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Beneath These Shadows by Meghan March (23)


HE WAS KISSING ME. HE was naked. I was naked. And my hands, mouth, and the rest of my body decided this was the best idea anyone had ever had. That was the only excuse I had for why there was no water separating us anymore, and the hot, hard length of Bishop’s cock pressed into my stomach.

My fingers gripped his shoulders as his hands found my ass and lifted me higher in the water, sliding his cock directly against my clit, a spot that normally only zinged with pleasure because of the toys I owned.

I moaned into his mouth and held on tighter. A small voice told me that this was going to escalate way too quickly for my own self-preservation, but I told it to shut the hell up because I wanted a non-self-induced orgasm.

Bishop’s hands, no doubt incredibly clever due to using them all freaking day, squeezed my ass as he groaned.

One move. That’s all it would take for him to be inside me. What stunned me more than the fact that I found myself writhing against him in a pool was the fact that I wanted him inside me so very badly.

Heat licked over my body, and I knew if I didn’t stop soon, I wasn’t going to have the willpower to stop at all. But before I could call a halt, Bishop jerked back and his hands dropped away from my ass. By the time my feet touched the bottom of the pool, he had backed away until he hit the other side.

“Fuck, cupcake. Two more seconds and I would’ve been inside you.”

He said this like it was somehow going to be news to me.

What was the appropriate response for this? Probably not, I know, right?

Instead I blurted, “I don’t have a towel. Why didn’t I bring a towel?”

His lips turned up into a sensual smile. “Didn’t plan the skinny-dipping? Just went with your instincts?”


Thankfully, Harriet had kept the apartment stocked with sheets and towels, but that meant I had to get out of this pool, naked, with Bishop watching me.

Umm. Nope. That wasn’t going to work. Looked like I was going to stay in this pool forever—or at least until he left and I could climb out without him seeing the cellulite on my thighs and butt, and the lack of toned muscles due to not going to the gym in the last millennium.

Bishop seemed to read the dilemma on my face. “You going to go get something to dry off with?”


“Now would be better.”

I looked down at the water and pretended to study my nails. “I’m good with waiting.”

“I guess you’re going to get a great look at my ass then, because that means I’m going to go get them.” With a splash of water, he pushed himself up and out of the pool, and my attention went right to his ass.

Where did men get asses like that? His was perfect. The rounded muscles flexed as he put one foot on the ground and then the other.

He jogged up to the spiral staircase and I couldn’t help but watch. I think I might have even drooled.

Ink. Muscle. Pure man.

My earlier thought about him being completely out of my league came back in spades. And now he knew just how inexperienced I was.

Bishop let himself into my apartment and disappeared for a few minutes before coming out with a towel wrapped around his waist and one in his hand.

He stopped at the edge of the pool and shook it out. “Come on, cupcake. You’re going to prune.”

Seriously? He’s worried about me pruning and I’m staring at the outline of his cock beneath his towel, wishing he was still pressed against me. Apparently I was the only sexually frustrated one in this situation.

But even my sexual frustration wasn’t enough to get me to step out of this pool naked in front of him.

“You can leave it on the edge and turn around.”

Once again, his deep, rich laugh filled the courtyard. “Cupcake, I’m not sure where you got the idea that I was some kind of gentleman, but by now, you should know that’s not the case. The only reason I didn’t find out how tight that pussy of yours was is because I don’t have a rubber on me.”

How stupid was I that I hadn’t even thought about a condom? Embarrassment filled me, and came out as contrariness. “And because I didn’t want you to find out.”

“Bullshit.” He shrugged. “Whatever you have to tell yourself to make you feel better.”

Bishop didn’t drop the towel, and I was faced with the choice of staying in the pool or giving in.

“Just turn around.”

“I’ve already felt nearly every inch of you, and there’s not a damn thing I didn’t like, so what does it matter?”

“It matters,” I yelled. “Okay? It matters to me.”

Instead of laughing at me or refusing again, he turned his back and held the towel out to the side.

I swam toward the stairs, climbed out, and pulled it from his hand. As soon as I had it wrapped around my body, Bishop turned around and his intense green gaze collided with mine.

“I want you. I’m not making any secret of that, but now I’m going to wait until you admit that you want me just as much.”

It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him I wasn’t denying it, but something held me back. Probably the same embarrassment that had paralyzed me in the pool. I didn’t know how to navigate this situation, and I certainly had no idea how to respond.

When I stayed silent, Bishop didn’t speak again. Instead, he reached for the knot of his towel and tugged it off before tossing it aside and reaching for his jeans.

His eyes stayed on my face as though daring me to look down like I had before. I was determined to prove that I had retained some self-control where he was concerned.

The hiss of the zipper sounded between us and he bent to grab his shirt. “You’re a fucking contradiction. Stubborn, innocent, curious, and a whole hell of a lot of other things I haven’t figured out yet.” He pulled the shirt over his head. “But I will.”

I wasn’t sure if that was a threat or a promise, but either way, I didn’t know if I’d be able to withstand his scrutiny. I was supposed to be laying low, not attracting attention or raising questions while I waited for my summons. And instead I’d aroused the curiosity of a man who seemed to have the tenacity of a bulldog. I didn’t need him to be curious, but the thought of him being anything else didn’t sit well with me either.

I watched in silence as he shoved his feet into socks and pulled on his boots. When he was done, he stood.

“I’ll be seeing you around, Eden. That’s a promise.”