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Always Waiting: The League, Book 3 by Declan Rhodes (12)


Dinner on the beach by candles and moonlight was going to be a first for me. I did the skinny dipping in the moonlight before Sven, but I never had a good reason to bring a picnic and a candelabra. I thought there was a chance he would eat before arriving, but I was convinced that Sven could eat five big meals a day if they were offered to him.

I saw Sven before he saw me. The beach was empty, and it was silent except for the slow lapping of the waves on the sand. I wore shorts, and I wished I’d worn my jeans, because the weather was a little on the cool side. Fortunately, I did remember to grab a jacket before leaving my apartment.

Sven wandered in a zig-zag pattern on the beach. It was obvious he didn’t see me, so I flipped on the battery-powered candles in the candelabra to see if he would notice them. After a few more zigs and zags, I caught his attention.

As he approached, I said, “I thought you would never make it here.”

Sven said, “It’s dark out tonight. I could see little more than grey sand and inky black water. Then I saw these tiny little lights in the distance. I thought maybe that was you.” He looked at the candelabra and grinned. He asked, “Are those battery-powered candles?”

I said, “Yep, I figured keeping fire off the public beach would mean there was one less reason to arrest us.”

Sven sat on the blanket and scooted close to me. Then he asked, “Are we doing something illegal?”

“Well, not yet, but the beach officially closes at 10:00 p.m. I doubt they will arrest us as long as we keep our clothes on, but there is some chance we might get chased off the beach.”

Sven leaned forward to give me a kiss, and then he looked around and asked, “What’s all of this for?”

I said, “It’s our first official date. Initially, I thought dinner at a restaurant by candlelight sounded nice, and then I thought having it on the beach sounded even better.”

Sven shook his head and said, “You’re crazy Lowell.”

I pursed my lips and said, “I’m sorry. It’s just how I am.”

Sven held a finger up to my lips and said, “Don’t be. It’s not a criticism. Actually, I think it’s a compliment.” Then he asked, “What did you bring?”

I asked, “Did you eat already?”

“Yeah, I had a small dinner, but that doesn’t matter. You should have figured out by now that I can eat almost any time of day.”

With a gentle laugh, I said, “First, before I pull out the food, there’s something I want to do. Get up and kick off your shoes.”

I stood up from the blanket and stepped out of the flip flops I’d worn to the beach. Sven had to remove both sneakers and socks. “Now what?” he asked.

“Come with me to the edge of the water.” I jogged across the sand until I stood ankle deep in the waves that surged on to the shore.

Sven followed me and then he yelped when the waves hit his feet saying, “Oh, fuck, that’s cold.”

“Sheesh, sometimes you’re such a little princess, Sven. I love it.” Then I crooked my finger to gesture for him to come closer.

He wrapped his arms tight around his chest to show me that he was cold, but he followed my instructions and stepped closer. I grabbed his wrists and pulled the arms open so I could wrap him in a tight hug. Then I kissed him with plenty of tongue. It didn’t take long for Sven to forget about the cold water rushing over his feet.

Kissing Sven in the moonlight with the lights of the city nearby while standing in the edge of Lake Michigan was one of the most romantic things I’d ever experienced. When I pulled back from the kiss, I asked, “Is it okay now?”

He said, “I think this princess has found her prince.”

I threw my head back and laughed and said, “You’re just as crazy as me, Sven. Honestly, at heart you are.” I gripped his hand and led him back toward the blanket.

We sat down and I began to pull the food out of a cooler. Sven smiled when he saw fried chicken, cole slaw, and half a dozen biscuits with plenty of butter and honey to slather on them. He said, “Damn, you did well, Lowell.”

I shrugged and said, “It’s not homemade, obviously, but it will taste good. I did bring something homemade for dessert, and it stretched the the limit of my cooking skills.”

“What’s that?” asked Sven.

I grinned and said, “Brownies.”

“It’s a feast,” said Sven. Then I laughed again when he settled himself further on to the blanket and laid his head back against my lap. He said, “I’m ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“For you to feed me. Isn’t that what you planned?”

I rolled my eyes, but I had to admit to myself that feeding Sven while he was lying on my lap with my hard cock pushed into the back of his head was pretty damn sexy. I pulled out a chicken leg and offered it to his lips.

He took a bite, chewed, swallowed, and then said, “This really would be easier if I fed it to myself. I guess it only really works if you’re feeding me grapes.”

I said, “I really really hate to say this but are you chicken-ing out?”

A heavy groan erupted from Sven’s chest and he sat up. We both dug into the fried chicken and ate it on our own. Then, after I polished off both a thigh and a leg, Sven gripped my hand and pulled it to his mouth so that he could suck my fingers clean.

I murmured, “Oh, fuck, that’s hot.”

We ate quickly and Sven began to use his hands for more than just eating. I found it harder and harder to concentrate on the meal. I managed to eat one full biscuit and a forkful of the cole slaw.

Sven was busy eating, sucking my fingers and pawing at my body. He was sexy as hell, and I wanted even more. Finally, I asked, “Should we leave the beach behind?”

“Where do you want to go?”

“Your place?” I asked.

He started to pack the food up immediately and said, “I think that sounds perfect.”

