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Bait and Switch (Bear Creek Grizzlies Book 4) by Layla Nash (42)

Chapter 45


Cooper felt Jada getting farther away, but the bear didn’t panic nearly as much with knowing Ethan and Kira were with her. She would be safe now, particularly since he could keep an eye on his brother and the wolves. Simon lingered next to him, also watching the wolves, and spoke in a low voice. “So what do you want to do, brother?”

He wanted to shake his brother until the boy saw reason. Then he wanted to hug him, then maybe beat the shit out of him for making Cooper think he was dead. Cooper clenched his hands. “I think Jada was right. There’s a lot of talking that needs to happen so we can come to a resolution. If what they told her was true, we’re a lot more alike than we are different in our goals.”

Ace shook his head. “We’re nowhere near close, Cooper. You married a girl against her will.”

“To save her,” Cooper said. He felt exhausted suddenly, as if a weight bench settled on his shoulders. “I did the best I could, man. She wanted out of there, so she agreed. We did what we thought was right in the moment. If I’d had another choice that didn’t end up in her married to our cousin... yeah, I would have done shit differently. But I can’t go back and change it.”

A tall man with gray at his temples stepped into the light from the headlights, and all the wolves retreated in deference. The alpha. Cooper straightened and flexed a little, ready for a fight to the death if it came to that. Simon caught his shoulder and gave him a warning look.

The wolf alpha studied them both, his dark eyes glinting in the light. “I’m Harry. This is my pack. We agree to discuss this more, as Jada is clearly of her own mind on how things will go. My pack will gather at the house.”

Simon didn’t budge. “What guarantee do we have that they won’t attack again?”

“I will go with you,” the alpha said, not blinking. “If they try anything, you can kill me in response.”

Ace made a disbelieving sound. “Harry, you can’t possibly

“I can do what I want, bear,” the older man said. He glanced at his pack and the wolves quailed under his glare before retreating farther, backing up until they reached their vehicles. Harry nodded to Simon and Cooper, gesturing with his hand for them to lead the way.

Cooper’s eyes narrowed as he surveyed the wolves, still not liking the situation. He liked it even less as Ace lurched forward. “I’m going with you, Harry. I want to keep an eye on this one,” and he gestured dismissively at Cooper.

Cooper bared his teeth. “Look, cub

“Knock it off,” Simon said. He nodded back at Harry and lumbered over to where another SUV waited.

Cooper wanted to put his brother in a headlock and give him a noogie, just like he had as a kid, but there was too much waiting between them. So he ducked into the back seat and scowled at the back of Simon’s head as the bear drove all four of them back to Max and Eve’s home.

Inside, the lights blazed and at least a dozen people gathered on the porch and into the living room. Max waited on the porch, every part of him braced for a fight, and started to growl as the other wolf alpha ambled up the drive. “Simon. Glad you could make it. Who did you bring with you?”

“This is Harry, alpha of the pack that tried to take Jada,” Simon said. “Seems they were trying to rescue her. And this other knucklehead is Cooper’s brother, Ace. I think we ought to sit down and have a conversation.”

Max didn’t look convinced, leaning against one of the posts. “Jada said something to that effect. The rest of the wolves can go to the barracks. There are rooms on the ground floor reserved for guests.”

Harry inclined his head just slightly in acknowledgement, turning his head to speak to his pack. “Go to the barracks and remain there until I arrive. If you don’t hear from me by six, assume I’ve been killed and do what you will.” Then he looked back at Max. “My apologies for the damage done to your home. It was in service to what we believed to be a matter of life and death.”

Max grudgingly stepped back, gesturing for them all to come up to the porch. “I understand. It is all easily repaired, although I’m not sure my wife and daughter will forgive you so easily. If anyone would kill you, it would be them. Jada—very stridently—informed us of your arrival. We have a fire set so you and Cooper can continue your discussions.”

Simon and Harry both approached the house without another word, though Cooper and his brother continued to scowl at each other. It was only when Simon and Harry both turned and barked an order that they trudged up the steps and into the house.

Sean had his hands on his hips, frowning at the bent steel of the infirmary door, and turned to look at Cooper in consternation. “How the hell did you manage this?”

“My mate was in trouble,” Cooper said as he stalked over to the fireplace to hold out his hands and warm some of the numbness from him. He didn’t react as everyone else in the house froze, gaping at him like idiots, though Harry took a cup of coffee from Simon and wandered over to join Cooper. Ace remained near the door.

At length, Eve stepped out of the kitchen and folded her hands near her waist, her voice cool and indifferent as she eyed the visiting alpha. “We are very pleased to have Jada back safely, but somewhat less pleased to have... guests. Please do no further damage to my home, otherwise I will not look kindly on your continued presence on my land.”

Max’s eyebrows arched and he made a “holy shit” look at Cooper behind his wife’s back. Apparently Eve was beyond pissed off. Cooper wouldn’t have minded seeing the mama wolf put Ace and Harry in their places. But when Harry courteously inclined his head, almost clicking his heels together to bow to her, Eve looked a little less put-out.

Cooper cleared his throat and edged closer to her, not wanting to shout his question across the crowded living room. “Where is Jada? And Francine?”

“They’re fine,” Eve said. She patted his shoulder and shooed him back to the fire. “Francine was a bit frightened but quite enjoyed being able to growl and snarl at everyone as a leopard once she shifted. It took quite a bit to convince her to turn back, since she wanted to keep biting people. They’re upstairs resting, with Marie.”

“I’d like to

“Not tonight,” Eve said. She lowered her voice and at least sounded kind as she punched him in the heart. “She doesn’t want to see anyone yet tonight. It was very difficult for her and she’s still finding her way. Just give her a little time, Cooper.”

He ground his teeth to keep the bear from breaking free again. He needed to see her, to know that she was safe and warm and fed. Eve’s word on it wasn’t good enough. Before he could do something he’d regret, Simon caught his shoulder and steered him over to the couch in front of the fire. “Sit. The sooner we hash this out, the sooner you can go pester Jada.”

Cooper grudgingly sat down. His chest hurt as he looked at Ace and wondered where the hell things had gone wrong. He should have gone back and gotten Ace out of there, but Cooper had been so focused on saving himself and figuring how to be a man outside the compound, it hadn’t occurred to him that Ace would need the same. He took a deep breath and pushed away the pain. They’d have time to figure it out, if he could convince Ace that he wasn’t like their father.