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Bargaining with the Boss (Accidentally Yours) by Shirk, Jennifer (11)

Chapter Eleven

A week and a half later, Kinsley sat in the newly decorated ballroom of the hotel, waiting for Arden. Things were progressing nicely with some of the minor renovations she’d scheduled, so her friend wanted to come by and check things out for herself and have a small menu tasting before she made any recommendations to her clients.

Kinsley had ordered new linens for the tables and updated centerpieces. The Chamber of Commerce had already booked a few of their executive meetings in the small conference room, and one of their bigger banquets, Business of the Year, was on the schedule for next month. Everything seemed to be going great, and she’d wanted very much to share that good news with Damon in person instead of by email or phone. But she hadn’t seen him since that day Paul had shown up.

Since that day Damon had kissed her.

Apparently, he had been called away on emergency business in Atlantic City and was staying at one of the casinos there while he sorted out some ventures. Which was in his right to do. Totally acceptable. Why would he need to say good-bye to her first? He had a job to do and he was doing it. Like she was. Things at the hotel were as they should be. She was being her usual sensible collected self, and he was acting very professional and boss-like. Just as she wanted.

Yep. Just like they’d agreed.

It was awful.

“There you are,” Arden said as she breezed her way into the ballroom, looking annoyingly perky and fresh. “I just checked your office and—” Arden stopped mid-stride and gaped. “Whoa. This room looks different.”

Kinsley smiled. “Different good or different bad?”

Arden walked up to the table and dropped her purse on top of it. “You know it’s good different. Not the Ritz or anything, but definitely nice and simple.” She glanced around again. “I think if you lose those heavy window treatments it would look even better.”

“Actually, I am. A daughter of one of my guests said she’d make new ones for me for close to cost in exchange for a free weekend stay here over the Fourth of July holiday.”

Arden sat down and fingered the new tablecloths. Then she nodded. “I’m getting a good feeling about this place.”

Kinsley would normally have felt it, too, if not for Damon’s sudden disappearing act and his unenthusiastic email responses when she’d update him on her progress.

Chef Rick, looking more like a biker than a chef with his red bandana covering his bald head, came into the ballroom, carrying a few tiered trays. He set both platters on the table before Kinsley and Arden then began to explain what they were about to taste.

“Ladies,” he said in his usual raspy tone, “the tray on your left is a brief sample of what would be on the high tea menu beginning Memorial Day. The scones with clotted cream and lemon custard of course are very traditional, but we also decided to add a few more savory samplings as well, like the mini crab cakes on butter crackers.”

The food looked pretty and appetizing. The presentation was right on the mark, and if the food tasted half as good as it looked, Kinsley figured the high tea would be a huge hit for the summer.

“Looks fabulous, Rick.” She pointed to the other tray. “And what do you have there for us?”

Rick grinned, flashing his one gold tooth. “I played around with some cupcake recipes and created individual wedding cakes. It’s a trend I’ve been reading up on.”

Kinsley smothered a smile, imagining a burley guy like Rick researching mini wedding cakes.

“They’re adorable,” Arden said, picking one with a large frosted flower sprinkled with white pearls. She bit into it and her expression went dreamy. “Oh, these are great, too. I have a bride-to-be who might be interested in holding her reception here. She’s a bit quirky, though.”

“What do you mean?” Kinsley asked, picking up a scone.

“Well, she definitely wants a beach wedding, flip-flops only, but she also mentioned something about hot dogs and hamburgers at the reception.”

Kinsley looked up at Chef Rick, who didn’t seem fazed by the request. “I can do that,” he said simply. “Of course, I’d take it to another level.”

Arden stopped chewing, darting a glance at Kinsley then back to Rick. “Really? How so?”

“I’ve seen it all when I had my own catering business,” he said, folding his arms and showcasing his beefy biceps covered in tattoos. “But the best events I used to do were favorite dishes shrunk down to bite-size canapés with drink pairings. Like maybe Kobe sliders and mini gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches, served with Jersey craft beer or even Bloody Mary shooters. If the bride likes Mexican food, we could do taco crostinis with specialty Margarita tastings. You take the simple, twist it slightly, and make it a unique experience.”

Kinsley beamed proudly at her chef. She’d always known his talents were being underutilized.

Arden whistled. “Damn. I love it. It fits perfectly with the beachy atmosphere here.”

“I love it, too,” Kinsley said. “It has fantastic marketing potential. I can add it to the brochure I’m working on. Great work, Rick.”

Rick waved off her compliment. “Thanks for giving me a chance to use my talents again. I was going out of my mind with boredom before you took over. You ladies enjoy.” He shook Arden’s hand and nodded at Kinsley then left them to continue eating.

When it was just the two of them again, Arden pointed a finger at Kinsley. “You, my dear, are one major miracle worker.”

