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As Long As You Love Me by LuAnn McLane (19)



Jesse didn’t know if it was the relief that Ava was with him after his earlier panic or the leftover adrenaline from his altercation with A2, but once he and Ava began performing their electrifying hip-hop dance routine to Heartbeat’s classic “Hold Me Tight,” magic started to happen. They began the dance with classic Argentine tango moves, crisp and dramatic while telling a sensual tug-of-war love story. Energy radiated from the stage, hit the audience, and bounced back to them. They dazzled the crowd with lightning-fast leg kicks, but when Jesse did his first hip-hop backflip, everyone went wild, obviously taken by surprise that this final dance was going to combine the two genres and go freestyle.

With her hand on her hips, Ava arched an eyebrow as if in surprise and then, with a challenging lift of her chin, she performed a backflip of her own, making the carefully choreographed dance seem to be a spontaneous dance-off. Their moves took on new life, defying gravity, and they seemed to dance together in one fluid motion.

“Let’s do this,” Jesse said in Ava’s ear during the final chords of the song, referring to the iconic Step Up move where Tyler lifted Nora and spun her above his head. When Ava nodded, Jesse lifted her up to a wildly cheering audience. Arms akimbo like the wings of a bird in flight, she soared above him, and as soon as he brought her back down to the floor, the curtains behind them parted to allow Grady, Jimmy, and Oliver to dance onto the stage, and Ava took her exit while Jimmy joined the Heartbeat crew. Heartbeat segued into “Give Me Another Tomorrow,” performing their classic boy-band dance moves and bringing the audience to their feet, singing along. Jesse looked across the stage after a fist-to-his-heart move and smiled at Ava, and she returned the gesture from the wings.

After Heartbeat’s bow and exit, the audience wasn’t ready for them to leave, and they started cheering for an encore with their cell phone flashlights raised in the air. When it was time to return to the stage, however, it was Oliver and Belinda who took over to perform “Islands in the Stream,” the song that had brought Oliver and Belinda together as a country duo.

“They’re so cute together,” Ava whispered to Jesse while watching from backstage. “I never would have thought in a million years that Oliver would embrace country music, but he’s so good.”

“Anything for love,” Jesse said, sliding his arm around her waist. The cold fear he’d felt when he saw Anthony attempting to harm her was a feeling he hoped never to experience again.

After Oliver and Belinda took their bow, Nancy Parsons headed out onto the stage.

“Well, it’s been quite a show tonight!” she proclaimed with a bright smile. “Not only were we dazzled by the amazingly talented ballroom dancers, many here from Sea Breeze, but we had surprise performances by our very own Heartbeat!” She had to wait for the crowd’s cheering to die down before continuing. “I know most of you already know what the Heart family means to Sea Breeze. They don’t like for me to sing their praises in public, but I’m in charge, and so I will do as I please,” she said, drawing laughter. “From the free music and voice lessons given at I Heart Music to donations of instruments and money to the Sea Breeze High School band, the Hearts have made sure that music stays alive and well in our town.” She pointed to the stage. “Besides starting the music store, John and Susan Heart helped to keep the Sea Breeze Performing Arts Center in business when times were tough. They directed plays and raised money and awareness for the arts.” She had to stop to clear her throat, obviously holding back tears. “If you’ll pardon the pun, this family is the heart of Sea Breeze and will be remembered with love and gratitude.” She looked over to the side of the stage. “I would like to bring the Heart brothers out onto the stage. Arabella, Belinda, Maggie, Ava . . . and Ella, come up here too,” she requested, waiting for the entire family to face the audience.

Jesse squeezed Ava’s hand, trying hard to hold back tears of his own.

“It is with great pleasure that I am announcing that this auditorium will be named the Heart Family Auditorium, in honor of our love and gratitude for all the Hearts have done for the community for so many years. And just outside the entrance, a plaque will be hung in memory of John and Susan Heart. And I want to add that donations for the Susan Heart Lupus Foundation can be given through our website. We also have envelopes and boxes in the lobby for your convenience. Please be generous,” she requested. “And now, please join me with a final, well-deserved round of applause for the Heart brothers and their families!”

When the audience jumped to their feet, Jesse couldn’t hold back tears, and neither could his brothers. They waved, bowed, and then made the fist-to-the-heart gesture before the curtains closed.

Tears flowed, hugs and more hugs commenced, and everything was followed up by laughter.

