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Aveoth (VLG Book 7) by Laurann Dohner (4)



Aveoth carried Jill into the bedroom next to his. He didn’t bother with the lights. His night vision was excellent. He gently deposited her on the bed and walked into the adjoining bathroom they’d share. He grabbed a hand towel and turned on the water. It would be cold but she couldn’t object. She’d passed out. He just hoped it was from fear and not a severe injury.

He returned to her quickly and cleaned away the worst of the blood. Only then did he reach out to the lamp and turn it on. The slight cut near her hairline was small but it bled a lot. He held his breath, focusing on her. He listened to her slow and steady heartbeat. It was normal for someone sleeping. The scent of her blood instantly tormented him.

That wasn’t all that did. He glanced at her cleavage.

So much for him taking her to his bed and stripping her naked. Jill was injured and afraid.

He’d never liked Decker’s youngest son. He’d met him on a few occasions, when Decker had sent him with messages into GarLycan territory. The VampLycan had seemed spineless. His dislike increased for Jill’s sake. He wanted to kill Decker, and now his son as well. Decon had a child with a human and had abandoned her to be raised in the human world.

It was a miracle a pack of Lycans or a nest of Vampires hadn’t killed Jill. She smelled mostly human but he picked up the faint trace of other on her. They would have too. Then again, he hadn’t smelled it until she’d bled. Decon had to know his daughter would possibly be hunted without a clan to protect her. She also could have been born with traits that revealed she wasn’t fully human. He assumed she didn’t have any special talents, or she wouldn’t be so shocked by what she’d learned.

He calmed a little when he realized she wasn’t severely injured. The cut wasn’t deep. The Scotch might have been too strong for her. She did seem totally human, and she wasn’t a big one. He leaned in and watched her expression in sleep. Her features were attractive. She had a straight, near perfect nose and full, kissable lips. The urge to brush his mouth over hers became strong, but he resisted.

The blood on her forehead drew his attention.

Vamps had the ability to heal small wounds on humans. He wondered if he could do the same. He’d never had the opportunity to test it. He licked his lips and then drew even closer to her, bracing his hands on each side of her shoulders. He opened his mouth and gently ran his tongue over the small cut.

He closed his eyes and suffered a massive, instant hard-on as the taste of her sweet blood hit him. His fangs shot out of their own accord and it caused him to jerk back. A raw hunger clawed at him to bite that inviting neck of hers. He even glanced at it, looking for the perfect spot. He could almost sense the pulsing vein.


He turned his head and fought his instincts. No one had ever affected him that way. He’d had to take some blood from Lane, but it had seemed more of a chore than real pleasure when he’d bitten her. The urge hadn’t risen much in the years she’d been his lover. They’d been strangers, for the most part, who shared intimate moments when she went into heat. He avoided her unless she needed him.

Thinking of the tall VampLycan who’d shared his home helped him cool his lust. Lane would always be a grim reminder that he seemed fated to lose any woman he allowed to get too close to him. Lane had been unhappy but she’d refused to leave when he’d offered her freedom.

Then one day he’d gone hunting…and returned to find her gone.

At first, he believed she’d just decided to visit her family living with one of the clans. He’d asked the sentry when she planned to return. The confused look on the man’s face had alarmed him. There had been no way for Lane to leave without one of his men flying her from the cliffs, and none of them had seen her.

It had taken him five minutes to locate her body where she’d plunged to her death.

It might have been an accident, but Aveoth didn’t believe it. And Lane’s scent had been the only one inside his home. It meant that she’d ventured out onto the ledge by herself. She never did that since she feared heights. The only reasonable assumption was that she’d taken her own life. She’d chosen death over remaining with him or returning to her family.

“I’m not going to let that happen to you,” he softly rasped. “That’s a promise, Jill.” He picked up the cloth and tenderly dabbed her forehead to clean away the rest of the blood. More surfaced. The wound wasn’t healing.

He frowned, wondering what he’d done wrong or if he hadn’t obtained that gift with his minimal Vampire traits.

He leaned forward, his fangs still out. He licked at the wound again. The taste of Vampire was weak but there. The Lycan in her was so faint it was just a slight aftertaste. She was mostly human. He paused and leaned back. The wound bled still.

He remembered something then, and used a fang to pierce his tongue to draw his own blood. He leaned in and licked the wound once more before easing back again.

It no longer bled. He watched, amazed, as the cut began to heal. Aveoth smiled and bit the same spot on his tongue, running it across the slight cut a few more times. He stopped and watched as it completely sealed. Her skin mended so much that within a minute, he couldn’t even see where she’d been injured. He tended to her injured wrists the same way. The tiny scratches disappeared.

