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BEARING HIS SEED: Anarchy’s Horsemen MC by Zoey Parker (32)


Rowan sat on the edge of the ambulance, sipping water. He’d told the guy a thousand times he was fine, and he didn’t need to go to the hospital. But they were taking Marcus.


“I’ll ride over with you,” he said to Nate.


All Rowan had was his bike, and he didn’t feel up to riding that right now. Maybe his car was okay. It’d been in the garage, but he couldn’t get to anything inside until after the police cleared the place. Guess it was a good thing any papers or drugs were burned up. Having the cops poke around wasn’t something he ever wanted to have happen.


He was trying not to think of everything that was gone. His computer, TV, other electronics. His clothes, photos, furniture. And the money. He had so much money hidden in that house. Thousands and thousands of dollars. Of course, it wasn’t all hidden there, but a lot of it was. Good thing he’d taken out a chunk and given it to Becca. It was far better off in her hands than up in smoke.


Maybe some of his stuff was salvageable. The place hadn’t caved in or collapsed. The cops said once the fire was out for sure, and they’d had time to check the place to find the cause, then he’d be allowed in to look around and see if he could save anything. He didn’t have high hopes. Really, besides the money, everything was replaceable and didn’t matter much. Even his photos all existed in digital form in other places. No big deal. It would be a hassle, sure. But who knew, maybe he’d have Becca to go shopping with.


Right now, Becca was his biggest worry. His phone wasn’t charged and he didn’t know her number. He wanted to make sure she was okay and that Abram and his guys hadn’t come after her. He was antsy sitting there, waiting for the medical guy to clear him.


“You have a phone charger in your car?” Rowan asked.


Nate nodded. “Did your phone survive all that?”


“It was shut off because the battery died before I even went in, so yeah, it should be fine.” But what if it weren’t? He needed some way to get to her then. If he couldn’t call her, he’d have to go to her house or the gift shop.


“Can you go plug it in now? I have to make sure Becca is okay and her number is in my phone.”


He took his phone from his pocket. It looked okay. Not cracked or anything. But maybe the heat had messed it up. Only one way to find out.


“Sure thing.” Nate took the phone and went to his car, not too many feet away.


They’d moved his bike into the driveway for him. He hated the thought of just leaving it there like that, but what choice did he have? Maybe he could get it later tonight. After they figured out what was going on with Marcus. He wasn’t doing well right now.


The EMT finally walked over to Rowan. “Okay, we’re going to take Marcus to the hospital and I really think you should come, too. You’ve had a lot of smoke inhalation.”


“I feel fine.”


“I know that, but you don’t know what damage could be happening internally.”


Rowan started to protest, but Nate, who’d just returned from his car, spoke up. “We’re going to the hospital anyway. Might as well let them check you over or whatever they’re going to do.”


Rowan sighed. “Fine. Do me a favor, though. Drive by Becca’s on the way and see if her car is there.”


Nate nodded. “I’m going right to the hospital after.”


“Don’t forget to bring my phone in. And your charger. I have to talk to her.”


“Yup. See you over there.”


Rowan spun his legs so he was fully in the ambulance.


“Do I have to lie down?” he asked the EMT.


“No, sitting is fine. But I do want to run an IV and get some fluids in you, okay?”




He buckled Rowan in and took a seat beside him. After he put in the IV line and had started the drip, he told the ambulance driver to go ahead. They drove off and Rowan looked out the back window at the smoking remains of his house.


Now what would he do? He’d need a new house, or at least a place to stay while his house was being fixed—if it were fixable or worth fixing. It all seemed like such a hassle. He’d put a lot of work into that house. Finished the basement, repainted the rooms, redid the kitchen and bathrooms. It was kind of his project when he didn’t have other things going on. And now he’d either have to spend a lot of time fixing it up again, pay a lot of money to have someone else do it, or hope the insurance money was enough that he could buy a new place and start over.


