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Blaze (Big D Escort Service Book 2) by Willow Summers (26)


The crew moved out of the kitchen, headed toward the display of Janie’s art. Ethan wanted her feedback on their setup, but she found herself trailing behind. She had the distinct feeling it wouldn’t matter what she said. The guys had a vision, and they would see it realized or go broke trying.

Dave hung back, too. He turned so his backside was leaning against the island. “How are you doing with all this?”

She sipped her drink before setting it down and moving closer to him. With his body this open to her, she couldn’t resist leaning against his hard chest. His arms came around her immediately, holding her close.

She really, really didn’t want to say goodbye to this part of their friendship. To the overwhelming feelings that had budded within her, and now spread throughout her body. The warmth that felt so right as he firmly rubbed her back.

Fate really was a bitch.

“I hate it.” She rested her chin on his chest and looked up at him. “But I appreciate all the help you guys are giving me. It’s way above and beyond. I’d make you stop if you ever listened to me.”

“We don’t, so that won’t happen.” His hands moved to her upper back, and he leaned down, his body bowing.

Without hesitation, she met him halfway, up on her tiptoes to touch her lips to his. He nibbled her bottom lip, spreading fire over her skin. She looped her arms around his neck, pulling him tighter. Opening her mouth to him and moaning when he filled it in a rush.

Suddenly she needed him with a desperation she couldn’t understand.

“C’mon.” She took his hand and pulled. “Hurry.”

“What’s happening?”

She didn’t follow the others to the front living room. She pulled him to the right, toward the downstairs bathroom.


She shoved him in, not able to help herself. Not wanting to hold back this time, and not caring where it happened.

She shut the door and locked it. “Fuck me, Dave,” she begged.

He crashed into her, holding her tightly and kissing her in a way that curled her toes. He spun her around and shoved her up against the bathroom counter. He reached around her and undid her buttons before shoving down her pants. Then his.

She braced both hands on the sink, panting with need. His fingers traced along her slit before massaging her clit. His blunt tip hit her opening.

“Yes,” she moaned.

His thrust drove the air from her lungs. She pushed back and moaned, so full.

He started moving, a fast, frantic pace filled with need. She knew exactly how he felt.

He played with her clit as he rammed into her, pushing her up against the tile. The sounds of her their lovemaking filled the bathroom.

“Yes. Oh, yes.” She arched back and swirled her hips, hitting new delights. Not at all worried if she was doing things right or if he was enjoying it.

“Holy—” He groaned and thrust like an animal. She pushed back to meet his upswings, every bit as wild. Wanting him. Needing him. Being consumed by him.

Control slipped, then fled. She let go of their surroundings. Of the door not being locked and of caring that someone, especially Madison, should know of her feelings for Dave. She let it all go. She held nothing in and kept nothing back. All she knew was his body, and the feelings in her heart.

He reached under her shirt, pushed up her bra, and cupped her breast. The other hand played with her nub. Her body wound up gloriously. Right on the edge now. Teetering toward orgasm.

“Come with me, baby,” she said, tensing against him. “Come into me.”

Yes. He thrust twice more, hard and deep.

Like an avalanche of pleasure, an orgasm tore through her. Electricity ripped from her head to her toes. Her whole body went taut as the intense vibrations roared through her.

He shook against her, squeezing her tightly while softly saying her name.

They slowed, still mostly clothed and pressed against the bathroom sink. It wasn’t glamorous, but it was glorious. Perfect.

“Holy shit, that was good.” She swirled her hips once more and shivered with an aftershock. “So good.”

“Janie, I can’t say no to you.” He pulled out of her and turned her around. His eyes were soft. “I don’t want to say no. So you’ll need to take the lead, okay? I’ll do whatever you want, whenever you want. I’ll be a secret, or completely open about everything. I can’t…give you everything you need, but as long as you want to use me, I’m available.”

She laughed and snuggled against his chest. “This wasn’t planned. I have one more thing to do, and then I’ll leave you alone. You can screw your paid ladies without guilt. Promise.”

He played with her hair, a sweet, intimate gesture she’d never experienced with a man. She wondered why. She liked it.

“I’m the paid lady.” His voice was deep. Resolute.

Her heart broke a little more, but she shoved it away. She had one more night, and damned if she was going to ruin it.

With that in mind, she pushed him back before adjusting her bra. After a quick cleanup, she opened the bathroom door. “Let’s go move art around or whatever Ethan wants to do.”

Everyone was waiting in the front living room, arguing and pointing.

“Hey,” Janie said, letting go of Dave’s hand.

The group at large turned around. Ethan opened his mouth to speak, but paused as his eyes went back and forth between Janie and Dave. His lips turned up into a smile. Colton matched it, though his smile was a little smugger, and put his hands in his pockets.

Madison sighed. “Let’s move on,” she said, turning.

Not sure what they were seeing that they didn’t usually—Janie had made sure the flush in her cheeks had gone down before leaving the bathroom—she stepped into the semicircle the others had formed.

