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Athletic Affairs - The Complete Series by April Fire (3)

“Uh, hi?”


My voice sounded squeaky, but I couldn’t exactly blame myself- after all, I was about to talk to the father of my child for the first time since we’d conceived our baby.


It hadn’t been hard getting hold of Jones - -our families were friends, and all it took were a few well-placed hints from my mother and I got hold of his number. I needed to talk to him because he deserved to know about the baby. The baby that I had decided to keep.


I knew I was likely being completely crazy, but I had made the decision to have my baby. I had discovered I was pregnant two weeks prior to calling Jones, and had been through a lot of soul-searching since then. This kid was a chance for a new start -- one I wanted to take. A reminder that I didn’t need a husband or anyone else to pursue my dream of having a family. Working from home gave me a lot of flexibility with childcare, and I knew Mom and Dad would help out where they could, too. When I told them, that was.


“Hello?” Jones voice came down the line, making me jump. I placed a hand on my still-flat stomach, as though expecting the child to react to the sound of his father’s voice.


“Hey, it’s Kyra,” I began hesitantly.


“Oh, hey!” He perked up. “How are you?”


“Doing okay,” I replied casually. “You?”


“Yeah, great!” He agreed. He paused for a moment, and I realized he was waiting for me to explain exactly why I had called him.


“Oh, um, I was wondering,” I took a deep breath. “I was going to be in the city anyway, I thought maybe we could…get together?”


“Sounds good!” He replied at once, his voice flickering with a hint of suggestiveness. “I was coming home next week, actually, if you want me to give you a life back up?”


“That sounds great,” I nodded, relieved, glad I wouldn’t have to fork over my meagre savings to pay for my ticket up there. “Can I call you closer to the time and we’ll figure things out?”


“I’ll get in touch soon,” he agreed, and I could hear the excitement in his voice. Was I that good that night? Obviously so. We exchanged numbers and hung up, and I felt a flicker of anticipation in my stomach. Or was that just straight fear? Hard to tell, I’d been in such a mess of emotions since I found out about the pregnancy.


I thought long and hard about what I was going to say to Jones when I saw him again. I really had no idea what the etiquette was for breaking the news of an unwanted pregnancy -- I mean, we had used a condom, this was probably the last thing he expected. There he was, likely imagining another kinky night together, and I had to drop that bombshell on him.


I carried on with work and tried to put Jones out of my head, but it was difficult, knowing that I was about to change his life. And, on top of that, he was the only person I’d slept with since the break-up- fuck, he was the only person I’d slept with apart from David in my entire life. I didn’t have a lot to compare him to, but I was pretty sure we had a serious connection. And yeah, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to exploit that, though I couldn’t be sure that he would ever want to see me again when I told him what I was there for.


He texted me a time to meet, the following Wednesday, and I agreed with a little flicker of excitement lighting up in my chest as I thought about seeing him again. He sent a taxi for me, and I piled my bags into the back seat and set off. I had no idea where we were going -- I assumed I’d meet him at the train station or the airport or something, and the two of us would head back up together. Instead, I found myself pulling up to an airstrip outside of town- and and spotted Jones as he strode across the slightly slick tarmac towards me.


“You have got to be shitting me,” I murmured to myself as I got out. There was no-one else around as far as I could see, so this had to be a private jet. I didn’t keep up with football, but Jones must have been seriously successful to be able to afford all of this. He was pulling out all the stops just to impress me -- and well, he could color me impressed.


Jones hurried over to help me with my bags as I stared up at the plane.


“This is yours?” I asked, incredulous, and he glanced over his shoulder as if he’d half-forgotten it was there.


“Oh, yeah,” he flashed me a broad grin. “I rented it out for the trip back. I usually do - can’t risk the paps catching me at the airport, you know?”


“The paparazzi?” I raised my eyebrows.


“Yeah,” he shrugged. “Anyway, you want me to get your stuff on board?”


“Sure,” I replied, and the two of us climbed up the steps, the rain whipping at our hair and our jackets. As soon as we were inside, Jones rubbed his hand together, fighting off the cold.


“You want a drink?” He asked, making his way over to a sleek drinks counter opposite us. The whole place looked good,-impeccably clean and done in in neutral leathers and pale wood. I wondered how much it cost to get this plane just for one trip, because I would love to travel like this more often. Down to the shops, maybe, or across town to Mom’s place. It would certainly make an impression- and people finally might stop talking about me in relation to what happened with David.