The thought of starting over was daunting, but his second thought—that maybe he could start over with Becca—gave him hope and filled his chest with excitement. He had to keep reminding himself that he couldn’t get his hopes up. He hadn’t talked to her. He had no idea what she was thinking or if she’d ever even talk to him again. But the dream built up in his head. Picking out paint colors with her for their bedroom, letting her choose the curtains, making Emma’s room all pretty, like a little girl’s room should be. He’d let Becca design the kitchen and bathrooms and whatever else she wanted to do in the place, and he’d make it happen. Didn’t she know he could make her dreams come true and give her an amazing life? She just had to let him.


He really needed to get to his phone and call her. Nothing would feel right until he did. Too many horrible possibilities ran through his mind. What if they set her apartment building on fire, too? Or took her or beat her like they had him? Or something even worse. The anger rose in his chest just at the thought that someone could hurt her in any way. If they actually had touched her, they would pay. His burned hand clenched into a fist. When the pain hit him, he released it immediately and looked down at his bandage.


This hand better heal up fast. What a pain this was to deal with. He couldn’t do much of anything with just one hand. Couldn’t even ride his bike right. How would he grip the handle bars? And he couldn’t ride with only one hand.


Flashes of the fire and trying to get Marcus out of there kept coming to his mind. He could smell the smoke like it’d burned into his nostrils. It still burned his chest and he couldn’t breathe deeply. If he tried, he’d go into a coughing fit. Maybe the EMT guy was right. But what could they even do for him? Some sort of breathing treatment?


And Marcus. He could barely stand to think of him. He hadn’t woken up yet and they said he was in bad shape. What if he never woke up? How would he look his wife and kids in the eye and tell them he hadn’t gotten Marcus out soon enough? That he’d only been there in the first place because he’d called a meeting. And that the meeting was because of things he’d done and revenge he needed to take. His death would be entirely on him. Any injury he faced would be, too.


And he would pay for his damages where Marcus was concerned, too. He’d cover any doctor bills, any inconveniences. Whatever he could do to make up for it. Marcus just had to live. And until he was well enough to go home, he’d help out his wife and kids however he could.


The ambulance turned into the hospital and when it stopped, the EMT opened the doors and hopped down. He took out the IV bag, then Rowan hopped down, too, and followed the EMT into the hospital. He was taken to a trauma room and immediately, nurses and doctors starting poking at him. They took his temperature, his blood pressure, drew blood, made him breathe into a tube device. It all seemed to take forever, and he had no idea where Nate was.


They hooked him up to some kind of breathing machine and told him to breathe in slow and deep. He had to admit, it made his lungs feel better and he was able to breathe better. But he wanted to be out of here. He needed to find Nate and get his phone. His heart was racing with anxiety. Even the doctors said he was likely in shock. No, not shock, he just needed to check on Becca. He couldn’t take not knowing. He kept picturing the worst and the horrible things that could be happening to her right now.


Finally, Jameson showed up in the doorway of his room. He pulled back from the breathing machine to talk to him.


“How’s Marcus?”


“Still hasn’t woken up. They’re working on him, though. He’s alive.”


“Keep me updated. Where’s Nate?”


“Not sure.”


Rowan growled in frustration. “Find him and get my phone. I have to call Becca.”


Jameson nodded. “I’ll try to track him down.” He took out his phone and sent him a text. “Oh, he’s here. I’ll be right back.”


Rowan resumed breathing from the machine and kept an eye on the door. Every time someone walked by, he turned to look, hoping it was Nate. When he appeared, Rowan held his hand out before he even got over to him. Nate handed him the phone with wide eyes.


“What?” Rowan asked.


“You have a lot of missed calls and messages from Becca.”


Rowan looked down and already his stomach was twisting in knots. Eight missed calls, four texts, and three voice mails. He read through the texts quickly. Mostly they just asked him to call her. The voice mails were much the same, until the last one.


She was crying and it was hard to make out what she said. “Rowan, I don’t know why you’re not answering. I hope you’re okay. They have her. They took Emma. I think. I’m going to Lucille’s now. I guess it could be Nick, I don’t know, but she’s missing. I don’t know what else to do. I hope you’re okay. Where are you? I’m sorry.”