She shook her head. “Not a miracle worker. Just a worker. I told you this place had potential.”

“You were absolutely right, and I was absolutely wrong. I am scum, and you are…” Arden’s eyebrows drew together. “Um, you’re whatever the opposite of scum is.”

Kinsley chuckled. “You know when you say things like that it totally sucks the pleasure out of me telling you ‘I told you so.’”

“I know,” she said, grinning cheekily. She reached for a cucumber sandwich and took a bite. “So what does Damon think about all this? He has to love how this room looks, right?”

Kinsley was about to take another bite of her scone but suddenly lost her appetite. “Um, yeah. I think he’s pleased. Hard to tell. He hasn’t been around lately.” Or said much to her, even in email.

Arden eyed her friend. “He just, poof, left?”

“Sort of,” she said, brushing the crumbs off her hands. “He said he had some business in North Jersey and Atlantic City, so I’ve really only been giving him updates through email or voicemail. I’m totally on my own.” She drummed up her best fake smile.

“So he just left you to do whatever you wanted?”


“That’s good, right?”

“Yes, very.”

“Then why does your expression look as if you’ve come down with a fatal case of food poisoning?”

She made a sound of disgust. “You’re being ridiculous. My expression is as it always is.” Although, she did feel a little queasy and her head felt too heavy for her body. And she was absolutely sure it had nothing to do with food poisoning and everything to do with Damon St. James.

The truth was she missed him.

Arden narrowed her eyes. “Okay, I’ve known you and your recluse of a brother for way too long. I know that look. So you better start talking.”

“There’s nothing to talk about. Nothing happened.”

“Aha!” she said, raising a finger in the air. “That definitely means something happened.”

“Oh, fine,” she huffed. “It’s just that…well…Damon and I kissed.”

Before Arden had time to react, Elena appeared in the entryway. “Oh my gosh! I knew I was missing more than just cupcakes in here,” she said, rushing up to the table and pulling out a chair for herself. “What’s all this juicy stuff about you kissing the boss?”

“Shh!” Kinsley said, waving her hands in the air. “All I need is to start that kind of gossip flying. But just for the record, he kissed me.”

Arden wiggled her eyebrows. “Move over Days of Our Lives. There’s a much better drama in town.”

“I’ll say.” Elena blew out a breath. “And yes, that detail is good to know, Kinsley; however, I’m much more interested in whether or not you kissed him back. And if you liked it.”

When Kinsley remained silent, Arden slapped her well-manicured hand on the table. “Details, woman. Now.”

She sighed. There was no use trying to pretend the kiss didn’t mean anything. And with how miserable she’d been since Damon left, she felt an overwhelming need to get everything off her chest.

Kinsley nibbled on her lower lip as she gazed at the two of them. “Damon kissed me the day that Paul was here.”

“Whoa, whoa,” Arden said, raising her spread hands. “Paul was here? What did that asshat want?”

That coaxed a small smile from her lips. “He wanted me back. Believe me, it shocked me more than pleased me. But I figured out pretty quickly that he doesn’t love me. Unfortunately, I don’t think he ever did. Then Damon came in the room and threatened him.”

“Threatened?” Elena grabbed a cream puff and stuffed it into her mouth. “Wow, and you’re always saying how your life is uninteresting,” she mumbled with her mouth full. “You could get your own Netflix series with this stuff.”

Arden handed her a napkin and shushed her. “Let her finish. So then what happened?”

“I guess we talked a little after Paul left. Then Damon told me he felt he’d underestimated my abilities as manager and that I should come up with a larger budget proposal to do the renovations I wanted. At that point, I just didn’t think. I was so happy he increased my budget and was really giving the hotel and me a chance that I hugged him. Then…he kissed me. Then I kissed him back.” Enthusiastically.

Although she thought it best to leave that last part out.

Arden shook her head. “I don’t understand. Why would Damon barely be in contact with you after that?”

Kinsley’s shoulders sank. “Probably because I told him I didn’t want any contact. Physical contact, that is.”

“Now why would you say a dumb thing like that?” Arden demanded.

“I don’t know,” she said, throwing her hands up in the air. “I guess I panicked. Things kind of went south from there. He apologized right away and said he’d crossed the line. So I agreed and said we should keep things between us strictly professional.”

Elena cringed. “Professional? Oh, I’m sorry. That sucks.”

“No,” she said glumly. “Damon’s right. Things are much better this way. I don’t want to repeat the same mistake I made with Paul. Work can get tricky and awkward when you mix in anything romantic.” She looked up, trying to gauge her friends’ thoughts. “I mean, right?”

Her friends were both quiet for a moment then Arden spoke first. “Yes. I think what you did was absolutely right. I would stay away from Damon St. James.”