There it all was, spread out in front of her. Some pushed forward and some pushed back, the collection—her journey—was arranged in a weird array, like the puzzle pieces having been put in the wrong places. It made her weirdly dizzy.

She scratched her head. “So what’s happening?”

“Okay.” Ethan put his hands up like he was seeing that imaginary picture again. “The warehouse is a big, empty space. So we’ll need to hang curtains or drapes or something to make it more homey. We’ll have moveable walls, or cube walls or something, that we can station within the space, putting the chic in shabby chic.”

“I thought we were doing edgy chic,” Dave said.

“Does anyone know the difference?” Colton asked.

“The difference is whatever we say it is.” Ethan shrugged.

That was a no.

“So you want my opinion, or…?” Janie crossed her arms, envisioning what order she would put things in if the collection was displayed in a setting like he’d described.

“Yes. Dave and I have some differences of opinion about what needs to go where.” Ethan waved his finger through the air.

“Can I just…do whatever I want?”

“Yeah.” Ethan gave her an olé gesture. “You’re the artist. I’m just having a blast, that’s all.”

She chuckled and went about changing things to fit her vision. People might not want to follow a specific path, and that was okay, but her arrangement would entice them to. When she was done, she stood back, surveying her handiwork. It felt much better now. What her eyes were seeing made sense with what her brain wanted to see.

“I really don’t think we should show hard peen.” She shook her head. “I think people are often turned off by that sort of thing.”

“What’s peen?” Noah asked, looking over the new setup.

Colton pointed at the nude portrait of Dave, stationed in the very middle of everything, lording over the art he had played such an important part in.

“Ah. Cock.” He nodded and went back to his survey.

“Cock can sell in certain settings.” Ethan moved through the pieces, taking obvious care not to jostle or kick them. “Everything must be presented. There is no telling what people will buy.”

“Or if they’ll buy anything,” Janie muttered.

“That’s a good point.” Colton turned to Dave. “Those of us who can make a sale should move through the crowd. Hell, I can get the ball rolling. I want two of these off the bat for my playgrou— Damn it! For the mini-golf course.”

“Ha!” Janie flung a finger at Colton. “So it is a playground. Lionel, your true intentions are showing.”

Colton’s eyebrows dipped low. “Shut it.” He looked at another piece. “And that one would go really well in the man cave. It’s cool.”

“I think people will buy.” Dave paused by the Love painting again. He just would not let it go. “We could’ve placed a few in two different galleries solely on the basis of the story, out of the four we stopped at, with another gallery wanting to meet the artist. If their collections hadn’t been so mundane, Janie could definitely have unloaded them.”

“What happened with the one who had no interest?” Colton asked.

“It was an older man.” Ethan twisted his mouth to the side. “That’s the chink in our armor. He wasn’t picking up what we were putting down.”

“I doubt older men are going to be into that. Madison pointed at Dave’s portrait. “Just saying.”

“I see three paintings I need to redo off the bat.” Janie brushed her hair back from her face. “And over a dozen fixes I need to do.”

“That’s not my problem.” Dave grinned at her. His expression turned serious again. “Okay, so I need to see if I can rent that warehouse. If not that one, I’m sure there is something I can find. Dick needs to get cranking on the website. Oh, but we need a pen name, Janie.”

Janie met his gaze before looking around at everyone else. Not even Madison showed surprise. “Dick from the gym is doing the website? Why would he do that? That’s really nice of him.”

“I keep saying it, Janie.” Colton put a hand on her shoulder as he passed by. “We’re better together.”

“I don’t know that his ability with websites is evidence of that,” Madison mumbled to Janie out of the side of her mouth, bumping into her. “But don’t worry. As soon as you make any sort of money, we’ll have it redone.”

“It’ll be fine.” Noah playfully shoved Madison. “You’re too fussy. Ours works.”

“You have a different sort of business going than Janie and Dave will. She won’t be standing around half-naked in weird poses, telling people to click.”

“Maybe she should…” Noah grinned at Janie.

“Wait, Dave and I?” Janie felt an arm come around her neck and pull her down. A fist rubbed the top of her head. “Why is this happening?”

Dave let her go with a laugh before pulling her close again. “Fair warning. If I can rock the art show and sell a bunch of paintings, I’m going to ask you to become partners.” They filed into the kitchen, the place where they always just automatically chose to hang out. There were a few more comfortable rooms in the house, but those were too far away from the fridge. Colton always stocked good food and snacks in the house. Painting there had been a real pleasure, and he didn’t even complain when she’d finished all the ice cream.

Madison, on the other hand

“How will you have time for that?” Janie asked. “With modeling and whoring, you aren’t home much as it is.”

“I like how she so elegantly drops whoring into the conversation.” Noah grinned and grabbed a hunk of cheese.

“We’re just taking things one step at a time, but…” Dave drummed on the island. “Who knows. Maybe your art will be a better product than my dick.”

“More elegance. The two of you are real highfliers,” Noah said through a full mouth.