Her words were scattered throughout with sobs and sniffles. His heart lurched in his chest. The last voice mail had come over two hours ago. That seemed weird. And ominous. There’d been messages or calls every few minutes for two hours, then silence. Couldn’t be a good thing. Unless she’d gotten mad at him and given up. He actually hoped for that at this point.


“Thanks, man,” he said to Nate, and dialed.


He held his breath, waiting for her to answer.


“Hello?” Her voice sounded scratchy and weak and hesitant all at once.


“Becca, are you okay?”


“Oh, thank God it’s you. Are you okay?”


The worry in her voice melted his heart. At least she cared about him still. “I’m at the hospital. Abram burned my house down, but I’m okay. Where are you and where’s Emma?”


“They called and told me to meet them at this farmhouse. I’m heading there now. They said not to call the cops or you. I thought maybe they had your phone and were testing me or something. That’s why I stopped calling. I didn’t want them to hurt you, too, and I couldn’t get ahold of you, and I didn’t know what else to do. They’ve had her for hours and she must be terrified.”


“Okay, okay, hold on. Slow down. Who called you?” He was already fumbling around, trying to get his shoes back on. He held the phone with his injured hand—gingerly because closing it at all hurt—and yanked on his boots with his other hand.


He put the phone down for a second and called toward the door, “Nate!”


“I don’t know who called. Some guy. I guess one of Abram’s guys? He said…” She broke into sobs again and he couldn’t understand her.


“He said what?”


“If I…wanted to see her…alive…”


The anger that had settled in his stomach earlier burst through his body, lighting every nerve on fire. He was raging now inside. His teeth ached, he clenched them together so hard. How dare they do something like this. It would have been bad enough if they took Becca, but the child? And that hurt Emma and Becca. Maybe hurt Becca even worse. And that hurt him. He would stand for none of it. Abram and his guys were dead. Maybe he’d even torture Abram first. Just to let him know what it felt like to be hurt so badly.


“Do you think they’d really kill her?” She sniffled through the words.


Yes, absolutely. They were that evil. And stupid. But he’d never tell her that. Why make it worse? “Not a chance. They need her to alive to get to me. Where are you right now?”


She let out a sigh. “Good. I’m almost at the farmhouse.”


“No, no, no. Do not go there alone. Wait for me.”


“Rowan, I have to. They said to go without you.”


“Becca, no.” Nate finally showed up again in his room. “Hang on a sec.” He turned to Nate. “I need your car. They took Becca’s daughter.”


Nate’s jaw dropped open. “Are you fucking kidding me?”


“I wish.”


Nate handed over his keys. “Need anything else?”


“Nope. I just gotta go get them and kill Abram.”


“Whoa. Wait a second. You can’t go alone.” He took out his phone and started making calls.


“Where are you?” Rowan demanded into the phone.


“Almost there.”


“Where? Becca, do not go in there alone! Do you hear me?”


She responded with sobs. “I have to. I’m sorry.”


His phone beeped, telling him the call ended. What the hell? She hadn’t hung up, had she? He called back and it went right to voicemail. She’d shut her phone off. No, no. Was she nuts? He was on his feet and took two steps toward the door before the IV yanked on his arm. Pain shot through him and he cursed loudly. What a nightmare this whole thing was.


They must’ve planned this. Have him distracted with his house fire so he couldn’t protect Becca and Emma. Keep him busy so he couldn’t go to her. Bullshit.


He peeled the tape back on his arm.


“Dude, what are you doing?” Nate asked. He put his phone down. “I got five guys so far. They’re on their way.”


“I have to go now. Becca is going to some farmhouse where Emma is and she shut off her phone. She’s going in there alone.”


Nate sucked in a breath. “Where’s it at? We’ll get there fast.”


“That’s the best part.” Rowan clenched his uninjured hand into a fist. “I have no fucking clue.”