He rose up and removed her shoes. He studied her clothing, wanted to take those off too but didn’t. Jill might believe he’d done something nefarious to her if she awoke naked in a strange bed. He did cover her with part of the blanket by folding it from the other side. He left the lamp on so she wouldn’t waken in the dark. That might frighten her too.

He entered the bathroom and closed the door. He had blood on his pants from his earlier fight. He turned on the shower and tried to ignore the state of his body. Arousal wasn’t something he suffered often but Jill was in the next room. He wanted her.

A list of precautions formed in his head as he quickly stripped. Jill would try to escape again. He would too, in her place. All the exterior entrances needed to be sealed. She wasn’t strong enough to open them on her own. He could barricade the stairwell to the lower floor with a large, heavy piece of furniture. A guard placed at the front door would not only keep her in, but protect her from anyone trying to reach her.

Some of his clan wouldn’t be thrilled to have Jill at the cliffs. The full-blooded Gargoyles would attempt to turn his people against him. That was a given. They’d question his leadership, his mental stability, and even his loyalty to the clan for taking a human with VampLycan blood as a mate. Vampires had been the enemy of Gargoyles for millennia. That old hatred remained strong in the ancient ones. GarLycans, for the most part, were more tolerant since they’d aligned with the VampLycans. They just didn’t breed with them.

Aveoth finished his shower and dried quickly, entering his room from the bathroom. He put on black sleeping pants and located the secondary cell phone he kept charging on his bedside table. He picked it up and placed a call. Kelzeb answered on the second ring.

“What’s wrong?”

That amused him. “Who said anything was?”

“This isn’t your official line. It’s your private one.”

“I need to speak to you. Come to my living quarter—and be silent. I have company.”

“I’m on my way.”

He hung up and checked on Jill. She still slept. He used the door out of her room to gain access to the rest of his home, and crept down the hall until he reached the living room and open kitchen area. It didn’t take long for his best friend to step out of the darkness. Aveoth grinned at the sight of Kelzeb gripping a sword, a dagger strapped to his bare thigh in a holster while he sported a pair of loose boxer shorts.

Kelzeb sniffed and instantly frowned.

“You can lower your blade. There’s no threat here. Decker called me with a deal. You’re scenting a granddaughter we never knew about. Decon had a human lover, got her pregnant, and abandoned them both in the human world. Decker had a few of his enforcers grab the now-adult daughter and bring her to me.”

“Let me guess. He wants you to give him his clan back and your promise to help him wipe out the other clans?”

“He would have tried if I hadn’t cut him off. I gave him nothing except the promise he could live as long as he doesn’t return to Alaska or start more shit with the clans. I won’t actively hunt for him until he gives me cause.” Aveoth curled his lip. “He will.”

“She agreed to be given to you?”

“No. Her name is Jill, and she didn’t even know anything but humans existed until Decker had her snatched.”

“Fuck.” Kelzeb placed his sword on the table, then ran his fingers through his sleep-tousled hair.

“I apologize if I woke you.”

“You should have woken me before you went to get the woman. It could have been a trap.”

“That’s why I didn’t take you with me. One of us needs to survive to keep the peace.”

“You took backup with you?”


“Damn it, Aveoth! You know Decker would love to kill you.”

“He could try, but I doubt he’s smart enough to do it. I was careful.”

“Why didn’t you take a few enforcers?”

“I’m not certain how the clan will react when they learn I’ve brought Jill here.”

“Right. VampLycan. I have to say, she smells mostly human.”


“I’m scenting blood. Is she well?”

“She’ll be fine. It was a slight cut.”

“It’s acceptable for you to keep a lover. No one can say anything as long as you don’t breed with her. What’s the problem? They didn’t bat an eye when Lane lived here.”

Aveoth studied his friend. “Lane had no human blood. You’re forgetting biology.”

“Shit. I’m not fully awake yet but I’m getting there. You could have her sterilized. That way there’s no accidental pregnancy.”


“It will cause major problems if you get her with child.”

“I’m aware. But I’d like to have children.” He paused. “I don’t plan to just have her as my lover. I want to create a family.”

Kelzeb softly cursed.

“Exactly. There is going to be a lot of fallout.”

“Probably not with the younger generations, but some of the pure Gargoyles are going to rise up against you if you mate a woman with VampLycan bloodlines.”

“I’m aware.”

“A few will side with you.”

“Name one.”

“Fray and Chaz’s father, Hawk. He’s pretty mellow about that shit. He might get Gorzak on his side. They’ve both lost mates and are lonely. They’d understand your need to take one, despite her bloodlines. They also don’t want a full-blooded Gargoyle lord again. You know they didn’t get along with Abotorus.”

