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Blindfolded by Ellen Lane (38)


It was the first time in ages that their entire family had been together. Alistair came up from Texas, leaving behind whatever complicated situation he had there to be by their father’s side. Lucas agonized in the waiting room about being unable to get to Long Island sooner. When something beyond his control happened, Lucas was always quick to try and take the blame.

Even if there was no blame to be had.

Vlad arrived less than twenty-four hours after their father had gone into the hospital. When he stepped into the building, the very air changed. He arrived in the ward and immediately demanded answers - some with his eyes, and some verbally.

His gaze lingered for only a moment on Harper, pressed tightly against Ethan’s side, before he entered their father’s room. His brother didn’t fail to notice that he himself was flanked by a woman - the red-headed architect that had given him so much trouble.

But now wasn’t the time to ask questions - hopefully, there would be hours upon hours for that later.

When the dreaded “C” word was announced, Ethan felt equal parts fear and relief. Putting a name to what was wrong with his father helped somewhat, even if that name, in and of itself, was frightening. But, in Ethan’s opinion, it wasn’t the cancer itself that was frightening.

It was that his father had known. Slowly, the details emerged. Jackson Kensley was diagnosed months ago, but he kept the news hidden from all but a select few. The old man gave a bevy of reasons for his actions - he didn’t want anyone to worry. He had lived a long life - if it was his time, it was his time... but, of course, no one wanted to hear all of that.

They just wanted him to be healthy.

After Vlad went into their father’s room to talk to him, the rest of them idled away their time outside, each waiting for their turn. They were allowed just enough time to absorb the information that was just dumped on them, and Ethan, in particular, was having a hard time processing it all.

“I should have known.” He hung his head in his hands, remembering all the times his father had come to the office looking tired and haggard. In hindsight, any fool with eyes could see that he was sick. “Why didn’t I make him go to the doctor? All it would have taken was one visit…”

“Don’t you dare blame yourself,” Harper murmured under her breath. “Your father is a powerful man, Ethan, and a stubborn one. If he wants to hide something, no one can stop him.”

“But why this?” Ethan demanded, his voice tortured. “He was facing it all alone and I could have helped him. We could have helped him.”

Harper exhaled a long sigh before slipping her hand into his discreetly to squeeze in reassurance. “You’re here now. I’m here now... for as long as you need me to be.”

The words made his heart swell, despite the grief that curdled his gut. Ethan had no idea if his father would make it through this - only that he would fight with every fiber of his being. Jackson Kensley never did anything without a fight, and there was no reason to believe this would be any different.

Raising his head, Ethan stared into Harper’s deep gray eyes. There was something different there. Something softer - warm. Perhaps just for him. He could only imagine how hard it must have been for Harper to come to him when her sister was in distress, but here she was. Comforting him like no one else could.

She was a fucking marvel.

“How’s Athena?”

At his question, the blonde sighed, guilt tinging her face. “Dealing. She’s hurt, but she’s still the same Thee. Resilient as ever.” To Ethan’s surprise, a small, fond smile turned up the corners of her mouth. “I missed her.”

Ethan frowned. According to Vlad, Toshiro knew about their father and was on his way. Ethan could only hope that, sometime during this mess, he got a chance to ask him about Harper’s sister. He owed her that, at the very least. “You can go back to her if you need to.” The words killed him to say, but he couldn’t be selfish - even now. He’d done far too much of that where Harper was concerned already. “I just... I wanted…”

“I’m here, Ethan,” Harper repeated firmly. “For as long as you need me.”

He didn’t think he’d ever been more relieved.

Though his family was present, Ethan found it natural to wrap an arm around Harper and draw her close. She smelled like heaven - like home. A port in a stormy sea - and Ethan was eternally grateful.

The week dragged on. Toshiro arrived about twelve hours after everyone else. One look at his harried, exhausted face was enough to ward Ethan off until he got settled. Even then, he knew the Japanese man was more likely to talk to Vlad than anyone else. They had always been close.

