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Billionaire Mountain Man (A Billionaire Romance Love Story) by Claire Adams (78)

Chapter Ten



“Do you want to go to the aquarium?” I asked Gina late Friday morning. Steady rainfall from the night before poured into the morning, postponing any outdoor plans we might have made.

“Not today,” Gina said, looking out of her bedroom window. “Can we jump in puddles outside?”

I wouldn’t have minded if we were in the middle of summer. But the cooler temperatures plus the rain wasn’t the best idea.

“It’s too chilly for puddles,” I said.

She let out a sigh. “Can we go to see Sierra?”

I checked my phone. It was nearly eleven. I had a craving for a hot Panini from the shop around the corner from the record store. We could spend a little time in there and then get something to eat before Gina’s nap.

“All right, it will be a short trip,” I said. “Let’s get our jackets.”

The ride to the record shop was much smoother in the rain than it ever had been in my car. I began to dread driving home in my clunker when I spent my time with Gina driving in the luxurious car that Noah provided to his nannies.  The whump-whump of the wipers sounded melodic and enough to make my shoulders relax a bit. I hated driving in the rain. And it seemed like this rain would never end. I couldn’t wait until summer to start.

And with a stroke of luck, I found a spot right outside the record shop, so we didn’t have to travel far. I did bring an umbrella with us for the walk to lunch.

The moment I got Gina out from the car, she rushed toward the record shop. I went after her, both of us desperate to get out of the rain.

Gina was already inside when I got there.

She’d found Sierra in the back of the store.

“Nice, Jess,” Sierra said.

“What?” I asked.

“She ran in here by herself. Aren’t you supposed to be watching her?” Sierra said with a smirk.

“I was watching her,” I said, pulling a face. “And I knew you were in here.”

“Tsk, tsk, you’re a naughty nanny.”

My eyes practically bulged out of my head.

“I’m just messing with you.” Sierra grinned and lifted Gina into her arms. “What’s up, little duck?”

“Quack, quack!” Gina said. “I want to listen to the barn song!”

Sierra took Gina’s hand and brought her over to one of the display record players. Sierra had played her an old children’s record when they first met. And Gina loved the Old MacDonald song, so she insisted on listening each time she was in the store.

Each time we came in, Gina listened to it at least three times in a row, so I knew I’d be able to get a little break with Sierra for a minute. Stuck inside with a three-year-old who had boundless energy called for a little mental break. And during her nap, I would probably doze off myself.

Sierra came over to me, and we watched Gina dance and mimic the sounds from the song.

“Haven’t seen you in a few days,” Sierra said. “Are things going well?”

“Yeah, they are. Sorry I haven’t been in touch. Gina keeps me busy, and I’m knackered by the end of the day.”

“Are you sure it’s not because you’ve been a naughty nanny?”

Not this again. “Keep your voice down.”

“She has no idea what I’m talking about.”

Gina sang loud enough that she probably wouldn’t hear a freight train passing through the store.

“I’ve actually set Noah up with Kimberly.”

“You what?” Sierra asked.

“They’re going out Saturday night. I’m watching Gina.”

“Kimberly, the yoga instructor? I thought she was seeing what’s-his-face?”

“That’s been over for a while now. She’s single. Noah’s single. They both like fitness. It’s a good match.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Sierra asked.

“Why wouldn’t I be? I’m the one who set them up,” I said.

“Yeah, but you do that.”

“Do what?”

“Create excuses for yourself. Remember when you liked that guitar player?”

I cringed, knowing where she was going with this.

“And then you slept with his brother?” Sierra continued. “You created that barrier so you’d never be able to date either of them.”

“That was different.”

“Was it?”

“And I was young and stupid. Isn’t that guy married now? So, it wouldn’t have made a difference.”

“You two could be married by now,” Sierra said. “Not that that matters now. The point is that you always do this with men you like.”

“I don’t have feelings for Noah,” I said, sounding like a broken record.

“Sure you don’t,” she said incredulously.

“Sierra, he’s my boss. I need this job, remember?”

“There’s another set of excuses…” Sierra trailed off.

I had to make her understand my side. “That’s like you being in love with Harold.”

She pretended to gag herself. “No way is that the same thing. Harold is gross and old. Noah is sexy, wealthy, and has a daughter you clearly adore. Tell me you wouldn’t want to be her mommy during the day and his wifey at night?”

I opened my mouth to say something, but the music cut off. Gina didn’t need to be involved or overhear anything Sierra and I spoke about her father.

“Again, please!” she said, reaching for the record player.

