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Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors) by Stella Sky (133)




"Commander Kasian Jade, we have a new report for you about your brother.” Agent Teqin stood at attention while I stood next to the power receptor holding cells. They were very important to the air filter project and it was Drackonian technology. It was very expensive and powerful Drackonian technology.


"Follow me to my office,” I told the agent as I handed one of my engineers some checklist paperwork.


The engineering project was along the riverbank and used a hydro-electric generator to power the building of the project. Once the air filter was up and running, the air filter itself would run off the Drackon power receptors. It was a very isolated area along the riverbank and gave us plenty of privacy away from prying eyes. Once the air filter energy projects were built, we could easily move them to New York City by way of the Hudson River. It had all been planned very meticulously. My two-story cabin was ten miles away from the building project. It was reasonable flying distance for me, when I chose to fly. I walked into my glass office high above the entire project. This gave me a good place to watch the work being done and keep everything on schedule. I closed the door.


"Continue with your report," I told the agent.


"We followed your brother, Orik, out of the town. He left immediately after visiting you and your cabin. He went south to the city. Our man followed him to the airport and is there awaiting instructions. Would you like him to continue to follow him?” Agent Teqin asked.


"No, as long as he left town, he is no concern of mine any longer,” I said to him.


"Understood, Commander. I will tell my security to return to the plant. Will there be anything else?”


"No, you are relieved."


I had to focus on my work and on my bride coming in to meet me. I would not let my brother steal time and energy away from me. He had a way of doing that. He would do something that would consume me and I would spend all of my energy and time trying to stop him from whatever trouble he got himself into. Not this time. I had come to Earth to escape all of that. He had followed me for some reason, no doubt out of jealousy that I had risen in the eyes of the king. He could never stand when I got ahead and he would always do something that in his eyes was a sort of payback.


We had been like this since we were young. What began as simple sibling rivalry had grown into a war between brothers. But I was no longer going to participate in it. I was taking the high road and was going to ignore his existence all together. But then, of course, he would show up and push himself into my life. I was not going to allow that to happen; I was just going to ignore that he was on Earth at all. If he got into trouble, I would not answer his pleas for help. He was on his own. That was it.


Two hours later, I was overseeing the blueprints for the next phase of the project. It was projected on the wall in holographic form. I moved my hand through it to go to the next page of the plans. This was Drackonian technology as well. We had basically moved an entire workforce, layout, and a small army of Drackonians to this remote outpost in the state of New York.


"Commander Kasian Jade, there is a communication coming in from Cerista; it is the aide of the king,” the voice said over my intercom.


"Let the communication through; I am ready,” I said as I went to the communication wall and stood in front of the screen at attention.


"Commander Kasian Jade, King Rykor is requesting communication with you,” the aide said on the screen.


"I am honored and ready for the communication,” I said as the aide pushed a few buttons on the console in front of him. Then the screen switched to the king. King Rykor was sitting in his regal office inside the castle in Cerista on my home planet of Mooreah.


"Commander Kasian Jade, greetings to you from Mooreah,” King Rykor said.


"King Rykor, it is my great honor to receive communication from you directly,” I said with a low bow of my head.


"I have received your progress reports on the project and you are on schedule, on budget, and are making advancements beyond anything we could ever perceive. I congratulate you on your efforts. This project will be good for relations between Drackon and humans.”


"I humbly thank you. I am just doing my duty and I am loyal to my king,” I said in response to his appreciation.


"I bring you bad news,” King Rykor said.


"I am listening, my King,” I said, standing at attention ready for the bad news.


"It has come to my attention that your brother, Orik, has gotten himself into trouble here on Mooreah. I received the report from the Drackonian special intelligence agency."


"What sort of trouble?” I said with my jaw clenching in anger.


"The special intelligence agency reports that Orik has been doing unlawful dealings with outlaws on Riobl. He has been selling Drackon technology on the black market. He has stolen from the military base on Sala, and countless others," the king said angrily.


"My deepest apologies for my brother’s actions,” I said angrily.


"No need to apologize, Commander Kasian Jade. I am well aware that you and your brother are complete opposite Drackons. I trust you and have faith in you. You are not your brother. But the problem is that the agency has lost track of him on Riobl. He was under arrest, but has vanished,” the king said.


I had no hesitation in telling the king exactly where my brother was. “He is here on Earth, my King. He showed up to my cabin yesterday where I threw him out. I did not know of his arrest or I would have detained him. But I did not want him anywhere near my project or my home. I do not want him anywhere near me. I wanted to make sure that he left town and the area of the project. But my security only tracked him to New York City. I told them they no longer needed to track him after that point. I only wanted confirmation that he had left my area. That was over two hours ago. My deepest apologies, my King, for not keeping on him. I did not know," I said, trying to restrain my voice.