“Yeah,” I replied without thinking, and then shook my head. “Um, wait, no. I’m okay. Thanks.”


“You sure?” He poured himself a scotch, and made his way back over to me. I nodded.


“Yeah, I’m trying to…to cut down,” I smiled at him bashfully.


“Fair enough,” he raised his glass to me anyway. “Glad to see you either way.”


“Me too,” I blurted out, and I was There it was again, that chemistry between us, as though the universe was waiting with baited breath for us to launch back into another hot-and-heavy encounter.


I did my best to ignore it- when should I break the news to him? Now? He seemed so relaxed and laid-back, and I didn’t want to ruin that. I would at least wait till we were in the air, so he couldn’t kick me out. I needed to get away from Turretsville and everything that came with it, namely, the fact that each and every person in that place seemed to know what had gone down between David and I. The thought of going somewhere where I was anonymous, where I wasn’t a cautionary tale, was too tempting for me to blow yet.


“I’ve been thinking about you a lot,” Jones announced suddenly, just as the plane began to move.




“Yeah,” he nodded, a smile curling on the corner of his lips. “Ever since that night. I can’t believe…well, any of it.”


“I thought you were a big famous football player,” I teased. “I assumed you got down to that kind of crap all the time.”


“I wish,” his eyebrow jerked up into an arch, and I knew what he was thinking -- because I was thinking the exact same thing. I couldn’t deny it, there was a heat between us, a heat that both of us had done our best to ignore since the day David asked me out back in sophomore year.


Jones regarded me for a moment before throwing back his scotch in one motion, the liquid disappearing into his mouth. His mouth. I remembered it against my pussy, the sensation of his heat against me suddenly vivid in my memory. Fuck, I needed him. I needed him.


I was sitting opposite him, perched on the edge of the leather seat, and found that I was leaning towards him without my knowing. He was still standing, but he soon paced over to me and placed himself down in the seat next to mine. The gap closed between us, it was all I could do not to stare at his lips, fighting the urge to run my finger along his sharp jawline, to feel the stubble beneath my fingertip…


I straightened up and shifted back from him, the sound of the leather squeaking under my ass breaking the loaded silence between us. He laughed softly, and I had to remind myself what I was doing here. Tell him. Tell him now.


“Jones, look, there’s something I need to tell you...”


“Oh, yeah?” He grinned at me and leaned forward, as though confident he knew what was coming next. “What’s that?”


I did my best to ignore him, I honestly did. I wanted to tell him what was going on and be done with it. But after the stress of the last few weeks, the constant reminders that my life was going to change forever, I needed to have some fun. And he was offering plenty of it.


I leaned towards him, caught his face in my hands, and planted a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth. He smelt like scotch and rain, his scent rich and full and filling my senses at once; I shivered. The plane was just leaving the ground as I pulled back, staring at him, fearing that I’d overstepped my boundaries- but he was regarding me with a look of complete and utter lust. My hands were still resting on his jaw, and I traced my finger down one side of it, just as I’d imagined. Yeah, we were doing this, baby or no baby.


He moved so quickly that I barely had time to think about what was happening, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me on to his lap-I parted my legs and straddled him as if on instinct, and could feel his cock growing hard beneath me as soon as I let myself down. He brushed the hair from my face and kissed me, hard, his tongue slipping into my mouth and parting my lips. I gripped his hair in my fists, tugging lightly so I could pull his head back and get all the access I needed to his gorgeous mouth.


He ran his hands up my back, peeling up the back of my t-shirt- I lifted my hands up so he could take it off and he did so, tossing it quickly aside. He pressed his face into my breasts, breathing deeply as if reminding himself of my scent, but I had other plans.


I quickly slid down between his legs, hooking my fingers around the waistband of his jeans and peering up at him seductively as I pulled them down his legs. I massaged his cock through his boxers for a moment, cupping his length in my hand and watching as his mouth slowly dropped open.


Then, as though I was unwrapping a Christmas gift, I peeled off his underwear and cast them aside next to his pants, exposing him completely. He was barefoot, completely naked from the waist down, and I found the sight of his feet oddly sexy. Or maybe it was just that I found every single little thing about this guy outrageously hot.


