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Beastly Bear (Shifter Brides Everafter Book 2) by Lola Kidd (9)

Beckett stalked after the pair of women. Of course Potter was going to force the girl to live here. It wasn't like she wanted to anyway, but there was no arguing anymore. It was already done.

"This is Beckett's office." Potter pointed to the large French doors.

Lenni put her fingers to the wood. "This is like the brick at the front of the mansion."

Potter nodded. "It is. The same artist designed them both. You'll find this pattern in a few more places in the house. But I'll let you discover them yourself. It's a little game Patrick and I play with the new workers."

"Where did you get the idea for this?" Lenni turned and met his eyes.

Beckett set his mouth in a hard line and raised his chin. "It was my idea. It was a design that my mother loved. I put the design in all my homes."

Lenni's eyebrows rose and her fingers followed the design without even looking. "Did your mother design this herself? She's very talented."

Beckett nodded curtly. His mother had exceptional taste. "She saw it in Paris and decided to make a wooden design of it."

"It was the first piece of artwork in his nursery." Potter's voice had the edge that made his teeth ache. She was going to cry. He could see the fine mist over her eyes already.

"Keep the tour up," he said gruffly. "You have much more to show her."

"Right." Potter wiped her finger under her eyes quickly. "So this is his office."

"Don't go in there. Ever," he added before they walked away. "If I'm in there and you need me, knock and I'll come out."

Potter rolled her eyes at him. "I go in your office all the time."

"Yes, but you aren't new." He fixed Lenni in his gaze. "You won't mess anything up."

Lenni waved her hands. "I'm right here. I can hear you. It's fine. I can knock if I ever need you. What else is there?"

They went through the living room. The formal living room that he had almost no use for. The chef's kitchen that was only there because the builder insisted upon it "for resale value." They went up to the grand staircase to the second floor. Potter showed her the servants' bedrooms, the laundry room, and finally his room.

"You're going to have to help him pack for the event." Potter opened the bedroom that doubled as his closet. He hovered a few feet away, still on the staircase. He wasn't a part of the tour exactly, but he didn't want to let this random person wander his house and look at all his possessions. She hadn't even signed the NDA yet for goodness sake. This was typical Potter. She forgot all his rules when she was excited about something. 

"This is all his?" Lenni stepped into the room and spun around. "There's so much. How do you have time to wear it all?"

She picked up the sleeve of a suit that was still in plastic from moving. She grabbed three different pairs of shoes and checked the bottoms.

"Beckett likes to have a large selection to pick from," Potter explained.

"These haven't even been worn. None of them." Lenni turned and showed him the shoes. "Why even have them if you don't wear them?"

"I do wear them." He crossed his arms over his chest and walked into his closet. "I just haven't gotten the chance yet. And the shoes won't be scuffed after one wearing anyway. I don't walk miles in them. I walk to the limo and around a party maybe. Not much wear and tear."

"I didn't realize." She put down the shoes. "Will I get a list to pack from?"

Potter looked at Beckett. "I don't know if he's picked all his outfits yet. I don't think there will be much though. Many of the looks will be tuxedos or formal suits."

"I don't like to put together my outfits," Beckett told her. "That's why I hire people to take care of that stuff for me. I don't care what you pick really, as long as it looks good in pictures."

If it were up to him, he would go naked most of the time. That's why he loved living alone up here. Potter had seen him naked since the day he was born, and Patrick was used to it as a shifter himself. It only became a problem when they brought in outsiders like Lenni. Even if she was more beautiful in person than in her picture, he didn't appreciate that he was going to have to start covering up in his own home.

"I get to pick what you're going to wear?" Lenni clapped her hands together and started sifting through his suits. "It's going to be like having my own Ken doll."

Beckett's mouth twisted into a smirk.

She blushed a deep red. "I mean...not that you're...I just really like..."

"I've made many a woman before you speechless," Beckett joked. Not that he minded. He knew the effect he could have on women, especially human women. It didn't bother him one bit that she was sexually attracted to him. But from the dirty look Potter was shooting him, he was going to have to keep that to himself. He had only just gotten back on her good side. He didn't want to mess it up by sleeping with her new protege.

"I just like to pick clothes," Lenni said finally, back to her normal color. "I don't often get to choose a man's look for him."

Beckett snorted. "Good to know that you don't pick your father's clothes."

Lenni cracked a smile. "Well yeah, I could never come up with something that creative."

"Creative?" Beckett tilted his head. "I guess that's one interpretation."

Potter looked between them. "I feel like I'm in the middle of a joke that's going over my head."

"You must remember how Professor Belle dressed?" Beckett told her. "The crazy layers of non-matching shirts? The women's leggings? The hats that only make sense on a nineteenth-century pirate?"

Lenni bent over and held her stomach. "Stop! I have to remember that pirate one. I have been telling him to get rid of that hat for decades. Decades!"

"Did he dress strange?" Potter put her finger next to her mouth and looked toward the ceiling. "I don't remember that at all. I just remember the poor man being desperate, bless his heart."

"Desperate for a new look," Lenni snorted and then started laughing again.

The corner of Beckett's mouth twitched. She was adorable. Her laughter consumed her entire body. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her hand was covering her full lips. Her hand grasped at the sides of her small waist and her breasts jiggled lightly. He could watch her laugh for hours just trying to map all the small movements of her body.

"He must not have a wife." Potter concluded. "No woman would let a man leave the house looking like a crazy man."

Lenni shook her head. "No wife. But Beckett doesn't have a wife and he manages to dress just fine."

There was a feeling inside of him. He couldn't quite articulate it. He liked what she said, but didn't know if it was meant to be a compliment or just stating a fact.

"That's because you're seeing him in his inside clothes," Potter warned. "He cleans up nice but only when I pick out his clothes."

"Just a minute," he snapped. "I'm a grown man. I pick my own clothes."

"So then why am I packing for you?" Lenni asked.

Beckett glowered. He saw what she did. She didn't want to pick out his outfits. He understood. It did sound ridiculous when he said it like that, but it was a time saver.

"Almost anything you pick will be fine," he explained. "I already have nice clothes and a simple color palette. You can't really mess it up. And it saves me time not having to decide on such frivolous matters."

Lenni raised an eyebrow. "Frivolous? All right then. I'll try not to mess up doing something so beneath you. It's only how you present yourself to the world."

"I've already done the hard part for you." He went to his row of suits and blazers. He pulled two shirts and a blazer at random. "Either of these shirts look fine with this blazer. Everything here is like that. Once you know what I'm doing for the day all you need to do is find appropriate clothes. Potter will help if needed."

"It really is easy, dear," Potter said. "The real job is making sure he has what he needs each day at the wedding."

"That is when it really matters," Beckett said. "And why Potter wants you to stay here. So you can practice before the big moment."

She beamed. It hadn't occurred to him until that moment. Of course. He was going to have to let Lenni pick his clothes during the week leading up to the event. This was a big deal. He didn't want to throw her in without any training. It looked like they were going to be spending more time together than he'd anticipated.