Treatments for their father were discussed - his hospital regime solidified. They took shifts at the hospital and the manor in turn so he was never alone - God knew he’d been alone enough already.

They were all constantly exhausted - bickering and blame broke out more than once, only to be quelled when fatigue brought them back to their senses. It was both hellish and gratifying, to know that even in circumstances like these, they could come together and continue to function.

Ethan attributed most of his sanity to Harper. When he called her to Long Island, he had done it with the knowledge that Harper wasn’t the type of woman to comfort and coddle in front of other people. She was reluctant for anyone to see the emotion beneath her cool exterior, and Ethan had thought that merely having her by his side would be enough.

But Harper surprised him. She avoided a big to-do about her actions, but slipped her hand into his when he groped for hers. She let him embrace her, let him kiss her without admonishing him. Though time seemed to pass at a snail’s pace and Ethan saw his father, pale and thin, in a hospital bed every day, he could bear it because Harper was always there to welcome him back to the manor. She was in his bed, in his life more prevalently than she had ever been, and it was almost enough for Ethan to find some small shred of happiness in his father’s sickness.

He knew he was being indulgent. That he had long crossed lines he’d drawn for himself. He and Harper were supposed to be just sleeping together. Like-minded people scratching a singular itch.

But Ethan had never wanted to date a woman he was just sleeping with. Never missed her when he left the city for a mere few days or opened up to her about his painful past. No, Ethan knew exactly what he was doing, and it was something he’d managed to avoid his entire life.

But Harper had drawn it out of him - just like she did with everything else. She was an unstoppable force of nature wrapped around a soft core of surprisingly selfless emotion... and Ethan adored her as he had no other.

By the end of the week, Jackson Kensley was, in his typical fashion, ordering them all back to work. He wasn’t, he insisted, going to drop dead overnight. Now that the cat was out of the bag, doctors would call them if he so much as sneezed.

Olivia Kensley glared at him for that, but Ethan laughed. Even cancer wasn’t enough to curb their father’s devastatingly sharp tongue. When he gave an order, they all complied - even Vlad.

Of course, Vlad was encountering his own set of troubles. When it came to the future CEO, rain consistently turned into a downpour and this time was no exception. The ravenous media caught him outside the hospital one evening and poor Vlad, exhausted and flustered, said something that had even Ethan shaking his head in disbelief. Something that sent his lovely little architect friend scurrying - which opened up an entire other can of worms. It seemed the Kensleys had a penchant for mixing work and pleasure that would, no doubt, get them into trouble. Ethan found himself very suddenly up to his neck in the trouble that ensued when an architect for two multi-million dollar projects suddenly resigned.

Having left the manor just a day earlier, Ethan fought the urge to call his brother and demand answers as he laid in bed next to a still sleeping Harper. The accountant had hoped that screwing around with the architect would, at the very least, teach Vlad some tact. But here he was, continuing to clean up after the elder man.

“It’s early,” Harper grumbled, nestling against his shoulder in a way she would never admit was cute. “Go back to sleep.”

Ethan would like nothing better. Well, that wasn’t entirely true. He’d like very much to roll over and lose himself in the warm body beside him, and fuck everything else. Even though he’d just been inside her hours before, with Harper, it was never enough.

Raising his head, he pressed a lingering kiss to the juncture of her neck and shoulder, indulging in her soft, desirous little sigh. “Wish I could... but I need to do some damage control.”

Harper pouted, her eyes still closed. “You’re leaving?”

He chuckled lowly. “I’ll come to your office later and kidnap you for lunch. How does that sound?”

One gray eye opened to an accusatory slit. “Risqué.”

God, could this woman be any more perfect.

Ethan kissed her, long and deep, putting his plans for the morning in jeopardy. Everything in the world was shot to shit - his father was battling cancer, Vlad was sabotaging months of work and he himself was going against every rule he’d ever had when it came to women.

