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Barefoot Bay: Promise Me Forever (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Jules Bennett (4)




Sleep had completely eluded her. No, that was a lie. She’d slept and had the most erotic dreams of her life. Glorious dreams that starred her former husband and a white sandy beach. Nothing for miles but the two of them entangled in each other’s arms. Fabulous glimpses into the brief life they’d shared. Like a scene from a movie that kept rolling over and over in her head, Katie had relived the good times all night long.

Thankfully, the dark period hadn’t entered into her sleep. She relived those nightmares enough during waking hours. Even all these years later, she’d get a little catch in her heart when she saw babies or young families.

She couldn’t help the sense of jealousy that speared her. She knew in her heart she’d always have that hollowness from all she’d lost. How did anyone truly recover from such a loss?

As she watched her coffee drip into one of Aunt Tilly’s crazy mugs, Katie couldn’t help but smile. The mug of the day said If it requires pants or a bra, it’s not happening today.

Katie loved her aunt, she loved her silly personality and blunt approach at life. And this mug pretty much summed up Katie’s mood anyway. Once the construction crew got here and she went over Tilly’s plans, Katie hoped to hide right here in the upstairs bedroom and practice a new routine for special clients she had in a few days. She hoped they liked classic, older songs. Katie had always loved those timeless hits and incorporated them as often as possible.

The drip came to a stop and Katie added her usual accessories to the coffee. Since the kitchen was going to be under heavy construction, Katie promptly moved the coffeepot into the bedroom as soon as she’d arrived. She had priorities and they consisted of dance and coffee.

The master bedroom had a perfect cushioned seat that overlooked the ocean. If Katie lived here permanently, she wasn’t sure she’d get anything done or ever leave that room. She could clear off the opposite wall and put a row of floor-to-ceiling mirrors. A perfect setup.

She had to teach later this afternoon and she needed some serious relaxation after the human bomb that exploded into her life last night.

How the hell had her past come straight in all sexy and sauntering, and even more broad and chiseled than last she’d seen him? And why did she have to be so affected?

Because she’d never fully gotten over him. Every man she’d attempted to date since her divorce had been compared to Roman…and none of them had measured up.

She shivered recalling the way he’d raked that midnight gaze over her as if he recalled every single time he’d seen her naked. It was almost as if the turmoil that she’d had rolling inside her didn’t even exist for him. She’d had to keep her emotions in check and pretend that she’d moved on unscathed. Exposing her true feelings upon seeing him again would’ve only conjured up pain she didn’t want to revisit—and the truth she’d kept from him.

If Roman had been uncomfortable, he did well to hide it. Internally, she’d been a ball of nerves. She’d really wanted to make a good impression on Jasper because she loved his studio and wanted to teach the private lessons and earn a little more money she could use toward opening her own place. Not that she was earning much, but every little bit helped. Her entire world lately had been wrapped up in pursuing her one main goal in life.

But then the only man she’d ever loved walked in and everything else ceased to exist. She’d loved him once. Loved him with a fierce passion she didn’t know if she’d ever find again.

Katie couldn’t say she loved him now, she didn’t know him. But she had loved him once. They’d loved each other with an intensity that only young, innocent lovers had. They been so happy and content with their simple life: cheap wine, making love under the stars, sharing a meal when they could only afford one at a nice restaurant.

Then she’d gotten pregnant and the dynamics changed. They were forced to mentally grow up, forced to think of someone other than themselves. They’d been scared, then excited. Their rush to the alter had their hearts guiding them when they thought they were doing the right thing.

But a heated affair and a marriage were vastly different.

Katie shut down her thoughts before they kept on traveling, pulling her with them. There was so much more to their story and she’d done well to keep it all in the past.

The doorbell rang—well, it let out a groan like it needed replacing years ago. Just one of the many things Tilly had hired this construction firm to do. She’d already been in contact with them, but Katie was still ordered to go over everything so there were no communication errors.

Padding barefoot through the hall and down the stairs, Katie made her way to the foyer. Sunlight spilled in through the sidelights, casting a kaleidoscope of colors over the old hardwood floors.

With a flick of the lock, she pulled open the old, oak door and instantly stilled. Breath caught in her throat, her heart thudding double time, Katie met the eyes of the man she’d danced with last night.


He offered her a sideways grin. Just like last night, the man masked anything he may be feeling. “You’re Tilly’s niece?”

Damn it all. She hadn’t seen Roman Grant in over eight years, but in the past day she’d run into him twice. It was obvious he was the worker here to do the renovations which only meant she’d be seeing him every single day for the next month.

