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Biker's Little Secret: Carolina Devils MC by Brook Wilder (29)


Chapter 9



Alina took role, much like she did every morning. Jaden had been conspicuously missing since the day of their very frank discussion. One week to the day she noted, looking down at her planner.


She went through the motions of teaching her class as she worried about her favorite pupil. Between classes she called Jaden’s father. Getting his voice mail, she decided to leave a message.


“Hello this is Alina Stuart. I’m Jaden’s teacher. He hasn’t been to class for a week and I was wondering if it would be possible for you to meet with me after school tomorrow to discuss the situation. If’ he’s sick I can link with the other teachers and send home work for him. I don’t want him to get too far behind. Please call me back at your earliest convenience.”


Sliding the phone back in her pocket, she returned to her teaching duties. The kids were feisty today. She redirected one for running in the hallways and another for pulling a girl’s hair. She spent her free period coaching a young boy on compound fractions. He responded by making the brazen claim that figuring out math problems was fracturing his brain. Gee whiz, the more things changed, the more they stayed the same. Kids would always be kids, she supposed. And those kids would always need caring teacher to guide them. It warmed her soul to know she was making a real difference in their little lives.


She got a text from Jaden’s father later in the day.


Hammer: I can meet with you the day after tomorrow right after school lets out.


Alina: Is he okay? I’m worried.


Hammer: He’s just sick. We’ll talk. Please have his homework ready.


Alina: I’ll make sure it’s all prepared.


Hammer: Good. The doc says he might be out a couple more weeks.


Alina: See you tomorrow afternoon.


Alina gathered up his work from each of his teachers and put it in a canvas bag for him. As the school day wore on the next day, she became anxious. She had a bad feeling about this situation and she didn’t know why.


Sure Enough, Mr. Hark had been a no show for their scheduled meeting. After waiting for an entire hour, she decided to pay him a little visit. There was only one day left before Thanksgiving break and she had no intention of going three whole weeks worrying about Jaden. It was now or never. Going to her permanent records, she pulled his address. During the drive there, she planned out in her head what she was going to say. Several concerns floated to the surface. First, she worried that something bad had happened to Jaden. She also worried that he was being abused or neglected. There was also some anxiety revolving around speaking with Jaden’s father, Hammer Hark. She tried to think of ways to say what was on her mind without being offensive. She definitely didn’t want to set off his father. The man looked lethal and for some reason, he was always angry.


Perhaps Jaden was trying to tell her he was in some kind of trouble during that last conversation. What had he said? “People in my world are living, dying, and struggling to survive.” It had left a gnawing feeling in her gut when he said it, like a harbinger of impending danger. Only now was she beginning to see that it might have been a cry for help. What if it had been and she’d been too stupid and naive to recognize it.


She had a terrible gut feeling that something was wrong. How long had it been since she relied upon a gut instinct? Probably never. In her life it had never been necessary. Alina’s time was spent teaching, reading, shopping, and baking cookies. Shit. It sounded pretty pathetic in her own head when she thought about it.


She’d always known her life was a little hum drum. In retrospect, she could now see it was downright benign and boring. She remembered what her friend had said about the MC and it bolstered her opinion that Jaden and father’s life was filled with excitement and sometimes even danger.


Well, Alina was tired of playing it safe. This was her chance to do something for another person that really mattered. No matter what kind of illegal stuff his father was into, she wasn’t going to let the angry man bully her. She’d find out where Jaden was or there would be hell to pay. A determination she’d never known before settled over her as she pulled up to the chain link fence with a huge sign that read, Dirty Kingsmen Clubhouse.


Alina was let through the front gate, with nothing more a few wolfish looks from the good looking men manning the entrance.


Before venturing out she’d done her due diligence. A little online research taught her why women came to places like this. As the days ticked on and Jaden wasn’t at school, she’d become curious about the environment he lived in. After asking discreetly around she found no scarcity of information on the Kingsmen. They got mixed messages from the people she spoke to. Some seemed awed by them, others laughed off all the gruesome stories, insisting they were created as part of the clubs scary persona.


Still others thought they were the sons of Satan, one old woman took the stories quite literally, pointing out that as the reason they were all so devilishly handsome. The young single women seemed smitten by the dirty crew. She verified that if a woman liked drugs, alcohol, and promiscuous sex then the Dirty Kingsmen Clubhouse was the place to be in this town. Apparently the fun didn’t stop all weekend.


She headed into the clubhouse and approached the bar. The young man behind the bar could not have been more than twenty years old, but that didn’t keep his eyes from glazing over with lust as he spoke.


“You must be new around these parts. Love the glasses. You’re rocking the sexy schoolteacher vibe a little hard, but I can tell you’re gonna be real popular around here.”