Elena gaped. “Arden! How can she stay away? He’s her boss! And these office-type romances happen all the time. Sometimes they even work out.”

Arden reached for Kinsley’s hand and squeezed. “I’m sorry, Kinsley. Normally I would say go for it. But I’ve been in the wedding business too long and have seen way too many commitment-phobic would-be grooms. Damon St. James falls into that category.”

Kinsley blinked. “How do you know?”

Arden shrugged. “It’s a gift, being able to read men the way I do. Unfortunately, it’s also a curse and the reason why I date so little. But even meeting him just a few times, I quickly got the vibe that he is emotionally distant.”

“Oh, you’re wrong, Arden,” Elena said. “You said the same thing about Scott and look how that worked out.” She grinned, flashing her engagement ring at them.

Arden avoided her gaze, her lips pressed together in a grim line. It was true that Arden was no fan of Elena’s fiancé, Scott. Then again, neither was Kinsley. Sure, Scott was a very good-looking guy with a great job in marketing, working at Google in Manhattan. However, he always came across as a little too sales-y to Kinsley, even when they were just among friends. But if he made Elena happy, far be it for them to interfere. They only wanted the best for her.

“Oh, come on,” Elena said, looking at Kinsley, “tell Arden that Damon is not emotionally distant. I mean, you guys talk and stuff, right?”

Kinsley swallowed hard. “Um, yeah…I guess.”

“And he wants to be friends,” Elena added. “It’s always a good sign of a healthy relationship when the guy wants to be your friend first.”

Arden rolled her eyes. “It’s a facade, Elena. An emotional shield. Trust me on this.” Then she pinned her blue-eyed gaze on Kinsley. “Has Damon shared any deep, dark secrets with you? Anything personal? Or is it always you who does the emotional unburdening?”

Kinsley opened her mouth then promptly closed it again.

Hey, what has Damon shared with me?

Well, they did talk about her mom and dad and her memories in the hotel. But that was her opening up to him. And come to think of it, she gave Damon a chance to talk about his brother’s accident, but he clammed up almost immediately. Her shoulders wilted. She looked down and began picking imaginary lint off her skirt.

“You’re right,” Kinsley finally admitted. “Damon is just an emotionally distant playboy.”

Elena quickly reached out and placed a sympathetic hand over Kinsley’s forearm. “I’m sorry, Kins. Then you did the right thing. Much better to keep your professional working relationship just that. You know, before you get attached.”

Right. Before that happened. But she was afraid she was already attached.

Her cell phone began to ring. She leaned over on the table and saw that it was Damon. A flicker of apprehension coursed through her.

She glanced up with wide eyes. “It’s him.”

Arden cocked an eyebrow. “Maybe you should answer it.”

What was wrong with her? Of course she had to take a call from her boss. She could be just as professional as he was.

She took a deep breath, poised her finger over the answer button but hesitated, pushing it after one more ring. “Hey, there, boss-man,” she said brightly.

Her friends shook their heads and frowned at her.

She winced. Okay, need to dial down the phony enthusiasm.

“Did you email me the preliminary operating budget for this year, Kinsley?” he asked in way of greeting.

His tone was cool and all business. Every syllable he uttered seemed to chip away at her heart. “No, actually. I thought you would want to discuss it in person. I was going to wait until you got back.”

“No need to wait. Just send it to my email, and I’ll look it over tonight and give you my thoughts tomorrow.”

“Oh, sure.” She paused. “So how is everything going in Atlantic City?”

“Good,” he said brusquely. “I hope to be back in Cape Harmony sometime next week. Keep me posted if anything pressing happens. I’ll be in touch.”

“Okay, I’ll see you—” Kinsley clicked her phone off when she realized he’d already hung up.

She blinked back a tear and forced herself to remain indifferent. “See?” she said to her friends. “Our working relationship is perfectly normal. Back to the way it should be. Now if you’ll excuse me, I really have work to do,” she said, longing to bolt through the door.

Arden and Elena exchanged concerned glances. “Honey, it’s okay if your feelings are hurt,” Elena said. “You don’t need to pretend with us.”

Kinsley flipped her hair off her shoulder. “No, everything is fine. I’ll see you guys later, okay?”

She turned and made her way back to her office but couldn’t help feeling as if a cloud was hovering over her. By the time she sat down at her desk, she’d completely convinced herself that she was being ridiculous. Damon was giving her exactly what she wanted: freedom to run the hotel as she saw fit, with no personal relationship between them interfering. They both had admitted the kiss was a mistake. There was absolutely no reason to be hurt or to connect any emotions at all to their encounter.

See? She knew she could reason with herself. She was silly to entertain, for one split second, that she could or would have it all—a man she was actually head over heels for and the hotel she loved. So she’d concentrate on making this hotel like it once was. For her family, she was determined to save it.

And by doing so, maybe save a little of herself.




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