This impromptu reunion had disaster written all over it.


Katie hated the breathless tone that slipped out at her simple answer. She glanced past Roman, but only saw a work truck in the drive and no other workers.

“Where’s the rest of the crew?”

“I’m it for a while.” He gave a shrug, but kept that half-cocked grin in place. “The other guys are finishing up a job in Naples.”

Of course he was the only one. Why would there be a crew or even a different worker altogether? Just fabulous. Her and her ex-husband alone in the house. Him getting all sweaty, her with her memories. This would end perfectly fine, right?

Katie thought back to Jasper’s excitement last night over the fact she and Roman had a history. Damn that sneaky little dancing machine. He knew. He freakin’ knew why Roman was in town and he knew she was here to house sit for her aunt. He’d known she and Roman would run into each other again.

Oh, he probably hadn’t known they’d been married. She truly believed that part had surprised him…and probably excited him considering his plans.

When she got to the studio later, Jasper had better be alone because she was coming in hot and voicing her thoughts on his meddling scheme.

There was nothing to do now, though. She was stuck and so was Roman.

On a sigh, Katie opened the door wider and gestured him in. “Tilly left me the list to go over even though she’s already talked to your boss.”

His side-grin turned into a full-fledged smirk, and damn if that sexy, familiar gesture didn’t get her blood pumping and have her angry all at the same time. She didn’t want her blood pumping for this man. Resurrecting those feelings would not be smart. She’d buried everything for a reason.

Still, she could certainly admire how magnificent this new Roman was. Any woman with breath in her lungs would be staring and conjuring up fantasies. You know, the stereotypical hunky construction worker and the lonely homeowner. Could she get anymore clichéd?

She seriously hadn’t had enough coffee to deal with this level of emotions. Was it too early for wine? Or maybe a mimosa?

“I planned on starting in the kitchen.” Roman’s words pulled her away from her pathetic thoughts. “I know the master bath and the kitchen are the two big items on her list. The others are minor and will be done last.”

Katie nodded and pointed down the narrow hall. “I’m sure you know the way.”

Roman started to brush past her, but stopped. Katie stilled now that he stood within a breath of her. He swung that midnight gaze back to her, pinning her in place.

“About last night—”

Katie shook her head. “Forget it. I’ve only known Jasper a month, but he’s harmless. Even if he’s a little over the top.”

“That’s what everyone loves about him.” Roman raked a hand over his messy dark hair and blew out a sigh. “I had no idea you were here, let alone working with my cousin.”

Those fine lines around his mouth drew her in. The stubble along his jawline had her clenching her fists so she didn’t rake her hands over the hair to feel the roughness against her palms.

She seriously needed to get a grip. But how was it possible the man was even sexier and more captivating than he’d been years ago? Because when they’d first met she’d been unable to deny her attraction or the instant pull. Getting swept back into that euphoria of young love would only be a mistake.

“We were both caught off guard last night.” At least they had some common ground right now in that they were still reeling from the surprise. “And apparently this morning. Although, I have a feeling your cousin knew full well why you were here and that we’d be seeing each other again.”

“I’m sure he did,” Roman agreed with a slight laugh. “He’s been on me for a while to find someone.”

Katie didn’t like the instant mental image of Roman with another woman. Though she knew he hadn’t been alone for eight years. They’d gone separate ways, created their own lives.

“I wasn’t prepared for this,” she whispered.

Damn it. She seriously needed to keep her thoughts to herself. Exposing any type of vulnerability would only cause weakness and allow access to those hurts she’d worked so damn hard to bury.

The muscle in Roman’s jaw ticked, his eyes raked over her face. Katie’s body instantly heated, her heart rate kicked up.

Clearly some things never changed. He could still pull the most primal of needs from her with just a look. But, she was smarter now, more cautious, and paid attention to warning flags.

“I don’t want to make this harder on you,” Roman told her. “But memories are difficult to run from.”

“They are,” she agreed with a slow nod. “We’re older now, though, and have moved on. I’m not uncomfortable having you here. Still a little stunned after all this time, but I’m actually excited. We were friends once.”

Friends. Yeah, for about a day until they realized how compatible they were between the sheets. But even when they weren’t in bed, they’d meshed so perfectly. Their love of the ocean, of being adventurous, of watching old movies, and binging on junk food.

“We were.” Roman’s smile widened. “What do you say we do a walk-through and I’ll tell you all I’m going to be working on?”