But with Harper pressed against him, all of that seemed somehow diminished. “You’re gorgeous in the morning, you know that?”

Harper merely snorted. “Get out.”

“My apartment.”

Ah, he lived for that acerbic glare. Ethan didn’t want to leave her, but duty called. He ran a hand along the slender line of her shoulder, procrastinating for a single moment more before he finally rose from bed.

After showering and dressing, he made enough coffee for Harper as well as himself before finally preparing to head into the office. With the statement Vlad made the previous night, their father’s hospitalization, and the possible renegotiation of two of the company’s largest projects, Ethan had his work cut out for him.

First, he dealt with Vlad. This necessitated a trip to Long Island to talk to his brother in person. That was less than fun. At the very least, Ethan was reminded that he wasn’t the only one in his family dealing with feelings beyond his control. Vlad’s little escapade had the normally unrufflable man easily tongue-tied and confused as hell - but he’d work it out in the end. They always did.

Then there was the company to deal with. After peeking in on his father quickly, Ethan rushed downtown to un-fuck the chaos that was going on in California. It took several hours and a whole lot of figuring he hadn’t counted on, but around three o’clock, Ethan finally managed to procure a breather.

He didn’t think one had ever been more well-deserved.

By that time he all but ran out of the office, more than ready to see Harper. Ethan needed a solid hour to put the stress of the day behind him and simply be.

By this juncture, they recognized him at Harper’s office building. He didn’t even need to be buzzed up - he merely hopped into the elevator with a winning wink at the receptionist and began to ascend.

He wondered if Harper was meeting a client. Selfishly, he hoped not - the sooner he got to see her the better. The sooner he got her alone, the better.

When he reached her office, however, it was evident that the blonde was busy. For a long moment, Ethan merely admired her through the blinds. She was wearing the same red dress she had the day he’d met her - and it hugged her curves in a way he couldn’t help but envy. Harper in work mode was, indeed, a sight for sore eyes. She paced up and down the length of her office, red pout alluring, power in every stride.

It was hot as hell.

“No. No, that’s not what was agreed upon. No. Well, considering the circumstances, is it really so shocking?”

She sounded pissed at whoever she was talking to. Ethan didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but Harper on a power trip was an immense turn on. “No. I don’t... yes, I understand that it’s a million dollars. Of course. I understood the terms the first time we discussed them. I’m still working on things. This is Ethan Kensley we’re talking about. No easy feat.”

Ethan went completely and totally still. For a moment, he was certain he had to have misheard her. He thought Harper had just mentioned his name.

“Yes. Yes, I still have all his paperwork - it’s completely confidential. This is a Kensley we’re talking about. It’s a continuing process. Yes, if you could tell him I swear the job will be done soon, that would be great. Yes. As soon as possible. Thank you.”

Harper hung up the phone before tossing it onto her desk. Her mouth pursed in consternation, she raked a hand through her hair, and Ethan watched, completely flummoxed, as an odd sinking feeling grew in his stomach.

This is Ethan Kensley we’re talking about. No easy feat.

Was she talking about... matching him? That couldn’t possibly still be going on. Certainly, Harper had spouted some bullshit about finding someone better, but he had never believed it. The way she looked at him... all they had shared…

Whoever she was speaking to had mentioned something about a million dollars. Ethan had never known Harper to be hurting for funds, but she looked upset at the prospect of a loss... a loss that had something to do with him.

Ethan felt suddenly sick - a wave of uncertainty, anger and disbelief swept over him. Who the hell was Harper talking to? Why would his name and such a large sum of money be uttered in the same sentence?

He needed answers - and after a hellish week like the one he’d just gone through, he was going to get them.

His expression stony, Ethan stepped into Harper’s office.

When the door shut behind him, she looked up, obviously startled. “Dear God, Ethan. You scared the shit out of me.”

“Apologies.” His reply came out dry, almost caustic. “Didn’t mean to interrupt your conversation.”

