. Is something heavy on your heart?” He set the glass down and patted my chest with his opposite hand.

I looked into Antonio’s caring, deep brown eyes, and then I glanced at Lex. His face appeared warm and generous, too. I said, “It’s just that I spent a fucking amazing week going out places with Sven, and now I’m suddenly worried it’s going to all come crashing to an end.”

Antonio’s eyebrows furrowed, and he looked confused. He said, “Wait a minute. Didn’t I see the two of you lovebirds kiss in the parking lot? What’s going on here?”

I felt like I was probably being irrational. My mind was starting to race as the result of one comment. I didn’t stick around to ask questions, and I was jumping to conclusions, but still, I was worried, and I was among friends. I said, “He just blew me off a few minutes ago like nothing has happened.”

Lex spoke up and said, “I’m sure there’s an explanation, isn’t there? Have you asked him about it?”

I said, “No.”

Lex asked, “Why not?”

“Because I’m a petulant fool that lets my mind race to the darkest corner when I catch a hint of anything bad starting to happen.” I pulled the beer glass up to my face and sucked the last of it down.

Antonio squeezed my shoulder. “It’s okay, mon ami, we all have our dark moments. Lex knows that about me.”

Lex looked over my shoulder and said, “And it looks like you’re going to get that chance to ask for clarification.”

I started to glance over my shoulder as I felt strong arms wrap around me from behind. I knew that it could be no one else but Sven. He gripped my body tight and pulled me back firmly against his hard chest. Then he kissed the side of my neck making goosebumps pop up all along my forearms. He whispered, “I was missing you,” in my ear.

Antonio started to fan himself. He said, “Lex, honey, I think maybe we should leave these two on their own.” Then he spoke to Sven and me saying, “And I’ll see the two of you at our next practice as long as you can pry yourselves apart.”

I laughed and said, “Thank you Antonio, as always, and it was so great to talk more with you, Lex.” Then I turned my head and kissed Sven on his lips. He moaned into my mouth and, as I turned to face him, my thigh brushed against his crotch. He was as rock hard as me.

He asked, “Can we go outside for a few minutes? I need to apologize.”

I started to say, “It’s okay,” but he nudged me toward the exit.

When we left through the door, I felt the cool breeze hit. It was still only May, and nights along Lake Michigan could be very cool. We had our arms wrapped around each other’s waists, and I said, “You don’t need to apologize.”

We turned around the corner of the building and I leaned my back against the wall. Sven placed hands on other side of me and said, “I need to apologize. I was an asshole in there.”

I started to say, “No, no you weren’t,” almost as a reflex.

Sven shook his head and asked, “Do you know the first thing that Blake said when you wandered off?”

I said, “No, because I wasn’t there.”

Sven patted the side of my cheek and said, “Yeah, I deserve you being a little bit of a smartass about it.” Blake said, and I quote, ‘What the fuck are you doing Sven?’”

I said, “Yeah, that thought crossed my mind, and then I assumed you were getting ready to run.”

He shook his head again. He was so handsome. It was hard to concentrate on what he was actually saying, because I knew that I had him, and that was all that was important. He said, “I guess I was just scared. You know, Lowell, we’re so different from each other, but you make me so excited. Seriously, you do. It’s a little bit confusing.”

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, because it felt like we were taking another step forward. He was taking everything seriously, and that was very good. We were having a real conversation. I agreed that we were very different, but opposites attracting was almost a cliche. He made me so incredibly excited. I could feel my cock pushing hard against my uniform pants to confirm that fact. I said, “Life is confusing as hell, Sven. That’s why I try not to analyze it. It’s just going to happen, but damn, all I know about this is that I want you.”

I didn’t wait for his answer. Instead I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him close. I kissed him hard and then I let my left hand do what it wanted to do for weeks. I reached out and gripped his package. He was thick, long, and fucking hard. I couldn’t help but moan simultaneously with Sven.

He pulled back from the kiss, and stared into my eyes. I could see the fires of lust as he said, “I want you so bad, too, Lowell, but fuck I can’t do it right here. Oh man, we need to soon, though. It drives me insane.”

I laughed out loud. “I’m not going to fuck you out on the street, Sven. I have a little more decorum than that.”

He joined me in the laughter and then I smothered it in another kiss. I couldn’t wait for the next weeks to unfold.