Gripping the base of his erection, I lowered my mouth on to his cock, flickering my tongue against the head before I enveloped him completely. His toes curled, and he let his head drop back as I took him as deep as I could, making up the few inches of difference by lifting my mouth with my hand. He felt phenomenal in my mouth, strong and hard and thick, and I was reminded of exactly how he felt when he penetrated me for the first time. I closed my eyes and went to work, swirling my tongue up the bottom of his cock and slowly bobbing my head up and down.


I would have been quite happy to keep going until he came (and then have him return the favor of course), but after a few minutes of appreciative groans from his end, he tucked his hands beneath my armpits and pulled me back on top of him.


“You need to be naked,” he murmured in my ear, his breath warm against my skin. “Right now.”


It sounded like an order and one that I was all too happy to obey. I got to my feet and, keeping eye contact with him the entire time, began to slowly peel my clothes off, tossing aside my jeans and socks and slowly starting in on my panties and my bra till I was completely naked in front of him. The feeling of his eyes on me was intoxicating, the knowledge that I was turning him on as much as I was.


I could see his cock twitch with excitement as I turned coyly away to slip off my panties, wiggling my ass back and forth for his viewing pleasure before I turned back to give him the full-frontal view. I had no idea where this level of confidence had come from - maybe I’d had it in me all along, or maybe he just brought it out in me -- but I liked it. And, judging from the look on his face, so did he.


He'd long since cast aside his shirt when he got to his feet and strode over to me, so when he wrapped his arms around me, I could revel in the feeling of our hot skin next to each other’s. It felt good -- familiar yet thrillingly new. Before I had a chance to think, he scooped me up in his arms and carried me over to a small table that sat in the corner of the plane, then laid me out on it. The cool wood made me shiver -- or maybe that was just the look in his eyes when he knelt down between my legs and pressed his mouth against my pussy.


My back arched off the table at once, my eyes closing so I could focus in on the feelings coursing through my system as his tongue flicked out against my clit. He sealed his lips around the entirety of my pussy, sucking gently for a few seconds, before centering on my sensitive labia and my slit.


Fuck me, he was incredible. I couldn’t hold back a loud groan of pleasure, and briefly wondered how much the pilot could hear, before putting that thought from my mind and staying focused on the glorious pleasure he was bringing me at that moment.


I wasn’t sure how long he went down on me for -- it could have been a few minutes, or it could have been a few hours. I was long-lost to the pleasure of it, too taken over to give time much thought. I was inching closer and closer to an orgasm but then, just as I found myself on the edge, he pulled back.


“Huh?” I sat up, eyes wide and demanding.


“I want to feel you come,” Jones murmured, quickly fumbling in his discarded jeans for a condom. A wave of arousal shivered up and down my spine and I lay back and parted my legs as he sheathed himself. I eyed him hungrily -- Jesus, they didn’t make them like this very often. He strode back over to me, took one of my legs, and draped it over his shoulder. Leaning down to plant a chaste kiss on my cheek, he positioned himself at my entrance and then, finally, entered me.


I came almost as soon as I felt him inside me, that feeling of fantastic fullness washing over me once more. My pussy grasped for his cock as he thrust inside of me, and I dipped my head back, my chest heaving, as the pleasure of it tore through my body. I had never come like that before in my life, never found myself truly able to give myself up to the pleasure of a situation with that much readiness. Yes, the truth was still hanging between us and I would need to tell him what was going on at some point or another, but in that second, not one thing mattered to me other than fucking this man in that moment.


When my eyes flipped open again, I found myself staring up at him. His gaze was heavy and full as he moved inside me, taking his time, as if determined for me to eke every inch of pleasure that I could from this orgasm. Call it my giving nature, but all I wanted then was to feel him come inside me. And not to linger on the fact that it was exactly what had gotten us into this situation in the first place.


“Come for me,” I murmured, reaching up and touching his cheek lightly. “Please. I want to feel you.”


That seemed to be all the encouragement he needed, picking up his pace and fucking me hard for a few seconds before he paused, froze, and came deep within me. The moment was perfect. The look on his face, the way his cock moved inside me when he finished, the way his hand tightened on my hip just a little. I could have happily stayed in that moment for a long time -- but then, he pulled out, and I was dumped firmly back into reality.




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