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April Fool by Joy Wood (39)

Chapter 40


The car came to a standstill outside her flat. She’d given Dylan directions but closed her eyes on the journey, pretending to doze so she didn’t have to speak to him. He’d have more questions, and in her experience of any of the jobs she’d done it was best to keep the lies to a minimum.

She opened her eyes. “Thank you for bringing me home, I am grateful.”

“No problem, let’s get you inside.”


The last thing she wanted was him in her flat.

“There’s no need to come in with me, I can manage.”

“I know that, but I want to.” He opened his door and exited the car leaving her no choice but to follow him.

He’ll smell a rat if she protested too much.

“It’s quite a hike,” she warned knowing how many flights of stairs there were up to her flat.

“Thanks for the heads-up.” He took her arm and led her towards the entrance.


“You weren’t joking were you,” he breathed as they approached the last few steps, even though he’d effortlessly managed them. It was obvious he was fit.

“It’s my workout each day, saves me paying gym fees,” she smiled.

They reached her door.

“This is it.” She willed him to go.

He nodded, “Key please.”

She pulled a face. “It’s no palace inside.”

“I don’t expect it to be.”

She took the key out of her bag and handed it to him.

“This lock’s rubbish,” he scowled, “anyone could get in.”

“Good job I don’t have a lot of valuables then,” she shrugged dismissively.

He pushed the door open with his hand and indicated she went in before him. She surreptitiously glanced down at the floor. The cotton was in a straight line.

She made her way towards the lounge and he followed. His eyes travelled around the grubby walls and the sparse tatty furniture. She could only imagine what he must be thinking as he looked around, his eyes glancing at the threadbare carpet from a hundred casual occupants. She was familiar with the shabby dilapidated state; he was seeing it for the first time.

Better appear embarrassed.

“I did warn you.”

She saw his chest rise as he took a deep breath in. “Why don’t you come and stay at my house for the weekend, you’ll be more comfortable there?”

She shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

“Why not? Just for the weekend, I can look after you then. You can come back on Monday.”

“No, it’d be too awkward.”

“Awkward?” he frowned, “Why? Nobody would know, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“What about Henry?”

“I couldn’t give a toss about Henry, he’ll be out anyway doing whatever shit he gets up to. I have a function on tomorrow night at the gallery, so you’ll be on your own. Why not be comfortable?”

“Yes, well, that’s another reason not to come. I’ve got to clean the gallery on Sunday. Ingrid’s offered Rachel and I overtime on Sunday morning to clean up after the function.”

“Okay. Then come until Sunday morning and I’ll take you to work, and after you’ve finished your shift, come home then.”

April found his concern attractive. He hardly knew her, yet he was offering his home for her to recuperate. She gave the appearance of considering. All she’d got from his phone calendar for the 25th of May was the letter ‘J’ so she still didn’t have any idea of the importance of the date even though her instinct told her it was the day they were moving the Portillo. She really needed to know the significance of J and would have greater access to the whole house if he was out for the evening.

“I’d hate anyone to find out. How would that look, one of your cleaners stopping over at yours for the weekend?”

“Who’s going to know? I won’t tell anyone, and I think we’ve moved on from you being my cleaner, don’t you?” he smiled warmly.

“Okay,” she agreed, “if you’re absolutely sure.”

His nod said he was.

“If you don’t mind waiting in the car, I’ll throw a few bits together.”

She thought he’d want to wait with her, but he was astute enough to realise she needed space to sort her things out.”

“Can you manage a bag with the stairs?”

“If I travel light and don’t pack my ball gowns, I can,” she smiled.

“Okay,” he walked towards the door, “No fancy nights out this weekend then, we’ll have to make do with stopping in.” He grinned, “Right, here I go for the stairs workout. Don’t belong.”