Feeling a bit more at ease, even if she was still totally turned on, Katie followed him to the kitchen and listened to the detailed plans. Then they made their way to the master bath where Tilly had asked for the works and spared no expense. When they stepped back into the bedroom, Roman nodded toward the dresser.

“Nice mug,” he smirked. “I see you still take coffee seriously.”

Katie crossed to the pot and picked up her mug. “I figured since you were tearing out the kitchen, the obvious place to keep the coffee pot was near the bed.”

He’d brought her coffee and breakfast in bed many times. Coffee, donuts, fruit, bacon and eggs, pretty much anything. There had been a brief time they’d simply lived to spoil each other.

Katie inwardly groaned. She wished she could push these memories aside, but they kept rushing, one right after another, to the forefront of her mind. What else was she supposed to think about when thrust back into her past with no warning?

She honestly didn’t know what was worse, reliving the past or trying to ignore how ridiculously hot her former husband was. Because she was having a hell of a time trying to remember that they were different people now. Their experience years ago had slammed a wall down between them, forcing them to remain apart.

“I’m going to start demo today,” he told her, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “It will take a few days to get everything out and cleaned up. The cabinets, counters, appliances, everything is on order and should be here by then. Tilly was quite specific.”

Katie laughed. “She left me a laminated spreadsheet in case you forgot what she’d gone over with you.”

Roman’s dark eyes widened. “Well, I better at least take a look at it so you can tell her you showed me. I’m surprised if she’s that detail oriented, she’s not here to oversee things.”

Katie took a sip of her now lukewarm coffee before setting the mug down on the dresser. She pulled the top drawer open and pulled out the protected sheet.

“She hates clutter, so there’s no way she could’ve lived with the mess.” Katie handed over the list. “I’m free for the time being, so she asked if I’d housesit.”

“I recall a time when chaos and mess would’ve bothered you, too.”

Katie wondered how often their time together would be brought up. Good thing they weren’t doing a drinking game. She’d be drunk before lunch.

“I’ve changed quite a bit in eight years,” she reminded him. “Work and focusing on my job used to consume me. Then I realized my passion was dance and life was too short to worry about the next dollar coming in.”

Roman’s gaze never wavered. He didn’t move, barely blinked as she spoke. But he studied her. Watched her as if he could see deep into her soul…or if he was just as attracted as she was. There was no use even trying to deny that she found this new version of Roman even more appealing than the twenty-three-year-old version.

“You used to be the carefree one,” she reminded him, crossing her arms over her chest. “I would try to focus on studying and the next thing I knew you had me out for drinks and dinner on the beach.”

“Or I had you stripped naked and not worrying about schoolwork and tests.”

The way he just delivered the word ‘naked’ and let it hover in the air between them had her pulling in a deep breath and trying to get control over her emotions, her body.

“I remember,” she muttered.

The room seemed to shrink in on them as memories continued to assault her…and him apparently.

When he continued to stare at her, Katie took a step back. Now was not the time to be all nostalgic because thinking of how they met, how they used to live would only lead them down a path she didn’t want to revisit…at least not with him. She couldn’t afford the inevitable heartache.

Besides, she had things she needed to focus on now. Like opening Tippy Toes. Working with Jasper only proved how much freedom being the owner had. She wanted to take her passion and truly turn it into something more. She wanted to see children thrive and learn and grow into breathtaking dancers.

She’d even doodled a few little logos, ready to commit to one as soon as her loan went through. She wasn’t starting on any advertising or promoting until she overcame that giant hurdle.

Roman cleared his throat and raked a hand over his stubbled jaw line. “I better get to work.”

He turned and walked out of the bedroom, his heavy footfalls carried him down the hall and back downstairs. Katie turned and flattened her palms on her dresser. Dropping her head between her shoulders, she blew out a deep breath. Tension she hadn’t even known she carried now eased from her shoulders.

Day one of construction and already he’d pulled up so much of their past. Granted they probably couldn’t get through all of this renovating without discussing some aspect of their time together, but he’d gone straight to the naked portion.

Katie pulled herself together and realized it might be best if she got her dance clothes and headed on out. She could go to the coffee shop or the beach or anywhere else to think because there was no way in hell she could think with her ex-husband about to get all sweaty and…

Mercy. He’d probably take his shirt off. She was just enough of a masochist she’d want to wait around and see the show, but she needed to leave. The last thing either of them needed was to get swept into another heated affair. Their last one hadn’t ended so well.




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