She sighed and straightened her glasses. “I am a schoolteacher, you dimwit.”


She almost laughed at his confused expression.


“I’m actually Jaden’s teacher. I brought his make-up work. May I see his father?”


The man looked exceptionally uncomfortable. “Umm…mam…we don’t disturb him when he’s…umm…upstairs.”


Crossing her arms over her chest, she gave him a stern look. “I’m sure he can take a break from the drugs and women long enough to talk to me.”


A smooth female voice interrupted. “Mal baby, I got this.”


Alina turned to see a woman standing before her wearing a tong and baby doll t-shirt that showed her midriff. Alina felt her face heat and immediately averted her gaze.


“My name’s Shelby and there’s no need to be embarrassed. Anywhere you look in the joint your gaze is likely to land on a whore, so you might as well just look at me.”


This was a situation she hadn’t expected to find herself in. Having it out with the king biker, yes. Getting embarrassed talking to a half-naked whore, no. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.”


“You weren’t. Most folks need a minute to get used to…the ambiance of a clubhouse environment.”


“I’m not here to get used to anything. I just need to see Jaden’s father. The quicker my business is concluded, the quicker I can…you will be free of me.”


The woman shot a tentative look at the bartender. “He ain’t coming down until he’s damn good and ready and we sure as shit ain’t going up there to get him.”


“I’ll just go up myself.” The woman stepped in front of her.


“That ain’t gonna happen.”


Looking slightly guarded the woman continued. “The third floor is their family quarters. No one is allowed up there and we all know better than interrupt Hammer when he’s…spending time…with Jaden. They spend a lot of time sparring, talking, and riding. It’d be pretty rude to interrupt that, especially since you don’t have a meeting scheduled or anything.”


Alina relented. “I suppose you’re right. Thanks for explaining all that to me. I guess, I should have called first or texted him.”


“You could text him now. If he wants, he’ll come down. We don’t usually do that, but…” The woman looked her up and down for a brief moment before continuing. … he might not want someone like you hanging around his club without permission.”


Alina’s eyes flashed her irritation but she forced her voice to remain casual. “What do you mean like me? They let me in at the gate. I didn’t sneak in or anything like that.”


The woman laughed and pulled her down to sit at the bar. “More like you entered under false presences, I think.”


Alina could feel her face flaming red. They wouldn’t really think she came looking for a good time, would they?


“Want a cold beer?” Her gaze drifted over the bar tender who was doing what bar tenders do, offering drinks. She nodded her head and the bartender quickly sat one in front of each of them. “I’m fairly certain they thought you were coming in here to whore.”


Alina laughed. “If the snazzy pants suit didn’t give it away, I would have thought the fact that I’m driving a Prius would have.”


“What are you saying, that whores aren’t environmentally conscious?”


Rolling her eyes she responded. “Nope. It’s just that suits and hybrid vehicles aren’t renowned for being particularly sexy. You know what I mean?”


The woman giggled. “I’m really sorry you aren’t a whore. I kind of like you.”


Alina smiled and deadpanned right back. “What are saying, that you are only willing to be friends with other whores. Let’s talk about what constitutes the whore threshold. I’ve given a blowjob or two, doesn’t that let me slip under the bar?”


“Not unless you did it in this clubhouse.”


“How about a hand job. Would that qualify me as a whore?”


They both looked at the prospect behind the counter.


He shot them a suspicious look. “Is that a question or an offer? Hell, I can never tell with women.”


Shelby responded tartly. “You better believe it’s a question, lover. I’m not out here, trying to get my favorite prospect laid.”


He held up both hands defensively. “Can’t believe you are even asking me that question. Do I look like some sort of expert on whoring?” His eyes snapped nervously up to Shelby. “God, if it weren’t for you taking pity on me, I’d be paying for sex.”


Shelby laughed and leaned over pulling the big man down for a kiss. To avoid watching their intimate moment, Alina swiveled around in her chair in the opposite direction. She was literally shocked shitless at what she saw going on in the room around her. Several people were smoking weed, two people were having sex and one guy was getting blown. She immediately turned around, swallowing hard.


Shelby giggled capriciously as she sipped on her drink. “Hard to believe all that was going on right behind your back and you didn’t even know it.”


“Tell me about it. I’m texting Hammer. Somehow I didn’t think it was going to be like this.”


“Did you think each biker had a little cubicle or something?” Shelby seemed highly amused by her reaction to what was an everyday occurrence in her world.


“Yea, something like that.” Alina responded absently as she texted Hammer.


Alina: I’m downstairs and they won’t let me come upstairs to see you. Would you possibly have time to talk to me? I brought Jaden’s homework.


Hammer: WTAF??? I’ll be right down.


She turned the phone to Shelby. “Any idea what WTAF means?”


