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Be My Daddy: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance by Lauren Wood (100)

Chapter 6

When I left his office, I was walking funny and there were moments I had to stop to hold myself up because my legs were literally made of jelly. I suspected the females understood the reason why I was feeling under the weather and needed to take the rest of the day off.

The knowing glances gave me the indication this was something they had gone through from time to time. I didn’t need to know the details, but I was in the profession of hearing them confess all of their dirty little secrets.

I found some time to be by myself, but I needed to confront him and see if there was any room in his life for me. It could’ve been a strictly physical thing without any kind of emotional involvement, but the only way that I was going to find out was to face him. I decided there was not time like the present. I was soon driving over to his place. I could only hope for a repeat performance of what we did there.

“I know I shouldn’t be here, but we really do need to talk.” I was standing outside his home talking into the intercom. “If you’re trying to avoid me then it would be a good idea to put your car in the garage. It’s one thing if you have somebody there, but it’s another thing entirely if you don’t have the courage to discuss the future.” I waited and I wasn’t sure what I was expecting, but I certainly didn’t believe for a second he would open the door. I heard his footsteps approaching with my heart in my mouth.

“I was wondering how long it was going to take you to come here. I thought we could have a little bit of fun on the side while you work your voodoo with my staff. Women are all the same and they all want to talk about their feelings. Since you’re here already, you may as well come in and have a drink. I know that I’m going to need some liquid encouragement to get through this.” I didn’t think it was fair of him to make any assumptions, but he wasn’t wrong. I did have something on my mind.

I had a glass of wine and the truth was hard to face without what he called liquid encouragement. Something happened when I held him and I was sure the idea of letting me down softly was his way of protecting his heart.

He drank straight whiskey and he was beginning to make me doubt that our story would have a happy ending. “I’ve never considered a commitment in my life.” This was not where I wanted the conversation to go. “I’m not getting any younger and my biological clock is ticking. I find myself in the stage of life where I need something more than just a one night stand.” I didn’t dare to hope, but he did sound like he was ready to change his ways.

“I’m going to stop you right there and it might be better to quit while I’m ahead. I hear what you’re saying and I never thought that I had this kind of influence on you. I don’t want to assume that I’m the girl you want and it’s entirely possible you’re talking about somebody else.” I had no reason to get my hopes up, but then he took my hand and placed the back of it against his lips.

“I feel a need to apologize and I never gave your profession any kind of respect. I’ve done some research and the results are in your favor. Most who are willing to speak about their experience with you have told me how you have been instrumental in making them open up their eyes. Their not the only ones and I find myself wondering about the path not taken.” He had never had an interest in family and having children was something that he couldn’t even fathom bringing into the world.

“It shows some real growth that you no longer want to play with people’s hearts. I was afraid of hoping for more than what you could give me. I would’ve taken anything, but this is beyond my wildest dreams.” We continued to drink and then inevitably our clothes began to melt from our bodies until he swept me into his arms and brought me to where the magic happened.

My body craved his touch. The way that we moved from one position to another was a seamless act of acrobatics. I felt inclined to break out some old favorites from a certain Indian book of sex acts and positions.

I knew he was the one for me when I felt him inject the sweet relief from between his legs. It didn’t stop and we continued to rut like wild animals. Nothing was going to stop us and then we flopped down onto the mattress completely covered in our own depravity.

His cock was still inside me dripping the remnants of what he had just delivered like a demon possessed. It slowly retracted from inside my body. I had never had it this good. If this pace kept up I would need the female equivalent of the little blue pill. Relationships have the possibility of going stagnant and the sex can become routine which was something I did not fear coming from Jules.

His issues with his family were going to continually affect his sex life, but I was going to be pretty damn happy until such time I cured him of such misconceptions.

“I want to tell you that I never thought that I would be affected by a woman like this. I always considered a woman to be there for my pleasure, but you proved to me that a woman’s needs are just as important.” For the first time in his life, he had found a woman willing to meet him halfway. He no longer had to hold them to a lower standard. I was one that gave him the insight and it felt good, but I was a little hesitant to have him out of my site.

This was an issue that I was going to have to work through on my own with the possibility of attaining a good therapist. I was not opposed to someone digging in my head, especially when I was dealing with the many secrets that had been unearthed. These people had problems and I was afraid of what would happen when the past would repeat itself.


In the next few days, I found that his business was suffering because of my interference. He had decided to go legitimate and was no longer taking cases where he knew they were guilty. A lot of people had to take a pay cut, but they were willing to do that to make a true difference. I had been put on retainer and given a permanent position not only in his bed but at the office.

I was right about the staff needing to get some things off their chest and some were more shocking than others. I tried to separate my work from my home life.

I found him willing to go through therapy at my hand as long as it was in combination with a happy ending. It could either come from my mouth, my tiny little hole, or even by the manual strangulation of my hand. If I wasn’t careful I was going to come down with a case of carpal tunnel syndrome. It would be worth it and the end result was that we were closer because of it.

I was at first hesitant, but the added component of sex during therapy was a nice change of pace. I had to smile every time another one of his staff would lie down in the very same position that I had with my legs in the air. Had they known what had gone on, they probably would want to burn the leather couch and never be able to look at either myself or Jules the same way again.

They probably thought there was no possible way that we would mix business with pleasure in the office, but what they didn’t know didn’t hurt them.

I was certainly going to have my hands full and then I looked up from my desk to see that he was completely naked with a ribbon and bow to signify our one month anniversary. Nothing was for certain, but I was happy and I could only hope nothing was going to take that away.

I would fight them to the death for what I had and the plus sign on the test certainly was a good indication of the possibility of him passing on his legacy to his prodigy. That news could wait until after I satisfied my sweet tooth.