Nate picked up his phone again. “Small change of plans. I need you to go to Abram’s HQ and beat someone to find out what farmhouse Emma is being held in where they told Becca to go.” Nate ended the call and looked at him. “On it. What else?”


Rowan slid the needle from his arm and pressed the tape to the hole that was now spouting blood. “Tell me Marcus woke up and is just fine.”


Nate scratched the back of his neck. “Marcus woke up and is just fine.”


Rowan knew in his tone he was only repeating what he’d said because he’d told him to. Marcus wasn’t fine. Probably hadn’t woken up. “Dammit.” He punched the bed. “Someone call his wife?”


“I did myself.”


“Good on you. Let’s get out of here.”


“Don’t you need to check out or something?”


Rowan glared at him. “You think we have time for that?”


Nate turned and left the room, pausing to see that Rowan was behind him.


They hurried through the halls, making sure no one had noticed they were gone. Rowan pressed his good hand to the IV spot, which was still bleeding. At least it had tape over it so he wouldn’t bleed all over the place. They dashed to Nate’s car, stuck on the top row of the large parking garage.


“Come on, come on.” Rowan banged his good fist on the dash as they made their way out.


“I’m doing my best.” Nate took the turns as fast as he could, but now he was behind a car that seemed terrified of the bends and was crawling along.


Rowan almost ripped his hair from his head. He picked up his phone and called Becca again. She didn’t answer, but in case she checked her messages, he said, “Listen to me, please. I know what they said, but they’re just going to take you, too, to get to me. Do not go in there alone, I’m begging you. We’re on our way. Please wait for us.”


“Crazy chick,” Nate said.


“I guess when they have your kid, you do whatever they say.”


“Well, they ain’t going be saying anything at all when we’re through with them. Assuming the original plan is out the window.”


Rowan looked at him with the rage and anguish raw on his face. “My only plan is for them to die. Painfully, if possible.”


Nate nodded once. “Consider it done.” Nate’s phone rang and he answered, “Tell me good news, man.” He paused to listen, then said, “494 Greenville Road. Head right there. Yup. Take them all out.”


He set his phone down. “You get that? That’s where the farmhouse is. GPS it.” He tossed the phone to Rowan.


Rowan typed in the address. Fifteen minutes away. That was an eternity. He set the phone in the holder attached to the window.


“We’ll get there in half the time,” Nate said, and pressed the gas pedal harder. When the road cleared, he flew at twice the speed limit.


It still wasn’t fast enough for Rowan. Nothing could be. He called Becca again. No answer. She was probably there already. What could be happening right now?


“I need a gun. I only have my knife on me,” Rowan said.


“Take the one in the glove compartment. It’s unregistered.”


Rowan opened the compartment and took out the gun, checked the rounds. Full magazine. He had ten rounds to sink into those assholes. He tucked the gun into the back of his jeans and watched the progress on the GPS. They still had a few minutes to go.


He looked ahead on the empty road. In the distance, he saw a tall building. It grew closer. Tall and wood, the red paint chipping and the wood splintered. It looked abandoned. It looked like the perfect place to kill some people. That was probably what Abram had thought, but little did he know he’d be the one getting killed today. Him and all his guys. Forget recruiting. Anyone affiliated with the Screaming Griffins in any way was going to die today. Hell, maybe he’d even take out their girls and kids. He was in that kind of a mood.


He saw a few bikes on the road up ahead. Nate had called anyone who wasn’t involved in the fire at headquarters and it looked like five of his guys were there already, waiting. Nate pulled the car over near them.


Rowan got out of the car and looked at the farmhouse. Sitting off to the side was Becca’s car. She was here. She was inside of the building. They had her. He wanted to charge in right now, but they had to be smart about it.


They slid off their bikes and gathered around him, looking for instructions from their leader. “All right, here’s the plan. All Griffins die today. We’ll torch the place when we’re done. Scrap recruiting. I don’t want any of them. I want them all dead, and if you can make it painful, even better.”


One by one, they nodded. Ricky punched his fist into his other hand. “Let’s get a move on, then.”




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