“That was unexpected,” Grady said, getting yet another hug from Arabella and Ella.

“But so deserved,” Arabella said, turning to Ava and Jesse. “Wow, that dance! I was blown away! Such energy, but so much emotion at the same time. Congratulations.”

“Thanks,” Jesse said, smiling at Ava.

Nancy rushed into the room. “Wait! Don’t go until we have a family picture.” She motioned to a photographer. “I want this to go out in the next newsletter.”

“I shouldn’t be in this,” Ava said, starting to step away, but Jesse shook his head.

“No way, stay right where you are.” He anchored his arm around her waist and gave her a smile.

With Ava at his side, a few more pictures were snapped, along with a few more of Ella, who twirled and sang in a frilly little dress.

“She’s adorable,” Ava said to Jesse. “And definitely has dancing and singing in her genes.”

“No doubt,” he agreed. He smiled at Ava’s reaction to Ella doing a wobbly curtsy.

“Bravo!” When Ava applauded, little Ella scampered over and looked up at her.

“You’re pretty.”

Ava knelt to Ella’s height. “And so are you. Just like a princess.”

“My daddy calls me his princess,” she proudly announced.

“And rightfully so,” Ava said with a little tap on Ella’s nose.

Grady grinned at the exchange and gave Jesse a nudge and raised his eyebrows.

Jesse nodded and felt a rush of warmth. “I know.”

“Hey, princess,” Grady said, stooping down to pick Ella up. “It’s your bedtime. We’ve got to get you home.”

“Not tired!” Ella pouted but raised her little arms to get picked up. A moment later, her curly head was resting on Grady’s shoulder.

“We’re having a cookout at the house tomorrow while Oliver and Belinda are still in town,” Grady said. “You two are coming, right?”

“Of course.” Jesse nodded. “Wouldn’t miss it. But right now, I need to get this one home. It’s been quite a crazy-ass night,” he said, looking at Ava, who nodded her agreement. Although she smiled, she still appeared a little shell-shocked from everything that had happened just an hour earlier.

They had a lot to talk about.

After gathering their things, they headed out to Jesse’s car.

“You’re quiet,” Jesse said on the drive home.

“Still processing.” Ava glanced his way and then looked out the side window into the darkness.

“Do you want to go to my place or yours?”

“Mine, please. I want to be in my own bed.”

Jesse felt a pang of concern. “Your own bed? That sounds . . . I don’t know, like you don’t want me around tonight.”

Ava glanced his way again. “I didn’t mean it that way. I just need my pajamas and toiletries,” she answered in a weary voice, but Jesse wasn’t totally buying it.

“Okay,” he responded gently. She’d had a rough night, and he didn’t want to make it worse. Still, something in her demeanor gave him pause. “Luckily, I’m low-maintenance and I’ve got my trusty duffel bag with my essentials,” he said, hoping to get a chuckle, but Ava continued to stare out the window. He told himself that once they were inside her apartment and she was snuggled on the sofa in her jammies, she’d perk up.

A few minutes later he walked her up the back steps to her place. Ava fumbled with her keys until he gently took them from her and opened the door. She sighed when they were inside and turned on the lights, but suddenly seemed precariously close to tears. She tossed her purse onto the kitchen counter and closed her eyes.

“Ah, Ava,” Jesse said, and pulled her into his arms. “I’m sorry for everything you went through tonight.”

Ava nodded against his shoulder. “And what I put you through too.”

“Hey, get into your pajamas and meet me on the sofa. I’ll rustle up some snacks and pour you something to sip on.”

“Thanks.” Ava nodded again, inhaling a deep breath and heading for her bedroom.

Jesse put together a selection of cheese, crackers, and fruits—something to nibble on while they talked. He took everything into the living room and then searched through his duffel bag for a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. By the time Ava emerged from her bedroom, he was settled on the sofa, sipping his own glass of red wine.

“Looks good,” Ava said with a nod toward the food. Her tone was light, but she seemed tense, uneasy.

“Come have a seat.” He patted the cushion beside him, but she took the end of the sectional, facing him.

“Okay, time to detox,” Ava said, picking up the wineglass he’d provided for her. She wore baby-blue cotton pajamas, had scrubbed her face free of makeup, and had her hair in a ponytail, making her appear young and vulnerable. Tucking her leg beneath her, she took a sip of the wine and then sighed.

“Want to talk about it?” Jesse asked.