For a long beat, Harper stared at him, her expression impassive. It was so much like the way she used to look that Ethan felt a physical pain in his chest. The blonde straightened from where she was bent over the desk and met his gaze directly - damned courageous of her, in his opinion. “So you heard?”

Her voice was light, almost careless - which only served to enrage him further. “Yeah, I heard.” Ethan’s mouth pulled into a tight line of repressed emotion. “You were talking about me. Care to explain?” He needed her to explain. In the absence of an explanation, his mind was running wild. Things that couldn’t possibly be true floated through his mind - things he didn’t want to believe.

“Ethan I... I have to be honest with you.” Harper squared her shoulders, facing him with no shame.

Had she really been in his bed just that morning? Staring at him with those siren eyes of hers - beautiful and untamed. Had all of that been an act? All of it? The notion was enough to make his head spin.

“Who were you talking to?” he demanded immediately, his chest tightening to the point of pain. Had she been trying to seduce him from the very beginning? Had she planned on working her way into his bed? Into the very heart of him? “Who was going to pay so much for answers? Someone from the media? An old flame?”

“I can’t say.” Harper’s voice had gone cool - the veneer of ice he thought she showed everyone but him. In that moment Ethan could see that he’d been terribly, horribly wrong. “Client confidentiality.”

Really, Harper?” By now, his anger bled into his words. “Confidentiality, is it? I’d call that lying. One huge, monumental lie. How much was the paycheck? A million? A million dollars to find a woman to put up with me for more than a few nights?” Those words were actually enough to make Harper wince, and Ethan was viciously, perversely glad that he could make her feel anything at all.

“Ethan, you don’t understand-”

“Oh, I think I understand just fucking perfectly,” he spat, incensed. “I’m just a paycheck to you, Harper. A way to gain notoriety. Tell me, were you actually going to make up an excuse before you pawned me off on someone else, or were you just going to cut me off?”

Harper’s face paled, and for a split second, Ethan wondered if he might have gone too far. Then, he reminded himself that she deserved this. She had ruined them... if there had ever actually been a them at all.

When she finally replied, Harper’s voice was low and unsteady. “You think you know everything, don’t you? Ethan Kensley - the perfect womanizer. The perfect fucking man. No one is perfect, Ethan.”

“Oh, you’d know, wouldn’t you?” He retorted, pain twisting his features. “You know everything about everyone.”

“I know that people are predictable.” Harper’s voice cracked through the air with the ferocity of a whip, her gray eyes gleaming. “And that everything comes to an end. There are no fantasies or happily-ever-afters, Ethan. Only real life.”

“Then you might have predicted all this manipulation coming back to bite you in the ass. God,” Ethan barked a scathing laugh. “I can’t believe I almost fell for it. I was that fucking close to…” He trailed off, shaking his head as his fists clenched and unclenched. This... this was going to be his undoing. After all he had gone through - everything that week had thrown at him... Ethan didn’t know if he could take this.

She came to him when he asked. She was by his side through one of the hardest times in his life - reassuring him, holding him... kissing him... had all of that been an act? When she confronted him about his mother... had that…?

Ethan thought he might be sick.

“What were you close to?” Harper demanded in a whisper, her eyes gleaming with something that looked oddly like tears. “Say it.”

Ethan shook his head slowly. “Believing you had a heart.”

The blonde’s face hardened into an icy mask of indifference. When she next spoke, her words were so soft Ethan almost couldn’t make them out. “Get out.”

She said the same thing to him this morning - playful, sexy and absolutely gorgeous in his bed. If Ethan never heard the words again, it would be too soon. Turning on his heel, he left her, his stomach churning and mind in turmoil. Life was one cruel son of a bitch. He had just begun to believe in all the things he’d imagined would never be his, and now they were snatched away from him.

But really, who was Ethan kidding? Harper had never belonged to him in the first place. The only person she cared about was herself - and perhaps that was for the best.




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