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Baby Batter: A Baby For The Billionaire Single Dad Romance by Alexis Angel (11)


“I’m here,” I say to my friend Max on the phone.

The line is longer than I’m expecting on a Wednesday night. Maybe it’s college night or some shit and there’s hot fucking chicks right inside.

I’m at one of the trendiest night clubs that Brooklyn has to offer. Yes, the rumors are true—Brooklyn is the new Manhattan, but I still don’t want to fucking live in it. I’m a Manhattan boy through and through.

I walk up to meet Max in the line, and we do a fist bump in greeting.

“What’s up, man?” I pat his back.

“Not a whole fucking lot, just working, you know?” Max grins as the line presses forward.

“I know what that’s fucking like.” I nod as we get up to the bouncer.

Max is an architect, and he renovates old buildings in and around the financial district of Manhattan. He’s been my friend since college, and I know he’d fucking take a bullet for me.

We get inside the club, and the neon lights hit me with a soft glow. The hip hop bass from the club speakers booms through my ears.

Adrenaline pumps through my veins, and I’m ready to have a great fucking night out.

I also have ulterior motives for asking Max to come out to the club with me tonight, and that is my fucking predicament with Piper.

Max is never going to fucking say no to a night out, especially when he knows he has the option to flirt with sexy women. Normally I’m his wingman, but distraction is fucking wreaking havoc in my fucking mind right now.

We make our way to the first bar we see within the club. The bartender is a smoking hot girl with a white T-shirt on. I can see right fucking through it, and her amazing perky nipples are just itching to poke through and be free.

I imagine popping those tits in my mouth, but then the fucking image of Piper strikes once again. What the fuck?

We order beers and take a seat at the crowded bar. I take a huge slug of my beer and welcome the freedom it brings me. I’m not really looking to get fucking shitfaced tonight, but I need to fucking unwind.

Max gives me an odd look as he, too, takes a sip of his beer.

“What?” I say and chuckle.

He shakes his head. “Are you alright, man?”

I laugh a little too loudly. The fucking guy sees right through me, but I lie anyway. “Yeah, I’m fucking great.”

“You don’t seem great,” he says in an unconvincing tone.

I roll my eyes and watch a sexy girl in a white dress walk by. She has curves for days, and the dress hugs them perfectly. I lick my lips and wink at her, but she moves on.

“So spill the fucking beans, man. What the fuck is eating you up? Or is it that you need a chick to eat your cock tonight?” He laughs and slaps my back. “There’s plenty to fucking choose from at a place like this,” he says.

“No fucking joke,” I agree as we clink our beer bottles together. “There is something on my mind, though…” I trail off.

“I fucking knew it!” Max stands up and shouts.

Max is shorter than me. He’s a good-looking guy, I guess, but he normally doesn’t do as well as me in the ladies department because he’s too short.

When I say short, I mean fucking short as fuck. I think the dude is only fucking five foot seven. He’s like Bruno Mars, only not as rich and famous.

He has dark hair like me and the thickest Jersey accent you’ll ever hear in your fucking life.

I take a deep breath and decide to just fucking blurt it out. “I have a fucking chick problem,” I say and take another sip of my beer.

Max looks at me, curiosity tinged with disbelief. “Oh yeah? Is there a bitch who wants to settle down? Fuck that shit,” he says and scans the bar area. “There are too many hot girls out there we still need to fuck.”

“I know,” I say, “but this is more fucking complicated than that.”

“What could possibly be more complicated than that?” He climbs back on his barstool.

“Well, I think I might be in a bribery situation.”

“Oh wow. Damn.” Max winces. “What the fuck did you get yourself into now?”

“You don’t even want to fucking know.” I shake my head and laugh.

Max punches my arm. “Are you fucking getting soft on me here, Tanner?”

“No.” I shake my head. “I did something fucking stupid, and this bitch is going to make me pay the fucking price unless I conform to her fucking will.”

“Who is it?” Max asks with intrigue.

I sigh because I know Max is going to have a fucking field day with this one. “It’s Piper. Piper Stewart.”

“Fuck!” Max shouts. “The fucking Ice Queen of the Northeast? Damn, dude, what did you do to piss her off?”

“I fucked her models on top of her desk and she walked in. She caught me red handed, or in this case, ass cheek to cock handed.” I give him a sly grin, and he punches me in the arm again.

“You never cease to amaze me, Zane. You’re like the fucking Olympic gold medalist of sex.”

I burst into laughter. “It’s a true honor to have that title,” I joke in mock humility. “Back to the predicament. She has me backed into a corner.”

“What is the bitch telling you to do?” His eyes are wild, enthusiastic, and eager. I know he fucking hates Piper.

“This is the really fucked up part,” I say and talk with my hands moving frantically. “She wants to have a fucking baby with me.”

“Are you fucking serious?” Max’s eyes grow wide with horror.

“I’m fucking serious.” I nod. “She’s referring to it so fucking morbidly too. She’s calling my sperm her fucking baby batter or some shit. She says if I don’t comply and sign her contract, she’s going to send me packing. I’m as good as fired unless I agree.”

“Fuck, is that even legal?” Max questions.

“I don’t know,” I say. “I’m pretty sure fucking models on her desk is grounds for termination of our contract, though.”

“That’s a good point.” Max nods and looks down at the ground.

He’s quiet for a moment then speaks again. “Screw Piper. You can’t let her ruin your life. She’s just bluffing.”

“I don’t know, I think she’s pretty fucking serious,” I counter.

“Look at all these hot girls though,” Max says and gestures around.

I ponder this. I’m attracted to tons of women walking past me, but the only one I can think of is Piper.

I know if she fires me, I’ll have to take my manufacturing overseas. I really need the cash infusion from the baby batter agreement.

“Things are more expensive overseas,” I say. “I need to keep the manufacturing in the US, and Piper will ruin me. I need to keep my contract with her company.”

“It’s a tough call.” Max shakes his head.

“I can’t afford to get fired,” I say distantly.

There’s something else trailing on the back of my mind though, and it’s being with Piper. The sex with her is absolutely fucking amazing, and I can’t get enough of it. I might even be fucking addicted, and we only slept together once so far.

I know I’m craving more, and at this point I’ll do anything to have sex with her again—and keep my contract at the same time.

“Hey, I’m going to the bathroom,” I say and hastily walk away before Max can protest.

Only instead of walking toward the bathroom, I head toward the exit of the club. I need to be able to make this phone call and be able to fucking hear what I’m saying over the loud fucking noise of the club.

My heart beats furiously in my chest and my palms sweat. Piper answers on the second ring.

“I hope you’re calling to give me a decision. Otherwise I’m not interested in talking to you.”

Her voice is cool and calculated but so fucking silky smooth like caramel. I can hear the anxiety in her voice even though she tries to mask it.

Fucking hell, I have to be crazy to even be considering this. But there’s a lot at stake for me here. And I mean, it’s not like she’s asking me to marry her or some shit. She wants to spread her legs, catch my cum, then go along her merry way. Who am I to say no to that?

“I’m in,” I say.

“You’re in?” Her voice is high and praising.

“That’s right, I’m in.” I hang up and walk back in the club, wondering what the fuck I’ve just gotten myself into.