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Auctioned to Him 4: His Addiction by Charlotte Byrd (184)

Chapter 2

I walk out into our living room. The accommodations here are a bit more furnished: an ugly blue couch that desperately needs a throw or a few pillows to make it look at least mildly presentable and two identical green recliners that look like they came from some third-rate thrift store. Is there actually a store that manufactures these ugly things? A halfway acceptable coffee table, which has a French country distressed look, except that it’s not cute. It looks like it was actually distressed by the passage of time, not a carefully planned painting job. And a few end tables, which are mismatched in both color and height. Everything in this living room is wrong. And yet, everything about this place feels so right!

My palms grow sweaty from the excitement. I’m actually in New York.

N-e-w Y-o-r-k!!!

I feel like I’m in some fabulous movie, about to embark on the adventure of my life. I’m ready to put on a fabulous pair of fall boots, black tights, and a little black skirt and walk around Central Park with a latte like a real New Yorker!

“Alice?” His voice pierces my fantasy. I know who it is before I turn around. It’s a voice I could never forget no matter how I try.

“Alice? Is that you?” he grabs my arm turning me around.

“Tristan? What’re you doing here?” I ask.

“What’re you doing here?” he asks.

We stand staring at each other for a moment. He hasn’t changed. Not much. But there wasn’t much time for him to change. It has only been two weeks since our infamous break up. Still, he looks more grown up. His light brown hair is shorter now. He’s dressed in a nice pair of slim cut jeans, which accentuates his ass, and his favorite light blue t-shirt with an outline of a penguin on the front. He’s as tan as he always was, that’s what happens when you surf every day of the summer, no matter what. But his eyes are bluer than they used to be. Maybe it’s the light. Or the distance.

“Alice, can you help me—“ Juliet comes out of our room. “Well, hello there. I’m Juliet,” she says flirtatiously.

“Hi, I’m Tristan Hilton,” he says, extending his hand. “I’m your new suite mate.”

“Oh sweet! I didn’t know this place was co-ed. Did you, Alice?”

No, I didn’t know either. I also didn’t know that it was possible to be assigned to the same suite as your fuckin’ ex-boyfriend. And not just some ex-boyfriend. The one who broke your heart in a million tiny pieces.

“Man, you’re quite tan, isn’t he, Alice?”

“I’m from California.” He shrugs.

“Ah, that explains it! Alice is from California, too.”

“Yes, I know.” He nods. “We actually know each other.”

Juliet jumps back in surprise as if this news means as much to her as it means to me.

“You went to the same high school?” she asks.

“What’re you doing here, Tristan?” I ask.

“Listen, this is some sort of accident, okay? I didn’t mean for this to happen. I didn’t even know this suite was co-ed. I was assigned here. Just like you.”

“Well, I can’t stay here if you’re going to be here,” I say.

“What?! Why?” Juliet throws her arm around me. “No, you can’t leave, sweetie. Who knows what kind of crazy girl I’m going to have to room with next.”

I shake my head. I can’t deal with this. I can’t even be in the same room as him!

“Tristan??” I hear my mom’s voice from somewhere behind me. “What’re you doing here, Tristan?”

“Hello, Dr. Summers. Dr. Summers.” Tristan gives them both a brief hug. My dad is actually so surprised to see him that he manages to look away from his phone.

“It looks like Alice and I have been assigned to the same suite.” He shrugs.

“Mom, I have to go talk to someone about moving. I can’t stay here. Live with him.”

“Alice, don’t be rude,” she whispers to me and then turns back to Tristan. “How’s your mom and dad, Tristan? Are they here?”

“They’re in New York, but they had some errands to run. We’re meeting up for dinner later, after I unpack and stuff. I think they’re going to come see the place then.”

“Oh that’s nice. Well, send them our best.” My mom smiles. She knows almost everything that happened between us, but she’s still polite and courteous. In this moment, I both love her and hate her.

“Excuse me, I’ve got to unpack,” I say and walk back into my room. I sit on the bed and try to assess the situation.

“What’s wrong?” Juliet bursts into the room only a few seconds later, followed by my mom.

I shake my head. I can’t talk.

“Juliet, is it?” my mom says. “I’m Dr. Summers.”

“Yes, of course. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s okay. Are you okay, Alice?” my mom asks.

“I’d love to give you a few moments, Dr. Summers. But I just can’t leave without knowing what’s going on here. You know Tristan from before, don’t you?”

“He’s her high school boyfriend,” Mom explains. “They dated for two years. Long distance over this past year. And they broke up a few weeks ago.”

“Oh. My. God.”

“Well, actually, Tristan broke up with Alice. Very suddenly,” my mom adds.

“Shut up!” Juliet exclaims. “What an asshole!”

“Yes, he is a bit of an asshole,” Mom whispers.

Juliet goes on a rant about how much men suck and how much it sucks that we need them. I don’t really agree, but I agree in this moment. I like how protective she already is of me. But I still can’t stay here.

“I have to go talk to someone in housing,” I finally say, getting off the bed.

“Oh sweetie.” My mom shakes her head. “Are you sure?”

“What should I do instead? Just stay here and live with him all semester?”

My mom sighs. “I don’t know. But if that’s what you want…”

“No, you can’t. Alice, please! You can’t leave me alone with that asshole, if he is really an asshole.”

“He’s not really an asshole, Juliet. He’s a nice guy. I just can’t live with him. That’s all.”