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Ballers 2: His Final Play by Blue Saffire (33)



Time Will Tell


A month later…

It has only been a month since Uri helped me disappear. I have wanted to call Nico every day. It hurts so much to be away from him, but I have to stick to the plan.

Dr. Hashem was already here in Italy when we arrived. Uri wasted no time bringing him in. I appreciate everything everyone is doing for me. I know this is hard on everyone. Nico has called Michael every day to see if he can help and when he will be returning home.

I was already in my feelings about them having to lie for me. I didn’t plan to involve so many people in the beginning. However, I get why Uri planned it this way. If I thought I felt someway before, I feel like complete shit now that Donatella has arrived.

Nico’s mother hasn’t said a word to me in two days. She has just looked at me. It is like she is studying me. I really don’t know what to make of any of it.

I have started trying to avoid her. I was doing well too. That is until I decided to take a walk in the vineyards. I had a reiki session with Dr. Hashem and just felt like taking a walk to mediate some on my own.

I am so deep within myself, I don’t pick up on Donatella’s energy until she gets right up on me. Out of shock, I spin to find her staring at me again. I place a hand over my chest and sigh in relief to find it is just her. Then I frown, because I know she is here for a reason. I’m just not sure what.

“My mother had a recipe for everything, a broken heart, a wayward husband, making a baby. Old wives’ tales, you know these things, yes?” Donatella says as she looks me in the eyes.

“Yes,” I nod.

Donatella shrugs. “I lost a set of twins between Uri, Nico, and Annabella. For two years, nothing,” she cuts her hand across her neck. “My husband couldn’t keep his hands off of me. Nico’s father was a handsome man with a vicious appetite,” Donatella wiggles her brows at me, pulling a smile from my lips. “My mother came to visit us and cooked me one of her recipes. I was pregnant a month later with Nico and Annabella.

“I still don’t know if I believe in her recipes, but after watching what you and Nico have gone through I have wished, repeatedly, that I had listened and learned,” Donatella steps closer and cups my face. “I understand what you are doing and why. I was so afraid throughout the entire pregnancy with Nico and Annabella, that I would lose them like they others.

“I know what you’re going through sweetheart. My son is hurting. Right now, he is on his way to Texas, to attending your friend’s engagement party in hopes that you will show up. It breaks my heart that I cannot tell him that you will not be there. But I have seen Nico after you have lost a baby. My grown son nearly crawled in my lap to cry the last time you lost a child.

“I need you to be strong, Reese, because I believe you are doing the right thing,” she moves her hand to my belly. “We will grow this belly and when you return to my son, he will be a papa. I may not believe in the recipes, but I believe in you. I have seen you bring my son back from the dead. You will bring life.”

My eyes fill with tears at her words. I’d been struggling all day with wanting to call Nico, with wanting to call this all off. Her words just service to fortify my resolve. Donatella kisses my cheek and wraps an arm around my waist.

“Now explain to me what I can do to help. Do I just stay out of your way or is there something I can do,” Donatella asks as she starts us back in the direction I was heading.

I smile sheepishly. “Nico says you taught him how to make his marinara sauce. I would love some of yours,” I smile.

“Oh my love, you have not had marinara sauce until you’ve had it made with fresh vegetables from Italy. We will make a fresh batch for tonight,” Donatella laughs.

“Thank you,” I say as I place my head on her shoulder.

“It is nothing,” she replies and kisses my forehead.



I thought for sure I would find Reese here at Tam’s engagement party. I didn’t think there was anything in the world that would make her stay away from this. Tam is one of her closest friends.

I don’t know what to think. I have asked Uri if he thinks Reese’s disappearance could be related to family business. Maybe Reese didn’t leave me. Maybe someone took her. Tony hadn’t been with her the day she disappeared. Reese had planned to stay in all day and I hadn’t planned to be long. I didn’t even think to bring someone else in.

However, Uri assures me that things have been quiet. No one wants to threaten the Donati or Caprisi families right now. Not with the power we have through our connections. The alliance runs so deep there is no one in the world that wants to challenge it. Sam and Uri pulled off the impossible in the last five years.

I know this to be a fact, but I thought maybe, just maybe someone grew some balls. It is the only other thing I can think of to justify Reese being gone. I still can’t believe she left me. Her wedding gown arrived at the apartment just before I left for Texas.

I sat in the middle of our bedroom like a baby crying with the garment bag cradled in my arms. I remember the huge smile on her face when she and my mother came back home after she went to pick out her gown. I was surprised she found one on the first try. Valentina drove Uri crazy picking a gown for their second wedding.

Mama raved on how beautiful Reese looked in her gown. I can’t bring myself to think that I will never see her in it. I hung the dress in the closet. It will be there for when Reese returns to me. She has to return to me.

I drunkenly stumble into my hotel room. I pull a hand down my face. I frown as I look around my suite. Something is off.

“You left the party hours ago. I wanted to insure you returned safely,” a female voice says.

“Where is your husband? Do I have to tell him you have upgraded to breaking into my hotel rooms now,” I roll my eyes and stumble to the couch.

“Uri is with our children. I come to offer my help,” Valentina shrugs from her seat in an accent chair.

“You should be resting. That belly is not shrinking,” I say and point to her protruding stomach.

Val tilts her head to the side. “I have rested enough. Do you want help or not? Michael is still stuck in London and Uri seems to be dragging his ass. We need to find her,” Valentina pouts.

I sigh. “How do you plan to help,” I ask.

Val smiles broadly. “It’s time we call Uncle Valentine out of retirement. He can find anyone.”

“Do you think he can really find her,” Nico.

“If he doesn’t I will name this baby after you, boy or girl,” Valentina chirps.

“Fine, make the call,” I huff.