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Be My Daddy: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance by Lauren Wood (123)

Chapter 4



The music stopped upstairs after Carlos left. I was sure that it was going to be louder and he would be worse than before, but it seemed like he was actually going to be better. I could have handled talking to him a little nicer, but it was hard to. All I could think about was how he had looked the night before when he had opened the door to me. I had not been expecting the hard chest and hard rod that was practically bursting from underneath a very thin sheet around his waist. It was something that I wasn’t prepared for and talking to him after seeing him in such a way was not how I was going to be able to look at him straight.

Now it was becoming a problem. Before I couldn’t write because I was too tired and everything was too loud, but now things were different. Now I couldn’t work because I was thinking about Carlos and I couldn’t help but think about how long it had been since I was with a man in that way. My last boyfriend was my only boyfriend and he didn’t look anything like Carlos with his clothes off. If he had, maybe we would still be together, but Tony never looked like that. He had been upset when I left, but now I was starting to see that there were a lot of things that I never knew about, things that were now making me wonder.

Sighing to myself, I knew there was nothing that I could really do, but leave the apartment. I couldn’t work and I was starting to get a little cabin fever. A run was just what I needed and before it got too much later and hotter, I was going to get a run in. I was hoping that it was just what I needed to get the man off of my mind. He was off limits after all. A man like that would be dangerous to a girl like me, to any girl really.

I left the apartment and did my best not to look up at the balcony of Carlos’ apartment. There was part of me that wanted to, to see if he was up and smoking a cigarette like I saw him doing some days. But I didn’t look. I was trying hard to be good and ignore the temptation that was right above me.

The pace that I started was faster than usual. I had too much energy to get out of my body and all I could think about was the hard abs that I had seen the day before. It was hard to think of anything else and I found myself on the wrong side of the road, going the wrong direction. Where was my mind at today? I was never going to get any work done this way. I knew what I needed, but there was no clear answer on how to get it.

Passing up the coffee shop that I had seen Joel in, it gave me an idea of how I could get my mind off of everything. I knew that Joel liked me in a way that I wasn’t sure I liked him, but he was nice and didn’t push. He was also one of the only people out of work that I knew in the city and I was starting to feel lonely. The knowledge that I wasn’t going to see my friends at home for months was hard to fathom. It was rather lonely in the city that didn’t sleep.

Calling Joel when I got back to the apartment, I asked if he wanted to go out and do anything that evening. I was sure that I knew how it sounded, but I was hoping that he would take it as a friendly invitation. That was what I was hoping for anyways.


“You look, stunning Eve.”

I had made the effort and I was already rethinking it when I saw the look in Joel’s eyes. Maybe I had done too much because he looked like he wanted to eat me alive at the moment.

“Thank you Joel. You clean up nice as well.”

He grinned at me and I noticed that he was wearing a leather jacket. Joel looked different and I knew that the jacket had something to do with it. He looked like a biker all of a sudden and it made me wonder what form of transportation he was going to be taking me out in. When he handed me a helmet and walked towards the bike, I knew that my fears were realized.

“We are taking this?”

His smile faltered and he shook his head. “I told you that I had a bike, didn’t I?”

Shaking my head that he didn’t, I was sure that I would have remembered such a thing. There was no way that I was getting onto the back of it. That was all I could think about. I was going to die, I was sure of it if I did get on.

“You don’t want to ride with me?”

About to answer him, I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye and I could tell that it was Carlos on his porch. He wasn’t usually home this late in the day, but of course he had to be there. I didn’t want him to think that I was a coward, so against all better judgement, I put the helmet on and got on the back of the bike.

It moved when I got on and it scared me for a moment, but I was happy that the helmet covered up my face and the expression on it. More regret came when Joel got on and my body naturally nestled up against him. It was too close and I could feel my face getting hot. This was supposed to be a night to get Carlos out of my mind, but it was only getting me in trouble so far.

I couldn’t ask him where we were going because of the loud bike, so I was left to hold on for dear life and hope that we didn’t crash on the way to wherever it was we were going. When we stopped at a particularly rough looking bar that was lined with other bikes like Joel’s, I started to wonder if I would have been better off in a wreck. There weren’t a lot of women there from what I saw and the few that were there were not dressed like I was. I was dressed to go out to a restaurant and eat, not this. What had I gotten myself into?


“This is Carlos’ place.”


“Yeah my cousin that lives upstairs.”


Looking around, it started to make sense why Carlos was always gone when he was. His lifestyle was far different from mine. Curiously enough though, I didn’t see the man that Joel kept talking about. I could tell that the man admired Carlos and it wasn’t hard to see that there was a loyalty there. I liked that about Joel and it made me rethink Carlos if he had someone that thought that highly of him. Maybe I had seen him all wrong before?

“You still haven’t really met him yet?”

I was sure that Joel had heard about my comments the other night, so I told him that we had met when I had went over there.

“I wouldn’t really call it a social call though. It was three in the morning.”

Joel just smirked and shook his head. “I hope Carlos wasn’t too gruff with you. He has a tendency to be that way sometimes, but his bark is worse than his bite.

“He was actually pretty nice about it and they were quiet the rest of the night. He even brought me coffee the next morning, so that was nice.”

My words stunned Joel and I wasn’t sure why.

“That doesn’t sound like my cousin.”


Joel just shook his head. “Carlos usually doesn’t give in to anyone.”

The look on his face was different than before. Joel was looking at me strangely and I took a drink of the glass in front of me to break the eye contact.

“What are you two doing here?”

Speak of the devil.

“Just taking Eve out to see the place. She is still new to the city, so she had to come to the best place here.”

I agreed with Joel, but it was Carlos that took my attention. His look was similar to his cousins, but with Carlos it didn’t look like a want, it looked like a need that he had every intention on getting his way.

“You flatter me Joel. I don’t think that this is Eve’s kind of scene.”

His comment offended me, even though it was dead on. “You don’t know what kind of scene I am into Carlos.”

“Well you don’t fit in here. I think you need something a little fancier, like a drink with an umbrella in it.”

Taking Joel’s shot of whiskey I downed it and asked Carlos for another. I saw the brow go up on Carlos’ face and I thought I had made myself clear. I wasn’t some weakling like he thought. I didn’t have to be handled with kid gloves, but I seemed to forget that I wasn’t a very good drinker. Never had been and by the way I was feeling, I was never going to be.