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Biker's Little Secret: Carolina Devils MC by Brook Wilder (32)


Chapter 12

Tracking Jaden


Pulling up in front of Trevor’s home, they got out of the SUV. Neither man was wearing their cut, because bikers don’t wear their colors when riding in a cage. They also wanted to be a low key as possible. Trevor’s mother, Jeanette, was well aware Hammer belonged to the MC but rubbing it in her face when he needed her cooperation was probably not a good move.


Jeannette’s smile broadened when opened the door and realized it was Hammer.


“It’s nice to see you again Mr. Hark. Come on in and I’ll make you some coffee.”


After sitting around her kitchen table for a bit and making small talk Hammer broached the subject that brought him to her home. “How’s Trevor been lately?”


She beamed back at him. “He doing really well. Ever since he began training martial arts with you and Jaden he’s been calmer, happier and more well-adjusted. Are you boys doing some kind of eastern meditation as well?”


Hammer smiled to cover his shock. “No mam. We just punch all our frustration out on a sandbag. It’s good for building muscle mass and getting out residual anger.”


“Well, it’s working. He came back last Wednesday happy as a lark. He’s more disciplined than ever. Every day he gets right on his homework before he goes off to that little clubhouse of his.”


Alina interjected, “My brother had a clubhouse when we were growing up. No girls allowed. It used to make me so mad.”


The woman laughed. “That sounds like Trevor and Jaden. “Last night Jaden was telling me how girls are just an unnecessary distraction. He has a whole little spiel about it. He and Trev tag teamed the explanation. They were really cute.”


“Last night?”


“Yep. It’s the first time Jaden’s come to dinner. I made his favorite.”


Hammer murmured, “Homemade lasagna?”


“You got it.”


“Any idea where Trevor is right now? I wanted to take him to a martial arts tournament.”


“Oh, that sounds like something he’d love. Check the tree house. I mean clubhouse. It’s about fifty yards back into the woods behind the house. Just look up, you can’t miss it. The thing is huge. You know, his father never did anything that wasn’t totally over the top. God rest his soul.”


As they got up to leave Alina turned to the woman.


“Do you know your son beat up that bully to protect a little girl?”


The woman’s eyes got big. “No. He never said. I just thought is a spat between boys. I was really disappointed with him fighting at school.”


“Well I thought you should know why. He and Jaden take turns walking her to class so she isn’t afraid. You should be proud of you son. He’s a nice, decent human being.”


The woman teared up and hugged Alina on the way out.


Hammer chastised her. “You shouldn’t be talking about the man’s business to his mom.”


Alina responded tartly. “He’s not a man. He’s a little boy. Let’s don’t forget that.”


As they reached the clearing around the clubhouse, Decker let out a sharp breath. “Will you look at that? Those kids have the fuckin thing wired with security. We ain’t getting in there without being seen.”


Alina suggested, “I’ll just walk up and get them to come down. Then you two come and we’ll talk Jaden into coming home.”


Hammer muttered, “Fuck that. I’m going in. What are they gonna do, shoot me?”


Hammer ran up, climbed the ladder and stilled himself at the doorway with barely a sound.


“Look Ace. You know Hawk wouldn’t approve of running to his dad’s club for help. He’s our brother and we look after our own.”


Another kid stated flatly. “I say we call the cops on the Grim’s clubhouse. While they are rounding up the garbage, we get our brother the hell outta there.”


Yet another voice chimed in. “You know getting the cops involved ain’t gonna solve nothin’. They’re unpredictable and we don’t know who’s in Miguel’s pocket. It could backfire. We need guns, muscle, and leadership. We don’t have any of that. Our only option is to go to his dad. The Kingsmen are freaking professionals. They’ll get the job done.”


Trevor sighed but before he could respond, Hammer stepped into the room.


“I vote we let the Kingsmen handle it.”


Trevor’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t get a vote. This isn’t you club.”


“It’s my kid.”


“Your boys still on lockdown?” Hammer marveled at the balls on this kid. Even his own crew didn’t talk to him like that.


“They’re men, but yes. Our club stays that way until we get the job done. You mentioned that Miguel has Hawk. Is that Jaden’s club name? I can see why. My boy doesn’t miss much.”


Trevor stared at him stubbornly.


“I can always just beat it out of you.” Hammer offered nonchalantly.


Immediately the room shifted and fifteen kids all shifted in their seats uncomfortably. Hammer stared at Trevor. The boy’s hand landed on the hunting knife strapped to his waist as his eyes narrowed.