Sierra walked over and showed Gina how to gently move the needle to the beginning of the song again. Then my best friend came back over to my side.

“How come you never brought all of this up with the other dads?” I asked. Not that I was attracted to them, but we were the same age; why was she pushing for me to have a boyfriend when she loved the single life?

“Because you didn’t get all gushy when you talked about those dads. You’re clearly smitten, and I think this date with Kimberly is not a good idea. What if they start dating and you regret setting them up? And then you get kicked out when they get married.”

“Even if they did get married, none of that would matter as long as Gina is happy.”

“All I’m saying is that you’re a little over concerned when it comes to Noah’s love life. You should take a step back and think about what you want. Your job be damned. If you two get along as well as you say, and you love his daughter, don’t ruin any chances before they come up.”

“I’m doing this for Gina,” I said, weakly. Sierra put strange thoughts into my head about Noah. And my mission to hook him up with Kimberly was a little muddled now. “She needs a mother figure in her life.” Repeating the goal I needed to accomplish helped with keeping that focus in my brain.

“Well, you don’t need to rush anything,” Sierra said. “They have you right now. And that’s more than enough of a mother figure.”

“I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or insult.”

Sierra bumped my hip. “It’s a compliment, darling. Now let’s go shake our asses to ‘Wheels on the Bus.’”


After coming home from the record shop and lunch, Gina clocked in the longest nap to date at almost three hours. I had to wake her around four, so the timing of her bedtime wouldn’t be screwed up. Given how tired she acted for the rest of the day, I knew that wouldn’t be a problem. I’d texted Noah and ordered pizza that night earlier than normal. And by the time she finished eating, Noah came through the front door.

“Hey, Daddy,” Gina said wearily from the table.

Noah looked at me then back to Gina. “Is everything okay?”

“Yeah,” I said. “We visited a friend of mine today.”

“Kimberly?” he asked.

For some reason, I didn’t appreciate his interest in knowing more about Kimberly.

“No, Sierra. She works at a vintage record shop. Gina likes this one album, and I think she tuckered herself out.”

I felt sorry for my snappy tone and brought it back down to a level one. I had been the one to set him up with Kimberly. There was no reason I should feel weird about it. Right?

“I’m sure the rain didn’t help,” he said. “This dreary weather had me dragging all day.”

“Me too,” I said. “I took a little snooze myself.”

“I wished I could have done that,” he said.

Light snoring from the table grabbed our attention. Gina had fallen asleep in her chair. Her forehead rested on the table next to her plate.

“I should get her to bed,” Noah said, dropping his briefcase on one of the empty chairs.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” I said. “What time would you like me here?”

“Would you mind coming by the house around five-thirty tomorrow?” Noah asked. “I have reservations for six.”

Six? That seemed a little early for a date. Did Noah expect to have a late night with Kimberly? Why did I care? I’d offered my services to watch Gina assuming he’d be out late. Damn Sierra for giving me these crazy thoughts!

“Are you looking forward to your date tomorrow?” I asked, trying to act like the person who orchestrated this entire date.

“Yes. But to be honest,” he said, “I’m a little nervous. I haven’t done the dating thing for a while.”

“You’ll be fine.” An image of Noah and me at a fancy restaurant popped into my mind. I knew together we’d be more at ease with going on a date. We never had any awkward moments between us. What would Kimberly and his date look like? Would they remain on surface topics like the weather or their careers? Or would Kimberly impress him with her killer body and flexible limbs?

I snapped myself out of those thoughts. Why did I care so much? A sick feeling of jealousy floated around in my stomach. I had no right to feel like that. I wasn’t jealous. I couldn’t be. Maybe it was a protective instinct like I had for Gina. I liked Noah as a friend, and I wanted to see him happy. There was no harm in that.

“I hope I don’t embarrass myself,” he said. “Any tips?”

I laughed. “I haven’t been on a date for a while either.”


“Yes,” I said.

“I pictured you going out every weekend on a new date.”

“Do I seem to be that kind of girl?”

Noah’s expression softened. “No, that’s not what I meant.”

I smirked. “I know. I’m just teasing. I don’t go out a lot, so it’s hard to meet people. It’s okay. I have plenty of time to find The One.”

Noah nodded, and our first awkward silence stretched between us.

“Well, I should go,” I said and grabbed my bag. As I headed out to my car, I replayed the conversation in my head, wondering if I had made a mistake. Though, Noah seemed like he was looking forward to the date. Who was I to get in the way? Especially after hooking him and Kimberly up. This was for Gina. I had to focus on that. At least I could try.