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Believe in Summer (Jett Series Book 5) by Amy Sparling (10)





I underestimated my parents. I had spent hours agonizing over the perfect way to bring up my idea to them last night while I was lying under the stars with Keanna. I had managed to pull off getting us one day off work by having Krissy from Oakcreek Motocross come and work in Keanna’s place, but my plan was bigger than that.

I wanted to get her off work for the rest of the summer.

And then I wanted to stop training Dad’s clients.

We both need a break. This is one of those points in the relationship where it’ll either get better or worse, and I can’t have it getting worse. People say long distance relationships never work out, and right now it feels like we’re long distance because I travel so much. If everything goes according to my plan, and Team Loco puts me in the motocross series this year, I’ll be traveling even more than I am now. I can’t lose Keanna and I don’t want to lose motocross, either. So I decided to try to fix this before it becomes a problem.

There was no way my parents would agree to this, not at all. Not in the slightest. I mean, they need us, right? So, when I finally approach my parents over breakfast and coffee this morning, I don’t expect them to agree. But I don’t have a backup plan, so I take a deep breath and hope for the best.

“We have to find a way to make it work,” Mom says right after I tell her what I’d been thinking.

Dad nods. “It shouldn’t be too hard… I mean… I don’t trust anyone else to train my clients, but now that the races are set up, I can probably get back to training them myself soon. And we can hire people to do Keanna’s job at the front desk.”

“And I should probably look into hiring a babysitter,” Mom says, her lips sliding to the side of her mouth. She glances over at Brooke, who is laying in this baby seat thing that bounces up and down. “Becca and I have been talking about finding a really good nanny to look after Brooke and Elijah.”

Dad lifts an eyebrow and watches Mom with this incredulous look on his face, one that probably matches my own.

“Seriously?” I say with a snort. “You and Becca are like the most overprotective parents ever. I don’t believe you’d trust someone else with your kid besides Keanna.”

“Well… I said a really good nanny,” Mom says with a shrug. “You know… one who has lots of references, and one who loves kids and isn’t in it just for the money, and one who can pass a drug test and a criminal background test and—” She heaves a sigh. “Trust me, I’d be researching the hell out of a nanny, but I think we could find one. Plus, she could just watch the kids at The Track in the daycare and then Becca and I can keep an eye on her.”

“So, you think this can work?” I ask. My voice sounds a little disbelieving because I’m still not sure my parents can actually live without us for the rest of the summer, but I really hope they can.

Mom looks at Dad and they exchange some wordless thoughts with each other.

“Keanna’s been working her butt off lately and it’s her summer break. She deserves some time off,” Mom says.

Dad nods. “And you need to focus on motocross, not working at The Track. I appreciate it, son, I really do, but I worry your luck will run out soon.”

I scowl. “You think my winning streak is luck? Psh…”

Dad grins. “It’s not luck. I raised you with the skill to win, but you know what I mean. You don’t need to be caught up in work here. Focus on Team Loco.”

“So…” I set my fork down on my empty plate. “We’re off? Starting now?”

“Yep,” Dad says.

I grin so big it hurts my cheeks. Mom rolls her eyes and waves her hand at me, shooing me away. “Go on. Go tell Keanna the good news.”

I throw on some clothes and call Keanna, asking her to meet me between our houses. I’m too excited to tell her my plans, and I can’t waste an extra five minutes walking all the way over to her house.

She’s wearing leggings and a tank top with flip flops, which is otherwise known as my favorite outfit of hers. The tight-fitting clothes put all her sexy curves on display. The only thing better would be having her naked under the sheets with me.

“What’s up?” she says when we’re only a few feet apart.

I grab her and kiss her, because my good news can wait about three more seconds, then I say, “We’re officially fired for the rest of summer.”

She lifts an eyebrow. “Um…what?”

“Starting today, you’re on vacation.” I bite my bottom lip to avoid jumping up and down like a kid, but I can’t help it. I’m excited. “My parents agreed that you need some time off, so they’re hiring someone to be your replacement and Becca and Mom are even getting a nanny and all that jazz, so you and I are totally free for the rest of summer!”

Her eyes go wide. “But, you said fired…”

I shrug. “I was just being dramatic. We’re not fired, fired.”

She exhales, putting a hand to her chest. “Thank God. I thought you meant you were fired from Team Loco.”

I shake my head. “No ma’am. We’re just temporarily relieved of our work duties at The Track. I think my parents realized I needed to spend more time with my girl or I’d go crazy.”

She grins up at me, then reaches for my hands. “This will be fun. It’ll take some of the sting away from losing you each weekend.”

“You’re not losing me each weekend,” I say, giving her a playful smile.

She must not notice my smile because her expression turns to concern. “But you said you’re not fired. There’s still four weeks of races left.”

“Yep,” I say, squeezing her hands. “And you’re coming with me.”




The airport is a flurry of noise and filled people dragging luggage along behind them. I hold onto Keanna’s hand as I walk us through the early morning crowds toward terminal C. When I glance over at her, her eyes are wide and child-like, a whimsical glow on her features from the overhead lights.

“This place is awesome,” she says. “All these people, all with somewhere else to be.”

“This is the international airport which is way cooler than the other one in Houston,” I say. “There’s people from all countries here. Not to mention the place is huge.”

She squeezes my hand. “This is going to be fun, even though I’m kind of terrified of flying.”

“Trust me, you’ll love it,” I say. “You have to sit in the window seat.”

We make it through security and into the boarding line. Once we get on the walkway into the plane, I can tell she’s starting to get nervous by the way she clings to my hand, her other one gripping my elbow. Keanna has never been on a plane before. I remember my first time flying, and there’s really no way to get over the fear than by suffering through it on your first trip.

“The takeoff is fun,” I whisper in her ear as we walk down the aisle and choose a seat. “Landing is sometimes creepy. It gets all jolty and bumpy and then they slam on some huge brake that sends you flying forward.”

Her eyes go wide for a second, but then she smiles at me. “Well, if we crash and burn, at least we both die.”

I snort. “Way to think positive.”

She sits next to the window and I store our bags in the overhead bins. A giddy excitement keeps coursing through my bones because Keanna is here with me. I’ve been on a plane so many times lately, all of them trips taken alone. I’ve sat in airplanes by myself, or squished between strangers, always wishing she was here with me. And now she is.

Keanna grins at me as the plane taxis to the runway, and then with a huge burst of power, the plane lurches forward and begins its ascent. Her eyes widen and she grins while looking out the window. As soon as we lift off, she holds onto my arm with both hands and rests her face against my arm. “This is scary and fun at the same time,” she whispers.

I kiss her forehead.

“Thanks for bringing me, Jett.” She grins up at me, then puckers her lips for a kiss. I kiss her softly, closing my eyes and yearning for more. But this is a public plane and I don’t want to give anyone a free show. Plus, there will be time for that at our hotel room later today.

“Get used to it, babe.” I lace my fingers through hers, and lean my head on top of her hair. “I’m always going to keep you by my side.”






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