“Vampires killed both of their mates.”

“But they are friendly to VampLycans and humans. I’d say you were shit out of luck if that woman was a full Vamp, but then again, having children wouldn’t be an option if she were.”

“Agreed. I sometimes wonder why I bother to stay.”

“You do it for the good of all. The other Gargoyle clans would attack us if they heard you were no longer our lord.”

“No. They fear us.”

Kelzeb snorted. “The other clans fear you. They’d challenge me.”

Aveoth scowled.

“You are the one who killed Lord Abotorus. No one ever beat him until you.”

“I get it. I need to stay.”

“How is this Jill handling being here and meeting you? You said she was unaware of anything not human.”

“She’s brave. I got the impression she gave Decker’s men a difficult time when they kidnapped her.”

“I like her already.”

“So do I. She asked me to beat the shit out of both of them.”

Kelzeb chuckled. “You didn’t.”

“I did.”

“How did she react to seeing violence? Most humans abhor it.”

He grinned over the memory. “She has spunk. That’s why I’m considering taking her as my mate.”

“Don’t rush into anything.”

“She’s going to need time to adjust to me and this life first. I won’t force the issue until she’s ready.”

“That might never happen. Her mind could shatter. Humans are pretty frail with their beliefs.”

“She’s no weakling.”

Kelzeb sighed. “You hope.”

“I have faith.”

“That’s new.”

“I’m attracted to her, Kelzeb, and lonely. It’s motivation. But I wanted your assessment skills right now. How do you think the clan will react when they learn I’ve brought what they will believe is a human here?”

“They’ll be shocked, since Elco has spread word that Winalin is yours. It’s expected that you’ll take a full-blooded Gargoyle female as your mate, since there is one here.”

“Elco needs to be beaten, and I’d never touch his sister. Life with Winalin would be pure misery. That’s never going to happen. And I can handle shock. What do you think will be their second reaction?”

“Some will assume you’re going to use her to breed children. And no lord uses a breeding vessel unless there are no other mate options or our clan numbers are decreasing. It’s been that way from the beginning. That will likely cause outrage, since we stick to tradition, and this doesn’t fall under either of those situations. Once they realize you plan to mate this Jill…” Kelzeb sighed. “I can’t even guess.”

“I want change.”

“I do as well, but this is pretty bold, mating with a woman with Vampire bloodlines, especially if your children show any signs of a need for blood passed down to them.”

“There’s a way we could avoid that entirely if I do mate her and she gets pregnant. I’d need your assistance with that.”

Kelzeb lowered his gaze. “Damn.”

“I won’t kill you. You’re family to me. To let her drink your blood would ensure any offspring are strongly Gargoyle. Is that asking too much?”

His friend lifted his gaze and peered at him. “If your bond will allow it, I’ll offer my blood in a cup for her to drink. It would be an honor.”

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I also need to continue to protect my secret.”

Kelzeb stepped closer. “It would be hell if they realized.”

“That’s why I’m asking you to share your blood at some point.”


Aveoth relaxed. “Thank you again.”

“Look on the bright side. We won’t have to take any secret trips in the future.”

Aveoth nodded. “True.”

“You’ve got your own blood supply when you need it.”

“She’s more than that to me, or she will be. Thankfully, I don’t get the urge often.”

“You could have always taken my blood. I’ve offered.”

Aveoth grinned. “I knew you’d be uncomfortable with that. It’s intimate to share blood.”

Kelzeb chuckled. “True.” A teasing spark flared in his gaze. “Although it’s been so long since anyone has been intimate with me in any way that I might have appreciated it.”

“I keep telling you to take a few days for yourself.” Aveoth reached out and gripped his friend’s shoulder. “When things settle, go find a woman to warm you.”

Kelzeb shook his head. “I’m not looking for a mate yet, and my ravage is years away still. I’m good. It’s a complication I don’t need. Humans are so drawn to us that I feel guilt over their attraction, and Lycans always seek to mate.”

That piqued Aveoth’s curiosity. “What do you mean, humans are so drawn to us?”

“You’re never around them. I forget. Remember when I had to spend four days in Anchorage?”

Aveoth nodded.

“I hated being cooped up in the hotel, waiting to see if any of Decker’s men showed up there. They had a gym for humans to alleviate some of their energy. I decided to try it. I lifted some weights, ran on a treadmill, and then did some pull-ups. Before I realized it, about twenty human women had surrounded me. They were drawn to me in an unnatural way.”

Aveoth frowned. “How?”