I wanted to scream in anger. He had done it again. He was pushing himself into my life when he was in deep trouble. But I couldn't exactly raise my voice in rage while speaking to my king. So I kept my voice at a reasonable level as I clenched my fists at my side.


"That is unfortunate news, Commander Kasian Jade. Him being on Earth could cause great problems between the Drackon and the humans. If he has technology that he stole from Mooreah on him, then he's probably going to try to sell it on the black market to criminal humans. It could be devastating,” the king said.


"What can I do to help?” I asked without hesitation.


"I will need to warn the security of the Earth Council of his presence. They will need to hunt him down. I am sending a taskforce from Riobl that has been tracking him and knows every detail of his work, but it will take a while for them to arrive on Earth. In the meantime, can you organize a taskforce of Drackon warriors there on Earth to track him down and capture him? You have full access to the Drackon reserves of warriors that are stationed in the city under the Earth Council. I will let them know that you are coming,” the king said.


"Yes, I will do what is asked of me. Although I have a slight request of my King, if I may ask it,” I said for the first time in my life, as I had never asked the king for a condition on any of his orders. He looked confused for a second. "Of course, Commander Kasian Jade,” he said.


"My new human female wife arrives at my cabin in the morning. She is already in transit here. I hoped to be able to greet and meet her. It has been in progress for months now and tomorrow is the day."


"Understood, Commander Kasian Jade. Dispatch your taskforce to go ahead of you to try to track down your brother once more. You will meet them the day after meeting your bride. I want you on this because you alone know how your brother thinks. It is important to the mission. But your request for a one day delay of your direct presence on the mission is granted as long as you oversee the taskforce that you dispatch to begin the mission without you,” the king said.


"I understand. Thank you for the flexibility, my King. I will not let you down. We will find my brother and we will stop him from selling whatever he has in his possession.”


"And we will continue to work here to find out who he is working with on Mooreah and on Sala. He could not have done all of this on his own. He definitely could've not gotten it all the way to Earth on his own. Good luck and keep me posted on the status,” the king said.


"Yes, my King,” I said, bowing my head in goodbye.


"Oh, and Commander Kasian Jade,” the king said playfully causing me to look up at the screen in confusion.




"Enjoy your new human female bride. I hope she is just as lovely and intelligent as mine,” the king said with a smile before the screen went black.


I smiled briefly, thinking about my new human female bride. But then the smile quickly faded as I remembered the task ahead of me. My brother had done it again. I was millions of miles away from him on Earth, and he still managed to come here and pull me into his bullshit.


"Send Agent Teqin in immediately. There is no time to lose!” I shouted into my intercom. I looked out the window at the busy work underneath me. I saw Agent Teqin be alerted. He looked up at my office and flew straight to the landing point outside my door. In seconds, he was standing in front of me.


"Reporting, Commander Kasian Jade,” he said.


"I have just had a talk with our king. It seems that my brother is under arrest and has fled here to Earth. The king is requesting our assistance in tracking him down and detaining him. I told the king that my brother visited me at my cabin and that we stopping tracking him only hours before. Get to your man that was tracking him at the airport and see if he could still find him in the city or if he boarded a flight. Also, we need to assemble a taskforce amongst our warriors here that will meet with a taskforce in New York that is stationed at the Earth council. I want you overseeing this until I join you in forty eight hours from now in New York. The King has reported that my brother may possess Drackonian technology that he is trying to sell on the black market to both Drackon and human criminals. We must stop this. Now go,” I said to him.


He quickly moved out the door and flew into action rounding up his security team on the ground. I trusted him. He was the best of the best and knew exactly what to do.


"Call in my lead engineer,” I said over my intercom.


I had a lot of work to do with my lead engineer. He would be overseeing the project while I was gone, and I had no idea how long this was going to take. Just when I thought that working on this project was going to give me the time to bond with my human female wife because it was forcing me to stand still for years at a time. It was the perfect time to go to work overseeing the project and then come home to a wife.


Now that had been thrown into chaos. Now I would barely have any time to meet her and talk to her. But I had to do what my king requested, and I wanted to bring my brother down. He was putting the entire Drackon race in jeopardy, as well as the relations that we had with the humans. He needed to be stopped. I was the one to do it. We were very similar in our thinking patterns even though we used them differently. I seemed to use them towards good deeds and he used them towards the bad.