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Anger and Muscles: A Muscles and Tattoos Bad Boy Romance by Peter Presley (2)



Right now, I’m in a crappy South Side bar with my new boyfriend Zach who I’ve been dating for just two weeks. We’re North Siders, and I’ve never even been in this part of town with him. But Zach has a client out here, and after I waited for him to be done with that, he said he wanted to get a drink around here. I asked him why we couldn’t just head back north, but he insisted on coming to this hellhole.

The last two times Zach has taken me to a bar, it’s been classy. But for some reason, today, he decides he wants to try this neighborhood bar. I try not to be a snob, but this place is a total dive. On top of that, he insisted on betting this guy that he could beat him at pool. I tried to warn Zach not to bother with it. I mean, I sort of had a suspicion Zach wasn’t that great at pool, and you know what? I was right.

To top it all off, the guy bet him $300 and Zach, who walks around with lots of money in his pocket, said yes. I could tell this guy knew Zach was a sucker for the bet. Anyway, I watched the jerk beat Zach easily, but then Zach didn’t want to pay the money. So, the jerk punched Zach in the face so hard he fell to the ground.

Now my boyfriend is sitting here with a busted eye and a bag of ice over it. I’m not sure how he’s supposed to greet clients with his eye like this. He’s just sitting here staring at the ground. I’m a nurse, and I recommended he get some medical attention, but he just wants to be left alone. So, all I can do is sit here with him until he decides to get up and leave this place.

I keep looking at the jerk who caused all the problems. I think his name is Kory or Korbin or something or other. I’m giving him the meanest look I can now. How dare he knock my boyfriend to the floor? What a bully!

The owner had said the jerk has to leave immediately, but he’s still standing there. And, I guess I should confess something to you. There’s another reason I keep looking at the guy. As much as I hate to admit it - he’s gorgeous. How can somebody so horrible be so gorgeous? He’s got a thick head of dark hair. His eyes are mysterious. His face is incredibly handsome. His body is really fit. Maybe that’s why he’s such a jerk. Maybe he knows he’s gorgeous. Or, maybe I’m wrong? Maybe he doesn’t realize how good-looking he is. Maybe he’s just a jerk because that’s his rotten personality.

The owner claims he’ll call the police. Well, if this guy doesn’t get out of here, I’ll call the cops myself. Frankly, I want to press charges, but my boyfriend waved me off when I mentioned it. He obviously doesn’t want to look weak in front of this guy. I don’t know. I just want to get the hell out of here.

My name is Callie Johnson. I’m 28-years-old, and I live in Chicago, in the Rogers Park area. I’m a nurse, but I’m studying to be a nurse practitioner. I’m a pretty good nurse, but I’m ready to take it to the next level. It’s hard, and it will take time, but I know I can do it.

I’ve only been with Zach for two weeks, or maybe, two and a half. Anyway, it’s only been a short time. We met at the grocery store. I was looking at some apples, and he just walked up to me, told me I was beautiful and started talking to me.

I was flattered, and Zach is a good-looking guy. When he’s not wearing a suit, he could pass as a surfer. He’s got this blond hair that’s always a bit messy. But messy hair doesn’t stop Zach from making a fortune in the corporate world. His condo is sick, and he drives a Porsche. I don’t care that Zach has money, but it’s nice to date a rich guy. I can’t lie about that. He bought me some diamond earrings. I don’t know how often I’ll wear them, but they had to have cost him a fortune.

Anyway, I’m sure Zach won’t do anything stupid like this again, at least, I hope he doesn’t. Zach takes the bag from his eye. It looks a little better, but not by much.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, I’m gonna hit the can, and then we’ll get out of here,” he says. “Wait here.”

I watch Zach walk to the bathroom. After Zach enters the bathroom, I look back at the jerk. I want to say something to him, and I think I shall.

“You were asked to leave,” I say to him. “Why are you still here?” I’m mad, and I’m trying to look mad, but this guy is really hot. I can’t let him know I think he’s hot.

“Excuse me?” He smiles. “My name is Korbin. What’s your name?”

I stand a little taller. “I’m not telling you.”

“Well, that’s too bad. You sure are pretty, though.”

“Callie,” Zach says exiting the bathroom and heading toward me. “Get away from him.”

“Callie, huh? Maybe I’ll see you again, Callie,” Korbin says, still smiling. And then he walks out of the bar.

Zach pulls me toward him. “What did he say to you?”


“You sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure. He’s gone, and now we should leave, too.”

It’s a good thing Zach doesn’t know how fast my heart is beating right now. Korbin is a good-looking man, and when I was standing close to him, that became quite obvious. But, I don’t want to think about him anymore.

“I might just press charges on that guy, after all,” says Zach.

“Then why didn’t you do it while he was still here?” I say. “He’s gone now.”

“He’ll be back. I bet he practically lives here.”

“Just leave it alone, Zach. Okay? Let’s just go.”

“Yeah, yeah, we’ll go. What did he say to you anyway?”

I roll my eyes. “Nothing, Zach. I just told you.”

We leave the bar and walk out to Zach’s car. I don’t see that Korbin guy, which is good. We don’t need any more trouble. I get in the passenger seat, and Zach gets behind the wheel.

“Damn,” he says. “I left my coat in the bar. Stay in the car, babe. I’ll be right back.”

“Okay, hurry.”

After Zach gets out, I lock the door and then lean back against the leather seat and close my eyes. This has not been a good night at all, and I hope we don’t have another one like it.

I open my eyes and look to my left. It’s that Korbin guy, getting on his motorcycle. I have another confession to make . . . I love a guy on a motorcycle. I wonder if Zach has ever been on one.

Oh shit!  The guy sees me staring at him. He’s smiling at me again. I look away. Then I hear the rumble of the motorcycle as he takes off down the street. My heart is pounding all over again.