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Barbaric Alien (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Vithohn Warriors) by Stella Sky (41)

Chapter 4



I had treated many soldiers before on Earth. I had given them massages and ice baths; it was no problem. But this was different. I was about to be alone with this brute alien that had been hostile toward humans and Earth. I had just watched him be ruthless in the war games and it both scared and excited me. Now I was supposed to treat his injury in order to establish trust. I had to do it. The entire mission depended on it.


But the way Evlon had looked at me on the field had me feeling very nervous. Maybe it was all in my head, but it seemed like he was flirting with me, an alien flirtation. Was it possible? I knew that they took human females from Earth and enslaved them. It was wrong, and one of the main reasons that I was there, to stop that. But were they also taking them to bed? It was possible, and it was possible it was why he had looked at me the way he had, because he knew what it was like to be inside a human female.


We quietly walked into the lower levels of the war game complex, which were comprised of different rooms.


“Why don't you tell me what is bothering you?” I said, finally breaking the silence as I followed him into what looked like a physical therapy area. There were bathtubs lined against the wall and several exam tables. I could not read the writing on all the gadgets, but it all seemed familiar.


“Here,” he rubbed the inside of his right thigh. I swallowed hard. He looked at me with a grin. “Are you familiar with this area. The muscles here in the thigh?” he asked.


“Yes, we call it a groin muscle,” I said rapidly as I realized I was going to have to massage his groin. “Do you have a cold bath? Ice? Or very cold water,” I said.


“Yes, I know what ice is on Earth. Here we use this. It comes out just as cold,” he pointed to the spout over the tub.


“Good then fill the tub with very cold water,” I said.


He grinned and turned the spout. I looked around the room trying to get familiar with it. I noticed folded cloths stacked on top of each other. I grabbed one so that he could wrap it around his waist.


“Get out of that uniform and wrap this around your waist,” I said holding it out to him.


He grinned and began to undress. “Why do I need to do that?”


“Well, it’s just because…” but there was no point. He slid off his boots and the uniform and stood in front of me naked.


I gasped.


“Yes, that is the reaction you should have, human female,” he said arrogantly. I looked directly at his cock. He was exactly like a human man but much bigger. His cock was hard and stood straight up toward his belly. His hard six pack abs were toned and muscular. His broad shoulders and hard pecks were perfect. He was the perfect specimen of an alien soldier with smooth red skin.


“Um…I think it should be ready now. If you want to get in,” I said turning my back to him.


He laughed. I heard the water turn off and then the splashing as he got in. I was glad that he was submerged now and I would not have to look at the lower half of him. I went to a table near the exam table and looked at what was on it.


“So, you should only be in there for about six minutes or so, or at least a human would. I don’t know the hypothermic level of a Zenkian, but just to be safe. It is enough time to calm the inflammation,” I said not looking at him.


“I will set it for six minutes,” he said. I looked up to see him pressing a panel on the side of the tub. He was setting a timer. That was easy enough.


“I think this is rubbing oil?” I said holding up a bottle.


“Yes precisely,” he said. I took off the lid and smelled it. It was a delicious fragrance of flowers of some kind.


“Miranda,” Evlon said. I looked at him. He was laying back in the tub casually. His broad shoulders and muscular arms caught my attention.


“Yes, Evlon? Are you feeling all right? Is it too cold? Do you need to get out?” I asked.


“No, I have stamina for harsh conditions,” he said. “This it is perfect. I just have a question for you,” he grinned. It only made me more nervous.


“All right, Evlon. I’m listening,” I said.


“Why are you doing this? Why did you choose this profession? Why would a human female like you want to deal with aliens like me?” he smiled.


“That is not what I expected. That is a very serious question. I don't have a straight answer. I like doing what I do, and I have always had an interest in space. I think I would get very bored if I did something else,” I said surprised by his probing question.


“That is a good honest answer, but what I think you really mean to say that you find us fascinating. You find me fascinating,” he said.


He was arrogant. I wasn’t going to give in to whatever game he was playing. “What about you, Evlon? Why do you do this? You are out there fighting in that war game. You participate in raids on Earth. Why?”


“Because I fucking love it, that’s why,” he said arrogantly again.


“That is an honest answer, I guess. I was looking for something a little deeper, but I would not expect that from you,” I said. Now it was my turn to be arrogant. His face fell from a grin to a snarl. He didn’t like it. I suddenly realized that I was teasing a brute alien that thought violence was fun, and I was all alone. It was a stupid mistake.


Ding! The timer went off. He was still looking at me.