Giggling again she responded merrily enough to make Alina think the woman had drank a few too many beers. “I think it means ‘what the actual fuck’. It’s one of Hammer’s favorite saying for when the shit really hits the fan.”


Anxiety slammed through her stomach as she realized that probably meant he was really upset that she had come to his clubhouse unannounced. Sure enough the huge man came barreling down the stairs two at a time before bellowing.


“In my office, now.”


She followed behind him with her head down, embarrassed at being treated so poorly in front of so many people. This home visit was not going as she planned at all. As soon as the door shut, he turned on her.


“What do you think you’re doing coming to my clubhouse?”


“I didn’t know it was yours, per say. I thought it belonged to the MC.” She didn’t know why she said that. It popped into her head and out of her mouth before she even thought about it.


“Don’t play games with me, bitch. I’m in no mood.” The man took two steps towards her, glaring angrily.


“Jaden called me a bitch as well. Is that a generic term for a woman around these parts or are you two trying tell me something in particular?” Again, she was being snarky and had no idea why. The man really put her on edge.


Tilting his head slightly he seemed to be trying to figure her out. He huffed out an exasperated breath. “I’ll make this simple. What do you want?” He was using what she guessed was his most reasonable tone of voice under the circumstances.


Clearing her throat she spoke just politely in return. “I’d like to see Jaden.”


“Not gonna happen. Thanks for bringing his work, get the hell out.”


“So much for being a receptive host.”


“You want a warm welcome, call before you drop in next time.”


“You actually live here, with Jaden?”


“Exactly what business is that of yours?”


“I’m his teacher. That makes me a mandated reporter in the state of Arizona. If I know one of my students is living in unfit living conditions, I’m obligated to report it.”


“There is nothing unfit about our home or this club.”


“Well whores, drugs and guns aside, the structural integrity looks sound.” Her internal dialogue was screaming at her to dial down the snark, but her mouth seemed to have a mind of its own tonight.


“If you think for even one second Jaden comes down here in the evenings, you’re crazier than you look.”


She just stared at him, making it clear that he had a bit of a credibility problem.


He motioned for her to have a seat across from him as sat down at his desk. It was the most civil he’d been since she arrived, so she sat with him.


“The attic’s been renovated into a very nice family suite. One of two things is always going on at this club. Either it’s an environment appropriate for a ten-year-old or Jaden in our soundproof apartment. You can tell whoever you want whatever you want and they can come have a little look. It’s happened before, but guess what? I keep my shit straight when it comes to my son.”


“You missed our appointment this afternoon.”


“So what?” He appeared genuinely confused about why that would bother her.


“It’s courteous to cancel an appointment rather than just not show up. It demonstrates respect for the other person. My time is just valuable as yours, Mr. Hark.”


She could see the anger flare up again in his eyes. She quickly spoke before he could escalate the situation further.


“You look angry, Mr. Hark.”


“You’re trying my patience.”


“You’re always angry, so I’m not sure it has anything at all to do with me.”


He stared at her with a look that would make hardened soldier quake in his combat boots. Alina simply stared back at him. A child’s life was a stake and she wasn’t going to all the big man to bully her.


“All this anger can’t be good for you. I’m surprised you haven’t had a heart attack. Cardiac problems are the third leading cause of death in men your age.” Now she was just being mean. Forget him escalating the situation, she was apparently intent on doing that herself. Why did provoking a clearly dangerous man thrill the hell out of her?


Hammer took a deep breath, like he was exercising his last bit of patience with her. His next sentence was clearly intended to get their derailed conversation back on track.


“So every time I miss a meeting with you, you’re going to come rolling in here screaming like a banshee?”


“If Mohamed can’t come to the mountain, then the mountain must come to Mohamed.”


Shaking his head, he commented flatly. “You’re really annoying.”


“I don’t mean to be. You’re so busy being angry, you aren’t even trying to listen to my concerns. I just need you to listen to me when I speak.”


“Look darlin, this clubhouse is crawling with women that would love to throw a leash around my neck. Hell, this whole town is full of women who would like to have me under their thumb. Some of them, I even like. If I didn’t allow that shit with them, I’m not going to allow you to prance your sexy little ass in here and start controlling the fuck out of me. You’d better get your head around that shit right now.”


“What are you even talking about? I don’t understand why you’re being so defensive. I’m just worried about Jaden. Can’t I just speak to him for a minute and make sure he’s okay?”


“Do you have any idea how insulting it is to insinuate that my son needs a bitch like you to strut up to our private living space and ‘check on him’? Do you nose into all your student’s home lives or only the one’s living with bikers?”


“I’m not trying to be offensive. He’s been out of school for a week and he was acting strange the last time I talked to him.”