Hammer shifted his approach.


“When did I get to be the enemy? Thought we were friends?”


Trevor didn’t respond. Regardless of his tough words earlier, he looked scared.


“You VP, Trevor?”


Trevor jerked his head one time, acknowledging it as true.


“Name’s Bull Dog.”


“Well that fits. You’re the most stubborn person I ever met. Look Bull Dog, while your president is out of commission, the club is relying upon you to make the tough calls.”


“It doesn’t take genus to work that out.”


“I’d like to offer a temporary solution. Just until you get your president back.”


Bull Dog eyed him suspiciously.


“Honestly, our bylaws state that in a time of crisis the president can offer temporary patch overs of allied clubs. If your members vote to accept my offer, we’ll do the heavy lifting.”


“What do we do, just sit around and wait?”


“Well, those dirt bikes outside won’t keep up with a Harley and your parents would be pretty pissed if I get any of you killed. You provide information and we’ll get Jaden…I mean Hawk back.”


A kid with jet black hair spoke up.


“I call for a vote on accepting the offer of a temporary patch over by the Kingsmen.”


A dirty kid with disheveled red hair spoke. “I second Crow’s motion.”


Hammer couldn’t believe they were buying that load of crap.


Bull Dog sighed. “All in favor say aye.”


Five of the fifteen spoke. Hammer could feel his anger rising at the ten who didn’t agree.


Bull Dog stated flatly. “The ayes have it. Let the records show Crow made the motion, Copperhead seconded it, and all five fully patched members voted the motion up.”


Hammer gasped, “You have ten prospects?”


Bull Dog responded shortly. “It’s been a busy week.”


“What do you have on Jaden?”


“Hawk went missing late last night. Someone shot out our main camera. Back up camera caught images of Grim colors. We can’t afford high resolution equipment like your club has so we make do with what we can scrounge. Most of our equipment is ten or more year’s old and low resolution. Couldn’t make out any of their faces. Hawk keeps all our club information locked in a cloud. I can pull it up for you.”


Hammer pulled out a business card. “Send the cloud address and password to this e-mail address. I have a team of geeks working on it.”


“We know.”


Hammer’s eyes followed Bull Dogs to a skinny boy with dark hair and a nose ring. He looked to be about fifteen and was clutching a lap top to his chest. Pointing at him, Hammer state. “You’re coming with me, little dude. We got a space for another geek. Don’t worry, I’ll get you home in time for dinner.”


The young man stared at him with huge eyes for a long moment before nodding his agreement.


“Non is a good hacker, but he goes to the shelter every night.”


“Well that just fine. He can stay at the clubhouse until this mess blows over.”


Hammer spoke up. “Load up men. We’ll meet up back at the clubhouse. Bull Dog, you’re with me. My VP will want to talk with you, Copperhead too. The rest of you head home and wait for information from you VP.”


Bull Dog nodded and the other kids began to leave. “Yes, Sir.”


Hammer dropped to the ground as kids began pouring out of the tree house. Taking out his cell phone, he dialed his VP. “Marlow, I need you to get the word out. Jaden’s been with his friend until last night when he got grabbed by the Grims. We just shoved some information into the cloud. Get the geeks on that shit right goddamn now.”


“You got it boss. Anything else.”


Hammer took a deep breath. “You were right about Jaden. He started his own club. They’re pretty serious little shits to be so young. Most of them look to be around fourteen or fifteen. Jaden and his friend are probably the youngest. They weren’t coming off any intel. I offered a temporary patch over. There are fifteen of the little fuckers but only five full members. I’m bringing three of them with me. One is good with computers. If they give us any shit whatsoever, send them home to their goddamn mommies.”


Marlow’s shocked voice sounded off. “Roger that boss. I’ll let them know at the gate. That’s some crazy ass shit.”


“Fuck me sideways.” The voice came from behind him. He turned to see the stunned expression on Decker’s face. Hammer wondered briefly if his own face held some glimmer of the same emotion. Realizing Marlow had hung up to attend to the duties he had assigned, Hammer turned to Decker.


“That’s exactly what I thought. Unless I miss my guess your counterpart is a kid with red hair. They call him Copperhead. He looks homeless and tough as fuckin’ nails. Was carving on his hand with a prison shank in at their version of church.”


“I’ll get with and try to figure out what, if anything, he knows.”