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Ballers 2: His Final Play by Blue Saffire (31)



Not Again


A month later…

Since our trip to Texas, a month ago, things have gotten better between Nico and I. We have been talking more and spending more time together, just the two of us. Well, most times it is just the two of us. Donatella is in the States this month and she has been helping with planning the wedding. Yes, I am marrying Nico.

He has been the happiest I have ever seen him. He has these moments where he is so excited he can’t even speak English. I am used to it and we still hold a whole conversation in two different languages, me speaking English and him Italian.

It doesn’t really matter we get each other. I think that is what I didn’t see before. Nico and I work because we get each other. Our age, the language barrier, none of that has ever stopped us from getting each other.

Nico finally explained to me how he felt watching me lose our babies. I get it now. I understand why he was so adamant that I go on birth control. That is also the reason why I am sitting here in the middle of the floor with tears in my eyes. My wedding should be in three months, but I don’t think that is going to happen.

I’m pregnant. I told Nico you can’t trust that crap they feed you as medicine. I knew the moment I missed my period what went wrong. It was the medicine he forced me to take before we left for Texas. It wiped out the birth control.

I don’t know what to do. Whatever I choose, someone will get hurt. If I stay and loose another baby, I think it will break us both. If I leave, I am going to rip out Nico’s heart. I can’t tell him where I am going and I can’t tell him why.

The only thing I know right now is that I have to do what’s right for this baby. I have to go within and finally heal myself. Doctor after doctor has said that they don’t know why I haven’t been able to carry to term. My last few pregnancies hadn’t been long enough to even have a cerclage performed, where they could stitch my cervix to hold the pregnancy.

No, this is something deep within that I have to deal with. I believe that with all my heart. That is why I know I am leaving. I just hope the one person I need to help me will.


“How can I help you, Reese,” Uri says with a smile so much like Nico’s, I nearly sob.

“I need your help. You once promised me anything. I am calling in that favor,” I say reminding him of the promise he made me when Nico won his last professional game.

Uri sighs and sits back in his chair behind his desk. “Why is it I feel you are about to ask me for something I don’t want to do, Reese. I will regret this promise, yes,” Uri says as his blue eyes settle on me.

I squirm in my seat, before nodding my head. “It will be for the best in the end, but yes, you may regret your promise,” I reply. “I need to disappear.”

“You are going to break his heart, Bella,” Uri frowns.

“It is better than killing him, Uri. That’s what he told me I would do to him if it happens again,” I say softly.

“What is it you are not saying, Love,” Uri says with a confused look on his face. “I need to understand because what you are asking me for, this will destroy my brother.”

“I know…but Uri, I have to try this. I’m pregnant. It was an accident, if Nico finds out he’s going to be stressed and I’ll be stressed. I need to do this. I can have this baby; I know I can. I already contacted Dr. Hashem, I will stay with him until my seventh month. After that, I will come back. Nico will be furious with me, but when I pull this off, we’ll have our baby, Uri. Please,” I explain.

Uri sits up straight and looks at me long and hard. He runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head. His calculating eyes are telling a story of their own and I hold my breath to see what comes from his lips next.

“I know my brother. He will not just let you go. He will come looking for you. Dr. Hashem will be one of the first people he will think to look for to find you, whether he knows of the baby or not. He knows he is your mentor. The two of you are close,” Uri pauses to groan.

See this is why I had to come to Uri. I can’t do this on my own. It would take Nico less than a week to find me if I tried to run off by myself. I have seen the Donati brothers in action over the years. I don’t stand a chance. If I am going to do this, I need Uri on my side, without him I’m toast.

I nod my head in understanding as I think of what Uri is saying to me. I never thought of that. I already know Nico can find Dr. Hashem when he is determined to. He has done it before.

“I will help you, but we will have to do this my way. Do you think Dr. Hashem will be willing to come to you?” Uri inquires.

I swallow hard and nod. “I think he would be willing,” I say and lick my dry lips.

“Good, I will send you to my home in Italy, Nico will not look for you there. He will not know of my involvement. Even if he returns home to Italy, he will not know to find you at my home. You will remain hidden” Uri says as if thinking out loud to himself.

“Okay,” I nod my head.

“Michael and Sim will go with you. I want to make sure you are safe. Besides, Michael will be the first one Nico goes to, to find you. I will stall that process for as long as I can. My mother will be returning to Italy in a few weeks. She will be there for you as well,” I can see the wheels turning in Uri’s head. “We will not be telling my wife of this. She has a soft spot for Nico. She will not like this.”

“Thank you, Uri,” I whisper.

“This can be done, Reese? You can see this through,” Uri wrinkles his brows in question. I can see the concern for his brother in his eyes.

“Yes, Uri. I’ve got this this time. I’m ready,” I say with conviction.

“You do know he would be happy just marrying you,” Uri says as he watches me closely.

“Yes, I am aware of that, but I am also aware that God has something more for me and Nico. This is not about my relationship with Nico anymore, Uri. It is about my relationship with God.

“I have lost six children, Uri. If that is not the universe talking loud and clear, I don’t know what is. I have a spiritual journey that I have to get right this time around. I need to get rooted in my faith in God, not in man. So I can love Nico to the ends of the earth, but I will always have to answer to whatever is calling my attention in spirit, one way or another. It’s time I deal with this, for me,” I look down at my hands.

“There is a difference between being religious and spiritual. Once you become aware of that fact, more is required of you. I gained that awareness when I chose my career. I have to accept what that means for me. I can do this, Uri. I just have to trust that God will touch Nico’s heart while I do. I’ve got this. All I need is your help.”

Uri looks at me with the most respect I have ever seen in his eyes. “Done,” Uri says with a final nod.

I sag back in my chair in relief. My hand goes to my belly and a smile touches my lips. It’s you, me and God, kid. Your daddy is going to kill me, but he is going to love you to pieces.