“I’m not certain if it was the sight of my body or maybe the scent of my sweat, but we seem to attract them. I could smell arousal on all of them. A few of the more aggressive ones approached me for sex, and two of them almost came to blows fighting for my attention. It might be a pheromone thing. I wasn’t sure. I broke it up and got the hell out of there. A few tried to follow me back to my room. It felt wrong to take advantage of them, considering I wasn’t certain why they were so sexually interested.”

“You never told me.”

“It wasn’t necessary. We usually avoid humans and it’s extremely rare for our men to stay in hotels. When they do, they aren’t exactly social. They check in, sleep, and leave after they’re rested. I didn’t think it was a big enough deal to bring up.”

“It’s not, but perhaps I can use that information to help Jill accept me.”

Kelzeb arched an eyebrow. “I’d call that an unfair advantage.”

“I need one. She’s going to be very resistant to becoming my mate. I want to keep her.”

“We don’t have a gym.”

“No, but we train. You could spar with me. That usually causes me to sweat.”

Kelzeb grinned. “I don’t take it easy on you.”

“I appreciate that. Everyone else fears being too aggressive.”

“You know I have no reason to take your head, so I don’t have to worry about you mistaking my actions for veiled attempts on your life.”


“In the morning?”


“I’ll arrange for the training area to be empty except for the two of us and your Jill.”

“Thank you, Kelzeb.”

“I’m going back to bed.”

“Sorry for waking you.”

“I just wish you’d done it sooner, and had me go with you when you retrieved the woman. Don’t do that again.”

“I make no promises. Lock the lower doors, please.”

Aveoth watched his friend lift his sword and leave down the back staircase. He waited moments, sealed the door by putting a large piece of furniture in front of it that Jill wouldn’t be able to move on her own. He did the same to the front entrance. He just wanted to keep her upstairs in his private area and away from the mirrored space on the floor below that guests visited him at times.

He returned to the bedroom and found her peacefully sleeping. He lifted a chair and placed it next to her bed, took a seat, and watched her.

A good hour passed before he stood, finally going to his own room. He planned to sleep for an hour, then return to her side so she’d wake to find him close.

His phone buzzed before he could lie down. He answered it. “Yes?”

“You hurt my men.”

“So?” He gritted his teeth. The bastard had nerve.

“I want retribution.”

“Fuck you, Decker. You gave me the impression your granddaughter willingly agreed to become my lover. Your men traumatized her by stealing her from the world she knew. Your enforcer roughed her up and made disturbing threats. They deserved the abuse they received. Feel lucky I didn’t send them to you in pieces.”

“I want to return to my clan.”

“You should have been happy when you led them previously, but instead your greed cost you everything. I told you to leave the other clans alone and to keep the peace.”

“I don’t have to listen to you. It’s a VampLycan matter.”

“You made it my business when you tried to blackmail me into doing your bidding. You can’t take them on your own. We both know it, and so do they. My men will never attack a VampLycan clan just so you can rule them all.”

“Lorn murdered the men I left behind! That bastard needs to die.”

“He challenged for leadership, and won fair, Decker. I like Lorn much better than I ever did you. He has my blessing.”

“It’s not up to you!” Decker snarled the words, clearly outraged.

It amused Aveoth. “You’re right—but Lorn has my support and that of my clan. We will help defend his clan if you send anyone after them again.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Decker yelled. “And it’s not Lorn’s clan. It’s mine!”

The ease in which Decker lied killed Aveoth’s good humor. The asshole had no honor whatsoever. “You’re full of shit. You’ve been working with the Vamps for a while. You put a hunt order out for your own granddaughter with their council and every Lycan pack, in the hopes they’d capture Batina for you. Then you sent Vampires into VampLycan territory as revenge because Lorn took over your clan. You probably thought it would make him appear weak to the clan, having a VampLycan kidnapped by a Vamp during his reign.”

“That’s not true!”

Aveoth snorted. “Spare me your lies. Were you worried your clansmen didn’t miss you? Did you think being attacked would encourage them to believe they were better off with you there? Wrong. Lord Abotorus taught me the art of manipulation. Your plan failed. The VampLycans aren’t stupid, and every clan is aware of who is really responsible for that Vampire attack. You are.”

“They’re setting me up and trying to blame me,” Decker spat.

“Give it up. You have your life, but it’s forfeit if you don’t leave everyone alone, including me. I beat the shit out of your men. So what? I left them alive. Feel gratitude. I’m going to hold you responsible if there are any more attacks on the clans. That includes from suckheads, Lycans, or even humans. Don’t call again, Decker, and stay the fuck out of Alaska if you want to remain alive.” He disconnected the phone.

“Fucking idiot,” he muttered.




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