We left a trail through Sven’s house. I stashed the food in his refrigerator as he shoved his big hands up under my T-Shirt and began to pull it off over my head. His shirt landed in the middle of the living room floor.

I unzipped his jeans before we climbed the stairs, and they fell off his hips halfway up. Then he sat on the stairs and tugged them off leaving them behind. By the time we reached the top of the stairs, he was naked except for fire-engine-red boxer briefs that clung tightly to his muscular round ass.

Sven threw open the door to his bedroom. There was not much decoration. Instead, it just looked comfortable and relaxing with a queen-sized bed placed on a low platform. He turned toward me and said, “You’re losing those shorts, Lowell.”

Sven pressed his bare chest up against mine as he hooked his thumb and forefingers in the waistband and pushed the shorts down and off. I stepped out of them just in time for Sven to tug at my briefs, too. I inhaled sharply and bit my lip when I realized he had stripped me completely naked.

Sven growled, “Lay down or I’m gonna throw you down.”

The roughness in his voice made me rock hard. I lay back on the bed with my head on the pillow and watched as he pulled down the boxer briefs. Sven’s cock was big like every other part of his body. It was thick, and it was long, too. I gasped not knowing whether I could take it all. I assumed I would be the one taking it and not the other way around.

I didn’t have much time to contemplate those questions. Sven took over. My breath caught in my throat when he slid up between my legs, wrapped the fingers of his right hand around the base of my cock and then kissed the head. He followed the kiss by sliding his tongue in a circle around the rim before sucking just the head into his mouth.

I whimpered, and Sven pulled off asking if it was okay. I said, “Oh fuck, yeah. I just didn’t…”

My voice trailed off, and Sven said, “I’m going to fuck you, too.” Then he added, “If that’s okay.”

I felt myself start to babble. I said, “Oh, fuck, yeah, that’s good. I mean, I’m vers and all, but if you want.” Then I looked again and said, “But you are so fuckin’ big. I don’t know if, oh, damn, I want to…” I couldn’t believe how I was babbling.

Sven sucked on the head again and then pulled back. Looking at me he said, “I’ll go slow. I’m not a virgin, Lowell, and I know, I always have to go slow, but I bet it will be worth it.”

Sven’s confidence in bed was already driving me insane. I was used to guys who seemed to fumble through everything and needed a long conversation before we figured out who was going to try to fuck who. Sven knew exactly what he wanted.

He sucked more of my cock into his mouth, his tongue swirling its way around the head until he swallowed it even deeper into his mouth. I clung to the bedspread beneath me and let out a long, deep moan as I stared at his blond hair bobbing up and down on me.

Sven pulled off my cock with an audible popping noise and then smiled at me. He said, “Condoms in the nightstand.”

I reached to my side, but I couldn’t take my eyes off his handsome face. Pulling the drawer open, I was relieved that it seemed like condoms were the only thing in the nightstand. I didn’t have to roll over and shuffle through a bunch of stuff to find what I needed. Instead I just pulled out one package and handed it to him.

As he rolled the condom down over his thick, heavy cock, Sven said, “Lube in the other nightstand.” It was like he was giving orders, but there was no barking, no unnecessary power plays. I reached into the other drawer and pulled out a small bottle of lube.

He asked, “Are you ready for this, Lowell?” as he squirted a sizable puddle of lube into his hand.

I said, “Fuck, I hope so. I cleaned out before I left home. I thought we just might do this sometime tonight.”

He showed off those perfect white teeth again as he said, “Yeah, we were thinking the same thing.”

Sven tossed the bottle of lube in the floor and gripped my thighs pulling me forward and sliding me across the bedspread. He pushed my legs back and upward then threw my ankles over his shoulders. Sven was easily the most handsome man I’d ever gone to bed with, and he was going to fuck me. I was already floating somewhere at least fifty feet above the earth. I bit my lip and stared at that huge cock.

It hurt…at first, but Sven made it work. I pushed out and he pushed forward until his head popped past my ring. My entire body shuddered, and I clenched my teeth to avoid yelling out.

When the spasms stopped, it started to feel good, and then it felt really good. My entire body felt full up to my neck. I was full with Sven and that magnificent cock. He rocked forward and back, and I could see the sweat pop out on his smooth skin then roll in a little rivulet down the center of his sculpted chest.

When I finally couldn’t resist yelling any more, it came out in words, “Sven! Fuck! So fuckin’ good! Sven!”

He countered with grunts and guttural moans. He closed his eyes tight and pounded hard. Then he opened them again and grinned at me. He grunted and said, “You’re so fuckin’ amazing Lowell.”

When his fingers closed around my cock it almost sent me over the edge immediately. He began to pump my cock and pound my ass at the same time. The rhythm was the same, and I tried to hold back as my body rolled forward to the edge.

I yelped, “I’m close! Fuck, Sven!”

In a strangled voice, he cried, “Me, too!” and then his whole body was convulsing. Sven’s cock was shooting, and his body was wracked by a powerful orgasm.

I yelled out, “Ahhh FUCCKKK!” and then my cock erupted. I shot hard and the first ropes of cum landed on Sven’s magnificent chest. Then I continued to shoot hitting his belly and then oozing out and down over my cock and his fingers.

He grunted and said, “Weeks! I’ve been waiting for this for weeks!”