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Black Belt Knockout (Powerhouse M.A. Book 4) by Winter Travers (21)



Chapter 23




“It’s not a dumb question.”

Roman put his arm around my shoulders and steered us onto the elevator. “It wasn’t really the question but the fact you called Marcus a ninja. To his face.”

“Look, I say it all the time, and it just came out. I mean, come on, you guys are ninjas.”

It was our second day in Vegas, and we had just had dinner with some of Roman’s friends. The tournament was due to start tomorrow, and the whole hotel was buzzing with excitement.

Roman swiped the room key and pushed open the door.

Did I mention that we were staying on the top floor in a suite?

Roman said SKW didn’t spare any expenses when it came to their spokespeople. I dropped my purse on the counter and kicked off my shoes. My feet sunk into the lush carpet, and I had to agree. “I need this carpet permanently in my life.”

Roman pressed a kiss to the side of my head and grabbed his workout bag. “You sure you’re okay with me working out for a few hours?”

I shrugged. “We’re here for you, Roman. Do whatever you normally do.” I didn’t want to distract him or keep him from being the best he could be.

“Marcus and a few of the guys managed to grab one of the rooms downstairs.”

I lifted my hair from my neck and smiled. “I know, sexy. I was there.”

He dropped his bag on the bed and wrapped his arms around me. “I feel like an ass leaving you when this is supposed to be your Christmas present.”

I rolled my eyes and hitched my thumb over my shoulder. “Letting me soak in that tub for an hour with no interruptions will make it up times ten over.”

“You and your baths,” he laughed.

I stepped back and opened the door. “Go get all sweaty, and then come back to clean up in the tub with me.”

He grabbed his bo and hitched his bag over his shoulder. “Now that’s the type of motivation I need to work my ass off and hurry up to get back up here.” He pressed a kiss to my lips and smiled. “I won’t be more than two hours. Call me if you need anything.”

“Cake. And potato chips.”

He nodded his head.

“And whatever else I text you in ten minutes.” Hey, I was pregnant. I was providing for the baby.

“Whatever you want, baby.” He headed down the hallway, and I shut the door.

I had a date with that big ass Jacuzzi.






“Can I just say, seeing Roman Fucking Yeck house trained and not having ten women chasing behind him was insane.”

I slid my bo into its case and hitched my workout bag over my shoulder. “Yeah, and seeing you doing the same damn thing you were doing five years ago is pretty sad.”

“And what’s that? Having fun?”

I shook my head. “Nah, coming in second to me.”

The guys groaned and laughed.

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll see tomorrow who comes in second. You’re still pretty rusty from taking a year off.”

That was shit. I was in the best shape of my life. I was faster and stronger than I had ever been. I was working my ass off, and it was starting to pay off. I planned on sweeping all the divisions I was competing in this weekend.

“I don’t know, man. When a man has his woman in his corner, he can’t afford to lose.” Byron Frank slapped me on the shoulder. “Although that doesn’t mean I’m not going to try my hardest to beat your ass tomorrow.”

“We’re headed to the bar for a couple of drinks. You up for it?” Marcus asked.

“Got better plans.” They both nodded their heads, knowing I was right.

I made it back to the room, slid my card, and opened the door. “You got that tub hot for me?” I called. I rested my bo case against the wall and dropped my bag next to the fridge. “Sage?” I walked into the room and stopped in my tracks.

Sage was lying on the bed, a towel wrapped around her naked body. Every man’s dream, except she was out cold. She was snoring lightly, lying on her side with her hands tucked under her head.

She was like a seductive angel sent from Heaven to tempt me, but she fell asleep before I got back.

I kicked off my shoes, took a shower, and got ready for bed.

She curled into my arms when I moved her, and her eyes fluttered open. “Oh, crap.”

I laughed and reached to pull back the covers. She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her head on my shoulder. “I had this plan of being in the tub when you got back, but then I got tired. I was afraid I was going to fall asleep in the tub, so I altered my plan and decided to be in bed laying all sexy.”

I chuckled and laid her in the middle of the bed.

“But I fell asleep trying to figure out the best way to lay.”

“You looked sexy when I walked in, baby. Mission accomplished.”

She smothered a yawn with the back of her hand and laid her head on the pillows. “I probably had my mouth wide open, drooling.”

I turned off the lights and slid into bed next to her. “I didn’t notice.”

She turned to me and laid her head on my shoulder. “How was your workout practice thing?” She smothered another yawn, and I knew I had maybe two minutes before she fell back asleep.

“Good. The other guys are looking good, but I think I got this one in the bag as long as I can hold onto my bo.”

“You got this,” she mumbled. “This baby is sucking all of my energy right now,” she mumbled.

“Sleep. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

“But it’s only eight-thirty.”

I brushed her hair from her face and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “But back home it’s ten-thirty.”

“Damn time zones,” she grumbled. “Sam called while you were gone.”

“What did he have to say?”

Sage laughed and burrowed further under the covers. “He misses us and says you better win tomorrow.”

“Little dude should be my trainer. He’s tough as hell.” Sam had told me before we left I better come home with a big ole trophy to add to the other one that was in his room from Chicago.

“He thinks winning those grand champion trophies are a piece of cake.”

“For you, it is,” she whispered. “So tired.”

“Sleep, baby. I can ravage you tomorrow night.”

“Now that sounds like a plan.” She closed her eyes and snuggled close. “Love you, ninja man.”

I chuckled and rested my head on top of her head. “Love you, crazy girl.”

She fell asleep in my arms within seconds, and I reached for the remote.

After watching two hours of TV, I finally fell asleep. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.