Hammer stilled at her words, like someone had pole axed him where he sat. His eyes drifted shut for a brief second, before he opened them and spoke in a calm and controlled voice. “My son is sick. He’ll be back to school in a couple of weeks. No, you can’t see him. I wouldn’t want you to catch what he has. You can leave the clubhouse tonight feeling good about yourself for doing your civic duty. You checked on your student and discovered from talking to his family that he’s fine.”


“Okay. I’ll take your word for it.”


Through gritted teeth he responded. “Gee thanks teacher. Everyone knows dumb bikers are naturally untrustworthy. No other member of the community has ever taken me at my word before. Guess it takes a real lady, like yourself to see the good in me.”


Alina’s jaw dropped open. “You’re determined to be deplorable to me, no matter what I say or do.”


“I’m going back up to see to my son. Probably won’t be back down tonight. You can leave or stay. Makes no difference to me. I’m sure my brothers will show you a real good time if you chose to stay. You went through all the trouble to pump up you sexy teacher look and all. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to waste it.”


Adjusting her glasses, she glared at him. “Look you dumbass, this is the actual outfit I wore to school today. I’m not sure I like your insinuation that teachers are lonely, needy sluts willing to fuck a whole room full of sexy bikers just because they find themselves at your clubhouse on a Friday night.”


She watched the hint of a smile ghost across his face then it was gone. “You just called us sexy.”


She adjusted her glasses slightly, peering over the top at him. “Perhaps I need a new prescription.”


Another ghost of a smile. “I’ll need you to leave the room, so I can lock up. This room is off limits to everyone but me.”


“Kind of like the principal’s office, right?” Backing up a step she searched his face for some friendly sign that they weren’t ending the conversation on bad terms.


“Jesus, you look like a lost kitten sometimes. Do you know that?”


She decided to try some humor on him. “Meow.” She smiled slightly and waited to see if he would crack a genuine smile.


Instead he sighed and bit his bottom lip. “Lady, you do not want to flirt with me right now.”


Her mouth fell in surprise. “I’m not flirting. I’m trying to joke around with you. You’re hard to relate to.”


“What’s the difference between a snowman and a snowwoman? Answer: Snowballs.”


She stared at him, honestly trying to figure out what he was communicating.


“That my friend, is joke. You standing there looking all tempting and delicious while you talk about your kitty is not a joke. It’s a fucking offer. One I’m about two seconds from accepting. You shed that pretty little suit, you wear around like battle armor and I’ll lick that little kitty of yours until the long yellow bus arrives to pick you up for school in the morning. By the time I get finished with you, you won’t want to be any place other than the Dirty Kingsmen’s clubhouse for the whole rest of your life. That’s a promise from me to you, Doll.”


Alina could feel her face flaming red. Had that been her subconscious intent? Hell, she didn’t even know at this point. It was infuriating for the sexy bastard to have spoken to her like that. Even if she was flirting, his aggressive response left no doubt about his lack of interest. Men showed their interest in women, and lack thereof in different ways. A common way to get rid of a troublesome woman was to get down and dirty to the point that she walked off. If that had been his intent, then mission accomplished. She was pissed.


“If you’re in the mood to play teacher’s pet, I’m sure you find an accommodating playmate in your wide and varied selection of whores.” God, why did she say that? It sounded catty and totally unlike her. “Good evening, Mr. Hark.” Turning on her heel she stalked out of the room and went out to her car.


Sweet Jesus, what was wrong with her. That could not have possibly gone worse. Why had he said those things to her? Could he have possibly been being serious? Maybe he was being funny. The kind of guy funny that girls really didn’t understand. She could see his point after thinking about it. Vaguely, she recalled some of her college roommates calling their privates their kitty. It seemed a childish way to refer to her body. Did Hammer see her as immature? Maybe he was just used to having sex with younger women. Why else would he be familiar with such language? Why did the thought of him having sex with a younger woman gnaw at her? She barely knew the man, after all.


He was angry, belligerent and territorial. Those were not good qualities for a person to possess. The sexy bastard was twice as hot when he was angry. Not many men could claim that distinction. To top it all off with, the man could get her riled quicker than anyone ever had.


Suddenly, she stilled in her seat. Looking behind her at the clubhouse her hands tightened on the steering wheel. All that back and forth between the two of them be dammed because the one thing that got lost in the shuffle was the very thing she came for, Jaden.


Oh, Hammer was a master of strategy all right. He’d got her distracted and so off balance that she hadn’t even realized he’d pulled her off her goal of being eyes on with Jaden. Was he even at the clubhouse? If not, where in the hell was he? Why wouldn’t Hammer tell her anything? Something was terribly wrong. She could feel it right down to her soul.


A sickening feeling settled in her gut as she started her car. Hammer had left her with only one option and it was the last thing she wanted to do.





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