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Bad Dad by Sloane Howell (31)







Landon Lane






THE DAY HAD COME. THE day to leave.

I stepped up on the scale and eyed the screen. It read two hundred and forty-six point two.

“You’re fat.”

“Point two pounds, dick.”

I stared in the mirror. Joe stood behind me but a little off to the side, half of him hidden behind my broad shoulders. I’d never been so ripped in my life.

I’d bulked up to about two fifty-two a few days ago and then cut the last six pounds. It was the key to getting just the right size and making the most of every ounce of muscle. I’d need it.

Losing the six pounds gave me better mobility. Too much mass and it restricted movement. Too little and you lacked power. I was in optimum condition to do the maximum damage.

Everyone started to pile into the car. I picked up Logan in the front yard and stared around at the place. I was going to miss it. So was Logan. He had a tear in his eye like he might be looking at it for the last time. It’d been our home since he could remember. He didn’t know anyplace else.

It’s funny how you can take for granted something as simple as assembled boards and drywall. Land and mountains and fields. I knew every blade of grass and every tree for acres and acres. Knew them all intimately.

“Bye.” It’s all I could think to say to the place. All I could get out anyway.

Logan nodded and buried his head in my shoulder.

I stared off at the sun rising in the east then looked back west to the mountains. It hit me hard in the stomach, all at once. I knew Logan felt the same thing.

Cora lifted her good arm and her hand caressed my tricep. “We have to go, guys.”

I threw my left arm around her and pulled her in tight. Logan looped his arms around my neck. The three of us stared off at the mountains for another quick moment.

We got in the car and hit the road.

It was a thirteen-hour drive to Vegas with five people in the car. I’d made the drive twice in the previous two months.

The plan was to drive seven hours to Salt Lake. Spend the night. Get up and drive the rest of the way to Vegas. I didn’t want to wear Logan out and I wanted everyone fresh for after the fight. They’d all take a nap once we got into Vegas. Joe and I booked two suites at the MGM Grand to make sure everyone had a nice, big bed.

Who knew what would happen after the fight. I’d thought about sending everyone out of the country and not letting Logan, Janet, and Cora go, but Edmon would find them. He had unlimited resources. Having them nearby was my best bet at protecting them. If Edmon or whoever he was working for caught them halfway across the world, I’d never see them again.

We took off down the road. Got into Salt Lake City around two p.m.


EVERYONE HAD TOLD ME WE should rest at Salt Lake, but I had other plans. Joe paced back and forth in the hotel room.

I shook my head at him. I didn’t want to leave Cora behind, but I needed time with Logan. She understood. It was only a few hours. There’s never a promise of tomorrow.

I grabbed Logan. Maybe it’d be the last surprise I was ever able to give him. No more Christmases. No more birthdays. Edmon had made it pretty clear they were aiming to kill me on national television.

I took Logan to Hogle Zoo. We were going to forget the world for a few hours. Just him and me. I needed time with my boy.

We pulled up and he was a little apprehensive, but it soon wore off. We walked all over the place. We drank Gatorade and looked at the animals. Took a ride on the train. Logan rode on my shoulders. The sun landed on our backs and we were nothing but smiles. Nothing else existed. I could tell Logan didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want it to end. It wasn’t going to end.

As we left, we both turned back and looked at the zoo. Logan squeezed his arms around me and we turned and walked through the parking lot. At the car, I kneeled in front of him before opening the door. “We will do that again.”

I knew he saw it in my eyes.

It was a tough promise to make, but I intended to keep it.

He dove into my arms. I cupped his head in my palm and squeezed him tight against me. Smelled his hair. I gripped him harder. Tears streamed down my cheeks. Everything was getting too real too fast. Logan sniffled. A man should never have to feel like a day at the zoo with his son will be his last. He should never have to feel the pang in his gut that I felt in the Hogle Zoo parking lot that day.

Edmon was going to pay for that. I was going to destroy his glorious creation on national TV.


IT WAS ONLY ABOUT SIX-THIRTY when I carried Logan to the hotel elevator. He was already passed out on my shoulder. Likely out for the night.

I walked into the suite and Joe was watching a movie on the sofa. Janet and Cora both looked up from their books. They smiled at Logan conked out against my neck.

I walked into the bedroom and lay him down on one of the queen beds. Pulled his shoes off and tucked him in. I dropped a kiss on his forehead like I always did. “Love you, big man. I had fun today.”

He squirmed a fraction and hugged the pillow tight.

I walked back out and sat down at a small kitchen table that was in front of a breakfast bar. Joe walked over and took a seat next to me.

We had to talk about what was going to happen tomorrow. It was all figured out with multiple contingencies. We were ready.