“You can get out now,” I said. He was pissed. He braced himself on the tub edges and hoisted his wet naked body up. I quickly turned and began to grab the oil and other items on the side table next to the table in order to occupy myself.


“Just dry off, Evlon. Then come and lay on this exam table,” I said nervously.


My breathing grew rapid as I imagined the water dripping off of this firm and toned body alien. He was angry, and it turned me on a little. I felt a little ashamed by that.


I could feel his body moving next to me. I inhaled and could smell his masculinity. He moved on to the table. “I am ready, Miranda.”


I turned around to him. He was completely naked again on the table dripping wet.


“Oh my god,” I said.


“Yes, I am your god,” he said arrogantly again.


I sighed as I went to the wall and grabbed a dry cloth. “Let me drape this on you,” I quickly said. I looked straight at the wall. I slowly laid it over his crotch. I knew that he was doing this on purpose. He was trying to make this very difficult for me.


“Okay, so now I would massage the injury. This will help it heal and get the blood flow back in,” I grabbed the oil and poured it into my hands.


“I can’t wait,” he said.


I sighed. I was annoyed with his arrogance. It was frustrating. I rubbed my hands together with the oil. I looked down at him. He was laid out in front of me. Drips of water were beading off his smooth red skin. Six-pack abs moved up and down with his breathing. Strong legs were long and toned, exactly how a soldier should look. I needed to stop ogling his body and get to work.


“Tell me if I am using too much pressure. I don't want to hurt you more,” I said, stalling. Putting my hand on his inner thigh was not something I wanted to do, but I had to. Why did his injury have to be so damn close to his large cock?


“You could never hurt me, Miranda. You are too small and fragile,” he said. His voice was husky and low. I looked at him, and his eyes were closed. I took a deep breath and lay both of my hands on the inside of his right thigh.


“Mmm, human female, your hands feel very warm. It is good after being in the cold,” he moaned.


The way he moaned out the words caught me off guard. It was sexy. Almost like he was fucking. I pretended not to notice.


I moved my fingers massaging as low as I could near his knee. I had to focus. I tried to think of him in an anatomical medical way.


“Is that too much pressure?” I asked.


“No, you can do it harder. But the real injury I feel is higher,” he said.


“Oh, okay,” I swallowed. “Here?” I moved my hands up higher on his inner right thigh. I was looking the cloth that was barely draped over his cock.


“Higher, Miranda,” he with whispered. I moved a little bit higher, afraid to go any higher than that.


“What about here?”


“No, higher.”


“Is it right here?”


“Yes, that is it. Right there,” he said.


My hands were practically under the cloth as I massaged his groin slowly, and as I looked, I noticed movement in the cloth. Damn it. His cock was growing hard. I bit my lower lip as I watched the outline of his alien cock become larger under the cloth. It distracted me, and before I knew it, I was massaging harder and higher. Then the back of my hand brushed against his large balls under the cloth. I pulled my hands away.


“Crap, I am so sorry,” I said ashamed.


“Miranda, it is fine. Do not be alarmed. It will happen when dealing with this area. At least you are a female. It is usually a male Zenkian that massages our injuries,” he laughed as he looked at me with that dashing grin and his amber brown eyes.


I couldn’t help it, and I burst out laughing. It was such a strange moment to have with this beast.


“It is good to see a smile on your face. Please continue,” he said.


I put my hands back on his thigh, but lower, and continued.


Moans escaped his mouth every now and then, and it made me think about how it would sound to have sex with him. Was he doing it on purpose? I became very aroused listening to his moans, but I was fighting it. It was unprofessional for me to be doing this in the first place, but now I was thinking about sex with this alien. It was the opposite of what this mission was for. It was very bad, but why did it feel like it would be so damn good to let him touch me back?


“Miranda,” he moaned my name.


“Yes, Evlon?” I whispered.


“Are you seeing anyone?” he asked.


“What?” I was so surprised by his human-like question. A loud commotion echoed down the hall of the war game complex, and I realized it was the soldiers coming in off the field. We would not be alone anymore, and I was glad for it. I poured oil in my hand and massaged him lower. This was the most awkward mission I had ever had, and it was only just beginning.


I didn’t know what to think of what was going on here. This was not at all what I expected. I expected to land and go straight into meetings with the Zenkian Waysaw leaders to discuss how a peace accord could be possible. I did not expect to achieve peace right then and there, but to open a dialogue about it. Yet here I was, massaging an alien soldier’s injury simply because I had a medical background. They must have great intel on us to know that about me. I wondered what else they knew.


“Are you all right, Miranda?” Evlon asked as he tucked his chin into his chest and looked at me.


“Yes, fine. I am almost done here,” I said.




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