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Beneath These Shadows by Meghan March (38)


I SAT UP ON MY stool and stretched my back, and my client readjusted his position in the chair. From his stiff movements, it seemed like a break might be welcome.

“You want to take a break before we keep going?”

He lit up at the suggestion. “Yeah, man. That’d be great. I need a smoke and some coffee. You think we can finish this piece tonight?”

“We can, if you want to push through. I don’t have anything after you.”

“I just want it done. No offense, but my old lady might kill me if I have to keep coming back for more sittings.”

I set my machine on the counter. “I get that, man. I’m heading next door to grab coffee. You want one?”

“Yeah, black. None of that frappe frou-frou shit.”

“Cool. I’ll be back in a few.”

I stood, snapped off my gloves, and stretched as my client headed out the front door with a smoke in one hand and his phone in the other. The door chimed a second time as Con walked in. But he didn’t look a whole hell of a lot like my boss the way I was used to seeing him. Instead, he was kitted out in black tie, and his hair was slicked back from his forehead.

“Did you get kidnapped by the guy on the fucking Men’s Warehouse commercial?” I asked. “Do you like the way you look?”

“Shut the hell up. You work for me, fucker. I could fire you for that shit.”

“Yeah? You got someone else to pick up the slack who isn’t going to fuck up your shop’s rep?”

“Shut up. I just came to pick up the bank deposit I forgot yesterday. I’m meeting Vanessa at a fundraiser, and she’ll kick my ass if I’m late, so I don’t have time to screw around.”

“Raising more money for those boxing kids?”

Con nodded as he headed for the break room where the cash bag was locked in a drawer. “Yeah, we’re working on expanding.”

“Both of you, do-gooders.”

“It’s good to give back, man. You should try it sometime. Come down and let the kids take a few shots at you. It’s a fun time.”

“Maybe I will. So, where’s this fundraiser at tonight?”

“Casino. Somehow Vanessa talked them into donating a portion of the house’s share. I swear to God, that woman could talk anyone into anything.”

At the mention of the casino, I thought of my earlier blowout with Eden.

“Is it like five grand a person to get in? Or can anyone show up?”

Con shook his head. “Nah, we’ll take anyone’s money. There’s a silent auction, but that shit isn’t required.”

“If Eden shows up there, would you mind keeping an eye on her? She wants to learn to play blackjack, and that ain’t my scene.”

Con’s brow furrowed, but he didn’t ask questions. “Yeah, if she needs something, we’ll be there.”

“I’ll let her know.”

He grabbed the bank bag and headed toward the front. “You sure you don’t want to put on a monkey suit and come too?”

“You think I’ve got a tux lying around? Hell no. And even if I did, me and casinos don’t get along anymore.”

I knew what Con would think, what everyone thought when I said that. Gambling addiction. It was probably part of the truth, but not the whole truth.

“I get you, man. Tell your girl we’ll be there until at least midnight, but probably later. I’m hoping I can talk Titan into losing a million at the craps table. I already know Lord will lose miserably at poker because I’ve got Elle to distract him.”

Knowing the whole crew would be there made my unease at having Eden go to the casino without me drop to lower levels.

“I’ll let her know. Thanks, man.”

Con pushed out the front door and I was only a few steps behind him to head over to Your Favorite Hole. My client paced the sidewalk, puffing on his smoke and talking into his phone, so I figured I had a few more minutes. Either that or he could wait. I’d be staying at least an hour past what I’d planned to in order to finish his piece, so he didn’t have room to bitch.

The place was empty except for a kid with huge headphones on in the back corner, and his fingers flew over the keys of a laptop. He looked up at me when I came in, but quickly dropped his gaze back to whatever the hell he was doing. He’d been taking up space in that corner all frigging afternoon. If he were anything but a skinny, nerdy-looking kid, I would have warned him off, but he didn’t strike me as any kind of a threat.

“Hey there. What can I get for you?”

My attention cut to Eden and her purple apron and hat. She still looked delicious. “Hey, cupcake. I need two black coffees so I can push through and finish this piece I’m working on.”

Her smile dimmed a few watts. “Does that mean you’re working late?”

“Yeah, but I think I found a way to make amends for earlier today.”

Confusion drew her brows together. “What do you mean?”

I didn’t want to talk about our argument this morning, but I couldn’t avoid it.

“If you want to go play blackjack, tonight is the night. Con, Lord, and Titan will all be there with their women. Charity thing. You lose at the game, you’re going to be helping fund the nonprofit afterschool boxing program Con and Vanessa run.”

“You want me to go with them?” She looked down at her uniform. “I’m off as soon as Asha gets here, but I’m not ready for any kind of charity thing.”

“Take your time. They’re already on their way. You show up when you can, take a cab, and find one of them to help you learn the rules of the game.”

“You’re not going to come, are you?” Eden asked.

“No. I told you, I don’t do casinos. Take a cab back to Voodoo when you’re done, and hopefully I’ll be finished with this piece I’m working on.”

She turned away and grabbed two coffee cups before filling them and popping the lids on. “I wouldn’t want to intrude. I’ve already crashed one party. I don’t need to crash another.”

Eden’s disappointment came through loud and clear as she set the cups on the counter in front of me. She kept her gaze on my shirt rather than lifting it so I could see her eyes.

“Hey. What’s going on? Look at me.”

She lifted her face, and disappointment was stamped on every feature.

“I don’t like that you only want me to go because you know there’ll be a whole crew of your friends there. It’s like you think I’m not capable of doing it by myself.”

I jerked back. “You want me to apologize for wanting to make sure you’re not alone in a casino by yourself?”

“You don’t have to manage me. I can handle myself.”

There was something more going on here, but now wasn’t the time to get into it. “I’m not managing you. But wanting to make sure my girl is safe while she gets to have all of her experiences isn’t something I’m ever going to apologize for. Not a fucking chance. So are you going to go or not?”

“I don’t know. Right now all I want is to get out of these clothes and into a hot shower. I’ll decide once I get home.”

“You’re not walking by yourself at this time of night.”

I could tell she wanted to roll her eyes, but she didn’t. “I can’t keep taking a cab six blocks every night that you can’t walk me home. It’s getting ridiculous.”

“You want me to get someone down here to walk you home? Because there’s no way you need to be out on those streets alone. I’m not taking chances with you, Eden. You’re too fucking important to me.”

Frustration rolled off her in waves, but I wouldn’t budge.

“Fine. I’ll take a cab.”

“Good. Text me if you decide to go out tonight.”


Her response was short, and I leaned across the counter. “I’m not trying to be a dick. I’m just trying to be a guy who cares about you.”

“And I’m trying to prove to myself that I can do some things on my own, okay? You’re going to have to let me, Bishop. I don’t do clipped wings. Not anymore.”

I leaned in and brushed my lips across hers. “I don’t want to clip anything. Be smart, babe. Text me later.”

She returned my kiss. “Your coffee’s on the house. I’ll talk to you later.”

I dropped a ten on the counter anyway, and watched her grab a rag to wipe it down as soon as I was out the door.

Even though I’d expected to feel lighter when I came up with this solution, something about it left me off-balance.