Ava frowned. “I’m not sure what to say. I’m just . . . I don’t know . . . I’m a bundle of nerves, I guess.”

“It’s over, Ava. If that asshole ever tries to set foot in this town or contact you in any way again, he’ll have to answer to me, and it won’t be just a punch to his jaw next time.”

“But don’t you see? I don’t want you to have feelings like that. I’ve disrupted your life and the life of your family.”


“Nancy was so eloquent in her praise of the Hearts. And here I am bringing violence into your lives. Jesse, I could have ruined the event tonight. You could have gotten hurt.”

“None of that is your fault.”

“Yes, it is!”

“You’re not responsible for the actions of others. But I do have one request.”

“What?” she asked with stormy eyes.

“If you’re in any kind of danger—and I don’t care what it is—I want you to call me.”

Ava frowned.


“Jesse, I came to Sea Breeze to teach dancing and to live a quiet life on my own terms.”

Jesse felt his pulse race. “What are you saying?”

“You’re always going to be part of Heartbeat. I overheard Arabella and Belinda discussing a Heartbeat Christmas album and show at Belinda’s theater in Tennessee.”

“And you would be part of it.”

“What if I don’t want to be part of it? Be in the public eye? Have tabloids writing about me? After what happened to me tonight—to us—I just feel as if I want to live on a desert island.”

“It’s not healthy to feel that way,” he said gently.

Ava shrugged. “I can’t help how I feel.”

“But you can help how you react to your feelings.”

“Don’t you see? I was reluctant from the beginning for this very reason. But things were great when we were lying low. Just me and you.”

“You can’t live like that forever. We just wanted to avoid Anthony while he was here. And now he’s gone.”

“But I want to avoid all of it. That’s why I didn’t want to be in the pictures tonight.”

“What are you telling me, Ava?” Jesse asked with a slight tremble in his voice.

Ava swallowed hard. “I don’t think I can do this.”

This meaning us?”

Ava’s eyes brimmed with tears. “Yes.”

“I thought you loved me.”

“Of course I love you.” Ava closed her eyes for a moment. “That’s not the issue.”

“Yes, it is, because as long as you love me, nothing else matters.” Jesse clutched his stemless wineglass so hard he was surprised it didn’t shatter. “We can get through anything together.”

“Jesse, I’m sorry, this is breaking my heart, but I think it’s best if you go. I need to sort things out, and I can’t do it with you here.”

“I can’t leave you, especially after what happened tonight.”

“You have to.” She put her glass onto the coffee table and swiped at a tear at the corner of her eye.

“Ava, you’re just emotional right now and understandably so. I want to be here for you.” Unable to sit still, Jesse stood up. He hoped she’d stand too, so he could haul her against him and hold her close, but she remained seated, frowning.

“I’m so sorry,” Ava said in a forlorn tone that clawed at his heart.

Disappointment rested heavy on his shoulders and he nodded slowly. “Okay, I’ll leave,” he said, but made no move to do so, giving her time to change her mind.

“I’m sorry,” she said again, avoiding looking at him. “I feel overwhelmed and—”


Ava nodded. “Out of my skin.”

“All the more reason why I should stay,” he said, but then fear suddenly ran through him. He took a step backward. “Wait . . . you’re not frightened that I could turn out to be like Anthony, are you?” The mere thought made his heart sink.

“No, of course not,” Ava said quickly, firmly. She stood up and reached for his hands. “Jesse, I know without a doubt that you’re a good-hearted, wonderful man. Hands down. And I do love you.”

“Then Ava?” he asked in a gruff voice. “Why are you pushing me away?”

“Because tonight yanked the rug out from under me.”

“Then I’ll put the rug back where it belongs.”

Ava lowered her gaze. “I just need some time to think.” She let go of his hands and created some distance between them. “Can you understand?” she asked softly.

Jesse gazed into her stormy eyes. “I can’t imagine what you went through tonight, Ava. I do understand that you’re feeling overwhelmed. I don’t want this to end; I don’t want us to end. But while I really wish I could stay and be here for you, I’ll go, if that’s what you want. Know that if you want to talk about what happened or just put your head on my shoulder, though, I’m a phone call away. Okay?”

“Okay.” Ava swallowed hard. “Thank you, Jesse.”

Jesse nodded. He forced his legs to carry him over to his duffel bag. And after one last look over his shoulder, he opened the door and descended the steps.